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Goodmorning ~Happy New Year to you both with love:

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Rogene,We're all lucky that it was only a small clot. I can't even imagine if something were to happen to you. I'm in shock. You know how certain people you feel are invincible? That's how I think of you.Ballerina Re: Re: Goodmorning ~Happy New Year to you both with love:

PE - Pulmonary Embolism - in my case, a small blood clot traveled from my leg, through my heart, to my lungs. Lea has had much more serious PE's . . some of hers were apparently silicone.

It can be fatal . . . I was lucky that it was only a small clot, that my arteries are clear, that it dissolved quickly and that it didn't do any damage.


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Rogene,We're all lucky that it was only a small clot. I can't even imagine if something were to happen to you. I'm in shock. You know how certain people you feel are invincible? That's how I think of you.Ballerina Re: Re: Goodmorning ~Happy New Year to you both with love:

PE - Pulmonary Embolism - in my case, a small blood clot traveled from my leg, through my heart, to my lungs. Lea has had much more serious PE's . . some of hers were apparently silicone.

It can be fatal . . . I was lucky that it was only a small clot, that my arteries are clear, that it dissolved quickly and that it didn't do any damage.


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Hi Rogene,

i am so happy to hear that everything is ok. If you dont mind me

asking did you know thats what it was or did the hospital find it?

What made you decide to go to the hospital?


> PE - Pulmonary Embolism - in my case, a small blood clot traveled

from my leg, through my heart, to my lungs. Lea has had much more

serious PE's . . some of hers were apparently silicone.


> It can be fatal . . . I was lucky that it was only a small clot,

that my arteries are clear, that it dissolved quickly and that it

didn't do any damage.


> Rogene


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So glad to hear that you're ok now. That had to have been scary!!

Thinking of you. Love, PH


> PE - Pulmonary Embolism - in my case, a small blood clot traveled

from my leg, through my heart, to my lungs. Lea has had much more

serious PE's . . some of hers were apparently silicone.


> It can be fatal . . . I was lucky that it was only a small clot, that

my arteries are clear, that it dissolved quickly and that it didn't do

any damage.


> Rogene


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So glad to hear that you're ok now. That had to have been scary!!

Thinking of you. Love, PH


> PE - Pulmonary Embolism - in my case, a small blood clot traveled

from my leg, through my heart, to my lungs. Lea has had much more

serious PE's . . some of hers were apparently silicone.


> It can be fatal . . . I was lucky that it was only a small clot, that

my arteries are clear, that it dissolved quickly and that it didn't do

any damage.


> Rogene


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What is a PE? Is that some sort of clot? I'm so sorry to be so " in

and out " of it on the board, lately. Seems like I'm missing a lot.

And Lea, I actually thought you were conversing with a relative early

on when I had just joined the group, and never wanted to chime in on

what I thought was a more private conversation between you and you

" sister " . Now I know that this is the Saline Sisterhood, so I can

chuckle at my misunderstanding. I have been quietly " lurking " and

reading when I can, but I've obviously missed out on your troubles.

I'm so sorry to hear of it, and I agree with Lea - you take care of

yourself. The rest of us need you more experienced sisters.

Seriously, prayers coming for both of you.

I got a hold of at Dr. Feng's office today and we talked about

price, what is involved and what is included in the price. Dr. Feng

will be taking 1 1 /2 hours to consult with me the day before to see

if I need a lift, what sort of anesthesia injectable drug they will

use (they don't use gas so no nausea - Yay). They tailor everything

to the individual's body needs, just like all doctors should. It will

range anywhere from $7300.00 to $13,700 if I have a lift, but

everything is included, except our accommodations while we're out

there. They will be sending me a packet with a list of foods to avoid

before the surgery, all sorts of places to stay, and some vitamins to

take for two weeks before the surgery. She told me Dr. Feng has now

done several THOUSAND of these surgeries, so I think I'll be in good

hands. I rang off to talk it over with my husband, and he figured out

how to scrape the money together, we hope. I called back and am going

to be set up for the consultation on Feb26, and the surgery on the

27th, God willing. I called my daughter, and we're going to hire her

to kitty-sit for us, and I hope I can hold on until then! The

headaches are getting pretty bad, and I am so exhausted, but I'm

hardly doing anything! I usually hate to sit still, so having to do

so because I don't have the energy to do otherwise just drives me

wild. Even typing this is a struggle today. But I believe God has

perfect timing, so trust this will all be for the best. But I have a

date to look forward to, and they sound very, very efficient and

caring. Anyone else out there considering Dr. Feng, I'll keep posting

my experience if it will help.


> Rogene, you are such a special lady. Please take care, because we

would be lost without you. PEs are serious and you should be on blood

thinners, but that is your choice. I am glad that your ear is getting

better. My ears get plugged up, but it goes away. Sometimes, my ear

rings and it is always my right ear.


> Honey, we would never adopt a child at this time in our lives, but

I have given tons of love to many children. is afraid of

children, after what happened with mine. I took care of mentally

retarded children for years. They are such special little souls. When

I went to university, that is what I studied, because I wanted to know

why we have so many retarded children, it just broke my heart...we

still do not have the answers. It seemed to me that many came from

highly educated people, like doctors and nurses!


> I have so much to do today...love you....Lea

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`````


> Sending love and prayers to you....Lea and

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~```

> Re: Goodmorning ~Happy New Year to you

both with love:




> Lea,


> My ear is doing ever so much better . . . hardly a sign of

trouble. However, I'll stay on antibiotic for the full course because

I want to be done with ear problems once and for all!


> I did have small PE Tuesday night . . . ended up in the hospital

yesterday . . I came home before the doctor would have wanted me to

go - but the care there was so bad, I couldn't do any worse at home.

The point of keeping me would be so they could give me one injection a

day - that insurance won't pay for if one is not hospitalized.


> I understand what brought it on . . . too much sitting without

moving about, and not enough water. . . Considering that I had to beg

for water for six hours at the hospital, even after they knew it was a

PE, and I would have been sitting in bed all the time, I'm far better

off at home. .. Besides, within an hour after I left the hospital, we

were square dancing! Much more fun!


> Hugs,


> Rogene


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Hi Devon- Hehehehe...I thought the same thing when I joined the

site....that some of these ladies were related! I found out later that

Lea and Traci are " cyber " Mom and daughter! That cleared up a lot for me!

Waiting for explant is the worst part! I wasn't there that long ago.

It is hard to wait, but good that you have a date to look forward to,

it will be here before you know it! Then you'll be on your way to health!!

Love, Krista

> >

> > Rogene, you are such a special lady. Please take care, because we

> would be lost without you. PEs are serious and you should be on blood

> thinners, but that is your choice. I am glad that your ear is getting

> better. My ears get plugged up, but it goes away. Sometimes, my ear

> rings and it is always my right ear.

> >

> > Honey, we would never adopt a child at this time in our lives, but

> I have given tons of love to many children. is afraid of

> children, after what happened with mine. I took care of mentally

> retarded children for years. They are such special little souls. When

> I went to university, that is what I studied, because I wanted to know

> why we have so many retarded children, it just broke my heart...we

> still do not have the answers. It seemed to me that many came from

> highly educated people, like doctors and nurses!

> >

> > I have so much to do today...love you....Lea

> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`````

> >

> > Sending love and prayers to you....Lea and

> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~```

> > Re: Goodmorning ~Happy New Year to you

> both with love:

> >

> >

> >

> > Lea,

> >

> > My ear is doing ever so much better . . . hardly a sign of

> trouble. However, I'll stay on antibiotic for the full course because

> I want to be done with ear problems once and for all!

> >

> > I did have small PE Tuesday night . . . ended up in the hospital

> yesterday . . I came home before the doctor would have wanted me to

> go - but the care there was so bad, I couldn't do any worse at home.

> The point of keeping me would be so they could give me one injection a

> day - that insurance won't pay for if one is not hospitalized.

> >

> > I understand what brought it on . . . too much sitting without

> moving about, and not enough water. . . Considering that I had to beg

> for water for six hours at the hospital, even after they knew it was a

> PE, and I would have been sitting in bed all the time, I'm far better

> off at home. .. Besides, within an hour after I left the hospital, we

> were square dancing! Much more fun!

> >

> > Hugs,

> >

> > Rogene

> >


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Yes, a PE is a pulmonary embolism is a clot. . .

This formed in my leg because I spent too much time sitting, with my legs hanging down, while on the computer, painting and doing glass work. . . I know better, but didn't think about it!

First my leg swelled up hugely . . . then my heart started pounding hard . . . then my chest felt pressure . . . I knew it was time to get it checked out. . . Fortunately, I did all the right things . . . I happened to have Coumadin, had just read the article on Magnesium, so I took some, and I took some asprin while drinking plenty of water. . . I did not, as I'm prone to do, massage my leg because it was swollen! . . .

I'm happy to hear you've got things scheduled and that your husband is being so supportive. That means soooooo much! Your surgery is scheduled on my birthday . . . The Big 70! . . . There's no way I'm going to forget your big day!

Hugs and prayers,


Re: Goodmorning ~Happy New Year to youboth with love:> > > > Lea,> > My ear is doing ever so much better . . . hardly a sign oftrouble. However, I'll stay on antibiotic for the full course becauseI want to be done with ear problems once and for all!> > I did have small PE Tuesday night . . . ended up in the hospitalyesterday . . I came home before the doctor would have wanted me togo - but the care there was so bad, I couldn't do any worse at home.The point of keeping me would be so they could give me one injection aday - that insurance won't pay

for if one is not hospitalized. > > I understand what brought it on . . . too much sitting withoutmoving about, and not enough water. . . Considering that I had to begfor water for six hours at the hospital, even after they knew it was aPE, and I would have been sitting in bed all the time, I'm far betteroff at home. .. Besides, within an hour after I left the hospital, wewere square dancing! Much more fun!> > Hugs,> > Rogene>

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Oh, Devon, you are so sweet. We are here to give support and love. This includes personal problems as well. We have many, many women just reading all the information that is posted, and that is okay. I am sorry that you have to go through this nightmare, but we will all be here for you until you no longer need us.

Love you....Lea


Re: Goodmorning ~Happy New Year to youboth with love:> > > > Lea,> > My ear is doing ever so much better . . . hardly a sign oftrouble. However, I'll stay on antibiotic for the full course becauseI want to be done with ear problems once and for all!> > I did have small PE Tuesday night . . . ended up in the hospitalyesterday . . I came home before the doctor would have wanted me togo - but the care there was so bad, I couldn't do any worse at home.The point of keeping me would be so they could give me one injection aday - that insurance won't pay for if one is not hospitalized. > > I understand what brought it on . . . too much sitting withoutmoving about, and not enough water. . . Considering that I had to begfor water for six hours at the hospital, even after they knew it was aPE, and I would have been sitting in bed all the time, I'm far betteroff at home. .. Besides, within an hour after I left the hospital, wewere square dancing! Much more fun!> > Hugs,> > Rogene>

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Love you, Krista. Traci asked me if I would be her cyber mom and that made me happy, and she is now my sweet cyber daughter...sometimes we do things that make people wonder if we are sane...we are, even if the doctors tell us that we are insane...what do they know. I think that Sandy is my cyber daughter too, because she is a darling.

Love always...Lea


Re: Goodmorning ~Happy New Year to you> both with love:> > > > > > > > Lea,> > > > My ear is doing ever so much better . . . hardly a sign of> trouble. However, I'll stay on antibiotic for the full course because> I want to be done with ear problems once and for all!> > > > I did have small PE Tuesday night . . . ended up in the hospital> yesterday . . I came home before the doctor would have wanted me to> go - but the care there was so bad, I couldn't do any worse at home.> The point of keeping me would be so they could give me one injection a> day - that insurance won't pay for if one is not hospitalized. > > > > I understand what brought it on . . . too much sitting without> moving about, and not enough water. . . Considering that I had to beg> for water for six hours at the hospital, even after they knew it was a> PE, and I would have been sitting in bed all the time, I'm far better> off at home. .. Besides, within an hour after I left the hospital, we> were square dancing! Much more fun!> > > > Hugs,> > > > Rogene> >>

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Lea- I love it that you and Traci are cyber mom and daughter, that is

so special. I could use a few cyber mom's right now! My mom is still

not doing good (I told you about her when I joined the forum months

ago.) She's going through so much right now that she really can't help

me much or be there much for me. It makes me sad but I guess that's

just the way life goes sometimes. I have so many wonderful cyber

sisters with all of you special ladies that it makes me feel not so alone!

Still keeping you in my prayers Lea!

Much Love, Krista

> > >

> > > Rogene, you are such a special lady. Please take care,

because we

> > would be lost without you. PEs are serious and you should be

on blood

> > thinners, but that is your choice. I am glad that your ear is


> > better. My ears get plugged up, but it goes away. Sometimes,

my ear

> > rings and it is always my right ear.

> > >

> > > Honey, we would never adopt a child at this time in our

lives, but

> > I have given tons of love to many children. is afraid of

> > children, after what happened with mine. I took care of mentally

> > retarded children for years. They are such special little

souls. When

> > I went to university, that is what I studied, because I wanted

to know

> > why we have so many retarded children, it just broke my heart...we

> > still do not have the answers. It seemed to me that many came from

> > highly educated people, like doctors and nurses!

> > >

> > > I have so much to do today...love you....Lea

> > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`````

> > >

> > > Sending love and prayers to you....Lea and

> > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~```

> > > Re: Goodmorning ~Happy New Year to you

> > both with love:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Lea,

> > >

> > > My ear is doing ever so much better . . . hardly a sign of

> > trouble. However, I'll stay on antibiotic for the full course


> > I want to be done with ear problems once and for all!

> > >

> > > I did have small PE Tuesday night . . . ended up in the hospital

> > yesterday . . I came home before the doctor would have wanted

me to

> > go - but the care there was so bad, I couldn't do any worse at


> > The point of keeping me would be so they could give me one

injection a

> > day - that insurance won't pay for if one is not hospitalized.

> > >

> > > I understand what brought it on . . . too much sitting without

> > moving about, and not enough water. . . Considering that I had

to beg

> > for water for six hours at the hospital, even after they knew

it was a

> > PE, and I would have been sitting in bed all the time, I'm far


> > off at home. .. Besides, within an hour after I left the

hospital, we

> > were square dancing! Much more fun!

> > >

> > > Hugs,

> > >

> > > Rogene

> > >

> >


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PEs are rotten! Both PEs....pulmonary emobolism AND plueral effusion!

ROTTEN! Poo on both of them dang PEs!!!

> >

> > Rogene, you are such a special lady. Please take care, because we

> would be lost without you. PEs are serious and you should be on blood

> thinners, but that is your choice. I am glad that your ear is getting

> better. My ears get plugged up, but it goes away. Sometimes, my ear

> rings and it is always my right ear.

> >

> > Honey, we would never adopt a child at this time in our lives, but

> I have given tons of love to many children. is afraid of

> children, after what happened with mine. I took care of mentally

> retarded children for years. They are such special little souls. When

> I went to university, that is what I studied, because I wanted to know

> why we have so many retarded children, it just broke my heart...we

> still do not have the answers. It seemed to me that many came from

> highly educated people, like doctors and nurses!

> >

> > I have so much to do today...love you....Lea

> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~`````

> >

> > Sending love and prayers to you....Lea and

> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~`` `

> > Re: Goodmorning ~Happy New Year to you

> both with love:

> >

> >

> >

> > Lea,

> >

> > My ear is doing ever so much better . . . hardly a sign of

> trouble. However, I'll stay on antibiotic for the full course because

> I want to be done with ear problems once and for all!

> >

> > I did have small PE Tuesday night . . . ended up in the hospital

> yesterday . . I came home before the doctor would have wanted me to

> go - but the care there was so bad, I couldn't do any worse at home.

> The point of keeping me would be so they could give me one injection a

> day - that insurance won't pay for if one is not hospitalized.

> >

> > I understand what brought it on . . . too much sitting without

> moving about, and not enough water. . . Considering that I had to beg

> for water for six hours at the hospital, even after they knew it was a

> PE, and I would have been sitting in bed all the time, I'm far better

> off at home. .. Besides, within an hour after I left the hospital, we

> were square dancing! Much more fun!

> >

> > Hugs,

> >

> > Rogene

> >


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