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Prayer or Blessing Request

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Hello Dearhearts, A friend on myspace posted this prayer request and I answered. Please help us to bring peace and healing to this wonderful person who cares for all creatures, great and small. Thank You, in advance, and much Love and many blessings to every single one of you and this group as "ONE". Mark My dear friend Pita, in Florida, is having it rough right now thanks to some very troublesome neighbors. She has lost 9 goats in less than a month, now has a horse, Quest, who is blind in one eye thanks to a beebee gun shot, comes home just about every day to find her dogs out of their pens & running loose (the nice ones anyways). She has found busted up beer bottles that have been deliberately thrown & broken onto her horse pasture, she has had to move her hay to the opposite side of the property because these same people continue to allow their dogs to piss on the hay and right now her

horse, Buster, has been stricken ill to the point of too weak to walk, gums very white...he may have been poisoned. The vet has already been out and taken blood and the results will come back tomorrow.She has called the cops on numerous occasions to no avail. Because she has no proof, since this is all happening while she is at work, the cops keep telling her there is nothing that can be done about these people. These people are not even staying on the property next door legally, to her understanding, they are squatters. The mother claims to have been a "witch" and there are about 6 or 7 kids staying with her, not all of them hers. The mother and the kids are all very angry & malicious people.Would you please do what you can to keep Pita in your prayers and send as much energy her way for healing, safety & protection as possible.Many Thanks,~Earthmama

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