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Re: All my love MYSTERY

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To Mystery (and others following this posting)...

I'm sorry to you also... I didn't mean to dump and jump on you (or

anyone else) either (I wrote that today before I left for the day)...

and I apologize for it. Honestly you (and my post) have been

on my mind all day. For me... I think it is important for all

of us to realize that we are all simply human, we have ups, we have

downs and sometimes... everything is NOT perfect... as it may appear on

the outside. Not only that... but most of us are all empathic... so

we are like sponges and feel all the pain and problems of the world,

which can weigh heavily on us... and we sometimes feel that helpless


I want you to know that I DO believe in an all loving God. What I

meant by "too late"... was in regard to my own timing with my own

problems, turmoils and at times depression and sadness. (Wondering

"What am I doing wrong?") What God (Spirit) wants and what I THINK I

want may not be the same thing... and maybe I just haven't come to that

realization yet. I say "what we call God"... because each individual

calls and views God as something different than another individual.

(Ex: Jehovah, Allah, Creator, Source, Universal Source, Universal

Love, Universal Intelligence, Great Spirit, Divine Goddess, etc, etc.)

I've been told and know (from experience) that we are not alone (as we

have guides, spirits and passed on loved ones all around us)... but do

I sometimes still feel so very alone because I can't see, hear or feel

them... YES.

I'm totally new to this group... and I've only posted a couple of

times... and I'm still not exactly sure just how this group works. I

completely LOVE the concept of Humanity Healing... I BELIEVE in it and

I think it is very much needed in society. (That is why I promote it

on my site so much!!) I am grateful and thankful for its existence and

all those who subscribe.... we can at least know and feel that we are

not alone in our caring for humanity and the planet.

I know for a fact I am a "wounded healer". (aren't we all?) The

first time I was told I was a healer... I thought this person was

nuts. I didn't know anything about the world of energy or spirit at

the time and was new to the entire concept of healer. I've learned

much since then... but still often wonder, "How does a wounded healer

heal?" Do I still have quite a ways to go to heal myself...

ABSOLUTELY! I know I do. (Can't you tell?!) I learn everyday from my

own mistakes and kick myself often... but I am also learning to love

and hug myself (give myself credit when I've taken the high road) even


I'm so sorry to hear that you too are also filled with sadness and

despair... I was thinking something totally different. (Funny how we

"assume" things of others sometimes.) I too will keep you in my

thoughts and prayers... and your daughter also. I have a 22 yr old

son that sounds very much like your daughter. I wish I could snap my

fingers and make his life better... but I can't. I understand that it

is HE who must work out his own inner turmoils for himself. Besides

guidance... there is not much I can do... although I try.

Again... I'm sorry for my own dumping of my problems in trying to

explain my position and why I worded my words. Maybe I didn't choose

them properly. I sometimes forget we have to be very careful with

written words... something written in text can be so quickly and EASILY

taken out of text because you cannot hear the person's tone of voice...

you cannot see their facial expressions or reactions to better

understand what message they are trying to convey.

I'm sending a BIG hearty HUG to you in my mind!! Please accept it!

Much love and hope to you too (all of you!)...

Kerrie Amatelli, Founder and President

Triple Your Heart® with Ripples of Love


P.O. Box 2550

Pawtucket, RI 02860




mystery688 wrote:


I apologize for my writing. It was not meant in harm to anyone...for I

love you all. I imagine, I came home from a totally devastating

evening, where the last words I heard on the phone, so I signed on to

read from here, was my daughter praying she go to sleep and not wake

up. My recent time has been filled with saddness and despair as well,

so I judge none of you for yours. I, too, am known as a healer, and I,

too, am just a helpless. However, I felt...it was ME. I alone was the

failure, and I needed more truth, more belief.....so perhaps I worded

myself too strongly when my last hope that I could think, was to

distract and come here to find strength. I assume what I found is that

for now, we are all just human. With compassion and love, doing what

we can for one another, but the Universal hit is so strong.....it has

not just knocked me, and all that I know for a loop...but those here as

well. May I pray with what little I have for us all, collectively and

Universally, to gain strength and love through one another, for, what

else is there? With love and gratitude for being part of the group,

and please forgive my writing during a time of my own sorrow and deep,

deep saddness. I was not blaming anyone, only questioning, as, as

aforementioned, I thought the weakness was only mine.

Much love and hope for all,



Original Message ----

From: C. W.R. <truenaturebeing >

Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2008 10:57:07 PM

Subject: Re: [] All my love

Frightened? I AM just wondering if you have ever heard/read of

*the wounded healer* or ever felt the expansion & contraction of

the psyche? May you be free from your fear. Cyndi

mystery688 <mystery688 (DOT) com> wrote:


am a bit frightened here. When the founder of a sight that says one

person can makae a difference write you are not alone in a thought of

negativity and say what we "call" God....and maybe it is too late?

What is happening and where is the positivity that is sent out into the

Universe for us all to be a piece of. This is scary!


Original Message ----

From: Kerrie Amatelli <Kerrie@RipplesofLov e.com>

Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2008 8:31:12 PM

Subject: Re: [] All my love

"The more I try to go forward the

more I am slammed

with one problem after another. This has

been going on for quite a

few months now.. I feel like I am drowning and can not get air. "

You are not alone! I think there are so many of us who feel the exact

same way!!!

Personally, I don't know how much harder I can pray to... what we call

God. Maybe it's too little too late?

Kerrie Amatelli, Founder and President

Triple Your Heart® with Ripples of Love


P.O. Box 2550

Pawtucket, RI 02860

Phone:1-401- 723-2241

Fax:1-401-723- 2352

http://www.RipplesO fLove..com

abrinaus wrote:

My love, light and prayers go out to each and every one of

you. I am

going to be going offline for awhile. Right now I do not know if I am

coming or going. The more I try to go forward the more I am slammed

with one problem after another. This has been going on for quite a

few months now. I feel like I am drowning and can not get air. I am

in a dark place right now and I need time to go within to figure out

what is going on and do what I am suppose to be doing to so I can

continue on my journey. The way I am right now is not helping me or

any one else. My thoughts and prayers will be with each of you.



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My dear!! Not to worry.. Forgiveness is in abundance here.. Not that

you need it.. We understand..

Things just don't flow correct.. or the vibrational energies can hit

and miss and screw things up in life..

As I sit writing this.. I see it just bouncing around all over.. and

who knows how it will land.. and who knows where.. OK i am out there..

So you might just say.. WT??? is she talking about.. and that's a good

thing.. HEE HEE

Love to you

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