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Thanks Dede, I'm going to take a look at the first website that you

posted. I've been on the women to women website and I think they have

some much helpful info on there!



> Steph ~

> Here is a site everyone should study and become

> very familiar with:

> _http://www.endocrineweb.com/_ (http://www.endocrineweb.com/)

> that site tells all about the whole endocrin system

> then the link below is also an awesome site, and I

> have it where it particularly talks about DHEA


> _DHEA and adrenal fatigue_

> (http://www.womentowomen.com/adrenalfatigue/dhea.aspx?

id=1 & campaignno=adrenalfatigue & adgroup=ag3dhea & keywords=dhea) , or


> _http://www.womentowomen.com/adrenalfatigue/dhea.aspx?

id=1 & campaignno=adrenalf

> atigue & adgroup=ag3dhea & keywords=dhea_

> (http://www.womentowomen.com/adrenalfatigue/dhea.aspx?

id=1 & campaignno=adrenalfatigue & adgroup=ag3dhea & keywords=dhea)






> Adrenal fatigue






> DHEA and adrenal fatigue

> by Marcelle Pick, OB/GYN NP

> Two months ago, , a 28-year-old mom, came to see me. She was so

worn out

> from mothering two kids and working full-time she couldn’t get

out of bed.

> Just driving to our practice took everything she had. Her tests

revealed severe

> _adrenal fatigue_


> and, as so often occurs in these cases, very low levels of an


> hormone called DHEA.

> DHEA is a natural steroid and precursor hormone produced by the

adrenals. It’

> s also available at health food stores and on-line as an over-the-


> supplement. Manufacturers hype it as a magic cure-all for many

things: muscle

> loss, _weight loss_



s.aspx) , osteoporosis, and _depression_



aspx) †" even _menopause_

> (http://www.womentowomen.com/menopause/default.aspx) . Recently

headlines have

> linked DHEA to athletes “doping†with steroids, leading to a

lot of confusion

> about DHEA, its role in the body, and how it should be used. Now

DHEA is being

> labeled everything from “fountain of youth drug†to fraud †"

and the very

> real benefits of DHEA, particularly for women, are getting lost in

all the

> controversy.

> The truth is that †" for the women who need it †" adrenal support

with DHEA

> supplementation can make a big difference. I’ve seen it help

patients get going

> again when they feel like they’ve hit rock bottom. But it’s

never as simple

> as just popping a pill. When used appropriately †" in a

therapeutic setting

> under medical supervision †" DHEA is a critical component to


> hormonal balance.

> Just ask . After two months of treatment that included

lifestyle changes

> and adrenal support with low daily doses of DHEA, she feels like


> again.

> So let’s give you more information about DHEA and its role in


> balance. Then you can talk to your healthcare professional and make

the best

> choice for your individual needs.

> What is DHEA?

> Dehydroepiandrosterone, or DHEA, is a steroid hormone synthesized


> cholesterol and secreted by the adrenal glands. The adrenals are


> organs located right above your kidneys. The average adult makes

about 25 mg of

> DHEA per day (some more, some less) with dwindling production as we

get older.

> Men at all ages have more DHEA than women.

> Natural DHEA production is at its highest in your twenties: by the

time we

> reach seventy we only make about 20% of the DHEA we had when we

were young. A

> decline in DHEA with the passage of time is clearly what nature

intended †" and

> as far as we know, a healthy process. This is only one of the

major reasons

> we don’t recommend self-prescribing DHEA through over-the-

counter products.

> Another reason is that DHEA is a very powerful precursor to all of

your major

> sex hormones: estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. (Its


> structure is closely related to testosterone). We call it the

“mother hormone††"

> the source that fuels the body’s metabolic pathway:


> Besides DHEA, your adrenals also make the stress hormones cortisol


> adrenaline. Adrenal exhaustion from coping with chronic stress †"

from (among other

> things) poor nutrition, yo-yo dieting, emotional turmoil, and job-


> stress †" means your adrenals are bone-tired from pumping out

cortisol and they

> simply can’t manufacture enough DHEA to support a healthy

hormonal balance.

> The end result? You feel tapped out, overwhelmed and, often,


> It’s likely that DHEA and adrenal function are related to

> neurotransmitter-release rates, based on the mood elevation our

patients report after just two

> weeks of adrenal support. But more research is needed to isolate


> individual effects of DHEA from the hormones it gets metabolized

into before we can

> know for sure what part it plays in all of this.

> One thing we do know is that adequate levels of DHEA are needed to


> your body can produce the hormones it needs when it needs them. In

that balanced

> state your mood is stable and you feel clear-headed, joyful and


> DHEA is the best “feel-good†hormone we know. And it works

quickly and

> effectively when taken with the right combination of support.

> When DHEA levels are low, your body does not have enough working

material for

> proper endocrine function. This throws off your hormone production

and you

> feel a general sense of malaise, along with other symptoms of


> imbalance †" how severe depends on how many other demands are

being made on your body

> at the same time.

> There is a growing body of evidence that healthy levels of DHEA may


> stave off Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, osteoporosis, depression,

heart disease

> and obesity, but there is still no clearcut consensus. There may be


> increased risks associated with DHEA for women with a history of

breast cancer †"

> all the more reason to take DHEA under medical supervision.

> At our practice we use DHEA where we’ve seen reliable proof of

efficacy †" in

> cases of adrenal fatigue.

> DHEA and adrenal fatigue

> Your lifestyle, diet and stress levels all contribute to the amount


> your body can produce in a given period. At our practice we look

first and

> foremost at adrenal function, using DHEA levels as one of several


> tools.

> Think of our exhausted mother, . Like her, your adrenals work


> to meet the demands placed on them until they are utterly tapped.


> adequate support, they spiral downward into adrenal fatigue and


> adrenal exhaustion.

> Most of the women we see at our practice †" and I mean 99% †"

have some

> indication of adrenal fatigue, including symptoms of low DHEA

levels, such as:

> * Extreme fatigue

> * Decrease in muscle mass

> * Decrease in bone density

> * Depression

> * Aching joints

> * Loss of libido

> * Lowered immunity

> But simply adding more DHEA to the equation is not the answer †"

despite what

> some of the popular products claim. DHEA alone can’t fix adrenal

fatigue (don’

> t believe any product that says it will!), but it can be an

important factor

> in a combination approach that includes hormonal and nutritional


> lifestyle changes, and proper rest.

> (For more information on adrenal function and adrenal exhaustion,

see our

> article on _adrenal fatigue_

> (http://www.womentowomen.com/adrenalfatigue/default.aspx) .)

> Remember that DHEA is just one stop along the metabolic pathway †"

it doesn’t

> work in a vacuum. How it gets converted comes down to your


> biochemistry †" some women may use it to make more estrogen,

others may make more

> testosterone. Just throwing a pill into the mix without

understanding the

> bigger picture is never a wise choice. Because having too much

DHEA, or converting

> DHEA into too much of one hormone and not enough of another, can

be as

> upsetting to your body as not having enough.

> A delicate hormonal balance

> So, you can’t look to DHEA supplementation as a stand-alone

solution. It just

> doesn’t work that way. DHEA is one part of the whole concert of

hormones at

> work every moment in your body. Before you tinker with that

balance it’s a

> good idea to understand what is going on in your life on all

levels †"

> physiologically and emotionally.

> After menopause or a hysterectomy, when your adrenals become the


> hormone factory, we see women in whom the ratio of DHEA that is

converted into

> testosterone outweighs what’s converted into estrogen and

progesterone. This

> can cause bouts of increased irritability and unusual body hair


> especially when DHEA supplements are given without prior and

follow-up testing of

> total and “free†testosterone levels.

> “Free†testosterone is the portion of the hormone that is


> active in your bloodstream. After menopause, a woman may have

volatile levels of

> free testosterone at work, which accounts for some of the annoying

> male-pattern facial hair that’s common during the transition.

Most doctors only test

> total testosterone levels, not the combined amount. Adding DHEA to

this scenario

> can tip the scale drastically.

> On the other hand, I’ve also seen patients who convert most of

their DHEA

> into estrogen. In this case, DHEA supplements create a different

kind of

> estrogen-progesterone imbalance with symptoms similar to PMS,

including breast

> tenderness and mood swings. (See our article on _estrogen


> (http://www.womentowomen.com/menopause/estrogendominance.aspx) .)

> Even though we’ve been trained in our culture to expect a one-


> drug cure for every health issue, ingesting a powerful hormone like

DHEA can

> be unpredictable †" and in some cases, risky. That’s why we

advise our

> patients not to self-medicate.

> The trouble with over-the-counter DHEA supplements

> Nowadays you can buy DHEA over-the-counter as a matter of course in


> confusing variety of doses and combinations. Most of these DHEA

products are geared

> toward men, but I’m seeing more and more aimed at women.

> The labels claim DHEA will help us _lose weight_



s.aspx) , _rev up our libido_



spx) , _lift

> depression_



aspx) , and give us back the strength, immunity, and stamina we had


> we were 20 †" the age at which our bodies naturally produced the

most DHEA.

> While on the surface this is appealing (who wouldn’t want to feel

20 again?),

> it’s obviously not what nature intended. We also don’t know

enough about

> DHEA to be conducting such a large, unregulated public experiment.

DHEA is a

> potent steroid †" that’s why it’s been in the headlines and

why it should be

> approached with due diligence.

> Without a comprehensive medical test it’s impossible to know what

your DHEA

> levels are. Just because you’re getting older doesn’t

automatically mean you’

> re deficient. Remember, this is a natural substance †" our bodies

can produce

> more or less of it depending on our nutrient support, metabolism,


> balance, activity level and emotional state.

> In fact, there are many studies that show you can improve your DHEA


> naturally by maintaining a body mass index of 19-25, getting

adequate rest and

> exposure to sunlight, exercising regularly (including sexual

activity), and

> fostering more “downtime†in your life †" but more on that in

a moment.

> Also remember that any time you buy a supplement at a health food

store you

> have no guarantee that what you are buying is the real deal. There

are few

> regulations in place to police the manufacturing process or the

product itself.

> (This is one reason we have our _nutritional supplements_

> (http://www.womentowomen.com/products/essentialnutrients.aspx)

made specifically for us by a

> manufacturer who tests every single batch.)

> Many of the DHEA supplements I see at my local store have very high

dosages †"

> way too high for most women (often as much as 20 times what I

start my

> patients on!). While there’s no way to tell how much of that you

might actually

> absorb, I think it’s especially unwise to experiment with DHEA

at these levels

> without medical supervision.

> Furthermore, taking DHEA alone won’t do any good if your adrenals


> exhausted. There are too many other factors at work. You need to

know the status of

> your adrenal function and your other hormones before you can even

begin to

> know what kind of combination of support your body needs.

> That being said, if you’ve been taking a DHEA enhanced product

†" don’t

> worry! Just call your doctor or medical practitioner and ask to

get your hormones

> tested †" then you will know how to proceed.

> How we test for DHEA at our practice

> If I suspect adrenal fatigue, hormonal imbalance or a DHEA

irregularity in a

> patient, the first test I order is a hormone panel. I check

estradiol in the

> follicular phase (usually days 3†" 9 of a menstrual cycle);

progesterone in the

> luteal phase (days 14†" 28); DHEA; and both free and total


> levels. I like to see estrogen, progesterone, and DHEA in the

upper quadrant of

> normal.

> What many traditional medical practitioners consider normal is a

little low

> in my opinion. I think there are many women who fall just shy of

the bell

> curve in either direction, but still in the range of “normalâ€

by current

> standards, who have legitimate health problems. (When such women

go to a

> conventional practitioner feeling awful they are told there’s

nothing wrong.)

> But I don’t just go by the numbers. I always look at how a woman

is feeling;

> what demands she’s placing on her body †" particularly her

adrenals †" and her

> emotional state. Sometimes a woman can test normal by conventional


> and still need a slight, temporary boost.

> What if you need DHEA?

> If tests indicate the need for DHEA supplementation, I start

patients off

> with as little as 5 mg, two times per day. It’s possible to

slowly up the dosage

> if further tests warrant it, but I find I rarely need to use more

than 10†" 12

> mg per day †" almost a homeopathic dose.

> I use only pharmaceutical-grade DHEA compounded by a reputable

pharmacy. That

> way I can be confident that what I’m prescribing is actually

what the

> patient will get. The kind I use comes in liquid drops - I prefer

them to tablets.

> If your doctor is unaware of a reliable compounding pharmacy in

your area,

> log in to the _International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists_

> (http://www.iacprx.org/site/PageServer?pagename=lookup_survey) ’

website to access their

> referral service.

> Once a patient is taking DHEA, I closely monitor how she is

metabolizing the

> hormone through regular tests and face-to-face check-ups. Many

women don’t

> need to take DHEA for an extended period of time †" once our

bodies return to

> balance we’re usually more than capable of making what we need.

> Many of my patients in menopause who are taking bioidentical

hormones also

> take DHEA to promote a good overall balance and vice-versa. DHEA

can be a great

> bridge through menopause. Again, once balance has been restored

and symptoms

> even out, most women produce enough DHEA on their own.

> Which brings me to the point I most want to make about DHEA †" its


> to joy.

> The best way to make more DHEA: cultivate joy

> As I said before, DHEA is just one small part of a much larger

picture †" one

> that you can exert considerable influence over. Our bodies produce

DHEA all

> the time. And it’s possible to measurably boost your body’s

own production of

> DHEA naturally.

> Some studies show that people with a positive outlook actually

create a

> self-sustaining cycle of DHEA production: they produce more DHEA,

which may

> affect their levels of _serotonin_



aspx#serotonin) (the happy neurotransmitter; for more

> see our article on _anti-depressants_



aspx) ), which in turn gives them a better

> outlook †" which ups DHEA and so on.

> One proven way to boost levels of DHEA naturally is to find ways to


> joy in your life. This can mean different things to different

people but

> overall there are some common threads when weaving this web of


> * Connection: Human beings are social creatures †" we like

> companionship. Connecting with family and friends in a healthy,

loving way is one of the

> best joy-makers around. Or think long and hard about what you like

to do for

> pleasure and reach out. Join a local class or group that shares


> interest.

> * Exercise: Moving your body, even through deep breathing

and mild

> stretching, reduces stress, oxygenates your cells, and boosts mood-


> substances in your bloodstream called endorphins. This process can


> change your body chemistry for the better. Meditation is also

useful in this way.


> * Spirituality: The ability to entertain the idea of some

sort of

> larger power, be it natural or divine, is a powerful component of

joy. Rituals of

> worship and contemplation, from a walk in the woods to yoga to

prayer, helps

> us make space in our busy lives to focus on what is truly

meaningful to us

> and who we really are.

> * Play: Is it a coincidence that our levels of DHEA decline

as we

> enter the grown-up world of work and responsibility? Who knows? It

would be

> interesting to find out. But one thing is certain: playtime

shouldn’t be just for

> kids. Sometimes I actually have to write out a prescription that

reads PLAY

> so a patient can have fun without guilt. You too have my medical


> go out and play. Kick up your heels †" it’s good for your


> I know none of this is easy to do in today’s non-stop world.


> around us pushes us to have more, do more, be more †" is it any

wonder our bodies

> eventually throw up a huge stop sign? The best time to foster


> balance, adequate DHEA levels, and healthy adrenals is before you

hit that stop

> sign. So give yourself a time-out and check-in. You may find, with

a little help,

> your body and mind are more than capable of taking care of


> The evolving wheel

> Feelings of health and well-being are never static. Like all things


> they depend on a kaleidoscope of moving parts †" always changing,


> unique. DHEA is just one part of this evolving pattern, one you

can influence to

> create a better picture by changing your lifestyle and taking care

of your

> adrenals(for more on this, read our article on _adrenal fatigue_

> (http://www.womentowomen.com/adrenalfatigue/default.aspx) ).

> As with all things concerning your body, your mind, and your

health, I hope

> you’ll learn as much as you can about yourself and find a medical


> you can talk openly with. DHEA should never be taken casually or

> unsupervised, but its benefits are real for the women who need it

†" as are the

> physiological benefits of cultivating joy. I encourage you to

embrace the

> possibilities inherent in both!

> Our Personal Program is a great place to start

> The Personal Program promotes natural hormonal balance with


> supplements, our exclusive endocrine support formula, dietary and


> guidance, and optional phone consultations with our Nurse-

Educators. It is a

> convenient, at-home version of what we recommend to all our

patients at the

> clinic.

> * To learn more about the Program, go to _How the Personal


> Works_ (http://www.womentowomen.com/programs/howitworks.aspx) .

> * To select the Program that's right for your symptoms, go to


> the plan that works for you_

> (http://www.womentowomen.com/programs/compareplans.aspx) .

> * To assess your symptoms, take our on-line _Hormonal Health


> (http://www.womentowomen.com/healthassessment/) .

> * If you have questions, don't hesitate to call us toll-free


> 1-800-495-0312. We're here to listen and help.


> We're always happy to welcome new patients to our medical clinic in


> Maine, for those who can make the trip. _Click here_

> (http://www.womentowomen.com/clinic/clnapptsdirections.aspx) for

information about making an

> appointment.

> Related to this article:_References & further reading on adrenal


> (http://www.womentowomen.com/adrenalfatigue/adrenalfatigue-


> _Stress, high cortisol, and adrenal fatigue: the downward spiral_

> (http://www.womentowomen.com/adrenalfatigue/default.aspx)




> * _Signs and symptoms of adrenal fatigue_

> (http://www.womentowomen.com/adrenalfatigue/symptoms.aspx)

> * _DHEA and adrenal fatigue_

> (http://www.womentowomen.com/adrenalfatigue/dhea.aspx)


















> (http://www.womentowomen.com/contactus.aspx)

> (http://www.bbbonline.org/cks.asp?id=1060731115323170)





> **************Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in


> http://body.aol.com/fitness/winter-exercise?



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I hope you enjoy the endocrin site

as well, it has tons and tons of education

there !

Love DedeStart the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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I like that hormone chart. It's a keeper!



> Steph ~

> Here is a site everyone should study and become

> very familiar with:

> _http://www.endocrineweb.com/_ (http://www.endocrineweb.com/)

> that site tells all about the whole endocrin system

> then the link below is also an awesome site, and I

> have it where it particularly talks about DHEA


> _DHEA and adrenal fatigue_

> (http://www.womentowomen.com/adrenalfatigue/dhea.aspx?

id=1 & campaignno=adrenalfatigue & adgroup=ag3dhea & keywords=dhea) , or


> _http://www.womentowomen.com/adrenalfatigue/dhea.aspx?

id=1 & campaignno=adrenalf

> atigue & adgroup=ag3dhea & keywords=dhea_

> (http://www.womentowomen.com/adrenalfatigue/dhea.aspx?

id=1 & campaignno=adrenalfatigue & adgroup=ag3dhea & keywords=dhea)






> Adrenal fatigue






> DHEA and adrenal fatigue

> by Marcelle Pick, OB/GYN NP

> Two months ago, , a 28-year-old mom, came to see me. She was so

worn out

> from mothering two kids and working full-time she couldn’t get

out of bed.

> Just driving to our practice took everything she had. Her tests

revealed severe

> _adrenal fatigue_


> and, as so often occurs in these cases, very low levels of an


> hormone called DHEA.

> DHEA is a natural steroid and precursor hormone produced by the

adrenals. It’

> s also available at health food stores and on-line as an over-the-


> supplement. Manufacturers hype it as a magic cure-all for many

things: muscle

> loss, _weight loss_



s.aspx) , osteoporosis, and _depression_



aspx) †" even _menopause_

> (http://www.womentowomen.com/menopause/default.aspx) . Recently

headlines have

> linked DHEA to athletes “doping†with steroids, leading to a

lot of confusion

> about DHEA, its role in the body, and how it should be used. Now

DHEA is being

> labeled everything from “fountain of youth drug†to fraud †"

and the very

> real benefits of DHEA, particularly for women, are getting lost in

all the

> controversy.

> The truth is that †" for the women who need it †" adrenal support

with DHEA

> supplementation can make a big difference. I’ve seen it help

patients get going

> again when they feel like they’ve hit rock bottom. But it’s

never as simple

> as just popping a pill. When used appropriately †" in a

therapeutic setting

> under medical supervision †" DHEA is a critical component to


> hormonal balance.

> Just ask . After two months of treatment that included

lifestyle changes

> and adrenal support with low daily doses of DHEA, she feels like


> again.

> So let’s give you more information about DHEA and its role in


> balance. Then you can talk to your healthcare professional and make

the best

> choice for your individual needs.

> What is DHEA?

> Dehydroepiandrosterone, or DHEA, is a steroid hormone synthesized


> cholesterol and secreted by the adrenal glands. The adrenals are


> organs located right above your kidneys. The average adult makes

about 25 mg of

> DHEA per day (some more, some less) with dwindling production as we

get older.

> Men at all ages have more DHEA than women.

> Natural DHEA production is at its highest in your twenties: by the

time we

> reach seventy we only make about 20% of the DHEA we had when we

were young. A

> decline in DHEA with the passage of time is clearly what nature

intended †" and

> as far as we know, a healthy process. This is only one of the

major reasons

> we don’t recommend self-prescribing DHEA through over-the-

counter products.

> Another reason is that DHEA is a very powerful precursor to all of

your major

> sex hormones: estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. (Its


> structure is closely related to testosterone). We call it the

“mother hormone††"

> the source that fuels the body’s metabolic pathway:


> Besides DHEA, your adrenals also make the stress hormones cortisol


> adrenaline. Adrenal exhaustion from coping with chronic stress †"

from (among other

> things) poor nutrition, yo-yo dieting, emotional turmoil, and job-


> stress †" means your adrenals are bone-tired from pumping out

cortisol and they

> simply can’t manufacture enough DHEA to support a healthy

hormonal balance.

> The end result? You feel tapped out, overwhelmed and, often,


> It’s likely that DHEA and adrenal function are related to

> neurotransmitter-release rates, based on the mood elevation our

patients report after just two

> weeks of adrenal support. But more research is needed to isolate


> individual effects of DHEA from the hormones it gets metabolized

into before we can

> know for sure what part it plays in all of this.

> One thing we do know is that adequate levels of DHEA are needed to


> your body can produce the hormones it needs when it needs them. In

that balanced

> state your mood is stable and you feel clear-headed, joyful and


> DHEA is the best “feel-good†hormone we know. And it works

quickly and

> effectively when taken with the right combination of support.

> When DHEA levels are low, your body does not have enough working

material for

> proper endocrine function. This throws off your hormone production

and you

> feel a general sense of malaise, along with other symptoms of


> imbalance †" how severe depends on how many other demands are

being made on your body

> at the same time.

> There is a growing body of evidence that healthy levels of DHEA may


> stave off Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, osteoporosis, depression,

heart disease

> and obesity, but there is still no clearcut consensus. There may be


> increased risks associated with DHEA for women with a history of

breast cancer †"

> all the more reason to take DHEA under medical supervision.

> At our practice we use DHEA where we’ve seen reliable proof of

efficacy †" in

> cases of adrenal fatigue.

> DHEA and adrenal fatigue

> Your lifestyle, diet and stress levels all contribute to the amount


> your body can produce in a given period. At our practice we look

first and

> foremost at adrenal function, using DHEA levels as one of several


> tools.

> Think of our exhausted mother, . Like her, your adrenals work


> to meet the demands placed on them until they are utterly tapped.


> adequate support, they spiral downward into adrenal fatigue and


> adrenal exhaustion.

> Most of the women we see at our practice †" and I mean 99% †"

have some

> indication of adrenal fatigue, including symptoms of low DHEA

levels, such as:

> * Extreme fatigue

> * Decrease in muscle mass

> * Decrease in bone density

> * Depression

> * Aching joints

> * Loss of libido

> * Lowered immunity

> But simply adding more DHEA to the equation is not the answer †"

despite what

> some of the popular products claim. DHEA alone can’t fix adrenal

fatigue (don’

> t believe any product that says it will!), but it can be an

important factor

> in a combination approach that includes hormonal and nutritional


> lifestyle changes, and proper rest.

> (For more information on adrenal function and adrenal exhaustion,

see our

> article on _adrenal fatigue_

> (http://www.womentowomen.com/adrenalfatigue/default.aspx) .)

> Remember that DHEA is just one stop along the metabolic pathway †"

it doesn’t

> work in a vacuum. How it gets converted comes down to your


> biochemistry †" some women may use it to make more estrogen,

others may make more

> testosterone. Just throwing a pill into the mix without

understanding the

> bigger picture is never a wise choice. Because having too much

DHEA, or converting

> DHEA into too much of one hormone and not enough of another, can

be as

> upsetting to your body as not having enough.

> A delicate hormonal balance

> So, you can’t look to DHEA supplementation as a stand-alone

solution. It just

> doesn’t work that way. DHEA is one part of the whole concert of

hormones at

> work every moment in your body. Before you tinker with that

balance it’s a

> good idea to understand what is going on in your life on all

levels †"

> physiologically and emotionally.

> After menopause or a hysterectomy, when your adrenals become the


> hormone factory, we see women in whom the ratio of DHEA that is

converted into

> testosterone outweighs what’s converted into estrogen and

progesterone. This

> can cause bouts of increased irritability and unusual body hair


> especially when DHEA supplements are given without prior and

follow-up testing of

> total and “free†testosterone levels.

> “Free†testosterone is the portion of the hormone that is


> active in your bloodstream. After menopause, a woman may have

volatile levels of

> free testosterone at work, which accounts for some of the annoying

> male-pattern facial hair that’s common during the transition.

Most doctors only test

> total testosterone levels, not the combined amount. Adding DHEA to

this scenario

> can tip the scale drastically.

> On the other hand, I’ve also seen patients who convert most of

their DHEA

> into estrogen. In this case, DHEA supplements create a different

kind of

> estrogen-progesterone imbalance with symptoms similar to PMS,

including breast

> tenderness and mood swings. (See our article on _estrogen


> (http://www.womentowomen.com/menopause/estrogendominance.aspx) .)

> Even though we’ve been trained in our culture to expect a one-


> drug cure for every health issue, ingesting a powerful hormone like

DHEA can

> be unpredictable †" and in some cases, risky. That’s why we

advise our

> patients not to self-medicate.

> The trouble with over-the-counter DHEA supplements

> Nowadays you can buy DHEA over-the-counter as a matter of course in


> confusing variety of doses and combinations. Most of these DHEA

products are geared

> toward men, but I’m seeing more and more aimed at women.

> The labels claim DHEA will help us _lose weight_



s.aspx) , _rev up our libido_



spx) , _lift

> depression_



aspx) , and give us back the strength, immunity, and stamina we had


> we were 20 †" the age at which our bodies naturally produced the

most DHEA.

> While on the surface this is appealing (who wouldn’t want to feel

20 again?),

> it’s obviously not what nature intended. We also don’t know

enough about

> DHEA to be conducting such a large, unregulated public experiment.

DHEA is a

> potent steroid †" that’s why it’s been in the headlines and

why it should be

> approached with due diligence.

> Without a comprehensive medical test it’s impossible to know what

your DHEA

> levels are. Just because you’re getting older doesn’t

automatically mean you’

> re deficient. Remember, this is a natural substance †" our bodies

can produce

> more or less of it depending on our nutrient support, metabolism,


> balance, activity level and emotional state.

> In fact, there are many studies that show you can improve your DHEA


> naturally by maintaining a body mass index of 19-25, getting

adequate rest and

> exposure to sunlight, exercising regularly (including sexual

activity), and

> fostering more “downtime†in your life †" but more on that in

a moment.

> Also remember that any time you buy a supplement at a health food

store you

> have no guarantee that what you are buying is the real deal. There

are few

> regulations in place to police the manufacturing process or the

product itself.

> (This is one reason we have our _nutritional supplements_

> (http://www.womentowomen.com/products/essentialnutrients.aspx)

made specifically for us by a

> manufacturer who tests every single batch.)

> Many of the DHEA supplements I see at my local store have very high

dosages †"

> way too high for most women (often as much as 20 times what I

start my

> patients on!). While there’s no way to tell how much of that you

might actually

> absorb, I think it’s especially unwise to experiment with DHEA

at these levels

> without medical supervision.

> Furthermore, taking DHEA alone won’t do any good if your adrenals


> exhausted. There are too many other factors at work. You need to

know the status of

> your adrenal function and your other hormones before you can even

begin to

> know what kind of combination of support your body needs.

> That being said, if you’ve been taking a DHEA enhanced product

†" don’t

> worry! Just call your doctor or medical practitioner and ask to

get your hormones

> tested †" then you will know how to proceed.

> How we test for DHEA at our practice

> If I suspect adrenal fatigue, hormonal imbalance or a DHEA

irregularity in a

> patient, the first test I order is a hormone panel. I check

estradiol in the

> follicular phase (usually days 3†" 9 of a menstrual cycle);

progesterone in the

> luteal phase (days 14†" 28); DHEA; and both free and total


> levels. I like to see estrogen, progesterone, and DHEA in the

upper quadrant of

> normal.

> What many traditional medical practitioners consider normal is a

little low

> in my opinion. I think there are many women who fall just shy of

the bell

> curve in either direction, but still in the range of “normalâ€

by current

> standards, who have legitimate health problems. (When such women

go to a

> conventional practitioner feeling awful they are told there’s

nothing wrong.)

> But I don’t just go by the numbers. I always look at how a woman

is feeling;

> what demands she’s placing on her body †" particularly her

adrenals †" and her

> emotional state. Sometimes a woman can test normal by conventional


> and still need a slight, temporary boost.

> What if you need DHEA?

> If tests indicate the need for DHEA supplementation, I start

patients off

> with as little as 5 mg, two times per day. It’s possible to

slowly up the dosage

> if further tests warrant it, but I find I rarely need to use more

than 10†" 12

> mg per day †" almost a homeopathic dose.

> I use only pharmaceutical-grade DHEA compounded by a reputable

pharmacy. That

> way I can be confident that what I’m prescribing is actually

what the

> patient will get. The kind I use comes in liquid drops - I prefer

them to tablets.

> If your doctor is unaware of a reliable compounding pharmacy in

your area,

> log in to the _International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists_

> (http://www.iacprx.org/site/PageServer?pagename=lookup_survey) ’

website to access their

> referral service.

> Once a patient is taking DHEA, I closely monitor how she is

metabolizing the

> hormone through regular tests and face-to-face check-ups. Many

women don’t

> need to take DHEA for an extended period of time †" once our

bodies return to

> balance we’re usually more than capable of making what we need.

> Many of my patients in menopause who are taking bioidentical

hormones also

> take DHEA to promote a good overall balance and vice-versa. DHEA

can be a great

> bridge through menopause. Again, once balance has been restored

and symptoms

> even out, most women produce enough DHEA on their own.

> Which brings me to the point I most want to make about DHEA †" its


> to joy.

> The best way to make more DHEA: cultivate joy

> As I said before, DHEA is just one small part of a much larger

picture †" one

> that you can exert considerable influence over. Our bodies produce

DHEA all

> the time. And it’s possible to measurably boost your body’s

own production of

> DHEA naturally.

> Some studies show that people with a positive outlook actually

create a

> self-sustaining cycle of DHEA production: they produce more DHEA,

which may

> affect their levels of _serotonin_



aspx#serotonin) (the happy neurotransmitter; for more

> see our article on _anti-depressants_



aspx) ), which in turn gives them a better

> outlook †" which ups DHEA and so on.

> One proven way to boost levels of DHEA naturally is to find ways to


> joy in your life. This can mean different things to different

people but

> overall there are some common threads when weaving this web of


> * Connection: Human beings are social creatures †" we like

> companionship. Connecting with family and friends in a healthy,

loving way is one of the

> best joy-makers around. Or think long and hard about what you like

to do for

> pleasure and reach out. Join a local class or group that shares


> interest.

> * Exercise: Moving your body, even through deep breathing

and mild

> stretching, reduces stress, oxygenates your cells, and boosts mood-


> substances in your bloodstream called endorphins. This process can


> change your body chemistry for the better. Meditation is also

useful in this way.


> * Spirituality: The ability to entertain the idea of some

sort of

> larger power, be it natural or divine, is a powerful component of

joy. Rituals of

> worship and contemplation, from a walk in the woods to yoga to

prayer, helps

> us make space in our busy lives to focus on what is truly

meaningful to us

> and who we really are.

> * Play: Is it a coincidence that our levels of DHEA decline

as we

> enter the grown-up world of work and responsibility? Who knows? It

would be

> interesting to find out. But one thing is certain: playtime

shouldn’t be just for

> kids. Sometimes I actually have to write out a prescription that

reads PLAY

> so a patient can have fun without guilt. You too have my medical


> go out and play. Kick up your heels †" it’s good for your


> I know none of this is easy to do in today’s non-stop world.


> around us pushes us to have more, do more, be more †" is it any

wonder our bodies

> eventually throw up a huge stop sign? The best time to foster


> balance, adequate DHEA levels, and healthy adrenals is before you

hit that stop

> sign. So give yourself a time-out and check-in. You may find, with

a little help,

> your body and mind are more than capable of taking care of


> The evolving wheel

> Feelings of health and well-being are never static. Like all things


> they depend on a kaleidoscope of moving parts †" always changing,


> unique. DHEA is just one part of this evolving pattern, one you

can influence to

> create a better picture by changing your lifestyle and taking care

of your

> adrenals(for more on this, read our article on _adrenal fatigue_

> (http://www.womentowomen.com/adrenalfatigue/default.aspx) ).

> As with all things concerning your body, your mind, and your

health, I hope

> you’ll learn as much as you can about yourself and find a medical


> you can talk openly with. DHEA should never be taken casually or

> unsupervised, but its benefits are real for the women who need it

†" as are the

> physiological benefits of cultivating joy. I encourage you to

embrace the

> possibilities inherent in both!

> Our Personal Program is a great place to start

> The Personal Program promotes natural hormonal balance with


> supplements, our exclusive endocrine support formula, dietary and


> guidance, and optional phone consultations with our Nurse-

Educators. It is a

> convenient, at-home version of what we recommend to all our

patients at the

> clinic.

> * To learn more about the Program, go to _How the Personal


> Works_ (http://www.womentowomen.com/programs/howitworks.aspx) .

> * To select the Program that's right for your symptoms, go to


> the plan that works for you_

> (http://www.womentowomen.com/programs/compareplans.aspx) .

> * To assess your symptoms, take our on-line _Hormonal Health


> (http://www.womentowomen.com/healthassessment/) .

> * If you have questions, don't hesitate to call us toll-free


> 1-800-495-0312. We're here to listen and help.


> We're always happy to welcome new patients to our medical clinic in


> Maine, for those who can make the trip. _Click here_

> (http://www.womentowomen.com/clinic/clnapptsdirections.aspx) for

information about making an

> appointment.

> Related to this article:_References & further reading on adrenal


> (http://www.womentowomen.com/adrenalfatigue/adrenalfatigue-


> _Stress, high cortisol, and adrenal fatigue: the downward spiral_

> (http://www.womentowomen.com/adrenalfatigue/default.aspx)




> * _Signs and symptoms of adrenal fatigue_

> (http://www.womentowomen.com/adrenalfatigue/symptoms.aspx)

> * _DHEA and adrenal fatigue_

> (http://www.womentowomen.com/adrenalfatigue/dhea.aspx)


















> (http://www.womentowomen.com/contactus.aspx)

> (http://www.bbbonline.org/cks.asp?id=1060731115323170)





> **************Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in


> http://body.aol.com/fitness/winter-exercise?



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Patty ~

Yes, the hormone chart is definately

a keeper.

It is proof that we need cholestrol !

from good fats.......

and proof statins are dangerous to our

complete hormone system, as cholestrol

is the Grandaddy of the chain of events.

Love DedeStart the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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Patty ~

Yes, the hormone chart is definately

a keeper.

It is proof that we need cholestrol !

from good fats.......

and proof statins are dangerous to our

complete hormone system, as cholestrol

is the Grandaddy of the chain of events.

Love DedeStart the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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  • 3 years later...
Guest guest

Alice,My doctor prescribes a compounded DHEA for me so I doubt there is any soy in that. She does not want me taking soy.Hello all, to make a long story short (english is not my native language), my next attempt trying to benefit from LDN: DHEA. My doctor confirmed a deficit. There is so much information and brands to buy, it's too much for me to make a choice. I have MS and very tired at the moment. I read that in many brands DHEA is extracted from soy. But LDN

does not mix with soy! It makes me insecure. Are there any tips? I come from Holland but that should not be a problem (I hope, because I want to start as soon as possible). Thanks for reading and for any tips.From: Alice <alicek@...>low dose naltrexone Sent: Sat, March 19, 2011 3:01:57 PMSubject: [low dose naltrexone] DHEA

Hello all, to make a long story short (english is not my native language), my next attempt trying to benefit from LDN: DHEA. My doctor confirmed a deficit. There is so much information and brands to buy, it's too much for me to make a choice. I have MS and very tired at the moment. I read that in many brands DHEA is extracted from soy. But LDN does not mix with soy! It makes me insecure. Are there any tips? I come from Holland but that should not be a problem (I hope, because I want to start as soon as possible). Thanks for reading and for any tips.

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Guest guest

Thankyou for yourresponse. DHEA: thesoy, Ido not knowwhereI've red that it is made from soy, itmaybe thatI've misinterpreted it. Thesitethatconfusedmeis this one: http://www.sixwise.com/newsletters/05/06/15/wild-yam-why-its-not-recommended-for-progesterone-but-does-provide-eight- other-health-benefits.htm@Haifa, I do not know whattocheck, can yougivemeamorespecificlink?@, I am advisedbecause ofmyadrenalfatigue. DHEAisnotquiteup to standard, much too low.@, will youtellmewhatbrandyoutake?Am I doing OK by ordering this brand? http://www.vitanatural.net/en/viewpage/dhea-order-online-sale-21.html Perhapsitisnot appropriateto ask youbutIdoitanyway.ItsoundsgoodinDutch, and Iwant tostart quicklybecause the MS makes my life very difficult. Thanks for reading, Alice 

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Guest guest

Thankyou for yourresponse.   DHEA: the soy, I do not know where I've red that it is made from soy, it maybe that I've misinterpreted it. The site that confused me is this one: http://www.sixwise.com/newsletters/05/06/15/wild-yam-why-its-not-recommended-for-progesterone-but-does-provide-eight- other-health-benefits.htm@Haifa, I do not know whattocheck, can yougivemeamorespecificlink?@, I am advised because of my adrenal fatigue. DHEA is not quite up to standard, much too low.@, will you tell me what brand you take?Am I doing OK by ordering this brand? http://www.vitanatural.net/en/viewpage/dhea-order-online-sale-21.html Perhaps it is not appropriate to ask you but I do it anyway.It sounds good in Dutch, and I want to start quickly because the MS makes my life very difficult.

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Guest guest

(Now without mistakes, I hope)Thank you for your response.   DHEA: the soy, I do not know where I've red that it is made from soy, it may be that I've misinterpreted it. The site that confused me is this one: http://www.sixwise.com/newsletters/05/06/15/wild-yam-why-its-not-recommended-for-progesterone-but-does-provide-eight- other-health-benefits.htm@Haifa, I do not know what to check, can you give me a more specific link?@, I am advised because of my adrenal fatigue. DHEA is not quite up to standard, much too low.@, will you tell me what brand you take?Am I doing OK by ordering this brand? http://www.vitanatural.net/en/viewpage/dhea-order-online-sale-21.html Perhaps it is not appropriate to ask you but I do it anyway. It sounds good in Dutch, and I want to start  quick because the MS makes my life very difficult.   Thanks for reading, Alice

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