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Re: Observation

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I get my shots every 4 weeks, and self-administer. I get two shots

at a time for a total of 300 mg.

I have had a tough summer, too, with a lot of sinus problems and

chest congestion lately. Haven't had to rely on extra prednisone (I

take 10 mg every other day), and usually a shot of albuterol or

xopenex will clear me up for the rest of the day.

Right now I'm taking sudafed to try to clear up the sinuses. My

sinuses have been so bad for so long that most of the time I have no

sense of smell. Actually not a horrible side-affect right now since

I am changing a lot of diapers these days ha ha.

By the time I get to my xolair shots, I am ready. My allergy

symptoms clear up right away after the shot (within hours), and then

start to increase as I get towards the end of the 4 weeks. I also

notice that after I give my allergy shots I feel pretty good for a

day or two, and then start to deteriorate.

In either case, I am still nowhere near the asthma levels I was at

this time last year (pre-xolair).

I asked my doctor (and others) if it would be better to split the

shots up and do them every two weeks. Nobody could give me a good

answer. I might try it this time, since I am doing the shots

myself. Any ideas would be appreciated.



> I have been on this list for a couple of months now but just now

felt the

> need to post. I am supposed to self inject my Xolair every other

week. This

> happens to be a Thursday in my case, well, because of several

events I

> wasn't able to give myself shots until early Wednesday morning. I

had a sore

> throat and some allergy symptoms prior to the injections. As soon

as I gave

> myself my third shot, whether by placebo or Xolair, I felt my sore


> begin to subside. Hopefully it will be negated by the late morning.




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In my case I give myself the maximum injection every other week. If you are

taking the max only once a month there is probably no need to split it up.

You may want to carefully read over a Xolair dosing chart to fully

understand this. I am writing this during a small break I have so I can't be

as thorough as I would like.

-----Original Message-----

From: grw1177 [mailto:grw1177@...]

Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2004 10:18 AM

Subject: [ ] Re: Observation

I get my shots every 4 weeks, and self-administer. I get two shots

at a time for a total of 300 mg.

I have had a tough summer, too, with a lot of sinus problems and

chest congestion lately. Haven't had to rely on extra prednisone (I

take 10 mg every other day), and usually a shot of albuterol or

xopenex will clear me up for the rest of the day.

Right now I'm taking sudafed to try to clear up the sinuses. My

sinuses have been so bad for so long that most of the time I have no

sense of smell. Actually not a horrible side-affect right now since

I am changing a lot of diapers these days ha ha.

By the time I get to my xolair shots, I am ready. My allergy

symptoms clear up right away after the shot (within hours), and then

start to increase as I get towards the end of the 4 weeks. I also

notice that after I give my allergy shots I feel pretty good for a

day or two, and then start to deteriorate.

In either case, I am still nowhere near the asthma levels I was at

this time last year (pre-xolair).

I asked my doctor (and others) if it would be better to split the

shots up and do them every two weeks. Nobody could give me a good

answer. I might try it this time, since I am doing the shots

myself. Any ideas would be appreciated.



> I have been on this list for a couple of months now but just now

felt the

> need to post. I am supposed to self inject my Xolair every other

week. This

> happens to be a Thursday in my case, well, because of several

events I

> wasn't able to give myself shots until early Wednesday morning. I

had a sore

> throat and some allergy symptoms prior to the injections. As soon

as I gave

> myself my third shot, whether by placebo or Xolair, I felt my sore


> begin to subside. Hopefully it will be negated by the late morning.




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welcome to the group and thanks for your posts! (Doug usually does

that part but he's away until tomorrow.)

I get three shots every 2 weeks.

Take care all,


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I get three shots every two weeks.

I've had AMAZING improvement. No more asthma, but also no more

allergy triggered sinus infections. I haven't had antibiotics since

Christmas. I haven't had hardly any prednisone in that time. I

haven't used an inhaler since I can't remember when. I still need

Claritin about every day but that's it.


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  • 3 years later...

Hi Darla,

You said a mouth full.

I am split on this in both beleifs and just how my consciousness.

One set of rules I was taught was on the Law of Fair Energy Exchange

or FEE.

Agreeing with what is Fair...fair for a certain income bracket and

tough for the others.

You will hear one group scream...oh you have a poverty consciousness.

If their prices cant be met.

Who has a bigger poverty consciousness the one interested in learning

more and have only so much money, or the ones who charge the bigger

fee, because they " dont have a poverty consciousness " is their excuse

for higher pricing.

Why cant there be a sliding scale and teach everyone interested and not

just those with a few bucks to spare.

Thats my speal...bottom line I agree with you Darla.



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I use to say this about the deal with all the real estate programs

that were going around. You know the ones, " No Credit, No Cash, Become

A Real Estate Millionaire " , etc... etc...

Now, if I could just lay my hands on an [extra] " 500.00 at a time, " I "

could do wonderous things for myself, and the family. I didn't care if

I made millions, heck, let me do the " first one " .

I never did afford to buy those, until later on when I spotted one or

the other at some yard sales for a few bucks...lol. What a find.

However, I did cram my head full of " how to's " and " don't do's " , and

after all of it...still haven't made millions, and only used some of

the stuff to swing a few homes we've lived in from time to time.

I'm a sucker for " knowledge " anyway...got so much of it now, I'll give

ya all of it...so I've got room for more...lol.

At any rate... " giving is receiving " . And I've been one to see how this

works on many levels.

When it comes to " services " in such areas as mentioned...there has

been a lot of talk about what to do. Do you " give " to all who need it

and hope the universe gives back to you? Absolutely Not! Your gonna

stare that way.

But " note " what I just said. You can't " hope " the universe does

anything...your going to keep right on hoping. Giving-IS-Receiving.

The more generous you are in the giving, without expectation

whatsoever, the more you will see this revealed as true.

You are giving of yourself the very best you have to do with, and

because you are really giving to " yourself " [all others are just you

in different forms], the universe is merely the " conduit " or

" network " . And since you have freely given to yourself in such a

loving way, you ARE RECEIVING the very same thing in return...what's

to " expect " ?

Now, before you puzzle over that, it is not always the same thing that

you receive that you gave. IT CHANGES IT's FOR!

What??? It changes into THE FORM that YOU DESIRE.

You may have desire for more knowledge, or treatment, or cash, or a

home...whatever. You give money, time, teaching, a shoulder, an ear,

you get the point...and in that, all you have to do is watch for and

" already know " that you have given yourself exactly what you need, in

the forms you have need for.

Stop expecting, stop wanting, stop hoping...Just Stop.


Now....ok, how does that feed a " lightworker " or other who gives of

time, teaching, lessons, materials, treatments, and the like? You just

read the above didn't you? Ok, good....You give of your time and teach

and treat so that you receive in good measure.

It's ok to charge for services...even a lot. Whatever you feel it's

worth...but always make sure your giving MORE than it's worth. You

want to be " over-flowing " ...so your return is in the same like manner.

And, from one who tried to come up with a number of ways to get a real

estate course I wanted bad enough, ASK! Simply ask the universe,

yourself....and ask those who what what you desire....EXACTLY what it

is you desire. So, if it's about a course in Reiki....maybe it's that

they welcome your asking and GIVE it to you. Or, they have an

alternate free version to get you started. maybe your referred to

someone who gives free Reiki lessons. The point is to ASK. " Ask &

Receive " .

If I can use an example...I started a wesite...a social networking

site, not unlike MySpace, Yuwie, and others, but more streamlined

towards those with ideas in mind, body, spirit, plus, alternative and

earth friendly ideas. What made me do that? I already had profiles and

pages, blogs and journals, sharing lots of information.

To Do What Was In " My Power " To Do.

Already we're receiving lots of traffic to just check it out. I admit,

I'm still running some tests and adding scripts, and will be for

awhile, but it's up and running...and LIVE.

As I slowly watch my bandwidth climb out of site, and ever so often

the space increases as things are added on. I'll have to increase

these often as it gets more active. Not to mention perhaps adding on

some back-end support. I expect to become pretty big huh? " You Betcha " !

I'm giving what I have to give in the best way I can, and I already

know I'll receive what it is I need in whatever forms as we go. Simple

as that. And, if I have to....I can ASK.

Now, since I did little to cover whatever this post was about to begin

with, I'll duck and cover....






--- In , " Peace " <iampeacewalker@...>



> Hi Darla,

> You said a mouth full.

> I am split on this in both beleifs and just how my consciousness.

> One set of rules I was taught was on the Law of Fair Energy Exchange

> or FEE.

> Agreeing with what is Fair...fair for a certain income bracket and

> tough for the others.

> You will hear one group scream...oh you have a poverty consciousness.

> If their prices cant be met.

> Who has a bigger poverty consciousness the one interested in learning

> more and have only so much money, or the ones who charge the bigger

> fee, because they " dont have a poverty consciousness " is their excuse

> for higher pricing.

> Why cant there be a sliding scale and teach everyone interested and not

> just those with a few bucks to spare.

> Thats my speal...bottom line I agree with you Darla.

> Blessings,

> Peace


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Hi Peace,Thank you and I know exactly what you are talking about. I was also taught about the Law of Fair Energy Exchange by my 1st Reiki Instructor. I was preached to about how to complete the circle of exchange, that money must be exchanged and the value must be high so the student appreciates what they are receiving and also so only the people who truly desire and deserve can attain it. I was lectured far and wide(from total strangers) when I offered my services free, that the circle could not complete and how I was undermining everyone else by practicing this way. To me the ones who preach poverty consciousness are greedy. Because any kind of exchange of energy whether it be bartering, money, what have you would be an exchange of energy which would allow the circle to keep flowing. It has nothing to do with completing the circle. Not all people who are in poverty are their because of their mindset. They are their because of

lifes lessons that are to be learned, explored or garnered. Or maybe just plain bad choices or circumstances. I have never considered myself poor or to have a poverty consciousness. I am rich with happiness, love of myself and others, friends and family, food and shelter and the list goes on. I am not materialistic. Money can not buy the important things in life. To me, we are here to help one another become one. So where does money even come into Oneness? In the days to come money will not be in play, so where will that leave the ones who call themselves healers, spiritualist, etc. when they have already closed the doors on so many people who could have greatly benefited from their true experiences. I have met alot of awesome people on my journeys of discovery and have met just as many people who claim to be one thing, but on the inside they are not what they claim. My goal in life is

to open a Holistic Center to cater to all walks of life. Not just the well off. And with the help of the Universe and others who feel as I do, this will be accomplished. I apologize for my ramblings. BlessingsDarla Peace <iampeacewalker@...> wrote: Hi Darla, You said a mouth full. I am split on this in both beleifs and just how my consciousness. One set of rules I was taught was on the Law of Fair Energy Exchange or FEE. Agreeing with what is Fair...fair for a certain income bracket and

tough for the others. You will hear one group scream...oh you have a poverty consciousness. If their prices cant be met. Who has a bigger poverty consciousness the one interested in learning more and have only so much money, or the ones who charge the bigger fee, because they "dont have a poverty consciousness" is their excuse for higher pricing. Why cant there be a sliding scale and teach everyone interested and not just those with a few bucks to spare. Thats my speal...bottom line I agree with you Darla. Blessings, Peace

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Hi ,Thanks for your reply. But I think you missed the whole point. I was not and have never expected people to give away their time and energy. My purpose is to learn as much as possible because one I have always had this undieing thirst for knowledge of healing and two I have always felt this need to help others. The whole point is about helping each other so we can also help the planet and the lost souls. Yes, we have to be able to make a living. BUT, at what cost. I have met supposed lightworkers who preach about materials things being bad and they charge $300 a hour for a session, live in a $500,000 home and new cars every year in the driveway. They never barter or do sliding scale. If I wanted to get rich, I would have stayed in the church. But again as I have said before this is about helping people who really need the help or knowledge. BlessingsDarla

<knightsintention@...> wrote: I use to say this about the deal with all the real estate programs that were going around. You know the ones, "No Credit, No Cash, Become A Real Estate Millionaire", etc... etc... Now, if I could just lay my hands on an [extra] "500.00 at a time, "I" could do wonderous things for myself, and the family. I didn't care if I made millions, heck, let me do the "first one". I never did afford to buy those, until later on when I spotted one or the other at some yard sales for a few bucks...lol. What a

find. However, I did cram my head full of "how to's" and "don't do's", and after all of it...still haven't made millions, and only used some of the stuff to swing a few homes we've lived in from time to time. I'm a sucker for "knowledge" anyway...got so much of it now, I'll give ya all of it...so I've got room for more...lol. At any rate..."giving is receiving". And I've been one to see how this works on many levels. When it comes to "services" in such areas as mentioned...there has been a lot of talk about what to do. Do you "give" to all who need it and hope the universe gives back to you? Absolutely Not! Your gonna stare that way. But "note" what I just said. You can't "hope" the universe does anything...your going to keep right on hoping. Giving-IS-Receiving. The more generous you are in the giving, without expectation whatsoever, the more you will see this revealed as

true. You are giving of yourself the very best you have to do with, and because you are really giving to "yourself" [all others are just you in different forms], the universe is merely the "conduit" or "network". And since you have freely given to yourself in such a loving way, you ARE RECEIVING the very same thing in return...what's to "expect"? Now, before you puzzle over that, it is not always the same thing that you receive that you gave. IT CHANGES IT's FOR! What??? It changes into THE FORM that YOU DESIRE. You may have desire for more knowledge, or treatment, or cash, or a home...whatever. You give money, time, teaching, a shoulder, an ear, you get the point...and in that, all you have to do is watch for and "already know" that you have given yourself exactly what you need, in the forms you have need for. Stop expecting, stop wanting, stop hoping...Just Stop.

Giving-IS-Receiving! Now....ok, how does that feed a "lightworker" or other who gives of time, teaching, lessons, materials, treatments, and the like? You just read the above didn't you? Ok, good....You give of your time and teach and treat so that you receive in good measure. It's ok to charge for services...even a lot. Whatever you feel it's worth...but always make sure your giving MORE than it's worth. You want to be "over-flowing"...so your return is in the same like manner. And, from one who tried to come up with a number of ways to get a real estate course I wanted bad enough, ASK! Simply ask the universe, yourself....and ask those who what what you desire....EXACTLY what it is you desire. So, if it's about a course in Reiki....maybe it's that they welcome your asking and GIVE it to you. Or, they have an alternate free version to get you started. maybe your referred to someone who

gives free Reiki lessons. The point is to ASK. "Ask & Receive". If I can use an example...I started a wesite...a social networking site, not unlike MySpace, Yuwie, and others, but more streamlined towards those with ideas in mind, body, spirit, plus, alternative and earth friendly ideas. What made me do that? I already had profiles and pages, blogs and journals, sharing lots of information. To Do What Was In "My Power" To Do. Already we're receiving lots of traffic to just check it out. I admit, I'm still running some tests and adding scripts, and will be for awhile, but it's up and running...and LIVE. As I slowly watch my bandwidth climb out of site, and ever so often the space increases as things are added on. I'll have to increase these often as it gets more active. Not to mention perhaps adding on some back-end support. I expect to become pretty big huh? "You Betcha"! I'm giving

what I have to give in the best way I can, and I already know I'll receive what it is I need in whatever forms as we go. Simple as that. And, if I have to....I can ASK. Now, since I did little to cover whatever this post was about to begin with, I'll duck and cover.... Me~ http://myspace.com/knightsintent http://intentionalone.com/intent4knight http://intentionalone.com/community/knightsintent http://intentionalone.com > > Hi Darla, > You said a mouth full. > I am split on this in both beleifs

and just how my consciousness. > One set of rules I was taught was on the Law of Fair Energy Exchange > or FEE. > Agreeing with what is Fair...fair for a certain income bracket and > tough for the others. > You will hear one group scream...oh you have a poverty consciousness. > If their prices cant be met. > Who has a bigger poverty consciousness the one interested in learning > more and have only so much money, or the ones who charge the bigger > fee, because they "dont have a poverty consciousness" is their excuse > for higher pricing. > Why cant there be a sliding scale and teach everyone interested and not > just those with a few bucks to spare. > Thats my speal...bottom line I agree with you Darla. > Blessings, > Peace >

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You could be right, I miss the point often...and your right, there are

those who have turned " helping " into big enterprises, perhaps missing

the point to why they started in the first place....I actually know

few who reach those kinds of levels, and who am I to judge them one

way or another?

Your right, there should be some kind of sliding scale in such things

for those coming to learn and grow, who find that such path or mentor,

teaching, lessons, or treatment would help them further down the path.

But what I meant by the asking and receiving, was that those who would

fit the bill for doing these very things tend to show up more often if

we have decided this is the way to go.

Maybe a bad example, but if you go to Wal-Mart you know you can get a

color TV for, let's say, $500.00. However, if I have decided that I

really want a nice TV but don't have that kind of money, I'll bet that

I can locate one at a pawn shop, or in the paper, or down the street

for much less and be just as good, perhaps better than " what I was

expecting " . Maybe even barter for it. First of all...I had to have

wanted it, ask for it, and decided I would have it, somehow.

Of course, your right...this is not about getting rich. It's about

helping others...and that is our greatest joy, strength, and drive.

It's never about the money...insofar as getting rich or living " beyond

the rest " . We do wish to be comfortable in the helping so our focus is

where it should be.

To be sure, not everyone who has " made it big " in helping others, is

in it for the money either, it's just what happened. I'd imagine the

universe has bigger plans in order for them to help on large scales. A

lot of us who do these things, rejoice in the one we help, not in how

many or how much, and a good portion of those, certainly for no money.

The real bottom line is...you don't need anyone else in order to learn

or grow or become a teacher, except yourself. To help others is the

best thing to do for yourself. It comes back to you many fold...to

help yourself alone is to be always faced with what is. Just You.

And by the way, knowledge is what I eat and drink...the thirst is

always unsatisfied, so I keep on...which only revises what I assume to

know so far. And in doing that, I've discovered tons of courses,

lessons and learning...that have been completely free...and many for

very little. I'll have to look back over my notes and links, so much

going on, but I'll post them...classes for everything...I just

finished yet another Reiki course.

Do I claim to know Reiki, or offer it in some way...no, still

learning, will continue to...as well as all the other lessons.

But like the real estate courses I took...and the books I wanted so

bad at one time...they were not the tell all, be all that would have

satisfied me. Most of what I did learn from all of it I found free

online combing forums and websites.

There's a real tip...don't use search engines to find stuff without

putting " forums " as your first word. There's where the pluses,

minuses, the good, the bad, the referrals, the " bottom lines " are. And

join the ones that interest you. It's great networking, and they love

being ASK stuff.

With Love,


> >

> > Hi Darla,

> > You said a mouth full.

> > I am split on this in both beleifs and just how my consciousness.

> > One set of rules I was taught was on the Law of Fair Energy Exchange

> > or FEE.

> > Agreeing with what is Fair...fair for a certain income bracket and

> > tough for the others.

> > You will hear one group scream...oh you have a poverty consciousness.

> > If their prices cant be met.

> > Who has a bigger poverty consciousness the one interested in


> > more and have only so much money, or the ones who charge the bigger

> > fee, because they " dont have a poverty consciousness " is their


> > for higher pricing.

> > Why cant there be a sliding scale and teach everyone interested

and not

> > just those with a few bucks to spare.

> > Thats my speal...bottom line I agree with you Darla.

> > Blessings,

> > Peace

> >


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I think back in the old days, when there was no " concept " of money,

and instead the only way to make a fair exchange for goods and

services was to offer some of the same, there was less room for any

psychological elements to become attached to the exchange.

you have potatoes, you give me potatoes, and then i notice that you

need tomatoes and i offer you some.

it feels good to be able to offer you tomatoes when you need them, out

of gratitude for enjoying the potatoes that i made use of that i took

from you when i really needed it.

this sounds innocent.

money on the other hand is an abstraction..... psychologically speaking.

" i have thousands of tomatoes in my backyard " is not psychologically

something that can serve as an impressive status symbol (either to

identify with or to identify with a lack of it) it is not impressive


i renounced a backyard full of tomatoes in service of the Lord ???

Not impressive even as a spiritual renunciation. On the other hand, I

renounced great wealth in service of Spirit is impressive and

gratifying to the ego :)

The more abstract my renunciation, the more gratifying it becomes to

the ego. fame is even more abstract than wealth, even more

" intangible " and therefore, to renounce this (or equivalently be

unaffected by humiliation, someone else's condemnation and so on) is

even more gratifying. The moment there is gratification no matter how

noble one's intentions may be, the assertion of it's nobility makes

for pride, which in turn lends it's energy to the separate self.

sacrifice, therefore, is psychologically just the flip side of

conventional selfishness. it serves to make one " great " in a very

subtle way (for instance: I am a great servant of the divine - i

charge nothing for my healings - this can become unknowingly and

surreptitiously the undercurrent of my whole self-image as related to

the healings - this may not become visible / observable when smiling

faces surround me, full of gratitude - but the moment there may be a

break / discontinuity in the status quo of my relationship with the

ones i helped, this may come out in the form of: " i did so much, got

nothing in return and so on " - one may then recover oneself from this

chain of thoughts - but the fact that such thoughts may have arisen

even for a split second may, if one is sharply observing oneself,

expose this undercurrent of " greatness " as a FREE and ever so humble

service provider in the name of the Divine)

Subtle pride comes in ever so silently from the back door, unnoticed

by oneself very often - and it for this reason that in the tradition

of Reiki, healers are advised to take some exchange in some form for

the healings, especially if the healings are provided continually to

one person, so as to destroy the possibility of any form of

psychological subtle accumulation as to one's greatness as a healer in

terms of self-image.

just some thoughts.





> You said a mouth full.

> I am split on this in both beleifs and just how my consciousness.

> One set of rules I was taught was on the Law of Fair Energy Exchange

> or FEE.

> Agreeing with what is Fair...fair for a certain income bracket and

> tough for the others.

> You will hear one group scream...oh you have a poverty consciousness.

> If their prices cant be met.

> Who has a bigger poverty consciousness the one interested in learning

> more and have only so much money, or the ones who charge the bigger

> fee, because they " dont have a poverty consciousness " is their excuse

> for higher pricing.

> Why cant there be a sliding scale and teach everyone interested and


> just those with a few bucks to spare.

> Thats my speal...bottom line I agree with you Darla.

> Blessings,

> Peace


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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

I didn't know what ATP co-factors were, so I googled them and found the following description of one company's product.  The last sentence of the quote is particularly interesting and maybe describes your situation...

" ATP Cofactors is a combination of Vitamins B2 and B3. These two essential vitamins are combined into a sustained release formula that makes them available to the body for about 24 hrs. These vitamins are the precursors for FADH2 and NADH, the cofactors required to produce ATP, the high energy molecule which is the body’s metabolic fuel. These cofactors play an important role in the oxidation and transport of iodide to tissues (thyroid, muscle, ovary, breast, etc.). "

RobinOn Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 8:56 AM, Donna Iler <Donna@...> wrote:

I have been taking Iodoral since

last summer, 50 mg, along with the supporting nutrients except the ATP

co-factors and L-Tyrosine. I was taking a good multiple, so wasn’t so

worried about the co-factors. But while I was feeling better, I wasn’t

detoxing, wasn’t making more progress. I upped my Iodoral to 75 mg, and

didn’t see any difference. I dropped back to 50 mg since I wasn’t

seeing any difference.


In the past month I got the ATP co-factors, and since I have

started taking them, I am itchy! I think they were the key for me to start me

detoxing. I thought maybe it was a change of scent in our laundry detergent,

but I see that on the days I take Iodoral, I am itchy, but on the days I

forget, I am not itchy.


So this seems to be a key for me to get me moving. Now if I

could only start losing weight instead of still putting it on!


Donna in IL

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Guest guest

Swanson's Vitamins online has an herbal Ultimate Liver Clease that you take for

a month. Not sure how much the Metagenics is, but Swanson's is not expensive.



> I am very itchy too at times, particularly hands and feet! I keep

> looking at the metagenics ultra clear liver cleanse, but it seems so

> expensive, and I already take so many of the vitamins in it. is it worth

> the $$ and why?

> gracia


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