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Acceptance in Enlightenment/ Uriel Heals

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Acceptance in EnlightenmentBy Hoffman

Enlightenment is the purpose of our spiritual journey and it is a process we experience every day of our life. Through it our soul learns, grows and heals and we reconnect to the divinity that we all carry within us. But enlightenment has been defined as the attainment of great spiritual mastery unless we attain that level we do not believe that we have achieved enlightenment. When are we enlightened? How do we know that we are and when is it obvious to us? Can we accept enlightenment as our own, individual spiritual mastery? The answers to those questions are, like most spiritual matters, very simple.

By defining enlightenment as the attainment of mastery and then defining mastery as some exalted state of being most of us believe that it is out of our reach. How can we, in our humanity, become spiritual masters? That concept brings to mind spiritual perfection, at the level of an avatar, being more spiritual than human. Few of us can envision that level of being so does this mean we won't be enlightened? But that isn't the case because enlightenment, like every part of our journey, is an individual process. And spiritual mastery, at our individual and personal level, is available at every step of our journey.

Part of enlightenment is acceptance of who we are, our lessons, our journey, the healing that we have to do and the growth that we have come to achieve. For many of us, acknowledging our Source connection is an enlightening moment. We have experienced lifetimes in order to reach that stage in our spiritual evolution. Being aware of our divinity is another enlightening moment, as is realizing a lesson and why we have to learn it. Whatever we master in our lifetime is cause for celebration-who knows how long it has taken us to achieve it.

When know we are enlightened when we feel at peace with ourselves, when we can review our life to date and accept ourselves for who we are and be proud of what we have achieved. If we view enlightenment from a soul level, what can seem to be the smallest, most insignificant lesson can be an enormous achievement in enlightenment, one that we have taken many lifetimes to learn. This week, find an area in your life where you have achieved enlightenment. It may be a lesson you have finally achieved, learning gratitude, taking responsibility for yourself and your reality, or wherever you feel you have gained some level of spiritual growth. Congratulate yourself on achieving enlightenment and acknowledge your spiritual mastery. Then take a moment to know that you are enlightened, celebrate yourself and get ready for the next step on your journey.

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