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The nip/tuck conspiracy: The lies and hard-sell tactics cosmetic surgeries use to con women

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Thanks Kathy!---------- Forwarded message ----------From: <Kathynye@...>Date: Jan 11, 2008 10:07 AM

The nip/tuck conspiracy: The lies and hard-sell tactics cosmetic surgeries use to con women

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/femail/article.html?in_article_id=507487 & in_page_id=1879

by SADIE NICHOLAS (place for comments too)

As she took the deposit from a perfectly proportioned size eight woman and booked her in for breast implants and liposuction, Emma Larter was inwardly delighted. No matter that, in Emma's words, her client " looked beautiful and had no need for surgery " , it was a sale and that's all that mattered. Any guilt she might have felt about such a shameless transaction was more than masked with relief. For, as a patient co-ordinator - plastic surgery industry speak for salesperson - Emma had to hit a staggering monthly sales target of £80,000. It was the equivalent of around 25 breast implants or 12 facelifts, and she was simply relieved she had secured £6,000.

Shocking though it is, such dealings are far from unique. Only this week, an undercover investigation by Which? revealed widespread evidence that people wanting cosmetic surgery are being subjected to lies and a hard-sell more akin to the double-glazing industry. As clinics clamour for their share of the £906million cosmetic surgery market, it seems that sales targets take precedence over integrity. Regardless of the risks associated with surgery - post-operative infections and complications from general anaesthetic - potential clients are being pushed to hand over their cash for a nip/tuck whether they need it or not.

Emma, a 34-year-old mother-of-two from Norwich, admits such damning revelations match her own experience of working as a patient coordinator for a clinic in 2006. She took the job after having breast implants and a tummy tuck at the same clinic. Six months later she quit, unable to tolerate the high-pressure sales environment or condone the hard-sell tactics used to entice patients. " When I recommended friends and acquaintances to the clinic after my surgery, the director called to thank me, " she recalls. " He said that if I could round up patients so effortlessly, I should work for him and get paid for it. " At the time I was a stay-at-home mum.

My partner of 13 years was a wealthy businessman, so I could afford not to work, but I liked the idea of working a few days a week and the contact it would give me with other people, so I took the job. " I thought it would fit brilliantly around the school run. How wrong I was. " Emma's training consisted of sitting in her new boss's office for a " couple of days while he stressed to me the need to sell " , after which she was set an astonishing target of banking £60,000 during her first month. Though she was " talked through " the procedures available, Emma, like most patient coordinators, had no medical training. " I was stunned by the target and the hard sales, " she says. " The number one rule was that I must never let a potential client leave without handing over a deposit for surgery. "

With sales leads generated by the firm's website, Emma would arrange to meet interested parties at clinics in Newcastle, Leeds and London, but admits she and her colleagues were under enormous pressure to make sure every clinic was double-booked. " It was all about money, " she remembers. " There might be only 15 allotted consultation slots, but I'd be expected to book in 30 people to ensure we maximised sales and covered for anyone who didn't turn up. " If people left without paying a deposit, it was a disaster and my boss would read me the riot act. " He phoned constantly, telling me to put the pressure on, to call back clients who hadn't committed at the consultation, and to offer time-sensitive discounts over the phone. " Under instruction from my boss, I'd often tell prospective patients they could have X amount of money off, but only if they booked within the hour. It's the oldest trick in the book. " Whether surgery was appropriate - physically or psychologically - wasn't a consideration.

When you risk the sack if you don't meet your targets, it blurs your judgment and your morals. " I had women who didn't really need the surgery they wanted, but I was never going to say: 'You're lovely as you are, save your money and go home.' " If there was no medical reason why they shouldn't have something done, then I was instructed that it was just another sale. " Shockingly, Emma estimates that, but for the pushy sales techniques used, 50 per cent of patients would never have gone as far as booking in for surgery. " I loved the interaction with people, but I became increasingly conscious that our selling techniques were often immoral. " One of the worst things I was expected to do was show people a magazine feature that had been printed about my own tummy tuck. " The after-picture was amazing, as I now have a beautiful flat stomach.

But my before-pictures weren't considered extreme enough by the clinic - I just had an irritating flap of loose skin from where I'd lost weight. " So the clinic took photos of the receptionist's flabby stomach instead, and I was expected to pass it off as my own. I felt terribly guilty at the con of showing people those photos. "

Eventually, the long hours and highpressure sales environment took its toll on Emma and she resigned from her job in summer 2006. She is now studying for a degree in social work. " They wanted to increase my targets, " she adds. " My children's father left me because our relationship had broken down over the hours I'd been working, I'd been surviving on four hours' sleep a night and I just couldn't do it any more. " I'm all for people having surgery if they need it, but something has to change about the way surgery is sold. It just preys on the vulnerable. "

Maloy, 30, owns a media company in London. From 2003 until September 2006, she handled publicity for a Harley Street surgeon, but she quit when she could no longer tolerate his sales techniques. " When I started working for him he was a respected surgeon, " she says. " But after three years he was even timing how fast he could do breast implants to get as many patients as he could through theatre in a day. " He boasted that his fastest time had been 15 minutes and 30 seconds - when the operation should take around an hour. I was sickened. " Because he rented his facilities, he'd cram 12 operations into a day to avoid paying rent on the theatre for a second day. " It meant a woman could be having a facelift at 9.30pm at night when he'd already been working 14 hours. It was totally unethical. "

With a clinic manager and army of patient co-ordinators, says her client became consumed by greed. " I had big arguments with him about the discounts his team offered if a patient referred a friend, and the vouchers they gave out to clients to redeem against surgery, " says. " If he was such a great surgeon, why did he need to stoop so low? He wasn't selling clothes in a High Street store - this was serious medical intervention and he was sabotaging his reputation. " Once, he even held an invite-only luncheon for clients but once they got there he'd spin a sales pitch and offer them a discount on Botox if they had it there and then. " Some of the women he injected were already sloshed on champagne. It was all sell, sell, sell. " One glamour model booked in to have £2,500 of liposuction to reduce a double chin. But he told her he'd do something even better, though he didn't specify what. " Foolishly she didn't question him and came out of theatre having had a facelift that was to cost her £5,000.

She was only 28 years old and was devastated. " Something has to be done to regulate the industry. We're not talking about offering discounts on waxing or facials - this is serious surgery, and it shouldn't be thrust upon people. " But, like so many of the clinics out there, my client was money-hungry. He treated cosmetic surgery like a High Street sales campaign to get the tills ringing, not a medical procedure. " admits that after her threeyear insight into the sales operation at this clinic, she couldn't contain her repulsion any longer and left. " I felt guilty by association, " she says. " These poor people, usually women, were putting their trust in this man and in some instances handing over their entire savings for procedures they'd been promised would change their lives for ever. " It was verging on bullying and fraud. You don't expect this type of thing to happen, especially on Harley Street. " I reported the clinic to the Healthcare Commission, and as far as I know it is still under investigation. "

Certainly it would appear that the nip/tuck boom has created many a monster in the industry and turned elective medical intervention into a proverbial cash cow. " There are many industry insiders who purport to being tarred by a brush which simply doesn't apply to them. Cosmetic surgeon Dr Lucy Glancey, of Glancey Medical Associates in London and Coventry, condemns the hard-sell tactics used by her peers. " I've had patients come to me terribly upset because they've had consultations at some of the bigger clinics and then been bombarded by phone calls from patient co-ordinators until they agree to surgery, " she says. " They feel tremendous pressure to book procedures they aren't sure about. It's an invasion of their privacy when what they really need is time to make informed decisions about surgery. " We don't have co- ordinators - patients deal directly with me and my team, and I frequently turn away people for surgery they just don't need. " I won't go down the road of socalled 'upselling' either, where a patient comes in wanting a facelift and leaves having booked a breast lift and lipo as well. I want something to be done about the hard sell. "

Former lawyer Briggs, 52, runs a cosmetic surgery advice service and has firm ideas about how to stamp out heavy-handed sales techniques. " Stop the commission based pay for co-ordinators and put them on proper salaries, " she says. But she admits that with big over-heads to cover, many clinics would find it difficult not to set sales targets. " The reason I started my advice website was to try to stop people selling surgery as though it's double glazing, " says , who had a facelift in 1999. As the founder of Britain's biggest independent cosmetic surgery advice service, she is considered an expert in the field, and lives in Welney, Norfolk, with her husband , 60, who is semi-retired from the RAF. " For my facelift, I did what everyone else having surgery for the first time does. I picked up the Yellow Pages, called a few clinics, and arranged a few consultations. " At the time, people didn't know much about facelifts, and when I did a feature about mine in a magazine and the clinic's phone didn't stop ringing, the surgeon offered me a job. " 'Why would I want to sell surgery for you when I'm a well-paid lawyer?' I asked.

Nevertheless I was intrigued, so I shadowed one of his patient coordinators, Sue, for a week or two and was horrified. " " Sue had been a sales person for a major bank, and within minutes of sitting in on her consultation with a would-be patient, I saw she had a very defined script. " She allowed only one hour per patient, not a minute more, with the goal being to close the deal with a deposit for surgery before the patient left the room. " Sue had a financial target to meet, the same as a double-glazing salesman would. " It didn't matter that she was selling medical procedures which carried inevitable risks, as all surgery does - the sale was the only thing that mattered. " Incensed by what she had witnessed, gave up her career in law to establish an impartial business to help steer would-be nip/tuck patients away from the hard sell she despised. Sadly, though, she has seen an increase in poor sales practice since. " There was one Midlands clinic whose patient co- ordinators would take a deposit from someone, then send a taxi to collect them on the day and take them for their surgery so there was no way they could back out, " she says. " One man who visited a hair transplant clinic for help with a receding hairline was convinced that his problem was far worse and ended up having a £5,000 radical hair transplant. It left him scarred for life. " Then there was the lady who was wheeled into theatre for a boob job under the influence of a sedative, and by the time she got there the patient coordinator had signed her up for a facelift and eye bag removal, too.

Thankfully the surgeon was furious and refused to go ahead with it. " People who want cosmetic surgery are often insecure about their looks so they are easy prey for sales vultures. " Apply a bit of sales pressure or suggest that as well as having their breasts enlarged, perhaps they should consider correcting those droopy eyelids and they'll sign up rather than face the world worrying about tiny imperfections that have been pointed out. " The sales people should be ashamed of themselves. They're not selling shoes. As for the patients who sign up under pressure, they need to ask themselves: 'Would I agree to heart surgery without thinking about it if I didn't really need it? "

The same applies to plastic surgery. " We need ethical guidelines and regulations to stop this hard sell and bring the focus back to a patient's needs. " Indeed, one only hopes that no patients die before controls are imposed on the offending clinics to stop them treating cosmetic surgery as

a neverending cash cow.

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Thanks Kathy!---------- Forwarded message ----------From: <Kathynye@...>Date: Jan 11, 2008 10:07 AM

The nip/tuck conspiracy: The lies and hard-sell tactics cosmetic surgeries use to con women

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/femail/article.html?in_article_id=507487 & in_page_id=1879

by SADIE NICHOLAS (place for comments too)

As she took the deposit from a perfectly proportioned size eight woman and booked her in for breast implants and liposuction, Emma Larter was inwardly delighted. No matter that, in Emma's words, her client " looked beautiful and had no need for surgery " , it was a sale and that's all that mattered. Any guilt she might have felt about such a shameless transaction was more than masked with relief. For, as a patient co-ordinator - plastic surgery industry speak for salesperson - Emma had to hit a staggering monthly sales target of £80,000. It was the equivalent of around 25 breast implants or 12 facelifts, and she was simply relieved she had secured £6,000.

Shocking though it is, such dealings are far from unique. Only this week, an undercover investigation by Which? revealed widespread evidence that people wanting cosmetic surgery are being subjected to lies and a hard-sell more akin to the double-glazing industry. As clinics clamour for their share of the £906million cosmetic surgery market, it seems that sales targets take precedence over integrity. Regardless of the risks associated with surgery - post-operative infections and complications from general anaesthetic - potential clients are being pushed to hand over their cash for a nip/tuck whether they need it or not.

Emma, a 34-year-old mother-of-two from Norwich, admits such damning revelations match her own experience of working as a patient coordinator for a clinic in 2006. She took the job after having breast implants and a tummy tuck at the same clinic. Six months later she quit, unable to tolerate the high-pressure sales environment or condone the hard-sell tactics used to entice patients. " When I recommended friends and acquaintances to the clinic after my surgery, the director called to thank me, " she recalls. " He said that if I could round up patients so effortlessly, I should work for him and get paid for it. " At the time I was a stay-at-home mum.

My partner of 13 years was a wealthy businessman, so I could afford not to work, but I liked the idea of working a few days a week and the contact it would give me with other people, so I took the job. " I thought it would fit brilliantly around the school run. How wrong I was. " Emma's training consisted of sitting in her new boss's office for a " couple of days while he stressed to me the need to sell " , after which she was set an astonishing target of banking £60,000 during her first month. Though she was " talked through " the procedures available, Emma, like most patient coordinators, had no medical training. " I was stunned by the target and the hard sales, " she says. " The number one rule was that I must never let a potential client leave without handing over a deposit for surgery. "

With sales leads generated by the firm's website, Emma would arrange to meet interested parties at clinics in Newcastle, Leeds and London, but admits she and her colleagues were under enormous pressure to make sure every clinic was double-booked. " It was all about money, " she remembers. " There might be only 15 allotted consultation slots, but I'd be expected to book in 30 people to ensure we maximised sales and covered for anyone who didn't turn up. " If people left without paying a deposit, it was a disaster and my boss would read me the riot act. " He phoned constantly, telling me to put the pressure on, to call back clients who hadn't committed at the consultation, and to offer time-sensitive discounts over the phone. " Under instruction from my boss, I'd often tell prospective patients they could have X amount of money off, but only if they booked within the hour. It's the oldest trick in the book. " Whether surgery was appropriate - physically or psychologically - wasn't a consideration.

When you risk the sack if you don't meet your targets, it blurs your judgment and your morals. " I had women who didn't really need the surgery they wanted, but I was never going to say: 'You're lovely as you are, save your money and go home.' " If there was no medical reason why they shouldn't have something done, then I was instructed that it was just another sale. " Shockingly, Emma estimates that, but for the pushy sales techniques used, 50 per cent of patients would never have gone as far as booking in for surgery. " I loved the interaction with people, but I became increasingly conscious that our selling techniques were often immoral. " One of the worst things I was expected to do was show people a magazine feature that had been printed about my own tummy tuck. " The after-picture was amazing, as I now have a beautiful flat stomach.

But my before-pictures weren't considered extreme enough by the clinic - I just had an irritating flap of loose skin from where I'd lost weight. " So the clinic took photos of the receptionist's flabby stomach instead, and I was expected to pass it off as my own. I felt terribly guilty at the con of showing people those photos. "

Eventually, the long hours and highpressure sales environment took its toll on Emma and she resigned from her job in summer 2006. She is now studying for a degree in social work. " They wanted to increase my targets, " she adds. " My children's father left me because our relationship had broken down over the hours I'd been working, I'd been surviving on four hours' sleep a night and I just couldn't do it any more. " I'm all for people having surgery if they need it, but something has to change about the way surgery is sold. It just preys on the vulnerable. "

Maloy, 30, owns a media company in London. From 2003 until September 2006, she handled publicity for a Harley Street surgeon, but she quit when she could no longer tolerate his sales techniques. " When I started working for him he was a respected surgeon, " she says. " But after three years he was even timing how fast he could do breast implants to get as many patients as he could through theatre in a day. " He boasted that his fastest time had been 15 minutes and 30 seconds - when the operation should take around an hour. I was sickened. " Because he rented his facilities, he'd cram 12 operations into a day to avoid paying rent on the theatre for a second day. " It meant a woman could be having a facelift at 9.30pm at night when he'd already been working 14 hours. It was totally unethical. "

With a clinic manager and army of patient co-ordinators, says her client became consumed by greed. " I had big arguments with him about the discounts his team offered if a patient referred a friend, and the vouchers they gave out to clients to redeem against surgery, " says. " If he was such a great surgeon, why did he need to stoop so low? He wasn't selling clothes in a High Street store - this was serious medical intervention and he was sabotaging his reputation. " Once, he even held an invite-only luncheon for clients but once they got there he'd spin a sales pitch and offer them a discount on Botox if they had it there and then. " Some of the women he injected were already sloshed on champagne. It was all sell, sell, sell. " One glamour model booked in to have £2,500 of liposuction to reduce a double chin. But he told her he'd do something even better, though he didn't specify what. " Foolishly she didn't question him and came out of theatre having had a facelift that was to cost her £5,000.

She was only 28 years old and was devastated. " Something has to be done to regulate the industry. We're not talking about offering discounts on waxing or facials - this is serious surgery, and it shouldn't be thrust upon people. " But, like so many of the clinics out there, my client was money-hungry. He treated cosmetic surgery like a High Street sales campaign to get the tills ringing, not a medical procedure. " admits that after her threeyear insight into the sales operation at this clinic, she couldn't contain her repulsion any longer and left. " I felt guilty by association, " she says. " These poor people, usually women, were putting their trust in this man and in some instances handing over their entire savings for procedures they'd been promised would change their lives for ever. " It was verging on bullying and fraud. You don't expect this type of thing to happen, especially on Harley Street. " I reported the clinic to the Healthcare Commission, and as far as I know it is still under investigation. "

Certainly it would appear that the nip/tuck boom has created many a monster in the industry and turned elective medical intervention into a proverbial cash cow. " There are many industry insiders who purport to being tarred by a brush which simply doesn't apply to them. Cosmetic surgeon Dr Lucy Glancey, of Glancey Medical Associates in London and Coventry, condemns the hard-sell tactics used by her peers. " I've had patients come to me terribly upset because they've had consultations at some of the bigger clinics and then been bombarded by phone calls from patient co-ordinators until they agree to surgery, " she says. " They feel tremendous pressure to book procedures they aren't sure about. It's an invasion of their privacy when what they really need is time to make informed decisions about surgery. " We don't have co- ordinators - patients deal directly with me and my team, and I frequently turn away people for surgery they just don't need. " I won't go down the road of socalled 'upselling' either, where a patient comes in wanting a facelift and leaves having booked a breast lift and lipo as well. I want something to be done about the hard sell. "

Former lawyer Briggs, 52, runs a cosmetic surgery advice service and has firm ideas about how to stamp out heavy-handed sales techniques. " Stop the commission based pay for co-ordinators and put them on proper salaries, " she says. But she admits that with big over-heads to cover, many clinics would find it difficult not to set sales targets. " The reason I started my advice website was to try to stop people selling surgery as though it's double glazing, " says , who had a facelift in 1999. As the founder of Britain's biggest independent cosmetic surgery advice service, she is considered an expert in the field, and lives in Welney, Norfolk, with her husband , 60, who is semi-retired from the RAF. " For my facelift, I did what everyone else having surgery for the first time does. I picked up the Yellow Pages, called a few clinics, and arranged a few consultations. " At the time, people didn't know much about facelifts, and when I did a feature about mine in a magazine and the clinic's phone didn't stop ringing, the surgeon offered me a job. " 'Why would I want to sell surgery for you when I'm a well-paid lawyer?' I asked.

Nevertheless I was intrigued, so I shadowed one of his patient coordinators, Sue, for a week or two and was horrified. " " Sue had been a sales person for a major bank, and within minutes of sitting in on her consultation with a would-be patient, I saw she had a very defined script. " She allowed only one hour per patient, not a minute more, with the goal being to close the deal with a deposit for surgery before the patient left the room. " Sue had a financial target to meet, the same as a double-glazing salesman would. " It didn't matter that she was selling medical procedures which carried inevitable risks, as all surgery does - the sale was the only thing that mattered. " Incensed by what she had witnessed, gave up her career in law to establish an impartial business to help steer would-be nip/tuck patients away from the hard sell she despised. Sadly, though, she has seen an increase in poor sales practice since. " There was one Midlands clinic whose patient co- ordinators would take a deposit from someone, then send a taxi to collect them on the day and take them for their surgery so there was no way they could back out, " she says. " One man who visited a hair transplant clinic for help with a receding hairline was convinced that his problem was far worse and ended up having a £5,000 radical hair transplant. It left him scarred for life. " Then there was the lady who was wheeled into theatre for a boob job under the influence of a sedative, and by the time she got there the patient coordinator had signed her up for a facelift and eye bag removal, too.

Thankfully the surgeon was furious and refused to go ahead with it. " People who want cosmetic surgery are often insecure about their looks so they are easy prey for sales vultures. " Apply a bit of sales pressure or suggest that as well as having their breasts enlarged, perhaps they should consider correcting those droopy eyelids and they'll sign up rather than face the world worrying about tiny imperfections that have been pointed out. " The sales people should be ashamed of themselves. They're not selling shoes. As for the patients who sign up under pressure, they need to ask themselves: 'Would I agree to heart surgery without thinking about it if I didn't really need it? "

The same applies to plastic surgery. " We need ethical guidelines and regulations to stop this hard sell and bring the focus back to a patient's needs. " Indeed, one only hopes that no patients die before controls are imposed on the offending clinics to stop them treating cosmetic surgery as

a neverending cash cow.

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