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Re: Re:Patty - thyroid/adrenals

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Patty - thank you so much for taking the time to explain things to me. I know you are busy and I really appreciate it!!!!!

Ok, let me touch on a couple of things you said here and maybe you could give me your opinion on them. I know it is hard because everyone is different. First of all, I do not think I have severe adrenal burnout and from the impression I got from my ND, he does not either. I think it is just something he picked up on that is a minor problem. Yes, I did just have a hair analysis done. He has me on a homeopathic medicine (drop form) that I do once a day under my tongue 30 mins. before food. He told me to watch my sugar intake and try to reduce stress as much as possible. I truely think that will be the hardest thing for me. I stress out ALOT and due to my current personal situation, I do not see it getting any better. I have tried really hard the past week or so to calm myself down and not get worked up but I am having trouble with that.

I did gain weight right before I got pregnant, although I was eating ALOT of fast food so it made sense to me that I was gaining. Plus, I had stopped exercising. I gained alot of weight with my first pregnancy but once again I was eating like a PIG!!!! I never lost all the weight before I got pregnant yet again and this time I was not as hungry, ate better, did not gain as much weight and was much more physically active. I have now lost all of my pregnancy weight from baby 2 and have lost about 10 pounds of the extra weight from the first pregnancy. I am losing it now slowly and without to much effort. I still am about 20lbs overweight but I really have no symtpoms of adrenal/thyroid trouble except my fatigue and now my hair analysis.

I also want to point out that maybe what I call fatigue and what others do may be different. Here is an example of my typical day. I wake up around 8am, feeling a little tired but not bad. I cook breaskfast for myself and 2 kids. We eat, I usually have a mess to clean up from my little one feeding himself :), I do dishes, get the boys dressed, brush their teeth and things like that. I then take my shower, and we normally are either playing then for a couple of hours, I am cleaning, or we are running errands. I cook lunch , we eat, one again mess to clean up :), then I lay my kids down for a nap. I either still work on cleaning, I do my scrapbook, read or sometimes I relax also. I then have dinner, dishes, and we play, I give them a bath and then we red a book. It is off to bed for them at 9pm and I go to bed somewhere around 11pm. Some days my son has pre-school and activities at the YMCA

that we do. I am basically on the go all day. I hardly ever sit down and relax. Now, please know that it may not sound like this is much but when I am the one who mows the yard, blows the snow, weeds the garden, I ALWAYS feel like I am working or cleaning. I left my house today with 2 kids and ran errands and shopped for 3 hrs. I do not feel like I can not get out of bed or do anything. I live my life just the way I did before. I just have dizziness. It is not severe but it is almost alway there. I am getting things ready for a garage sale and to try to move overseas. That is a big job that seems neverending......I just want to make sure that this can still be adrenal burnout.......I feel better and better the more time that goes by from my explant surgery. This past summer (with my implants and feeling sick), I took my kids to the pool ALL day and still did not feel so drained I could not

function. It is almost like my only conplaint is mild dizziness now. And yes, it seems to be more severe around my cycle.

Does any of this make sense. I feel like I am rambling on and on but I totally understand that exercise can really wipe soneone out that has adrenal burnout. Do you think it would be beneficial to try maybe 30 mins. of brisk walking and see how I feel???? I plan to have my thyroid's checked again soon. That may help also.

My ND is very good and I trust him 110%. Although, I have to admit, I wonder about the homeopathic drops. Just seems like 10 drops once a day would not do much. I guess I am ok with living like I have adrenal burnout...it is a healthy way to take care of myself.....I also know I have some unbalaned mineral ratio's. Some are really crazy.....if any of those ratio's would help, I can send them to you. I also want one of the portable infrared sauna's. I have looked at them and would love to have one. I may try to save some money up to get one. My hubby is getting upset with the cost of everything...which I am too. I need to hang low right now and catch up on some of the bills the implant/explant surgery created!!!!! Thans again...if you have any feedback regarding how I feel, please let me know. I guess I am just trying to figure out if I have and adrenal/thyroid problem or if I

just get tired sometimes from being a single mom of a 3 and 1 yr old!!!!!! Maybe both :)



Re:Patty - thyroid/adrenals

Hi Beth,

I have a few minutes to tackle your letter now. Kids off to school, and my day is ready to begin!

I wanted to ask about your testing and the adrenal burnout. Did he come to the conclusion that you had adrenal burnout based on the hair analysis alone, or did you do a saliva test as well?

I think your ND is probably on the right track. I also had adrenal exhaustion that appeared really bad according to my test results, (saliva) but I was able to hold down 2 jobs with that state, so I wasn't near death! Honestly, I think the way we feel when we first get sick and feel like our health has absolutely crashed IS ADRENAL BURNOUT. I strongly believe that is what happened to me, and it took me 4 years to recover normal adrenal function--well, not normal, but way better than before. Obviously, I still have some adrenal issues and it needs attention.

Let me just say this about exercise right up front. There are some people with adrenal burnout who cannot exercise safely. It will end up in them being bedridden. This was me when I was first sick. If I even tried to exercise, I was done for. I couldn't do it. We had someone on our group several years ago that just pushed and pushed and pushed the whole exercise idea, saying it was the way to get better. I had to disagree with her. For sure, exercise is necessary for good health. But only the person who is sick knows how much exercise they can handle and some women just can't do it without going into a tailspin. That indicates severe adrenal burnout.

Now the good news is that you can safely use infrared sauna therapy to detox your body and get the benefits of exercise! You can check this one out yourself. The pyhsiological net effects of infrared sauna therapy lends itself to mimicking the benefits of exercise, but without the stress on your muscles. Some people (those who get into a heavy exercise routine) will find this idea ridiculous, but those who can't do alot of exercise without practically killing themselves will be encouraged by this.

It sounds like you could have a thyroid problem based on your experience with a weight gain issue right before and after pregnancy, but there may be other things going on that are so minimal that they remain undiagnosed (such as insulin resistance). You might want to look at treating insulin resistance if your thyroid is showing up as being normal, BUT I would also suggest finding old copies of thyroid tests from before pregnancy and seeing if there is any thyroid result there that you can compare to now. If you have seen a slight change in your TSH or free T3 numbers, you could have a thyroid issue that is leaning toward hypothyroidism, but not quite there yet. You can have numbers in the normal range, but it can be a slowdown in metabolism for YOU over time.

In any case, I would definitely do supportive things for both the thyroid and the adrenals (no sugar, no junk food, high minerals, high vitamin C, eliminate stress, avoid soy, take kelp and/or iodine supplements (make sure you do not have Hashimoto's) , gentle exercise, and perhaps take a look at your reproductive hormones, keeping in mind that estrogen is depressive of thyroid function while progesterone is supportive of thyroid function.

Your ND sounds like a good one...follow his advice, but don't stop learning! You know your body better than he does.


--- In , "tommygirl18_ 1981"wrote:Patty, I just got the results back from my second hair analysis andmy ND went over them pretty well with me. I just had a fewquestions/concerns and I was hoping you could maybe explain them alittle better or more clearly to me.First of all, he beleives I am in extreme Adrenal Burnout. As heput it with a smile "how are there any lights left on my Christmastee". He honestly asked how I get out of bed every morning andfunction the way I do. I am assuming he feels it is pretty bad.However, I know there is a very close relationship between theadrenal and thyroid. He said at this point, he is not realconcerned with my thyroid but it is definately something to keep aneye on over the next year or so. I have had trouble losing weightsince I had my first child and actually,

had gained about 10 poundswithin 6 months before I even got pregnant. I am wondering if thisis a condition I have had for several years and the implants/surgeryjust threw me overboard. Also, he recommended some diet changes asfar as avoiding sugar and simple carbs. He recommended I try toexercise about 30 mins. 3 times a week. He also gave me ahomeopathic formula (drops) for adrenal support. I honestly do notfeel as bad as he said my results looked. Yes, I am tired andfatigued most days but I do ok. I do have headaches and mood swingspretty bad. I also have some dizziness/memory problems back(although not as bad). I know it has been worse the past week orso. Almost like I am in a flare up or something. He thinks this iswhat is causing my dizziness. Any suggestions besides sleep andavoiding stress you think may help with this healing process? Asfar as sleep, well that is just not going to happen.

Not with mytwo boys and my hubby overseas.... .I will have to find another wayto heal besides more sleep....... lolOk, also, he was pretty concerned about my calcium/magnesium ratio.It 10.22/1 and my low sodium/potassium ratio of 2.00/1. He feelsthis is why I have my digestion problems and is treating me forCandida even though my digestion has greatly improved.He also feel that due to my low sodium/potassium, I havecatabolism. He thinks this is what is slowing down my metabolism.He feels this may also be what is causing some inflammation of thejoints. He also feels if I can get my potassium up, it will greatlyhelp my adrenals.I have a very nice types out report that explains things VERYnicely, I feel like I am rambling on about this so if any other infowould be helpful, I do have some more in-depth info on this test.However, I guess I am just wondering about my adrenals/thyroid. I

amon a homeopathic for Zinc although, I am not sure exactly what thisis suppose to do. He feels if I can get some of the mineralinbalances under control, other things will improve themselves.What are you thoughts?I just purchased a book called The Thyroid Solution. It seems tohave alot of wonderful info in it to understand the who thyoidprocess. I have also read where infrared sauna's are believed to bea good benefit for adrenal problems. Right now he just feels I amin adrenal burnout and it is causing stress on my thyroid. Hebelieves if I can get my adrenals under control, my thyroid shouldalso be ok.What are your thoughts on all of this???Love,Beth

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Patty - thank you so much for taking the time to explain things to me. I know you are busy and I really appreciate it!!!!!

Ok, let me touch on a couple of things you said here and maybe you could give me your opinion on them. I know it is hard because everyone is different. First of all, I do not think I have severe adrenal burnout and from the impression I got from my ND, he does not either. I think it is just something he picked up on that is a minor problem. Yes, I did just have a hair analysis done. He has me on a homeopathic medicine (drop form) that I do once a day under my tongue 30 mins. before food. He told me to watch my sugar intake and try to reduce stress as much as possible. I truely think that will be the hardest thing for me. I stress out ALOT and due to my current personal situation, I do not see it getting any better. I have tried really hard the past week or so to calm myself down and not get worked up but I am having trouble with that.

I did gain weight right before I got pregnant, although I was eating ALOT of fast food so it made sense to me that I was gaining. Plus, I had stopped exercising. I gained alot of weight with my first pregnancy but once again I was eating like a PIG!!!! I never lost all the weight before I got pregnant yet again and this time I was not as hungry, ate better, did not gain as much weight and was much more physically active. I have now lost all of my pregnancy weight from baby 2 and have lost about 10 pounds of the extra weight from the first pregnancy. I am losing it now slowly and without to much effort. I still am about 20lbs overweight but I really have no symtpoms of adrenal/thyroid trouble except my fatigue and now my hair analysis.

I also want to point out that maybe what I call fatigue and what others do may be different. Here is an example of my typical day. I wake up around 8am, feeling a little tired but not bad. I cook breaskfast for myself and 2 kids. We eat, I usually have a mess to clean up from my little one feeding himself :), I do dishes, get the boys dressed, brush their teeth and things like that. I then take my shower, and we normally are either playing then for a couple of hours, I am cleaning, or we are running errands. I cook lunch , we eat, one again mess to clean up :), then I lay my kids down for a nap. I either still work on cleaning, I do my scrapbook, read or sometimes I relax also. I then have dinner, dishes, and we play, I give them a bath and then we red a book. It is off to bed for them at 9pm and I go to bed somewhere around 11pm. Some days my son has pre-school and activities at the YMCA

that we do. I am basically on the go all day. I hardly ever sit down and relax. Now, please know that it may not sound like this is much but when I am the one who mows the yard, blows the snow, weeds the garden, I ALWAYS feel like I am working or cleaning. I left my house today with 2 kids and ran errands and shopped for 3 hrs. I do not feel like I can not get out of bed or do anything. I live my life just the way I did before. I just have dizziness. It is not severe but it is almost alway there. I am getting things ready for a garage sale and to try to move overseas. That is a big job that seems neverending......I just want to make sure that this can still be adrenal burnout.......I feel better and better the more time that goes by from my explant surgery. This past summer (with my implants and feeling sick), I took my kids to the pool ALL day and still did not feel so drained I could not

function. It is almost like my only conplaint is mild dizziness now. And yes, it seems to be more severe around my cycle.

Does any of this make sense. I feel like I am rambling on and on but I totally understand that exercise can really wipe soneone out that has adrenal burnout. Do you think it would be beneficial to try maybe 30 mins. of brisk walking and see how I feel???? I plan to have my thyroid's checked again soon. That may help also.

My ND is very good and I trust him 110%. Although, I have to admit, I wonder about the homeopathic drops. Just seems like 10 drops once a day would not do much. I guess I am ok with living like I have adrenal burnout...it is a healthy way to take care of myself.....I also know I have some unbalaned mineral ratio's. Some are really crazy.....if any of those ratio's would help, I can send them to you. I also want one of the portable infrared sauna's. I have looked at them and would love to have one. I may try to save some money up to get one. My hubby is getting upset with the cost of everything...which I am too. I need to hang low right now and catch up on some of the bills the implant/explant surgery created!!!!! Thans again...if you have any feedback regarding how I feel, please let me know. I guess I am just trying to figure out if I have and adrenal/thyroid problem or if I

just get tired sometimes from being a single mom of a 3 and 1 yr old!!!!!! Maybe both :)



Re:Patty - thyroid/adrenals

Hi Beth,

I have a few minutes to tackle your letter now. Kids off to school, and my day is ready to begin!

I wanted to ask about your testing and the adrenal burnout. Did he come to the conclusion that you had adrenal burnout based on the hair analysis alone, or did you do a saliva test as well?

I think your ND is probably on the right track. I also had adrenal exhaustion that appeared really bad according to my test results, (saliva) but I was able to hold down 2 jobs with that state, so I wasn't near death! Honestly, I think the way we feel when we first get sick and feel like our health has absolutely crashed IS ADRENAL BURNOUT. I strongly believe that is what happened to me, and it took me 4 years to recover normal adrenal function--well, not normal, but way better than before. Obviously, I still have some adrenal issues and it needs attention.

Let me just say this about exercise right up front. There are some people with adrenal burnout who cannot exercise safely. It will end up in them being bedridden. This was me when I was first sick. If I even tried to exercise, I was done for. I couldn't do it. We had someone on our group several years ago that just pushed and pushed and pushed the whole exercise idea, saying it was the way to get better. I had to disagree with her. For sure, exercise is necessary for good health. But only the person who is sick knows how much exercise they can handle and some women just can't do it without going into a tailspin. That indicates severe adrenal burnout.

Now the good news is that you can safely use infrared sauna therapy to detox your body and get the benefits of exercise! You can check this one out yourself. The pyhsiological net effects of infrared sauna therapy lends itself to mimicking the benefits of exercise, but without the stress on your muscles. Some people (those who get into a heavy exercise routine) will find this idea ridiculous, but those who can't do alot of exercise without practically killing themselves will be encouraged by this.

It sounds like you could have a thyroid problem based on your experience with a weight gain issue right before and after pregnancy, but there may be other things going on that are so minimal that they remain undiagnosed (such as insulin resistance). You might want to look at treating insulin resistance if your thyroid is showing up as being normal, BUT I would also suggest finding old copies of thyroid tests from before pregnancy and seeing if there is any thyroid result there that you can compare to now. If you have seen a slight change in your TSH or free T3 numbers, you could have a thyroid issue that is leaning toward hypothyroidism, but not quite there yet. You can have numbers in the normal range, but it can be a slowdown in metabolism for YOU over time.

In any case, I would definitely do supportive things for both the thyroid and the adrenals (no sugar, no junk food, high minerals, high vitamin C, eliminate stress, avoid soy, take kelp and/or iodine supplements (make sure you do not have Hashimoto's) , gentle exercise, and perhaps take a look at your reproductive hormones, keeping in mind that estrogen is depressive of thyroid function while progesterone is supportive of thyroid function.

Your ND sounds like a good one...follow his advice, but don't stop learning! You know your body better than he does.


--- In , "tommygirl18_ 1981"wrote:Patty, I just got the results back from my second hair analysis andmy ND went over them pretty well with me. I just had a fewquestions/concerns and I was hoping you could maybe explain them alittle better or more clearly to me.First of all, he beleives I am in extreme Adrenal Burnout. As heput it with a smile "how are there any lights left on my Christmastee". He honestly asked how I get out of bed every morning andfunction the way I do. I am assuming he feels it is pretty bad.However, I know there is a very close relationship between theadrenal and thyroid. He said at this point, he is not realconcerned with my thyroid but it is definately something to keep aneye on over the next year or so. I have had trouble losing weightsince I had my first child and actually,

had gained about 10 poundswithin 6 months before I even got pregnant. I am wondering if thisis a condition I have had for several years and the implants/surgeryjust threw me overboard. Also, he recommended some diet changes asfar as avoiding sugar and simple carbs. He recommended I try toexercise about 30 mins. 3 times a week. He also gave me ahomeopathic formula (drops) for adrenal support. I honestly do notfeel as bad as he said my results looked. Yes, I am tired andfatigued most days but I do ok. I do have headaches and mood swingspretty bad. I also have some dizziness/memory problems back(although not as bad). I know it has been worse the past week orso. Almost like I am in a flare up or something. He thinks this iswhat is causing my dizziness. Any suggestions besides sleep andavoiding stress you think may help with this healing process? Asfar as sleep, well that is just not going to happen.

Not with mytwo boys and my hubby overseas.... .I will have to find another wayto heal besides more sleep....... lolOk, also, he was pretty concerned about my calcium/magnesium ratio.It 10.22/1 and my low sodium/potassium ratio of 2.00/1. He feelsthis is why I have my digestion problems and is treating me forCandida even though my digestion has greatly improved.He also feel that due to my low sodium/potassium, I havecatabolism. He thinks this is what is slowing down my metabolism.He feels this may also be what is causing some inflammation of thejoints. He also feels if I can get my potassium up, it will greatlyhelp my adrenals.I have a very nice types out report that explains things VERYnicely, I feel like I am rambling on about this so if any other infowould be helpful, I do have some more in-depth info on this test.However, I guess I am just wondering about my adrenals/thyroid. I

amon a homeopathic for Zinc although, I am not sure exactly what thisis suppose to do. He feels if I can get some of the mineralinbalances under control, other things will improve themselves.What are you thoughts?I just purchased a book called The Thyroid Solution. It seems tohave alot of wonderful info in it to understand the who thyoidprocess. I have also read where infrared sauna's are believed to bea good benefit for adrenal problems. Right now he just feels I amin adrenal burnout and it is causing stress on my thyroid. Hebelieves if I can get my adrenals under control, my thyroid shouldalso be ok.What are your thoughts on all of this???Love,Beth

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