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March into March Channeled by Ra Via lie

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I am Ra ,Greetings to One and All Beautiful Lightworkers,

I am honoured once again to be manifest within your lives and to

witness the Energy that you are all shining throughout the Universe.

As the new Month of March comes to you all I would love to know you

are using this Month to March into your own Power filled with Love

and Eagerness to now go forward.

I know quite a few of you have felt a sense of being STUCK, you are

amongst many, not that it comforts you but to know you are not the

only one decreases the ability for you to be hard on yourselves which

Humans have a tendency to do.

There are many reasons for this " feeling " and we must realize that it

is, just a feeling and not a reality. It is usually caused by the

measurement of outside circumstances over various periods of time.

This is not wrong or bad and we all do it. It is difficult to pin

down exactly what causes these phenomena, but emotions can be

physically, mentally, and spiritually affected and you must realise

that we are not separate entities.

Do you not think that the many wars on this planet do not affect us?

The planets, solar flares, events throughout the universe all affect

us. We are all connected. TRUST IN SPIRIT. IT IS THE MATTER THAT


There are very good reasons for being stuck. A good reason to be

stuck is that it makes you look at your progress in many different

ways. It makes you focus on what is making you feel stuck. Is it your

job? Are you still happy there? Is it fulfilling your goals? The

work environment is an important factor.

Have you met some important people through the workplace? Have you

met one good friend through the workplace? You are here to learn and

face challenges, and evolve.

Is your job helping you learn new skills you will use in the future?

Are you sending love to those who are presenting a challenge to your

happiness? There are many reasons to be exactly where you are! Ask

yourself if you are ready for a new job and new challenges.

Many of you are stuck in, or out of relationships. Are you lonely in

a relationship? Are you uncomfortable within yourself? or just feel

incomplete? Are you afraid to live alone? Many of you feel all of

this and more. Are you unhappy within ? You look and can't seem to

find the right partner. It may be that you are not quite ready for a

relationship. It may be that your partner needs time to finish

letting go of their baggage before they meet you. Are you seeking a

partner to fulfill that part of yourself which only spirit can fill?

Ask yourself these questions and more.

Is the relationship you are in unconditional and supportive to your

highest good ?

Or are you just putting up with a Relationship that is less than 70%

Joy just because its just easier than taking a leap of Faith ? " I

think Not "

Ask God/universe if you are ready for the next step in your journey.

Ask for the help necessary to get to the next part of your journey

and you will surely be heard. Trust,Let go and Let God.

This is a time for questioning yourself when you are in a stuck mode

instead of blaming others or outside influences.

Remember that you are complete and wonderful as a separate entity.

Sometimes it is better to ask God to help you grow so you will be

ready for your partner. Sometimes it is better to ask for a life

partner than " the one for you " or a twin flame. While you are

waiting, learn and grow and improve yourself! ASK AND TRUST SPIRIT

Changing thoughts from " What is wrong with me? " to " What is right

with me? "

can make all the difference in the world to how you feel.

Finding even one good thing about yourselves releases tension held by

negative thoughts and

can even make you smile. Your whole attitude changes. You become

open, relaxed,

and peaceful.

You can even feel joy.

Materialism: How am you doing? Do you have a place to live? Can you

pay your bills? How will you amass money? What do you need to

survive? What do I need to live well? What if things change and you

lose your job or health? These are all valid and important questions.

But how much time and energy do you waste with these questions? Yes,

it is most wonderful to have money, or prosperity, or a steady stream

of income. If you are not receiving this, and feel you are not able

to generate income or prosperity, then indeed you are stuck! Learn to

truly love and respect yourself, and know that your time and

knowledge are invaluable. Understand this and then ask spirit for

prosperity, and it will surely come. TRUST IN SPIRIT!

Spiritual Lightworkers: Please stand in your power when it comes to

placing value on yourself, so many times I hear it said because

Healing is God's Healing Energy it should be Free.

In Spirit of Course it is and often on Earth it works very well with

exchange of Energies for a greater cause like the site Lightworkers

have done, this is a positive step to aid all and must be highly


BUT, for those who have taken the leap of Faith,have left high paying

positions to follow the path Spiritually and take the time and energy

including the Dollar to learn how to guide and help so many on a

Course through life which has cost money and to keep ones health

going ,pay the rent,the earthly facilities that are necessary at this

time of your Planet then these people need to Value themselves and be

OPEN to RECEIVE to keep the Balance in Giving and Receiving.

Of course there are many things to consider while you are dwelling

on Planet Earth ,money is not needed on the other Dimensions which

has to be a Blessing as I notice it all comes down to Money in the

3D experience.

But you are learning Value ,Consideration of the worth of the Dollar

which is what you chose to do before none exists. Yes! you heard

right, eventually in the Golden Age there will not be any use for it,

it will be all exchange of energies.

All these matters must be considered at this time of Ascension.

This entire planet is ascending, and along with it goes everyone on

it. In other words, the entity that embodies this planetary body, is

ready to ascend this structure to higher light realms to make room

for a new civilization of light and for this planet to become a star.

Once again I say, this is an unconditional planetary ascension. You

do not get to ascend because you are better than the next person.

This was the old limited unworthy perspective by the religions and

political structures of the 3rd dimension. You do not have to do

anything to obtain ascension. The initiation is not a doing but a

being. When all your illusions of limitation have been shattered,

that you are separate from All That Is, when you remember who you

are, that you are consciousness, divinity itself, an expression of

God, then you are ascension, your light body activates and you become

an ascended master.

All illusions of separation and unworthy on planet earth are being

shattered, all of them, and with this, everyone goes with it.

Unconditional means you have no choice in the matter, either you

descend who you really are here and now, and ascend into your light

body along with the planet, or you will have to go elsewhere to play.

Many beings may still want to continue experiencing 3rd dimensional

separation realities. If so they are dying or will die, and will

reincarnate on other planets that are still experiencing those

realities. Those hanging on to old world structures, maintaining

resistance with a refusal to " wake up " , will continue to do so

maintaining the balance between the light and dark, until it is their

time to wake up from the dream of separation. They are not lesser

then, they are doing the job of the planetary ascension. This part

being, maintaining density so that too much light does not destroy

this reality to fast.

So have compassion for those beings still exploring war, crime and

dense religious structures. They are doing jobs that you chose not to

opt for, that you are not designed for. They are vibrating in a level

of consciousness for their experiential growth.

Life is too short not to enjoy it and too long to live miserable.

Choose to

be happy!

Now,March on into March and be proud of Who You are ,and where you

are. You are important,You are Love, You are who are meant to Be .

Isis and Myself Ra are amongst you now on Earth so call out to us to

guide you and trust We will .

Remember We Are All One here in Heaven as it is on Earth.

I am Ra and I honour each of you and always willing to be a guiding

light for All.

And so it is Namaste

Written and Channeled by lie Muir February 29th 2008.

Please feel free to share as long as no money is exchanged and

content remains unchanged.

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Guest guest

>Hello lie,

Thank you so much for such wonderful insights...yes we are definitely

marching on.

Love'n Light,



> I am Ra ,Greetings to One and All Beautiful Lightworkers,

> I am honoured once again to be manifest within your lives and to

> witness the Energy that you are all shining throughout the



> As the new Month of March comes to you all I would love to know you

> are using this Month to March into your own Power filled with Love

> and Eagerness to now go forward.

> I know quite a few of you have felt a sense of being STUCK, you are

> amongst many, not that it comforts you but to know you are not


> only one decreases the ability for you to be hard on yourselves


> Humans have a tendency to do.

> There are many reasons for this " feeling " and we must realize that


> is, just a feeling and not a reality. It is usually caused by the

> measurement of outside circumstances over various periods of time.

> This is not wrong or bad and we all do it. It is difficult to pin

> down exactly what causes these phenomena, but emotions can be

> physically, mentally, and spiritually affected and you must


> that we are not separate entities.


> Do you not think that the many wars on this planet do not affect


> The planets, solar flares, events throughout the universe all


> us. We are all connected. TRUST IN SPIRIT. IT IS THE MATTER THAT



> There are very good reasons for being stuck. A good reason to be

> stuck is that it makes you look at your progress in many different

> ways. It makes you focus on what is making you feel stuck. Is it


> job? Are you still happy there? Is it fulfilling your goals? The

> work environment is an important factor.


> Have you met some important people through the workplace? Have you

> met one good friend through the workplace? You are here to learn


> face challenges, and evolve.


> Is your job helping you learn new skills you will use in the


> Are you sending love to those who are presenting a challenge to


> happiness? There are many reasons to be exactly where you are! Ask

> yourself if you are ready for a new job and new challenges.


> Many of you are stuck in, or out of relationships. Are you lonely


> a relationship? Are you uncomfortable within yourself? or just


> incomplete? Are you afraid to live alone? Many of you feel all of

> this and more. Are you unhappy within ? You look and can't seem to

> find the right partner. It may be that you are not quite ready for


> relationship. It may be that your partner needs time to finish

> letting go of their baggage before they meet you. Are you seeking a

> partner to fulfill that part of yourself which only spirit can


> Ask yourself these questions and more.


> Is the relationship you are in unconditional and supportive to your

> highest good ?

> Or are you just putting up with a Relationship that is less than


> Joy just because its just easier than taking a leap of Faith ? " I

> think Not "


> Ask God/universe if you are ready for the next step in your


> Ask for the help necessary to get to the next part of your journey

> and you will surely be heard. Trust,Let go and Let God.


> This is a time for questioning yourself when you are in a stuck


> instead of blaming others or outside influences.


> Remember that you are complete and wonderful as a separate


> Sometimes it is better to ask God to help you grow so you will be

> ready for your partner. Sometimes it is better to ask for a life

> partner than " the one for you " or a twin flame. While you are

> waiting, learn and grow and improve yourself! ASK AND TRUST SPIRIT


> Changing thoughts from " What is wrong with me? " to " What is right

> with me? "

> can make all the difference in the world to how you feel.

> Finding even one good thing about yourselves releases tension held


> negative thoughts and

> can even make you smile. Your whole attitude changes. You become

> open, relaxed,

> and peaceful.

> You can even feel joy.



> Materialism: How am you doing? Do you have a place to live? Can


> pay your bills? How will you amass money? What do you need to

> survive? What do I need to live well? What if things change and


> lose your job or health? These are all valid and important



> But how much time and energy do you waste with these questions?


> it is most wonderful to have money, or prosperity, or a steady


> of income. If you are not receiving this, and feel you are not able

> to generate income or prosperity, then indeed you are stuck! Learn


> truly love and respect yourself, and know that your time and

> knowledge are invaluable. Understand this and then ask spirit for

> prosperity, and it will surely come. TRUST IN SPIRIT!


> Spiritual Lightworkers: Please stand in your power when it comes to

> placing value on yourself, so many times I hear it said because

> Healing is God's Healing Energy it should be Free.


> In Spirit of Course it is and often on Earth it works very well


> exchange of Energies for a greater cause like the site


> have done, this is a positive step to aid all and must be highly

> commended.


> BUT, for those who have taken the leap of Faith,have left high


> positions to follow the path Spiritually and take the time and


> including the Dollar to learn how to guide and help so many on a

> Course through life which has cost money and to keep ones health

> going ,pay the rent,the earthly facilities that are necessary at


> time of your Planet then these people need to Value themselves and


> OPEN to RECEIVE to keep the Balance in Giving and Receiving.


> Of course there are many things to consider while you are dwelling

> on Planet Earth ,money is not needed on the other Dimensions which

> has to be a Blessing as I notice it all comes down to Money in the

> 3D experience.

> But you are learning Value ,Consideration of the worth of the


> which is what you chose to do before none exists. Yes! you heard

> right, eventually in the Golden Age there will not be any use for


> it will be all exchange of energies.

> All these matters must be considered at this time of Ascension.


> This entire planet is ascending, and along with it goes everyone on

> it. In other words, the entity that embodies this planetary body,


> ready to ascend this structure to higher light realms to make room

> for a new civilization of light and for this planet to become a



> Once again I say, this is an unconditional planetary ascension. You

> do not get to ascend because you are better than the next person.

> This was the old limited unworthy perspective by the religions and

> political structures of the 3rd dimension. You do not have to do

> anything to obtain ascension. The initiation is not a doing but a

> being. When all your illusions of limitation have been shattered,

> that you are separate from All That Is, when you remember who you

> are, that you are consciousness, divinity itself, an expression of

> God, then you are ascension, your light body activates and you


> an ascended master.


> All illusions of separation and unworthy on planet earth are being

> shattered, all of them, and with this, everyone goes with it.

> Unconditional means you have no choice in the matter, either you

> descend who you really are here and now, and ascend into your light

> body along with the planet, or you will have to go elsewhere to



> Many beings may still want to continue experiencing 3rd


> separation realities. If so they are dying or will die, and will

> reincarnate on other planets that are still experiencing those

> realities. Those hanging on to old world structures, maintaining

> resistance with a refusal to " wake up " , will continue to do so

> maintaining the balance between the light and dark, until it is


> time to wake up from the dream of separation. They are not lesser

> then, they are doing the job of the planetary ascension. This part

> being, maintaining density so that too much light does not destroy

> this reality to fast.


> So have compassion for those beings still exploring war, crime and

> dense religious structures. They are doing jobs that you chose not


> opt for, that you are not designed for. They are vibrating in a


> of consciousness for their experiential growth.




> Life is too short not to enjoy it and too long to live miserable.

> Choose to

> be happy!


> Now,March on into March and be proud of Who You are ,and where you

> are. You are important,You are Love, You are who are meant to Be .


> Isis and Myself Ra are amongst you now on Earth so call out to us


> guide you and trust We will .


> Remember We Are All One here in Heaven as it is on Earth.


> I am Ra and I honour each of you and always willing to be a


> light for All.

> And so it is Namaste


> Written and Channeled by lie Muir February 29th 2008.

> Please feel free to share as long as no money is exchanged and

> content remains unchanged.


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