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Rogene - needing a boost

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Rogene - I am finding myself feeling very sad again today. I have

not felt sad like this for awhile but the burning sensation in my

tummy is still there and it does not seem to be getting better. I

have been taking enzymes and probotics. Although I am not running

to the bathroom anymore, my tummy still burns and this tells me it

is not healing. I know this takes time but I need something or some

kind of encourgaement that I am on the right track. I sometimes

wonder if I am not overlooking something and it is just getting

worse as time goes and it is left untreated. I first was told I had

C-difficile. However, the 1 stool test i had did not confirm it.

Now I wonder about candida. My spit test does not seem to confirm

this either. I am thinking of taking a round of caprylic acid but

am I correct that this will only help yeast problems and not C-

difficile (a bacteria issue). I just find myself very frustrated

today all the sudden. I feel so good other than my digestion. I am

also scared because of the risk of spreading either one of these to

others if you wash clothes together and things like that. I do not

want to infect my kids.

I guess I just need a mood boost and maybe some suggestions on where

to turn with this. I feel like my digestion is never going to get

better and I fear it will continue to make my health worse if left

untreated. I was reading something about candida causing sinus

trouble and even lung trouble. That scares me!!!!!

Much Love,


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Rogene - I am finding myself feeling very sad again today. I have

not felt sad like this for awhile but the burning sensation in my

tummy is still there and it does not seem to be getting better. I

have been taking enzymes and probotics. Although I am not running

to the bathroom anymore, my tummy still burns and this tells me it

is not healing. I know this takes time but I need something or some

kind of encourgaement that I am on the right track. I sometimes

wonder if I am not overlooking something and it is just getting

worse as time goes and it is left untreated. I first was told I had

C-difficile. However, the 1 stool test i had did not confirm it.

Now I wonder about candida. My spit test does not seem to confirm

this either. I am thinking of taking a round of caprylic acid but

am I correct that this will only help yeast problems and not C-

difficile (a bacteria issue). I just find myself very frustrated

today all the sudden. I feel so good other than my digestion. I am

also scared because of the risk of spreading either one of these to

others if you wash clothes together and things like that. I do not

want to infect my kids.

I guess I just need a mood boost and maybe some suggestions on where

to turn with this. I feel like my digestion is never going to get

better and I fear it will continue to make my health worse if left

untreated. I was reading something about candida causing sinus

trouble and even lung trouble. That scares me!!!!!

Much Love,


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Beth,Is it rainy or overcast there today? . . . It is here, and I'm battling a depressed feeling too. Too many overcast days in a row can do that to almost anyone.It sound like you need to keep experimenting to see what helps your tummy. Obviously something is going on. Digestive enzymes may be what it needs.Regardless, please go back and read some of your old posts . . . see how far you've come. This is just one more hurdle you will soon clear. Some of your burning may be from the anxiety you're experiencing right now . . . Considering the decision you're facing, that's to be expected. Years ago, before implants, I was in an insane work situation where my supervisor was an

alcoholic. Very stressful time. My stomach burned constantly. Once that was over, I was fine. It's possible your stomach is reacting to stressors other than your implant situation. My suggestion is to be good to yourself . . . try different things to see if you get relief . . . But take time to have fun too! . . . Pamper yourself . . . Enjoy your kids - or find someone to watch them while you enjoy yourself! Maybe you could have dinner and see a show with a good friend. You are getting better . . . You're going to keep getting better! . . . It just won't happen in one day!Hugs and prayers,Rogene

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Beth,Is it rainy or overcast there today? . . . It is here, and I'm battling a depressed feeling too. Too many overcast days in a row can do that to almost anyone.It sound like you need to keep experimenting to see what helps your tummy. Obviously something is going on. Digestive enzymes may be what it needs.Regardless, please go back and read some of your old posts . . . see how far you've come. This is just one more hurdle you will soon clear. Some of your burning may be from the anxiety you're experiencing right now . . . Considering the decision you're facing, that's to be expected. Years ago, before implants, I was in an insane work situation where my supervisor was an

alcoholic. Very stressful time. My stomach burned constantly. Once that was over, I was fine. It's possible your stomach is reacting to stressors other than your implant situation. My suggestion is to be good to yourself . . . try different things to see if you get relief . . . But take time to have fun too! . . . Pamper yourself . . . Enjoy your kids - or find someone to watch them while you enjoy yourself! Maybe you could have dinner and see a show with a good friend. You are getting better . . . You're going to keep getting better! . . . It just won't happen in one day!Hugs and prayers,Rogene

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Rogene - actually it is sunny here today. I even took my kids out for breakfast and we did some light shopping. I know what happened to me......I was feeling just fine THEN i started to research the candida and C-Diff on the net. It scared the heck out of me.

I too was in a VERY stressful job that overworked me and the boss was a jerk. While I was in that job, I had a burning tummy much like I have now. However, I never had the "BIG D". When I eft that job, I was fine. I know stress can do alot BUT this feels like more than that. Do you think doing a round of CA followed by my probotis would hurt anything???? If it will not hurt and could only help....then I will do it.

I am facing alot of stressful decisions BUT I do feel it is more. I know I have come such a long way since I first got on here. I am thankful for that but the thought of giving my kids candida because we kiss, wash out clothes together and use the same toilet really bothers me. I could and would never forgive myself if I pass something on to them. That would be the worst....I just could not deal with that.

I keep telling myself to stay off the internet because it scares me and makes me sad but at the same time I feel like if I do that then I am not facing the problems I have.

Thanks for the repsonse Rogene - you are such a blessing!!!!!!

Much Love,


Re: Rogene - needing a boost

Beth,Is it rainy or overcast there today? . . . It is here, and I'm battling a depressed feeling too. Too many overcast days in a row can do that to almost anyone.It sound like you need to keep experimenting to see what helps your tummy. Obviously something is going on. Digestive enzymes may be what it needs.Regardless, please go back and read some of your old posts . . . see how far you've come. This is just one more hurdle you will soon clear. Some of your burning may be from the anxiety you're experiencing right now . . . Considering the decision you're facing, that's to be expected. Years ago, before implants, I was in an insane work situation where my supervisor was an alcoholic. Very stressful time. My stomach burned constantly. Once that was over, I was fine. It's possible your stomach is reacting to stressors other

than your implant situation. My suggestion is to be good to yourself . . . try different things to see if you get relief . . . But take time to have fun too! . . . Pamper yourself . . . Enjoy your kids - or find someone to watch them while you enjoy yourself! Maybe you could have dinner and see a show with a good friend. You are getting better . . . You're going to keep getting better! . . . It just won't happen in one day!Hugs and prayers,Rogene

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Rogene - actually it is sunny here today. I even took my kids out for breakfast and we did some light shopping. I know what happened to me......I was feeling just fine THEN i started to research the candida and C-Diff on the net. It scared the heck out of me.

I too was in a VERY stressful job that overworked me and the boss was a jerk. While I was in that job, I had a burning tummy much like I have now. However, I never had the "BIG D". When I eft that job, I was fine. I know stress can do alot BUT this feels like more than that. Do you think doing a round of CA followed by my probotis would hurt anything???? If it will not hurt and could only help....then I will do it.

I am facing alot of stressful decisions BUT I do feel it is more. I know I have come such a long way since I first got on here. I am thankful for that but the thought of giving my kids candida because we kiss, wash out clothes together and use the same toilet really bothers me. I could and would never forgive myself if I pass something on to them. That would be the worst....I just could not deal with that.

I keep telling myself to stay off the internet because it scares me and makes me sad but at the same time I feel like if I do that then I am not facing the problems I have.

Thanks for the repsonse Rogene - you are such a blessing!!!!!!

Much Love,


Re: Rogene - needing a boost

Beth,Is it rainy or overcast there today? . . . It is here, and I'm battling a depressed feeling too. Too many overcast days in a row can do that to almost anyone.It sound like you need to keep experimenting to see what helps your tummy. Obviously something is going on. Digestive enzymes may be what it needs.Regardless, please go back and read some of your old posts . . . see how far you've come. This is just one more hurdle you will soon clear. Some of your burning may be from the anxiety you're experiencing right now . . . Considering the decision you're facing, that's to be expected. Years ago, before implants, I was in an insane work situation where my supervisor was an alcoholic. Very stressful time. My stomach burned constantly. Once that was over, I was fine. It's possible your stomach is reacting to stressors other

than your implant situation. My suggestion is to be good to yourself . . . try different things to see if you get relief . . . But take time to have fun too! . . . Pamper yourself . . . Enjoy your kids - or find someone to watch them while you enjoy yourself! Maybe you could have dinner and see a show with a good friend. You are getting better . . . You're going to keep getting better! . . . It just won't happen in one day!Hugs and prayers,Rogene

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Beth,If you don't have a fungal issue . . . and if you need probiotics, going round with Caprylic acid isn't going to help. You might need to take a break from the computer . . . keep your mind off this stuff and think beautiful thoughts! . . . Being sole caregiver for two tots, considering a move, worrying about your health is enough to make anyone anxious. . . . Anxiety can dump acids into your stomach.You might try eating tiny amounts of food throughout the day so your tummy is never completely empty.Whatever is going on is temporary! . . . That you were fine this morning is proof of that!I just wish the sun would come out


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Beth,If you don't have a fungal issue . . . and if you need probiotics, going round with Caprylic acid isn't going to help. You might need to take a break from the computer . . . keep your mind off this stuff and think beautiful thoughts! . . . Being sole caregiver for two tots, considering a move, worrying about your health is enough to make anyone anxious. . . . Anxiety can dump acids into your stomach.You might try eating tiny amounts of food throughout the day so your tummy is never completely empty.Whatever is going on is temporary! . . . That you were fine this morning is proof of that!I just wish the sun would come out


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" I am thankful for that but the thought of giving my kids candida

because we kiss, wash out clothes together and use the same toilet

really bothers me. I could and would never forgive myself if I pass

something on to them. That would be the worst....I just could not deal

with that. "


" I keep telling myself to stay off the internet because it scares me

and makes me sad but at the same time I feel like if I do that then I

am not facing the problems I have. "


I have been dealing w/candida for at least a couple of years now and I

have a husband and 2 kids. As far as I know, they have not had any

issues with candida. My kids did complain of tummy troubles for a

little while, so I gave them Nature's Way probiotics for kids and they

were fine. You have to remember that kids are SO resilient. They

don't have all the stuff hindering their immune systems that we do

(especially those of us w/implants!).

If you think about it, germs and candida are everywhere. Our kids come

into contact with it all the time, not just from us. Our immune

systems are designed to fight that stuff. It's when the immune system

is compromised that there's a problem. But if you're concerned about

it, just give them a good probiotic, it would be good for them anyway.

Like I said, Nature's Way has a great kid's probiotic. They are

chewable and only cost $3.39 from vitacost.

I can SO relate to what you said about researching and stressing.

Girl, I was the queen of that! I spent so much time in front of my

computer trying to find answers, then I'd just break down and bawl and

get totally overwhelmed. I know it is frustrating to be sick and not

know why. And it seems the more you research, the more confused you

get. Everyone has an opinion about what is best. But what I've

learned is the answers usually come when you just rest and *listen*.

Your body will tell you a lot, and if you are into prayer, I'd

definitely recommend it. When I cried out to the Lord for answers,

He's the One who said " implants " . Otherwise, I'd still be searching.

I think doing research does really help, but if you find that it's

stressing you out, just stop and get your mind off it for awhile.

You're in my prayers,


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" I am thankful for that but the thought of giving my kids candida

because we kiss, wash out clothes together and use the same toilet

really bothers me. I could and would never forgive myself if I pass

something on to them. That would be the worst....I just could not deal

with that. "


" I keep telling myself to stay off the internet because it scares me

and makes me sad but at the same time I feel like if I do that then I

am not facing the problems I have. "


I have been dealing w/candida for at least a couple of years now and I

have a husband and 2 kids. As far as I know, they have not had any

issues with candida. My kids did complain of tummy troubles for a

little while, so I gave them Nature's Way probiotics for kids and they

were fine. You have to remember that kids are SO resilient. They

don't have all the stuff hindering their immune systems that we do

(especially those of us w/implants!).

If you think about it, germs and candida are everywhere. Our kids come

into contact with it all the time, not just from us. Our immune

systems are designed to fight that stuff. It's when the immune system

is compromised that there's a problem. But if you're concerned about

it, just give them a good probiotic, it would be good for them anyway.

Like I said, Nature's Way has a great kid's probiotic. They are

chewable and only cost $3.39 from vitacost.

I can SO relate to what you said about researching and stressing.

Girl, I was the queen of that! I spent so much time in front of my

computer trying to find answers, then I'd just break down and bawl and

get totally overwhelmed. I know it is frustrating to be sick and not

know why. And it seems the more you research, the more confused you

get. Everyone has an opinion about what is best. But what I've

learned is the answers usually come when you just rest and *listen*.

Your body will tell you a lot, and if you are into prayer, I'd

definitely recommend it. When I cried out to the Lord for answers,

He's the One who said " implants " . Otherwise, I'd still be searching.

I think doing research does really help, but if you find that it's

stressing you out, just stop and get your mind off it for awhile.

You're in my prayers,


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April - thank you so much. You really helped put my mind at ease. I would just never forgive myself if I gave my kids these tummy troubles. Both of my boys have trouble with constipation. My oldest gets really bad. Seems live everything I tired does not help him much. I did not have implants when I was pregnant with either of them but as I have said before, I sure hope there are more babies in my near future. I want and need to get as healthy as I can to have healthy babies. I pray I will feel ready in about a year or so to try as my oldest is almost 3 1/2 and my youngest is 1 1/2. I do not want my kids very far apart......

I agree that you body will tell you what is going on more than any research. I feel very tuned into my body so maybe I do just need to sit back and listen. I truely believe I have a bacterial infection from taking the Cirpro after both my implant and explant surgery. I found the most relief when I took the cleanser they give you before a colonoscopy. After I took that, I did not have any problems. Most likely because it wiped all the bad bacteria out. If I would have known back then to take probotics, I may have been ok. I am wonderng if I could do that again and then follow it up with probotics. That may just take care of my problem. I am not sure about a yeast problem. Nothing I have tried confirms I have it but I did get a vaginal yeast infection after this last round of antibiotics. I have never had one before. I guess if doing a round of caprylic acid would nothurt anything,

then I could always do it and if it heps then great and if not I guess I am just where I am now.....

Ok, I feel like I am babbling on and on. I think other than this forum, I will take a break from researching things. I think it will make my stresslevel go way down. I have always had a horrible fear of death. My problem is that when something happens to me, I automatically think it will result in death. I have no idea why I am like this but it is a bad feeling to have.

Thanks again April!!!!! I will also check out the proboitcs for kids link you sent me. My youngest needs to go get his immunizations and I wonder if it would not help him to have probotis while getting those. What do you think???? Also, I think you were the one who posted about the Garden of Life probotics not being as good adn safe as they say. I assume the ones you use are not from soil as the Garden of Life one's are said to be, right?????

Much Love,


Re: Rogene - needing a boost

"I am thankful for that but the thought of giving my kids candida because we kiss, wash out clothes together and use the same toilet really bothers me. I could and would never forgive myself if I pass something on to them. That would be the worst....I just could not deal with that." > " I keep telling myself to stay off the internet because it scares me and makes me sad but at the same time I feel like if I do that then I am not facing the problems I have."Beth,I have been dealing w/candida for at least a couple of years now and I have a husband and 2 kids. As far as I know, they have not had any issues with candida. My kids did complain of tummy troubles for a little while, so I gave them Nature's Way probiotics for kids and they were fine. You have to remember that kids are SO resilient. They don't have all the stuff hindering their immune systems that we do (especially those

of us w/implants!) . If you think about it, germs and candida are everywhere. Our kids come into contact with it all the time, not just from us. Our immune systems are designed to fight that stuff. It's when the immune system is compromised that there's a problem. But if you're concerned about it, just give them a good probiotic, it would be good for them anyway. Like I said, Nature's Way has a great kid's probiotic. They are chewable and only cost $3.39 from vitacost. I can SO relate to what you said about researching and stressing. Girl, I was the queen of that! I spent so much time in front of my computer trying to find answers, then I'd just break down and bawl and get totally overwhelmed. I know it is frustrating to be sick and not know why. And it seems the more you research, the more confused you get. Everyone has an opinion about what is best. But what I've learned is the answers

usually come when you just rest and *listen*. Your body will tell you a lot, and if you are into prayer, I'd definitely recommend it. When I cried out to the Lord for answers, He's the One who said "implants". Otherwise, I'd still be searching. I think doing research does really help, but if you find that it's stressing you out, just stop and get your mind off it for awhile. You're in my prayers,April

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April - thank you so much. You really helped put my mind at ease. I would just never forgive myself if I gave my kids these tummy troubles. Both of my boys have trouble with constipation. My oldest gets really bad. Seems live everything I tired does not help him much. I did not have implants when I was pregnant with either of them but as I have said before, I sure hope there are more babies in my near future. I want and need to get as healthy as I can to have healthy babies. I pray I will feel ready in about a year or so to try as my oldest is almost 3 1/2 and my youngest is 1 1/2. I do not want my kids very far apart......

I agree that you body will tell you what is going on more than any research. I feel very tuned into my body so maybe I do just need to sit back and listen. I truely believe I have a bacterial infection from taking the Cirpro after both my implant and explant surgery. I found the most relief when I took the cleanser they give you before a colonoscopy. After I took that, I did not have any problems. Most likely because it wiped all the bad bacteria out. If I would have known back then to take probotics, I may have been ok. I am wonderng if I could do that again and then follow it up with probotics. That may just take care of my problem. I am not sure about a yeast problem. Nothing I have tried confirms I have it but I did get a vaginal yeast infection after this last round of antibiotics. I have never had one before. I guess if doing a round of caprylic acid would nothurt anything,

then I could always do it and if it heps then great and if not I guess I am just where I am now.....

Ok, I feel like I am babbling on and on. I think other than this forum, I will take a break from researching things. I think it will make my stresslevel go way down. I have always had a horrible fear of death. My problem is that when something happens to me, I automatically think it will result in death. I have no idea why I am like this but it is a bad feeling to have.

Thanks again April!!!!! I will also check out the proboitcs for kids link you sent me. My youngest needs to go get his immunizations and I wonder if it would not help him to have probotis while getting those. What do you think???? Also, I think you were the one who posted about the Garden of Life probotics not being as good adn safe as they say. I assume the ones you use are not from soil as the Garden of Life one's are said to be, right?????

Much Love,


Re: Rogene - needing a boost

"I am thankful for that but the thought of giving my kids candida because we kiss, wash out clothes together and use the same toilet really bothers me. I could and would never forgive myself if I pass something on to them. That would be the worst....I just could not deal with that." > " I keep telling myself to stay off the internet because it scares me and makes me sad but at the same time I feel like if I do that then I am not facing the problems I have."Beth,I have been dealing w/candida for at least a couple of years now and I have a husband and 2 kids. As far as I know, they have not had any issues with candida. My kids did complain of tummy troubles for a little while, so I gave them Nature's Way probiotics for kids and they were fine. You have to remember that kids are SO resilient. They don't have all the stuff hindering their immune systems that we do (especially those

of us w/implants!) . If you think about it, germs and candida are everywhere. Our kids come into contact with it all the time, not just from us. Our immune systems are designed to fight that stuff. It's when the immune system is compromised that there's a problem. But if you're concerned about it, just give them a good probiotic, it would be good for them anyway. Like I said, Nature's Way has a great kid's probiotic. They are chewable and only cost $3.39 from vitacost. I can SO relate to what you said about researching and stressing. Girl, I was the queen of that! I spent so much time in front of my computer trying to find answers, then I'd just break down and bawl and get totally overwhelmed. I know it is frustrating to be sick and not know why. And it seems the more you research, the more confused you get. Everyone has an opinion about what is best. But what I've learned is the answers

usually come when you just rest and *listen*. Your body will tell you a lot, and if you are into prayer, I'd definitely recommend it. When I cried out to the Lord for answers, He's the One who said "implants". Otherwise, I'd still be searching. I think doing research does really help, but if you find that it's stressing you out, just stop and get your mind off it for awhile. You're in my prayers,April

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Beth,You really shouldn't stress over your kids catching any of this stuff from you.They've proven that kids raised around a little dirt have healthier immune systems than those raised in a sterile environment. . . I'm much more concerned about the drugs and vaccinations kids are given - rather than a few germs or dirt.Hugs,Rogene

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Beth,You really shouldn't stress over your kids catching any of this stuff from you.They've proven that kids raised around a little dirt have healthier immune systems than those raised in a sterile environment. . . I'm much more concerned about the drugs and vaccinations kids are given - rather than a few germs or dirt.Hugs,Rogene

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Rogene - thanks for helping to put my mind at ease. My youngest son is needing his immunizations. I am not sure exatly which ones but whatever they get at 15 months. He is 2 months overdue. I ave been putting it off. I know one of them is the MMR shot. Anyways, in order for me to go with my hubby overseas, we have to get them. My one ND (the nice one) said they have something to give to him to offset the bad effects of the shots. Not sure what they are talking about though. I will have to ask. DO you know what it may be???? How are you feeling today Rogene??? Is the weather a little brighter there today??? Much Love, Bethsaxony01 <saxony01@...> wrote: Beth,You really shouldn't stress over your kids catching any of this stuff from you.They've proven that kids raised around a little dirt have healthier immune systems than those raised in a sterile environment. . . I'm much more concerned about the drugs and vaccinations kids are given - rather than a few germs or dirt.Hugs,Rogene

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Rogene - thanks for helping to put my mind at ease. My youngest son is needing his immunizations. I am not sure exatly which ones but whatever they get at 15 months. He is 2 months overdue. I ave been putting it off. I know one of them is the MMR shot. Anyways, in order for me to go with my hubby overseas, we have to get them. My one ND (the nice one) said they have something to give to him to offset the bad effects of the shots. Not sure what they are talking about though. I will have to ask. DO you know what it may be???? How are you feeling today Rogene??? Is the weather a little brighter there today??? Much Love, Bethsaxony01 <saxony01@...> wrote: Beth,You really shouldn't stress over your kids catching any of this stuff from you.They've proven that kids raised around a little dirt have healthier immune systems than those raised in a sterile environment. . . I'm much more concerned about the drugs and vaccinations kids are given - rather than a few germs or dirt.Hugs,Rogene

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Beth . . . They offer some vaccinations that don't have Thermisol in them. You may have to request them.There's some thought that this is the chemical that was hurting kids. Of course, they would never admit that!I'd also talk to the ND . . . Hopefully he has something to prevent possible problems. Normally, I'd delay kids shots as long as possible to give their little immune systems a chance to mature a bit more . . . but faced with moving, you don't have that luxury.If your kids react badly to ANY shots, or have an autoimmue disease, check to see if you can get them exempted. . . But please rest easy. . . Most kids do fine with shots. It's the exception that's so

upsetting. I'm feeling better today . . . The sun WAS out for a while! . . . We got a huge amount of rain here last night. Our fish pond was empty (about four foot deep) . . . When we woke this morning, it was full. I haven't been watching the news, but I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't a lot of flooding downstream. All our local lakes are completely full and overflowing this a.m. From what I'm seeing on CNN, the eastern part of the country is getting hit today. . . I hope everyone is staying safe.Hugs,Rogene

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Beth . . . They offer some vaccinations that don't have Thermisol in them. You may have to request them.There's some thought that this is the chemical that was hurting kids. Of course, they would never admit that!I'd also talk to the ND . . . Hopefully he has something to prevent possible problems. Normally, I'd delay kids shots as long as possible to give their little immune systems a chance to mature a bit more . . . but faced with moving, you don't have that luxury.If your kids react badly to ANY shots, or have an autoimmue disease, check to see if you can get them exempted. . . But please rest easy. . . Most kids do fine with shots. It's the exception that's so

upsetting. I'm feeling better today . . . The sun WAS out for a while! . . . We got a huge amount of rain here last night. Our fish pond was empty (about four foot deep) . . . When we woke this morning, it was full. I haven't been watching the news, but I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't a lot of flooding downstream. All our local lakes are completely full and overflowing this a.m. From what I'm seeing on CNN, the eastern part of the country is getting hit today. . . I hope everyone is staying safe.Hugs,Rogene

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Thanks Rogene...you have a way of making everyone feel better. Thanks for all you do on this forum. I know I would be lost without your help!!!! You have helped ease my mind about the vaccinations. My son has always done well with his shots. However, I will check with the ND to see what they were talking about. May be something to think about if it sounds good. This ND was super nice...just did not offer alot of the testing I was looking for. His wife is the receptionist and she is always happy to answer questions. I am glad the sun was out for at least a little bit. The sun is out here but it is VERY windy. We has alot of flooding last week. It has slowed down now...... Much Love, Bethsaxony01 <saxony01@...> wrote: Beth . . . They offer some vaccinations that don't have Thermisol in them. You may have to request them.There's some thought that this is the chemical that was hurting kids. Of course, they would never admit that!I'd also talk to the ND . . . Hopefully he has something to prevent possible problems. Normally, I'd delay kids shots as long as possible to give their little immune systems a chance to

mature a bit more . . . but faced with moving, you don't have that luxury.If your kids react badly to ANY shots, or have an autoimmue disease, check to see if you can get them exempted. . . But please rest easy. . . Most kids do fine with shots. It's the exception that's so upsetting. I'm feeling better today . . . The sun WAS out for a while! . . . We got a huge amount of rain here last night. Our fish pond was empty (about four foot deep) . . . When we woke this morning, it was full. I haven't been watching the news, but I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't a lot of flooding downstream. All our local lakes are completely full and overflowing this a.m. From what I'm seeing on CNN, the eastern part of the country is getting hit today. . . I hope everyone is staying safe.Hugs,Rogene

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Thanks Rogene...you have a way of making everyone feel better. Thanks for all you do on this forum. I know I would be lost without your help!!!! You have helped ease my mind about the vaccinations. My son has always done well with his shots. However, I will check with the ND to see what they were talking about. May be something to think about if it sounds good. This ND was super nice...just did not offer alot of the testing I was looking for. His wife is the receptionist and she is always happy to answer questions. I am glad the sun was out for at least a little bit. The sun is out here but it is VERY windy. We has alot of flooding last week. It has slowed down now...... Much Love, Bethsaxony01 <saxony01@...> wrote: Beth . . . They offer some vaccinations that don't have Thermisol in them. You may have to request them.There's some thought that this is the chemical that was hurting kids. Of course, they would never admit that!I'd also talk to the ND . . . Hopefully he has something to prevent possible problems. Normally, I'd delay kids shots as long as possible to give their little immune systems a chance to

mature a bit more . . . but faced with moving, you don't have that luxury.If your kids react badly to ANY shots, or have an autoimmue disease, check to see if you can get them exempted. . . But please rest easy. . . Most kids do fine with shots. It's the exception that's so upsetting. I'm feeling better today . . . The sun WAS out for a while! . . . We got a huge amount of rain here last night. Our fish pond was empty (about four foot deep) . . . When we woke this morning, it was full. I haven't been watching the news, but I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't a lot of flooding downstream. All our local lakes are completely full and overflowing this a.m. From what I'm seeing on CNN, the eastern part of the country is getting hit today. . . I hope everyone is staying safe.Hugs,Rogene

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You are so welcome. I totally understand how you've been

feeling. :o)

As for your boys and the constipation, I would bet that the kid's

probiotics would help a lot with that. You can also give them prunes

or a little prune juice every day to keep things moving. My sister's

daughter would get constipated at that age. Then her BM would hurt

so much she'd hold it for days b/c she was afraid to go. The

prunes/prune juice helped her a lot.

Yes, I'd say go w/the CA for a month and see if it helps you. It

sure couldn't hurt! :o) The probiotic I use does not have soil

organisms. It has 12 strains of beneficial bacteria, though. There

have been several scientific studies done on it. They are really

interesting to read (the link is in my other post). One website says

that the OMX probiotic actually killed the worst bacteria that the

bacteriologists who were studying it could find!

The packaging says that you should take a " loading dose " of 10 per

day for 10 days, I believe. This is supposed to load your gut with

the good guys and kill off the bad ones, then you go on a maintenance

dose. It is pricey, but I believe it's worth it. I didn't do the

loading dose, but I've been taking 2 AM and 3 PM consistently for

many months now. But since you suspect a bacteria to be your issue,

you might consider doing the 10 per day recommendation. I've read

testimonies where people say they do get some bad gas and some " D "

the first 2-3 days, but it goes away and then they feel great.

Ah, immunizations...I don't want to freak you out more, but I would

advise doing some researching before getting them. I know, not what

you want to hear right now. :o) But, there's a lot of scary stuff

about them you might want to know before going ahead with them. You

have to do what you feel is right, but I'd hate for you to just make

that decision without ALL the facts. I remember when my kids were

that age, all the info offered me were the little pamphlets the dr

gives you that explain how " safe " the shots are. But isn't that all

we were offered with our implants? Just something to think about.

If you want more info on the vaccine info, here's some links to check

out (there's also much more on the web):



" Raising A Vaccine-Free Child " :



ie=UTF8 & s=books & qid=1203286934 & sr=8-7

Here's a book that offers info from a little more " pro vaccine " point

of view. But if you do choose to get vaccines, they give ideas for a

more spread out vaccine schedule so that it is less stressful on the

child's immune system. Oh, and if you do choose to vaccinate, by all

means pump the kids with probiotics first. :o)



ie=UTF8 & s=books & qid=1203286621 & sr=8-2

Please don't let this stress you out. There's no rush to get your

child's shots. If you've made an appointment, you can always

postpone it - take your time and get all the facts first.

Take care,


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Anyways, in order for me to go with my hubby overseas, we have to get

them. > Much Love,

> Beth


Sorry, I didn't see this before I replied to your other post. And

sorry I keep butting in to your posts to Rogene! I hope y'all don't

mind. :o)

I would bet that it is not true that you HAVE to vaccinate to go

overseas. I know there have to be loopholes. I know Dr. Mercola's

site has info about not doing vaccines legally. Ok, I just did a

quick search and there's a website w/info about not vaccinating.

There is specific info here about not vaccinating before going



You said you've been putting off getting the shots. Maybe your gut

is telling you something. Just do some research and trust your




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April - I do not mid at all that you are responding to these posts. Thank you for doing so. You have given me much needed info.

However, my hubby works for the US State Dept. so there really are no loopholes for me. In order to clear my son to go over.....he has to have them. However, I will check out the link you gave me and see what I can come up with.

Do you know of a good place to get multivitamins for kids age 3??? I can not seem to find any good ones that have everything I am looking for. He can not swallow pills yet.

How are you feeling today???? I hope you are feeling better everyday that passes.

Much Love,


Re: Rogene - needing a boost

Anyways, in order for me to go with my hubby overseas, we have to get them. > Much Love,> BethBeth,Sorry, I didn't see this before I replied to your other post. And sorry I keep butting in to your posts to Rogene! I hope y'all don't mind. :o)I would bet that it is not true that you HAVE to vaccinate to go overseas. I know there have to be loopholes. I know Dr. Mercola's site has info about not doing vaccines legally. Ok, I just did a quick search and there's a website w/info about not vaccinating. There is specific info here about not vaccinating before going overseas:http://thinktwice. com/faq.htm# 10You said you've been putting off getting the shots. Maybe your gut is telling you something. Just do some research and trust your


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Rogene.....My tummy is awful today. It burns so bad. THe only thing I did different was about an hour ago with my lunch, I took 1 Zinc. I have another cold adn thought I would try the Zinc.

My tummy has never burned this bad......however, lately, it seems my problems are reversed. I am more constipated than anything. Not really constipated....I jsut do not go everyday. Do you think I need to lay off of my digestive enzymes or probotics??? I did another spit test today and there were NO cloudy things in it.

Do you think this sudden burning sensation could be from teh Zinc??? Also, how do I know when to quit taking teh enzymes. I do not want to get constipated!!!!!!

Much Love,


Re: Rogene - needing a boost

Anyways, in order for me to go with my hubby overseas, we have to get them. > Much Love,> BethBeth,Sorry, I didn't see this before I replied to your other post. And sorry I keep butting in to your posts to Rogene! I hope y'all don't mind. :o)I would bet that it is not true that you HAVE to vaccinate to go overseas. I know there have to be loopholes. I know Dr. Mercola's site has info about not doing vaccines legally. Ok, I just did a quick search and there's a website w/info about not vaccinating. There is specific info here about not vaccinating before going overseas:http://thinktwice. com/faq.htm# 10You said you've been putting off getting the shots. Maybe your gut is telling you something. Just do some research and trust your


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Rogene.....My tummy is awful today. It burns so bad. THe only thing I did different was about an hour ago with my lunch, I took 1 Zinc. I have another cold adn thought I would try the Zinc.

My tummy has never burned this bad......however, lately, it seems my problems are reversed. I am more constipated than anything. Not really constipated....I jsut do not go everyday. Do you think I need to lay off of my digestive enzymes or probotics??? I did another spit test today and there were NO cloudy things in it.

Do you think this sudden burning sensation could be from teh Zinc??? Also, how do I know when to quit taking teh enzymes. I do not want to get constipated!!!!!!

Much Love,


Re: Rogene - needing a boost

Anyways, in order for me to go with my hubby overseas, we have to get them. > Much Love,> BethBeth,Sorry, I didn't see this before I replied to your other post. And sorry I keep butting in to your posts to Rogene! I hope y'all don't mind. :o)I would bet that it is not true that you HAVE to vaccinate to go overseas. I know there have to be loopholes. I know Dr. Mercola's site has info about not doing vaccines legally. Ok, I just did a quick search and there's a website w/info about not vaccinating. There is specific info here about not vaccinating before going overseas:http://thinktwice. com/faq.htm# 10You said you've been putting off getting the shots. Maybe your gut is telling you something. Just do some research and trust your


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