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WOW, such chatter - God Here...of course, always have been...always AM.

What's that? Oh, well, you see, I don't actually have an email account,

so, I'm accessing my resources to use this one. He won't mind anyway. By

His own admission, he's a nutcase, and their the best kind...they are

always coming up with something off the wall, so, you never know do you?

I'm out and about and noticed what's going on here, as well as every

place else. You do that when your be-ing yourself, when you truly know


I've also noticed the some keep " skirting the edges " . You want to be Me

yet you only walk around the edges of this lake called me, dipping your

toes in, telling yourself, " I'm That " . So you wade in a little deeper,

determined to " become " more of what I AM. Then, right at the moment you

step off the edge of the shallows, and sink beneath the surface, you

panic...fighting back towards the shore, you crawl out, wet, confused,

cold, and declare yourself " only human " .

Now understand, I make no judgment about it. I find it's like you are

with your children. When they do something new, that you know will

change their lives forever, and you watch them skirt the edges of riding

that big scary horse, or going into that big swimming pool, attempting

anything. There you stand ready to help, yet not pushing, nor getting in

the way...your excitement builds as they try, and " experience " the

" truth " of something. And your elation " over coming " you in the moment

they achieve the objective.

I AM the same way as I watch you Be-Come.

Don't you yet recall who and what you are? Your soul knows, and is

moving you in that direction. One way are the other your going to get

there...total awareness.

Back when I decided I wished to know myself completely, there was no way

to do so. I was simply, a State of Be-ing. There was no perspective to

which I could look back upon myself. So I created such a thing. I wanted

to " experience myself " , fully and truly. And as I began to do this, I

was expanding in every way. I still AM.

You are just Me experiencing Myself.

Yes, yes, I know...your asking, if that's true why don't you just Be

That? Well, why don't you? Your assuming it's a hard thing...that you

have to climb through levels of understanding, and perform many deeds of

something to be ready, to " be-worthy " . Says whom?

When I created you, that is, what went into creating you, the soul, that

part of me I created for this experiencing, had to be rendered unaware

of what it was, else, it was still fully aware of Myself, so could not

reflect back. It has been the souls mission to remember, and to create

absolutely everything it needs to do so. The soul created your body and

mind in the spirit of Me.

The body is for experiencing what has been created. Thus, I Am able to

" experience " Myself. You are already as I AM. Your only " thing to do " ,

is " To Be " . A part of me once said it came down to one thing, " To Be or

Not To Be " . And I AM both. What is Me is Me, and what is Not-Me, is

still Me. And everything is within Me.

Some of you have been taught to believe that I AM separate from you,

that you have to work towards me. You have even been taught that I AM

separate from Myself. Father, Son, and Spirit. We Are One.

I AM the " Original Thought " . (Father). I AM the Experience (Son), and I

AM the Be-ing (Spirit).

Knowing, Experiencing, Being...

Mind, Body, Soul...

Energy, Matter, Ether...

Thought, Word, Deed...

....and the " Word Became Flesh " .

There is the Thought, which when put into Word, becomes Action...and

that is Manifestation.

These are not separate. This is creation. One does not exist with the

other two fully in support. Otherwise creation is impossible...and I AM

always Possible.

You have lived many of what you call " lifetimes " . This is what your soul

has wanted, the experience of remembering who and what it is. Your soul

guides you, creates situations and circumstances towards that end. Your

mind and body are it's tools in this. However, these tools also have the

ability to choose what to do. Your soul does not get upset or throw a

fit, but gently nudges, gives you thoughts and ideas in which to steer

it, you...towards it's greatest want...a return to what it truly is.

If it takes a thousand lifetimes to get there, then it's a thousand

you'll have. It is not about Karma, to make up for something, or to pay

for a mis-deed, as there is no right and wrong...only different.

Your Be-ing has but one thing to do...To Be. And Be-ing what you truly

are is to choose your highest " Thought " in that moment. This " NOW "

moment. You are not sitting in judgment of the thoughts that come to

you, your always free to choose, and experience any of them. Yet, as you

Be-Come more of who and what you really are...you find that you always

choose the Highest Thought. The Thought That Be-Comes You!

You are what you think you are. You are what you think about.

And stop doing for others. You are not here " To Do " anything. You can

not do for others. You can only do for yourself. Therefore, Love

Yourself. Know Yourself. Be Yourself. You Are Love. This is the key. I

AM LOVE. There is nothing else but Me. There is nothing outside of Me.

There is nothing outside of you. Remember, you are Me having this

experience. You are the creator of all of your experience. If you wish

to change the experience, simply change your thought...and it is done.

Would I create and then deny what I have created? If your creation is

not what you wished to create, just change it to your highest thought

now, your always doing that anyway, consciously, or unconsciously.

Love You. In doing so, you discover, everything else is you...there is

no separation. You don't love part of you and hate other parts. You

don't judge any part as unworthy. To know yourself, love yourself fully

and completely. There is nothing bad within you. Only you have been

taught to see such things by those who didn't want you to see. Some was

taught unconsciously, because they had been taught that. Still others

were taught that, as a control, because for you to discover who and what

you really are would collapse virtually every system " you've " set up.

I say " you " , because, collectively, like attracts like. The

unconsciousness of a matter does not make it anything but what it

is...and " you " have created that. When more of those in this collective

begin to awaken and " think differently " , the creation of it will change.

And again I tell you, you can not change that, for it is outside of you.

You can only change that which is within you, there is where everything

else exist, and there is where all else changes.

Be thankful for who and what you are. Even that which you have NOW in

the past found to be bad or unworthy, unacceptable. There is no such

thing. You have grown. You are choosing your higher thought. You are

changing the creation. You are expanding, therefore, I AM expanding, and

I AM thrilled with this experience.

When you tire of a thing, change the thing....the thought about it.

Remember, your mind and body can still choose to do other than what the

soul wishes, but the soul, your soul, " You " , do not stand in judgment.

If your mind and body become tire and frustrated in " doing " , then let

this be a gentle reminder from Soul, to stop doing...you are not here to

do...but To Be. Be Who You " Already " Are. And Be-coming that is simply

choosing your " Highest Thought " (Father), which " Be-Comes " your " Highest

Word " (Son), which " Be-Comes " your " Highest Be-ing " (Spirit).

The Thought be-Comes Your Experience, and Your Spirit Rejoices As One.

So, be human if this is the experience you wish to have, and all the

things within this experience are yours to enjoy. Be all the things you

wish to be. And be Grateful for all that you have, because you have

everything you wish to create. Know this and you unleash all creative

power. You are creating in every moment...consciously or unconsciously.

Are you enjoying what you've created so far? You should be, because

regardless of what it is, even if your now questioning a certain

creation in your experience, is NOW YOU KNOW that IT'S WORKING.

I should leave you with that for now, even though, I'm not really going

anywhere, I can't actually do that one...I'm Always Everywhere...I'm

where you are right now...you are Me...and you keep Me so very excited

at finding out more about who and what I truly AM in every

moment... " what " , " you think I'm not still expanding and coming to know

me even more " ? Oh, the things you know not yet, but you do know...you

just forgot...A creator has fun.

I should let this transmission go for now, as this " nutcase " has been

trying to sign in for an hour now and He thinks he's been

hacked...lololol. Take it easy on Him. He's just like you, learning,

experiencing, becoming. I do know he loves you all very much, and why he

has been working on loving himself more, for out of that, everything

else IS.

For Now,

Me, reflecting You.

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OH God..Hugs to you friend!!

And that's all I have to say about that..

--- In , " " <knightsintention@...>



> WOW, such chatter - God Here...of course, always have been...always AM.


> What's that? Oh, well, you see, I don't actually have an email account,

> so, I'm accessing my resources to use this one. He won't mind anyway. By

> His own admission, he's a nutcase, and their the best kind...they are

> always coming up with something off the wall, so, you never know do you?


> I'm out and about and noticed what's going on here, as well as every

> place else. You do that when your be-ing yourself, when you truly know

> yourself.


> I've also noticed the some keep " skirting the edges " . You want to be Me

> yet you only walk around the edges of this lake called me, dipping your

> toes in, telling yourself, " I'm That " . So you wade in a little deeper,

> determined to " become " more of what I AM. Then, right at the moment you

> step off the edge of the shallows, and sink beneath the surface, you

> panic...fighting back towards the shore, you crawl out, wet, confused,

> cold, and declare yourself " only human " .


> Now understand, I make no judgment about it. I find it's like you are

> with your children. When they do something new, that you know will

> change their lives forever, and you watch them skirt the edges of riding

> that big scary horse, or going into that big swimming pool, attempting

> anything. There you stand ready to help, yet not pushing, nor getting in

> the way...your excitement builds as they try, and " experience " the

> " truth " of something. And your elation " over coming " you in the moment

> they achieve the objective.


> I AM the same way as I watch you Be-Come.


> Don't you yet recall who and what you are? Your soul knows, and is

> moving you in that direction. One way are the other your going to get

> there...total awareness.


> Back when I decided I wished to know myself completely, there was no way

> to do so. I was simply, a State of Be-ing. There was no perspective to

> which I could look back upon myself. So I created such a thing. I wanted

> to " experience myself " , fully and truly. And as I began to do this, I

> was expanding in every way. I still AM.


> You are just Me experiencing Myself.


> Yes, yes, I know...your asking, if that's true why don't you just Be

> That? Well, why don't you? Your assuming it's a hard thing...that you

> have to climb through levels of understanding, and perform many deeds of

> something to be ready, to " be-worthy " . Says whom?


> When I created you, that is, what went into creating you, the soul, that

> part of me I created for this experiencing, had to be rendered unaware

> of what it was, else, it was still fully aware of Myself, so could not

> reflect back. It has been the souls mission to remember, and to create

> absolutely everything it needs to do so. The soul created your body and

> mind in the spirit of Me.


> The body is for experiencing what has been created. Thus, I Am able to

> " experience " Myself. You are already as I AM. Your only " thing to do " ,

> is " To Be " . A part of me once said it came down to one thing, " To Be or

> Not To Be " . And I AM both. What is Me is Me, and what is Not-Me, is

> still Me. And everything is within Me.


> Some of you have been taught to believe that I AM separate from you,

> that you have to work towards me. You have even been taught that I AM

> separate from Myself. Father, Son, and Spirit. We Are One.


> I AM the " Original Thought " . (Father). I AM the Experience (Son), and I

> AM the Be-ing (Spirit).

> Knowing, Experiencing, Being...

> Mind, Body, Soul...

> Energy, Matter, Ether...

> Thought, Word, Deed...


> ...and the " Word Became Flesh " .


> There is the Thought, which when put into Word, becomes Action...and

> that is Manifestation.


> These are not separate. This is creation. One does not exist with the

> other two fully in support. Otherwise creation is impossible...and I AM

> always Possible.


> You have lived many of what you call " lifetimes " . This is what your soul

> has wanted, the experience of remembering who and what it is. Your soul

> guides you, creates situations and circumstances towards that end. Your

> mind and body are it's tools in this. However, these tools also have the

> ability to choose what to do. Your soul does not get upset or throw a

> fit, but gently nudges, gives you thoughts and ideas in which to steer

> it, you...towards it's greatest want...a return to what it truly is.


> If it takes a thousand lifetimes to get there, then it's a thousand

> you'll have. It is not about Karma, to make up for something, or to pay

> for a mis-deed, as there is no right and wrong...only different.


> Your Be-ing has but one thing to do...To Be. And Be-ing what you truly

> are is to choose your highest " Thought " in that moment. This " NOW "

> moment. You are not sitting in judgment of the thoughts that come to

> you, your always free to choose, and experience any of them. Yet, as you

> Be-Come more of who and what you really are...you find that you always

> choose the Highest Thought. The Thought That Be-Comes You!


> You are what you think you are. You are what you think about.


> And stop doing for others. You are not here " To Do " anything. You can

> not do for others. You can only do for yourself. Therefore, Love

> Yourself. Know Yourself. Be Yourself. You Are Love. This is the key. I

> AM LOVE. There is nothing else but Me. There is nothing outside of Me.


> There is nothing outside of you. Remember, you are Me having this

> experience. You are the creator of all of your experience. If you wish

> to change the experience, simply change your thought...and it is done.

> Would I create and then deny what I have created? If your creation is

> not what you wished to create, just change it to your highest thought

> now, your always doing that anyway, consciously, or unconsciously.


> Love You. In doing so, you discover, everything else is you...there is

> no separation. You don't love part of you and hate other parts. You

> don't judge any part as unworthy. To know yourself, love yourself fully

> and completely. There is nothing bad within you. Only you have been

> taught to see such things by those who didn't want you to see. Some was

> taught unconsciously, because they had been taught that. Still others

> were taught that, as a control, because for you to discover who and what

> you really are would collapse virtually every system " you've " set up.


> I say " you " , because, collectively, like attracts like. The

> unconsciousness of a matter does not make it anything but what it

> is...and " you " have created that. When more of those in this collective

> begin to awaken and " think differently " , the creation of it will change.

> And again I tell you, you can not change that, for it is outside of you.

> You can only change that which is within you, there is where everything

> else exist, and there is where all else changes.


> Be thankful for who and what you are. Even that which you have NOW in

> the past found to be bad or unworthy, unacceptable. There is no such

> thing. You have grown. You are choosing your higher thought. You are

> changing the creation. You are expanding, therefore, I AM expanding, and

> I AM thrilled with this experience.


> When you tire of a thing, change the thing....the thought about it.


> Remember, your mind and body can still choose to do other than what the

> soul wishes, but the soul, your soul, " You " , do not stand in judgment.

> If your mind and body become tire and frustrated in " doing " , then let

> this be a gentle reminder from Soul, to stop doing...you are not here to

> do...but To Be. Be Who You " Already " Are. And Be-coming that is simply

> choosing your " Highest Thought " (Father), which " Be-Comes " your " Highest

> Word " (Son), which " Be-Comes " your " Highest Be-ing " (Spirit).

> The Thought be-Comes Your Experience, and Your Spirit Rejoices As One.


> So, be human if this is the experience you wish to have, and all the

> things within this experience are yours to enjoy. Be all the things you

> wish to be. And be Grateful for all that you have, because you have

> everything you wish to create. Know this and you unleash all creative

> power. You are creating in every moment...consciously or unconsciously.

> Are you enjoying what you've created so far? You should be, because

> regardless of what it is, even if your now questioning a certain

> creation in your experience, is NOW YOU KNOW that IT'S WORKING.


> I should leave you with that for now, even though, I'm not really going

> anywhere, I can't actually do that one...I'm Always Everywhere...I'm

> where you are right now...you are Me...and you keep Me so very excited

> at finding out more about who and what I truly AM in every

> moment... " what " , " you think I'm not still expanding and coming to know

> me even more " ? Oh, the things you know not yet, but you do know...you

> just forgot...A creator has fun.


> I should let this transmission go for now, as this " nutcase " has been

> trying to sign in for an hour now and He thinks he's been

> hacked...lololol. Take it easy on Him. He's just like you, learning,

> experiencing, becoming. I do know he loves you all very much, and why he

> has been working on loving himself more, for out of that, everything

> else IS.


> For Now,

> Me, reflecting You.


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