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The Holographic World, Part 3 By DL Zeta

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The Holographic World, Part Three

Creating Inner Peace and Unity

As we have said in our two previous

discussions, it is the fragmenting within individuals that creates a fragmented

world. A fragmented world, like a fragmented individual, is divided

against itself, each part separate from the whole.

Fragmenting results in a great loss

at all levels. In the world, it results in wars, violence, separation,

hatred and cruelty. In the individual, it results in troubled or "toxic"

emotions, inability to learn life's lessons and grow, inability to create and

maintain healthy relationships, and ultimately, disease and death.

We have outlined the root causes of

fragmenting -- the "sacred" wound each individual suffers at some

point in their life, usually early in childhood. This childhood wound is

"implanted" in consciousness in much the same way grains of sand are

placed inside oysters: it is the grain of sand that in time yields the

pearl. This is why the pearl is so highly valued in your world. It

represents the journey of transformation each being comes here to undertake:

the unification of Heaven and Earth.

As each individual attempts to heal

the wound within themselves, they experiment with different approaches.

The true healing they are seeking is to unite with their spirit. The

wound from this perspective is created to set a person on a journey to seek

answers. It may seem the answers they are seeking are entirely related to

the life issues they face, but these are only the "window dressing"

so to speak. If, for example, a person suffers from serious illness early

in life and must find healing for this illness, this is the shape their journey

will take. They may try many healing modalities, and each may help to some

degree. However, if the person persists, continuing to ask questions and

turning corners, sooner or later they will stand face-to-face with themselves

looking into the loving eyes of their higher self. It is within this

moment that Heaven and Earth join hands and are united. This is the moment

when the person seeking healing for their illness finds the healing they have

been seeking.

Regardless of the nature of your

sacred wound, regardless of the journey you have traveled to find healing for

this wound, if you persist in your quest, it will bring into the place where

your spirit resides. In this place, answers to all questions are found.

Seeing the World through the Eyes of


Once you arrive at this meeting

place with your self, you will join forces and begin working hand-in-hand to heal

your life. In every moment of every day, your higher self will bring your

attention to circumstances in your life. As you turn your attention to

these circumstances, you will see them through the eyes of your higher

self. Even though you have viewed the same circumstances many, many

times, you will see them differently through the eyes of spirit. This is

what has been referred to as "removing veils." When you unite

with your spirit, you walk through each step of your life hand-in-hand with

your higher self. Every moment takes on a brighter glow as you "see

through" old veneers. The things that once troubled you fall away. You

become freer, more loving.

This is also what is meant by

"expanding awareness." Awareness is not only seeing but knowing

what you see at all levels. When you join with your higher self in the journey

of life, you are able to look at a person in your life and see this person

standing before you as you have never seen them before. You will

"see through" personality layerings to the soul's desires that lie

beneath them. Beyond this, you will bring your spiritual awareness to

your connection with this person and you will know the path you have walked

together through time. You will know what lessons you are learning together

now and the shape of your future sharing.

It is easy to see how joining with

your spirit and seeing your world through the eyes of spirit releases any

lingering illusions of separation you may hold. When you see each

person's soul, when you see your connection with each person in terms of life's

lessons you are sharing, it is impossible to hold this person in a place of

anger and resentment.

When you see through the illusion,

you see only love. Love is all that exists outside the illusion.

Because your relationship

to others is holographic to your relationship with your self, each person you

"see" with the eyes of your spirit reflects a part of your self you

now see clearly in a place of love.

To assist you in gaining mastery in

seeing through the illusion, spirit will continue to walk you through many

situations. In this way, you are able to come quickly to a place of loving each

part of your self and each person you meet, You will always be subject to the

illusion, but each time you see through some aspect of it, you become less

susceptible. As you become more adept at seeing the world through the

eyes of spirit, you will find "shorthand" methods of moving from

illusion to clarity. You may ask why it is that you do not remain in a place

of clarity. Once you learn to consciously step past illusion, you will

find yourself in a place of clarity much of the time. However, there are

spiritual reasons why you may exist within the illusion for periods of

time. It is enough to know for now that you can consciously choose to

step free of the illusion at any moment. We will describe for you a simple


Energizing Timeline Realities

It is important to understand and

embrace that each possibility you perceive in your life is a reality that

already exists within your field of potentialities. Once you have already

experienced realities of great clarity that exist beyond illusion, you know the

feeling state and perspective of this reality. Any time you find yourself

operating within the illusion, you can choose to align with the feeling state

of clarity that exists beyond illusion and set your intention to shift within

the moment to the timeline where you are free of illusion.

Even if you feel you have not

entirely experienced total clarity in the past, you can align your feeling

state with the highest level of clarity you have accessed to energize the

timeline where you are free of illusion. It is this process of uniting

with your higher self, continuing to ask questions and persisting in moving

toward wholeness that brings you to a place of inner peace and unity. Once you

have created unity within your self, healing the chasm of your sacred wound,

you are ready to radiate this wholeness out to the world. We will explain

in our next discussion how it is that the whole person is able to help create

wholeness and oneness in the world.

For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org

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