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WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON? Where is all that abundance?

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Thanks and Blessings ~Nita aka ~eerieStarSeeds Awakening~lei' WhiteRavenGreetings! Where

in the heck is all that abundance, those big waves of light, joy,

peace, and everything else that is supposed to have arrived in 2008,

the year of New Beginnings? Are you perhaps wondering… "New

beginnings…hah! What has happened now? Are things ever going to change?

When is my ship going to come in? I'm sorry I ever dared to hope that

the tide would ever turn! Every time I get my hopes up, they seem to

get dashed by yet more unpleasantness and disappointments!" "I

absolutely have no more left to give. My gas tank is empty, my battery

is dead, and I am overdone waiting to receive. I can no longer serve,

care, or even wade through masses of red tape, processes, or hoops to

jump through in order to get anywhere! I need help! I can't do this on

my own anymore! I am wiped out, burnt out and exhausted, and now I am

even getting cynical, angry, frustrated, impatient, edgy, grumpy, and

even a bit depressed…even to the point where I have become darn right

apathetic. I cannot go on like this for one more day! I have been

stretched to the limit, and there is nothing more left that can

stretch…this is just too much, especially after all I endured in 2007.

I want to go home now…" If you have had any of these

thoughts of late, you are not alone. The energies are building up and

setting up, and this is causing pressure, blow ups, and huge

bottlenecks that can make one feel claustrophobic, trapped with nowhere

to go, stressed, pressured, edgy, and very irritable. And in addition,

physical pressure can be felt as well in ways relating to being

bloated, having sinus pressure, intestinal distress, indigestion, and

nausea. We are under a pressure cooker now with these

built up energies all around, and manifestations of this pressure are

abounding. Here in the US news, there have been many mass shootings,

screaming matches, accusations, and temper tirades; all symptoms of

this building pressure. The current situation in Israel is yet another

example of the pressure build-up. During these surges of higher energy,

I usually receive a barrage of attacking and hostile e-mails and

letters from readers, and this time was no exception. The

opening has not yet been completely cleared for our mass entrance to

the higher realms, and we are thus being compressed and piled up at the

entrance. What a long labor in the birth canal it has been! Higher

vibrating energies have been held back from their true and rightful

place for awhile longer, and it can feel downright uncomfortable

indeed. Some have reached the turning point (notably at the eclipse of

the 7th or even before) and are more than ready, and others are still

aligning. Did 2007 do us in? Has there just been too

much challenge for our spirits to endure? Will we be able to recover?

Is it too late? When the new and the great entrance to a higher

vibrating reality is finally and completely opened, will we even care?

Have we given up? Is this current wait we are experiencing just too

much to endure? Well, here's the scoop. As is usually

the case, we are once again giving as many as possible plenty of time

to arrive in their new higher vibrating spaces. We always want to

embrace as much of the whole as possible, especially when this latest

and impending leap is going to be such a huge one. In this regard,

things are still being aligned (for me personally, I am oh so grateful

as Phil and I would never have been able to re-unite!). We

will be ever so thankful that we have waited. Waiting will affect much,

as it will allow so many more of our brothers and sisters to be with

us. Yes, there have been pivotal points along the way….planetary

alignments and such which have served to strengthen and assist with

this massive aligning process. Each new stepping stone is vitally

needed, as each earmark serves to strengthen and support the process. Underdogs

are beginning to rise to the surface and reign because they are more

aligned now with the higher energies, and the old or familiar

"household" energies are being usurped as these alignments progress

(unless, of course, they change as well and become aligned themselves).

As mentioned in the last energy alert, the Super Bowl here in the US

and the phenomenon with Barack Obama are examples of this more aligned

energy moving to the forefront. On Tuesday at the renowned Westminster

Kennel Club Dog Show, the second oldest continuously held sporting

competition in the United States, Uno, a two year old beagle, won best

in show. As the New York Times reported: "Beagle, a Breed Long Unsung,

Wins Best in Show… Snoopy would be pleased. His breed, long passed over

for glory, had finally triumphed." Energies which have

long been overlooked are now getting their due attention. And this

means that lightworkers, or those carrying the light, will finally get

their due or in other words, their time has finally come. For

our time to come, we need to really be clear about what it is that we

truly want…what we want from the deepest parts of our souls and from

our heart of hearts, because we will most assuredly receive it. Not

necessarily what we "think" is possible, but what it is that we really

and truly want…or what is the most in alignment with our true and

authentic selves. The highest vibrating parts of ourselves are what are

aligning now in a very natural and vitally important way. Are

we willing to let go of how we used to vibrate? Are we willing to let

go of who we thought we were? Are we willing to let go of the aspects

of ourselves that we needed in order to survive in the old world? Is it

finally safe for our original innocence to come out? Can we go back to

the pure and sensitive souls that we once were in our early childhood? In

the newly arriving higher realms we most certainly can. Once we are

aligned here, it can be darn right difficult to have to go back to the

old reality where we were in charge, where we had to monitor things,

where we had to protect ourselves, and where we had to be vigilant. In

the higher realms we are aligned with and wired for the paradise

energy. This is why we can no longer make things happen ourselves, why

we are exhausted from doing it all, and why we are so ready to receive

and even retire. We are ready to receive now because in

the higher realms reality, this is how it is. Things simply fall into

our laps, we need not do anything to get anything, and so forth. In

addition, our relationships are much more about companionship and joy,

with no corresponding issues. Just fun, laughter, peace, and bushels of

love! We are currently manifesting some of these things in bits and

pieces, but once the gates open all the way, we will be flooded with

the new reality of the higher realms. How long will

this re-aligning process continue? Personally, I do not know…and this

is the beauty of it. At our soul levels, we continue to have

"meetings," always concurring as a group with the plan and how it

should best unfold. And because of this, the grand plan is always open

for change, surprises, and never ending miracles! When enough have been

given the opportunity to "choose" or to align, and consequently done

so, then a shift in energy or an energy "break" will occur, and the

gates to heaven will open, releasing the bottleneck we are now feeling

as many who are now ready are being jammed up at the gate….and darn

right frustrated! And it is always best to have these pivotal moments

coincide with planetary alignments or celestial events, as they greatly

serve to support or carry these energies through. They are great

vehicles indeed. March will be pivotal with the

equinox, as each consecutive equinox usually serves to be more powerful

than the preceding one. But no one will know for sure until the time is

right. It can be frustrating and strange feeling that

the "new" is perhaps not yet here. And we are craving the new as we are

now aligned with it. We cannot go back…it can feel downright awful when

we have to engage in or still be a part of the old. Feelings of

depression can result, as we may feel stuck, disappointed, held back,

in the wrong place, or perhaps even tired of waiting and we may not

even know why we are so crabby, weary, or deflated! We

have waited a very long time for this very new beginning to arrive, and

in order to do it right and with integrity, and assure that as many are

on board as possible, we must wait a bit longer. We will be oh so glad

that we did!www.whatsuponplanetearth.com Wishing you heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life in these miraculous times... Until next time,

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