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Candida test

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  • 3 years later...
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1) Once got candida, can we get rid of it or we have

to be on diet/supplemts for ever and live with it.

did any one of u/friends got rid of it and went on to

normal lives

2) can the candida be tested just with blood test.

can the doctors will be able to know it with



Hello Vas,

I can tell you that it " CAN " T " be tested by endoscopy or colonoscopy, as I

had them done and there was no mention of it. In fact, I think these doctors

would probably think I was nuts for asking. There is blood test that I have

heard, and then there is stool test.

As for the diet; what would normal be? A typical american diet? Well, after

you heal yourself, perhaps you will have learned so much on what a healty diet

really is, as Bee prescribes. There may be foods you can add to your diet, but

this diet that Bee is teaching us will keep you healthy.

God Bless,


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  • 7 months later...

Dear nne,

The only true tests for candida are Dr. Crook's Candida Questionnaire

and the saliva spit test - in the Candida Test Folder (in our files).

Other laboratory tests are inconclusive because everyone has candida in

their bodies and has build up antibiodies against it.


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Count doesn't look too bad but there are other types of yeast

besides Candida and tests usually just test for Candida. I had a

stool test that was positive to 'yeast, not Candida' and then a

follow up test later that had Candida but it was Great Smokies which

is noted nationally to do testing other labs don't do. They test

for parasites too and many parents with autistic children arrange to

get testing done there for some unusual markers I remember hearing.


> I just got my results and here they are. Not sure I understand

any of

> this.


> Anti-Candida IgA, IgG, IgM


> Candida IgG-.99 high (ref. range: <.89 Negative, .89-.99


> >=1.00 Positive.)


> Candida IgA-.33 (Ref Range: <.89 Negative, .89-.99 Equivical,


> Positive.)


> Candida IgM-.09 (Ref Range: <.89 Negative, .89-.99 Equivical,


> Positive.)


> Any input? nne


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Hey Bee,

I took the saliva yeast test and yippeeeeeee, my spit

floated right on top all day!!! However, my son who

was diagnosed with 2+ yeast in stool, his spit

developed long legs, as did my husband's, who doesnt

even care!!! Juli And p.s. I have been Weston Price

diet for the four years I told you I was sugar free,

so I have been getting the good fats and tons of

protein, ate 3 eggs daily for 4 years. I am thinking

I am going to have to just be patient with the mercury

toxicity and low selenium/glutathione levels, dont

know what else I could do, maybe get my dental

amalgams out, as I have 8!! Juli pps. I went through

a hellish protracted withdrawal from ATivan, a

benzodiazapine, took me 4 years to feel almost normal

again, that stuff is poison!! I am sure that

withdrawal ate up all my antioxidants and more, even

with the good diet.

--- Bee Wilder <beeisbuzzing2003@...> wrote:

> Dear nne,

> The only true tests for candida are Dr. Crook's

> Candida Questionnaire

> and the saliva spit test - in the Candida Test

> Folder (in our files).

> Other laboratory tests are inconclusive because

> everyone has candida in

> their bodies and has build up antibiodies against

> it.


> Bee








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  • 1 year later...
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> Hi Bee

> Is there an accurate test for Candida levels or its presence. I have

> had gut fermentation tests and vega machine tests and bio feed back

> tests, all said yes, but none of them gave more than a yes, id like

a way to compare different times.

==>Hi . No tests can accurately test levels of candida

overgrowth, nor can any laboratory tests be conclusive for the

presence of it in the body.

The most effective method of determining whether you are progressing

on this program is to re-take Dr. Crook's Questionnaire every

6 months: http://www.mall-net.com/cgibin/quiz4.cgi?quiz=crook.qa

I suggest starting a journal. First list all of the symptoms you

experienced before starting on the program, and then continue listing

symptoms and improvements as you progress, with dates.

Building up the immune system to normal or above is the most

important factor in curing candida, and after that it must be kept

there so candida overgrowth doesn't happen again.

It is difficult to know when you are cured, but the main principles

of this program, with some modifications and additions of foods, will

maintain a life-long healthy immune system. No one should ever

return to the diet they consumed prior to doing this program nor

think they can have sugars, alcohol and other toxic substances or

foods, except minimal amounts, in future.

In other words, it's not just a matter of " getting rid of candida

overgrowth " like the medical field wants us believe about

their " supposed " cures for viral, bacterial, etc. infections. The

body itself creates viruses, bacteria, and even candida as survival

mechanisms, which are needed by the body in order to clean it up.

You wouldn't blame a manure pile on the flies anymore than candida,

viruses or bacteria can be blamed as the " cause " of debilitating

health. They are the " result of " imbalances, lack of nutrients, high

toxins, etc. and not the " cause " . Under certain conditions when the

viruses and bacteria created by the body do not help improve its

condition, the body's debilitated condition allows candida to change

from a friendly round yeast form to an overgrowing monster. If that

doesn't work it will then evolve into cancer.

To understand more about how and why the body creates viruses,

bacteria, etc. see 'You Do Not " Catch " Germs, Bacteria or Viruses':


And these articles on why the " Germ Theory of Disease " that the

medical field doggedly promotes as correct is totally false:



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Bee, do you think candida is behind all the symptoms, or do you think

there is something larger at hand; such as a testosterone/estrogen

imbalance that, once corrected, would eradicate the candida problem?

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That is an excellent question!! I am interested what Bee thinks on that!

Thanks for asking that.



> Bee, do you think candida is behind all the symptoms, or do you think

> there is something larger at hand; such as a testosterone/estrogen

> imbalance that, once corrected, would eradicate the candida problem?


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> Bee, do you think candida is behind all the symptoms, or do you think

> there is something larger at hand; such as a testosterone/estrogen

> imbalance that, once corrected, would eradicate the candida problem?

==>As I wrote recently candida is not the " cause " of poor health. A

debilitated immune system is the cause. Candida interfere with hormone

production and utilization, not only because its toxins make all of the

body's cells go rigid so that the body is not as able to product proper

hormones, but also because hormones that are produced cannot get into

rigid cells.

Also candida also puts out testosterone, estrogen and progesterone as

three of its over 79 toxins which causes even more imbalances in


The only way to eradicate the candida problem is to build up the immune

system. This is why this program isn't just a candida program. It is

a healing program that will improve anyone's health. If you give your

body what it needs it will heal itself, including hormone imbalances

and problems with hormone production and utilization.


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Does this mean that if you are taking this medicine

(thyroid/adreal/testoterone) that you should quit and wait and see if this


I took the saliva tests with my alternative doctor and showed I was low in

all these.



_Re: Candida test _

( /message/38779;_ylc=X3oDMTJzaXVpanM\



Posted by: " Bee " _beeisbuzzing2003@... _

(mailto:beeisbuzzing2003@...?Subject= Re:%20Candida%20test)

_beeisbuzzing2003 _


Fri Jun 8, 2007 6:17 am (PST)


> so taking thyroid/adrenal/ so taking thyroid/adrenal/<WBR>HRT meds

if candida is causing it?

==>None of those treatments will help at all, and often they will

interfere with the healing process and with building up your immune

system, which is the goal of this program. Giving your body the

nutrients it needs, eliminating toxins, cutting off candida's food

supply, improving digestion and helping your body detoxify, etc. are

all directed towards building up your immune system, improving your

body's overall condition, and making your body strong so it is able to

overcome candida. That means it will " make " candida overgrowth change

back into the nice friendly yeast form it is supposed to be in the body.

During that process cell membranes will become less and less rigid, and

the cells will be reconstructed the way they are supposed to be, which

is 50% saturated fat (lung cells must be 100% saturated fat) so they

are stronger and more able to receive nutrients, keep out toxins, and

also get rid of waste materials from inside the cells! Great huh?

Luv, Bee

Luv, Bee

************************************** See what's free at http://www.aol.com.

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> Bee,

> Does this mean that if you are taking this medicine

> (thyroid/adreal/testoterone) that you should quit and wait and see

if this helps?

==>Hi Care. You shouldn't stop any medications or supplements

suddenly, but you could gradually decrease them over a period of time

until you aren't taking them anymore. This program will help, but it

takes time, patience and persistence with sticking to the diet plus

supplements. As my article states:

" Most candida sufferers are much more successful if they only take

the supplements listed below. If you are currently taking any other

supplements it is advisable that you gradually go off of them.

Many supplements recommended by others, i.e. naturopaths, dieticians,

and other healthcare professionals, are because they do not

understand what constitutes a truly good nutritious diet. Therefore

they recommend supplements that are obtained from nutrient-dense

foods contained in Bee's candida diet, and which are much easier for

the body to digest and utilize.

Most " extra " supplements are totally unnecessary, often causing

adverse effects, or they are a complete waste of money. "

This is particularly because candida sufferers have poor digestion,

have been eating a completely wrong diet, and because candida toxins

makes all of the body's cells go rigid (stiff).

> I took the saliva tests with my alternative doctor and showed I was

low in all these.

==>I do not believe a saliva test can be conclusive for being low in

hormones because it doesn't test what is going on inside the cells.

Even blood levels don't test what is going on inside the cells.

That's why most tests are totally useless.


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  • 7 months later...


I have a good idea for Candida test also. Get a see through glass and keep it at your bedside at night . the first thing in the morning spit in that glass. And wait for 30 minutes and if it sinks or shreds than you have candida. If not it should float all day with that good bacteria in it.

In a message dated 1/30/2008 10:46:03 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, perfecthealth68@... writes:

Hi All, We were talking about candida tests the other day and this is one that my chiro used on me to tell whether or not I have it.He had me hold my right arm out straight and then he pressed his two fingers above my belly button. My right arm immediately moved in reflex, indicating I have candida. - PHhttp://www.becomehealthynow.com/reflexes1/yeast_reflex.shtml Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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  • 4 weeks later...

More than likely you do have an issue with it.

It is caused by many things. If you have ever

taken birth control pills, antibiotics .......ever.......

the list is long.

You can do the spit test in the morning. Put a

clear glass full of water by your bed, and in the

morning work up some spit then spit it into the water...

If you have a potential problem, you will see strings (like legs) traveling down into the water from the saliva floating on the top, or "cloudy" saliva will sink to the bottom of the glass, or cloudy specks will seem to be suspended in the water.

If there are no strings and the saliva is still floating after at least one hour, you probably have Candida under control, and have nothing to worry about.Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

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More than likely you do have an issue with it.

It is caused by many things. If you have ever

taken birth control pills, antibiotics .......ever.......

the list is long.

You can do the spit test in the morning. Put a

clear glass full of water by your bed, and in the

morning work up some spit then spit it into the water...

If you have a potential problem, you will see strings (like legs) traveling down into the water from the saliva floating on the top, or "cloudy" saliva will sink to the bottom of the glass, or cloudy specks will seem to be suspended in the water.

If there are no strings and the saliva is still floating after at least one hour, you probably have Candida under control, and have nothing to worry about.Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

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Hi Dede,

Good to gear from you. How are you feeling these days? Well i hope. I

did try this spit test but i always end up missing the glass and

spitting on myself or the counter which is not helpful. I'm sure i do

have this problem though because i have been on so many meds for my

stomach. I'm just going to buy the stuff and see what happens. It

certainly cant hurt at this point.


> More than likely you do have an issue with it.

> It is caused by many things. If you have ever

> taken birth control pills, antibiotics .......ever.......

> the list is long.

> You can do the spit test in the morning. Put a

> clear glass full of water by your bed, and in the

> morning work up some spit then spit it into the water...

> If you have a potential problem, you will see strings (like legs)


> down into the water from the saliva floating on the top, or

" cloudy " saliva

> will sink to the bottom of the glass, or cloudy specks will seem to be

> suspended in the water.

> If there are no strings and the saliva is still floating after at

least one

> hour, you probably have Candida under control, and have nothing to


> about.




> **************Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL




> 2050827?NCID=aolcmp00300000002598)


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