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In a message dated 7/19/99 2:39:50 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

cheryl@... writes:

<< To be narrow minded in our search for cures in Lyme is harmeful to all

involved. Yes, DHEA supplementation should be monitroed, just like any other

hormone >>

as I said before...

I overheard a nurse tallking to Dr. B. about how people are misusing this

drug and potentially harming themselves. He seemed to be in agreement. DHEA

is one supplement, one should be VERY cautious with..Bernadette

I am not against DHEA supplementation...but it just can't be a decision made

without lab work to support it.....I mean you really should have a Dr.

involved in this decision....How many of us take supplements without

confessing EVERY one of them to our Dr.???

If I was narrow minded, I would not be taking cordyceps nor have EVER used

goldenseal and echinacea...Hey I even take Vitamin C....but prefer my 10 cent


there is a risk vs. benefit factor with DHEA that really should not be made

without being VERY careful...That was truly the point I was trying to

make...to misuse/self medicate hormones can have disastrous results. There

are people on the thyroid group who see Thyroid meds as a quick avenue to

weight loss, and they aren't. I did not say not to take DHEA....I said to be

careful.........esp. since the endocrine system is thrown out of whack, you

may upset whatever balance you do have by taking DHEA.

Now, let me state this one last time. I am NOT against trying alternative

methods....but DHEA does not kill spirochetes sooooo I am not sure how you

can really extrapolate that DHEA is a possible cure for Lyme. I also cannot

figure out how you came to the conclusion I was against DHEA, when all I did

was caution people to be careful.....I NEVER said don't consider it.


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I seem to have missed that article you just refered.. Could you send another

copy so I can read it.. thanks



In a message dated 99-07-19 14:39:55 EDT, you write:


There are many similarities between CFIDS and Lyme, one of which (which was

discussed int he article) is neurally mediated hypotension. Like I had said,

the hypotension was the specific reason for me sharing the article. There is

also much speculation regarding the cause of CFIDS being a chronic infection,

ie. mycoplasma fermentens, lyme, etc. To be narrow minded in our search for

cures in Lyme is harmeful to all involved. Yes, DHEA supplementation should

be monitroed, just like any other hormone. But I shared the article because

I thought it presented some interesing theories that people would be

interested in. I think ther eis not enough out there on Lyme, and therefore

we have to look to other similar diseases....particularly those that cause

the same associated conditions! If I, as a person suffering from postural

hypotenion, were to try to find info on Lyme and this condition....it would

be non-existent. Am I to therefore do nothing?

Additionally, I have had contact with people with Lyme who HAVE been helped

by DHEA supplementation, and my doctor suppliies it. I wouldn't rule it out.

As far as people potentially harming themselves, the same can be said of

antibiotics, or just about any other drug taken. >>

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  • 3 years later...
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This may not be helpful, but I got a prescription for it from my doctor

(I am in the US) - it's for a topical cream made by a compounding

pharmacy. I'm told that the Canadians are way ahead of the US in

knowledge/application of natural hormones, so maybe you can find a

sympathetic doctor??

Good luck!

Lee-Anne Assaad wrote:


> Hi everyone,


> Forgive me if I repeat myself , ( I am currently under a " heavy " brain

> fog alert!)


> I am looking for DHEA. The wise ones at Health Canada have decided that

> I am not allowed to have it. Apparently it is bad for me. Have any of

> you Cannucks had any luck " smuggling " it from our neighbors and do you

> have any advice as to how to go about it?


> Thank you in advance,


> Lee-Anne


> RA 9 yrs

> AP 3yrs





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  • 4 months later...

> Has anyone taken DHEA for any reason? If so did it have any


> effect on psoriatic symptoms? Orin i went to the health food

store the other day and that is what the lady told me to get. i

ordered some online so i should get it in a few days. i will have to

let everyone know how it does. i did by some colostrum, i was told it

was very good for the immune system. i also spoke to a friend in mn

today and she has been taking barley grains and was able to get off

of remicade. she sais it helped her alot. hope this helps..kyle

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In a message dated 11/6/03 5:26:41 AM Central Standard Time,

magicman99@... writes:

> Has anyone taken DHEA for any reason? If so did it have any


> effect on psoriatic symptoms? Orin i went to the health food

store the other day and that is what the lady told me to get. i

ordered some online so i should get it in a few days. i will have to

let everyone know how it does. i did by some colostrum, i was told it

was very good for the immune system. i also spoke to a friend in mn

today and she has been taking barley grains and was able to get off

of remicade. she sais it helped her alot. hope this helps..kyle

Ok keep us posted on what effect the DHEA may have. Are you using the

colostrum now? It probably wont be a fair test of either compound to try them

simultaneously. I havent studied colostrum so I have no best guess on how long


would take for any effects from it to show or how long those effects may persist

beyond discontinuation. Perhaps you can share the line of thinking that

convinced you to try it and any other info you may have gathered as it relates


PA? Orin

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Hi, Orin,

I have tried taking DHEA twice, now, to see if it improves my energy (and

hormonal balance). Both times, I stopped after a couple of weeks due to

increased blood pressure (for better or worse, I can tell this by the change

in my tinnitus). After two weeks off, blood pressure goes back down.

I haven't noticed any particular effect on either my psoriasis or PA (I keep

a daily journal, nothing pops out at me ;-0).

Hope this helps.


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In a message dated 11/6/03 5:47:15 PM Central Standard Time,

geri.actor@... writes:

Hi, Orin,

I have tried taking DHEA twice, now, to see if it improves my energy (and

hormonal balance). Both times, I stopped after a couple of weeks due to

increased blood pressure (for better or worse, I can tell this by the change

in my tinnitus). After two weeks off, blood pressure goes back down.

I haven't noticed any particular effect on either my psoriasis or PA (I keep

a daily journal, nothing pops out at me ;-0).

Hope this helps.


Thanks for the info Geri. Good job on keeping the journal, I should do the

same. Do you normally have high blood pressure that is worsened by the DHEA?

Also what dosage did you use and what brand? Next and probably least important,

was there a particular time of day that you took the DHEA? I read something

interesting the other day about it and figured I would ask the group before I

hauled of on an in-depth study. Orin

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  • 1 year later...

Be aware that 7-keto DHEA (also used in

supplements) is not the same as DHEA------

Very good point!

Also be aware that the dhea is a potent androgen, but like all sex

hormones is almost completely ineffective when taken by mouth. A

mere 3% of dhea taken orally survives the digestion process. (The

rest is doing who-knows-what-damage to your liver.)

A pharmaceutical co is looking at developing a dhea patch. I have

found that vaginally inserted dhea capsules are interchangable and

equally effective as 2% testosterone gel.

I do not know if dhea would be an equally effective substitute for

testosterone in men, but I would recommend any guy taking this

hormone to perhaps try sub-lingual dosing (if it does not taste too

yucky to hold under your tongue til it dissolves; I can't say). But

swallowing it is a waste of time for anyone.

There are a lot of snake oil remedies that use names for their herbal

combinations designed to fool consumers into buying what they believe

are hormone-based products. There's a " testrogel " or something along

those lines that contains not a single microgram of testosterone, and

a supposed menopause remedy " estocare " (if memory serves) that

similarly contains 0mgs estrogen.

Also amino acids also are not the same thing as HGH. I think they

are used in building HGH in the body, but this is a weak link.

Unless a man's HGH low levels stem from a deficiency of these amino

acids, HGH levels will not be affected.

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Hi ,

Thanks for the information, outstanding as usual.

In my case I had good results taking DHEA orally, with DHEA-S level going

from 57 to 347 (70-310 ug/dL) in 4 months. PharmAssure brand, if that means




> Also be aware that the dhea is a potent androgen, but like all sex

> hormones is almost completely ineffective when taken by mouth.

>... swallowing it is a waste of time for anyone.

> -

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In my case I had good results taking DHEA

orally, with DHEA-S level going from 57 to 347 (70-310 ug/dL) in 4

months. PharmAssure brand, if that means anything.---

Hi Bruce, The brand is probably not so important as the amount you

were taking. If hormone testing can be believed (and I am highly

skeptical that these test levels mean anything) then you had to take

97% more dhea than you needed to increase these levels. Only 3% of

oral dhea survives. Excesses of this hormone have been shown to cause

liver damage. Transdermally applied, you get 33% of the amount you

use, and none of it goes to your liver.

Thus IF you took 500mgs DHEA per day by mouth, your body actually

received only 15mg of this to rebuild your supply. Thus you only

need 15 mg per day. WHY take 500mgs of *anything* if 15mgs is all

you need?

Here's a link to the article about DHEA absorption and a couple



DHEA shows a low oral bioavailability; taking the bioavailability

obtained by the subcutaneous route as 100%, it was estimated that the

potencies of DHEA by the percutaneous and oral routes were

approximately 33% and 3%, respectively. Thus, transdermal patches

could be considered a promising formulation as a continuous and

controlled delivery of DHEA in replacement therapy is desired...

On the basis of these studies, the transdermal administration of DHEA

using patches seems feasible.

Minghetti P, Cilurzo F, Casiraghi A, Montanari L, Santoro A. Drug

Dev Ind Pharm. 2001 Aug;27(7):711-7

Istituto di Chimica Farmaceutica e Tossicologica, Universita degli

Studi di Milano, Italy. paola.minghetti@...

Another thing on the test results, I would lump androgens together

and look at the sum of T levels & dhea levels. The two can perform

the same functions and can morph into one another. From my

experience, one androgen is as good as another, and the same for the

different estrogens and different progesterones.

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  • 3 months later...
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An English study of 5000 women on the Isle of Guernsey reported in the English

medical journal Lancet in 1971, revealed that those who developed breast cancer

had lower than average amounts of DHEA in their urine, as early as nine years

before the development of cancer. All of the women who had less than ten percent

of the average DHEA levels for their age group died of breast cancer, while all

of those with higher than average DHEA were cancer free. Dr. Arthur Schwartz, a

Temple University biologist and leading U.S. authority on the hormone,

discovered that among his laboratory rats, DHEA feedings reduced the risk of

cancer and increased normal life spans by 20 percent. " Additionally, " A research

study presented at the Sixth International Conference on AIDS reported an

increase in immune system function in thirteen patients who were supplemented

with high doses of DHEA.

At 07:19 PM 03/03/05, you wrote:

In one study of 5000 " normal, healthy " women, every single woman whose DHEA

level was less than 10% of normal for their age eventually developed and died of

breast cancer. The low DHEA levels appeared up to 9 years ahead of the cancer

diagnosis, however. Also, there was not a single woman with above average DHEA

levels that developed cancer. Even in rats bred genetically to get cancer, DHEA

supplementation blocked the development of cancer in 100% of all cases.

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  • 3 months later...
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Does any of you use DHEA? How's it? Side effects? Thanks.


-My husbands doctor put him on DHEA, he had no side effects, but also no

benefits that he could see, yet we are still just starting down this road, so I

don't know that it wouldn't help someone who is already doing things to improve

your health. The doctor put him on it, his test showed 218 on DHEA-Sulfate,

reference range 80-560 the doctor felt he was low.



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  • 1 year later...
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Yes if your DHEA is low it can make you feel dam bad Fatigue, Dry Skin and Hair

low libido and the list goes on. Don't take more the 50mgs a day if you do it

can drive up your Estradiol levels.

hedgesonic <rphnuke@...> wrote: Is there any benefit to taking

DHEA while on TRT?


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  • 3 months later...
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has anyone done a search on the supplement DHEA?? i read somewhere that it is good for neurological function & stress reduction!! i take 100 Mg. a day!! thought it may be helpful to the MSers!! have forgotten what the letters stand for, since it's been some time ago, when i read up on it!!

marshiris@...See what's free at AOL.com.

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a neuro at the university of Oregon did a study on

DHEA and MS a few years back. The MSAA lending

library has a decent book on it too. Like all

supplements do your research, just cuz it didn't come

from a doctor doesn't mean its safe. You gotta know

what your doing.

Just a quick hi to everyone,


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Hi Marshiris,

Hope that you made an error with what you wrote. There is

a difference between Megagram (Mg) and milligram (mg). You say you take 100 MG of

DHEA per day, which means 100 metric tonne or 100,000 kg. Even a dinosaur would

not be able to swallow all that. Please see http://www.easycalculation.com/unit-conversion/weight-factors.php.





low dose naltrexone [mailto:low dose naltrexone ]On Behalf Of marshiris@...

Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2007

10:09 AM


low dose naltrexone

Subject: Re: [low dose naltrexone]



anyone done a search on the supplement DHEA?? i read somewhere that it is

good for neurological function & stress reduction!! i take 100 Mg. a

day!! thought it may be helpful to the MSers!! have forgotten what

the letters stand for, since it's been some time ago, when i read up on it!!



what's free at AOL.com.

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It is safer to take 7-Keto DHEA. This type does not convert into unwanted hormones which could conceivably create a reproductive cancer or induce tumor growth. It does help the body produce testosterone which is crucial in Vitamin D production. I think with DHEA, less is more. You want to tweak the body, not shock it with too much? Please don't take this as negative. I am just sharing my readings over the years and feel one must be cautious with hormones. Blessings, Kathy

Re: [low dose naltrexone] Re: DHEA

has anyone done a search on the supplement DHEA?? i read somewhere that it is good for neurological function & stress reduction!! i take 100 Mg. a day!! thought it may be helpful to the MSers!! have forgotten what the letters stand for, since it's been some time ago, when i read up on it!!


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  • 4 months later...

Bobby best test for this is DHEA-S get this tested.

flyinresorts <flyinresorts@...> wrote: I was just looking back at

some of my lab numbers. DHEA was 2.8

But the range is 0.0 to 7.9 If the bottom of the range is zero, how

can you tell if you fall short on this? Also,is 2.8 considered low?


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No DHEA can raise your Estradiol levels if you taking more then 50 mgs a day.

flyinresorts <flyinresorts@...> wrote: When one uses DHEA, can

you get testicular atrophy like when using T


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What if only small amounts of DHEA were taken like 5 mg per day?

Does a person have to take 50 mg or more per day to raise estradiol?

Or can it happen in smaller amounts as well?

When one uses

DHEA, can you get testicular atrophy like when using T

> gels?







> Co-Moderator " Don't believe anything you hear and only half of

what you see. "

> Phil


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No you need to do a lot of DHEA to raise Estradiol even more then 50mgs. DHEA

if tested low can mean your Cortisol levels can be low also. Best to check this

and Thyroid.

flyinresorts <flyinresorts@...> wrote: What if only small amounts

of DHEA were taken like 5 mg per day?

Does a person have to take 50 mg or more per day to raise estradiol?

Or can it happen in smaller amounts as well?

When one uses

DHEA, can you get testicular atrophy like when using T

> gels?







> Co-Moderator " Don't believe anything you hear and only half of

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> Phil


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what is DHEA? my cortisol is low,,,if u read 18 and

need help ASAP, u can find out my problems,,

one being ive never had an erection,,,,,

--- philip georgian <pmgamer18@...> wrote:

> No you need to do a lot of DHEA to raise Estradiol

> even more then 50mgs. DHEA if tested low can mean

> your Cortisol levels can be low also. Best to check

> this and Thyroid.


> flyinresorts <flyinresorts@...> wrote:

> What if only small amounts of DHEA were taken like

> 5 mg per day?

> Does a person have to take 50 mg or more per day to

> raise estradiol?

> Or can it happen in smaller amounts as well?


> When one

> uses

> DHEA, can you get testicular atrophy like when using

> T

> > gels?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Co-Moderator " Don't believe anything you hear and

> only half of

> what you see. "

> > Phil

> >

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> inside .

> See how.

> >

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> >







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> only half of what you see. "

> Phil


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> When one uses DHEA, can you get testicular atrophy like when using T

> gels?


DHEA won't stop testicular atrophy in the context of

testosterone replacement therapy.

DHEA as it generally taken orally will raise

the estrogen level rather upfront due the

first pass effect when it goes thru the liver and

much of it is metabolized into estrogen.

I suspect 25 milligrams raises estrogen levels

some, 50 milligrams more, and 75 milligrams

quite a bit. On 75 milligrams my prostate didn't

feel right and my breasts got itchy. Had I

continued I suspect I would have grown

some real " b-tits " .

I dropped the dose way down when I got around

to starting it again.

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  • 1 month later...

Thank you Patty,

I will research this!


From: glory2glory1401@...Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2008 16:19:36 +0000Subject: Re: DHEA

Stacie,No, DHEA is something totally different from the fish oil components.The DHA and EPA found in fish oils help keep the blood, brain and cell membranes healthy.DHEA is a hormone precursor. According to Wikepedia, it is a natural steroid prohormone produced from cholesterol by the adrenal glands, the gonads, adipose tissue, brain and in the skin (by an autocrine mechanism). DHEA is the precursor of androstenedione, which can undergo further conversion to produce the androgen testosterone and the estrogens estrone and estradiol. Most people experience a decline in DHEA as they get older, starting probably in the mid-30's. It is often helpful to supplement it if you are experiencing hormonal issues.You can find out alot more about DHEA if you do an internet search.In my opinion, as we get older, we need to supplement both DHEA and fish oils.Patty> > > > > > > > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > Hi PH, I just got home from the> > > > dr's and got the> > > > > > > results> > > > > > > > > from> > > > > > > > > > > my> > > > > > > > > > > > > > hormone tests! It showed that my> > > > cortisol was too> > > > > high,> > > > > > > > my> > > > > > > > > > DHEA> > > >> > > === message truncated ===> > >> > > Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of Flickr!> > >> > > http://www.flickr.com/gift/> > >> > > > > >> >> > > > > > > > __________________________________________________________> Watch "Cause Effect," a show about real people making a real difference.> http://im.live.com/Messenger/IM/MTV/?source=text_watchcause> Get the power of Windows + Web with the new Windows Live. Get it now!

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