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Low White Blood Count

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I do know that white counts go down when on IV as well as chemo and other

meds. Have you been tested/treated for Erliciosis? I have no references.

Maybe someone else does. Have you looked at Art's site.

I think you should stay on antibiotics until you are symptom free. My own

experience has been that if I do not continue antibiotics until symptom free

I relapse. Just my 2cents. Do you really want to wait 5 years to see if they

go away on their own?

Martha A.

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Martha A - Thanks for your reply! Where can I find Art's site? I

have never heard of it.

When I had lyme in 1995, I immediately developed chemical

sensitivities and severe digestive reactions to processed foods

(especially food with MSG and other additives) after finishing my

antibiotics and this problem has become progressively worse over the

years ----I am still dealing with it today --- it has been very

tough. Also, I would continue to get stabbing pains in my hands when

I was under unusual physical stress (e.g., lack of sleep, flu). The

stabbing pains ceased around 3 years later. My former lyme doctor

(who I really trusted but has since left his practice) told me that

this has happened to some of his other patients and he blames the

antibiotics --- he was firm that I should not go back on the


Sure, I'd love to just stay on antibiotics and get this fixed once

and for all but this is not always wise for everyone. God forbid if

my chemical sensitivities and food problems get worse! With this

latest and third bite, I respect my new lyme doctor's opinion. (I

really trust her too.) While she will use aggressive treatments for

many people, for me she does not think I should go on another regime

of antibiotics but we will revisit my situation again in 3 months.

As far as being tested for erlichosis and babeosis to find out either

may be causing the low white blood counts, I was tested while on

doxycycline and the results were negative --- the timing wasn't right

--- too many false negatives especially while still taking


Re my present low white blood count, I was wondering if anyone knows

if there is a connection between neutropenia and leukopenia?

Neutropenia is a side effect of doxycycline and it is when happens

when there isn't enough blood cells produced in the marrow, or core

of the bones. Leukopenia is a low white blood count.

Does anyone know if there may be any connection between leukopenia

and neutropenia? Perhaps, this is just wishful thinking on my part

but I am hoping the doxycycline prompted my low white blood count and

this is only temporary. Yes, I'll be checking with my lyme doctor

and complementary doc next week and will share any info that may be

of interest to others but I find it really helps to gather as much

info before asking the docs any questions.

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In a message dated 8/24/02 10:55:38 PM, MENJ@... writes:


Sure, I'd love to just stay on antibiotics and get this fixed once

and for all but this is not always wise for everyone >>

I totally disagree.

If one is afflicted with lyme, like myself, husband, children and the 7,000

that I have communicated with since 1996..... ANTIBIOTICS plus alternative is

the ONLY way to go.

The reason you are having 'chemical sensitivities, food problems, aches,

pains, etc' IS BECAUSE OF LYME. I also would bet the ranch that if you don't

get treatment, this will continue to progress.

How do I know? I work mostly now with ALS/Lou Gehrig's and MS patients.....

guess what? 91 ALS patients....ALL have tested positive for lyme and

babesia...(and God knows what else). Please don't cheat yourself-- find a


" for me she does not think I should go on another regime

of antibiotics but we will revisit my situation again in 3 months. "

This is ludicrous!!! Why wait??

" As far as being tested for erlichosis and babeosis to find out either

may be causing the low white blood counts, I was tested while on

doxycycline and the results were negative "

Now that you have been off abx, why not be tested by Igenex Labs?? I will

also tell you that many, many people are being tested for babesia (myself and

husband included) and it is coming back negative YET WE ARE POSITIVE. Again,

how do I know??? Symptoms.

We use Dr. Zhang's artemesia... www.dr-zhang.com. Tried Mepron/zith, flagyl,

other artemesias...THIS ONE WORKS.

There is a real good possibility that your low white blood count is from


this is a rickosette bacteria that kills the white blood cells. Treatment?

doxycycline (or actually Dorxy, brand name). It can be fatal if left

untreated. (think about it....low white blood cells, no immune system, can't

fight off the common cold...)

I don't like when people are given misinformation, even if it is from a

so-called " Lyme dr. " .

I was paralyzed from the neck down, am convinced I would have been dead at

the age of 42 from ALS, obituary would have said " Mother of 6, age 42, dead

of ALS " what a shame.

NO WAY!!!!! Because of persistance of educating MYSELF and learning (and am

constantly still learning) all there is to this disease..... I am 99% better.

Husband is battling severe tachycardia due to lyme.

5 of my 6 kids are confirmed chronic lyme, all doing well.

PLEASE take care of yourself, DON " T put your health in the hands of anyone.

Take responsibility and nurture yourself.

If I can be of any help, PLEASE ask. I have tons of documents, literature,


sue in nj

sue massie

PS- This goes for ANYONE!!!! :)

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I have a good idea which LLMD you are seeing...

30 days of doxy, 200mg is NOT going to " Cure " lyme either.

" OK since the major and more serious symptoms have subsided although I still

have random pains in my hands that I can live with. "

This is not OK, it will continue to get worse along with many other symptoms

that will be appearing.

I forgot to say that when one is treated for co-infections....

it is USUALLY a treatment of AT LEAST 6 mos. of meds.!!!!

30 days is a band-aid on a huge, oozing wound. It will return with a vengence

Suggestion: Buy " Everything You Need to Know about Lyme Disease " by

Vanderhoof-Forschner. Everybody should have a copy. You can learn so much by

even skimming it. Also read www.lymenet.org and read all the articles. There

is so much information out there, which is repeatitive and consistant about

how lyme is a long-term, multi-faceted disease.

sue in nj

sue massie

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Martha A, my white blood count also went down after 30 days of docy. My Dr

stopped antibotics for a few weeks until white count came back up. Then we

started again. Since our white blood cells fight off infection (if I am

correct), that made sense to me. He continues to check my blood count at

every office visit. God Bless, Gail

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Sue - Thanks for your attempts to help me in response to my posting about why my

white blood count have dipped. As I said immediately after reading your post, I

do appreciate some of the points you directed to me, other your other posts

which have been of help, and that I would write again.

First of all, I must admit that I was very much taken back by your post

especially since I was feeling vulnerable at the time and you came on so very

strong --- sometimes commenting on facts that I had already acknowledged in my

inquiry. I just backed off from the posts here for a while until I regained my

own perspective and started to read all the posts in reaction to yours which

validated what I initially felt.

While I remained off the internet, I started to think about everyone here is

coming from a good place --- just people helping people --- and how your

attitude may be colored by the very terrible ordeal you and your family have

experienced and are still going through and to top it off, you meet many others

who you attempt to help. For this, my heart goes out to you.

Fortunately, I know that old panic well having survived cancer 12 years ago

(with very bad odds of surviving) and two bouts of lyme in the mid-90s ---

frequently, I was told by doctors and people who sell alternative products (such

as yourself) about the terrible odds I had of survival if I didn't do this or


From this experience, I learned to to stop myself from taking a hard and fast

position when I speak to others who ask me for advice. I try to confine my

feedback to my own experiences and explain why I have not chosen certain

therapies and doctors paths without implying that my way is the only way --- I

have learned over time that I cannot say what is good and bad for others ---

medicine is not so black and white and then, of course there is the psyche which

plays such a major role in healing. I find it very important to make those I

help aware that they have the ability and power to choose the right path for

healing for them and that it may be very different than mine --- be it

traditional, complementary, alternative or a combo of any of these.

Going back to my original post, I have since heard from a couple of people who

have experienced dips in their WBC. One person told me that she gets her blood

tested frequently (I think every week) while on abx and if it has dipped too

much, they stop the abx temporarily. This is pretty much the way chemo patients

are managed too. I think I will insist on this if and when I decide with my doc

that more abx is needed. Perhaps, the lyme docs already suggest this for folks

taking heavier dosages or maybe, they don't because it would be expensive to get

frequent blood tests and very difficult to deal with when there is managed care,

insurance claims, etc.

Well, since my last post, I found all my blood tests going back 12 years!

Anyway, I see that each of the two times that I was treated with another

antibiotic -- one year apart for my first two separate lyme bites back in the

mid-90's --- both times, my white blood count had dipped although it remained

within the normal range unlike this time. But, I found it very interesting to

see that my white blood count never got back as high as it was prior to my first

lyme bite so before this third bite in June, I was already in the lower part of

the normal range and the doxy just made me a bit lower within the abnormal

range. (I do not think I remained lower because I still had lyme. We already

knew I had a compromised immune system before my first lyme bite in the mid-90's

because of my past cancer and the abx just set me further back in some ways

while it did the job on the lyme.) Regardless, had I been able to do it all

over again, I would STILL have taken the antibiotic treatment that I did ---

yes, I know lyme is that bad.

Contrary to your feedback, I know I do not have food sensitivities and chemical

sensitivities due to lyme or coinfections from my lyme in the mid-90s --- I have

been tested many many times and I have a long history of other problems. But, I

do believe that the treatments I received for lyme pushed my immune system even

further than the chemo and radiation did causing the sensitivities to start. I

have read about and met many folks with food and chemical sensitivities that

began after they had taken a strong and long course of abx --- you can't assume

it is only the lyme. Problems like food and chemical sensitivities seem to have

become more common -- they are not just experienced by those who have taken

antibiotics for lyme -- I've met people who developed these sensitivities after

antibiotics for other problems (e.g., antibiotics used after surgery and other

types of infections not related to lyme or parasites). Maybe you can find some

of these posts at sites such as MCS-exile @ and also,


You say you get thousands of emails and that may explain why you did not

recognize that I already commented that I knew about false negative tests, low

white blood counts with Erlichiosis, and anything else that you repeated in your

reply as something I didn't already know. Perhaps, you were lecturing for the

benefit of others and this is good.

Lastly, I would appreciate it if you and anyone who is a purveyor of products

that may be of benefit to lyme sufferers would mention this in their posts.

This fact is extremely important so that the reader can make their own judgement

on whether the information you relay may possibly be biased in some way.

I'll be posting again if there is information that will help others or if I need

help. I consider myself a lucky person because of the information you and

others have posted as well as off-line help from some special people ---

especially Connie K who was there for me from the start.

God bless,


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  • 1 year later...

Wow Caglon

Chemo - You'r mother is sure living dangerously!

Not many survive chemo - however here is how it

is done. Get on the Budwig protocol - get the

omega 3s back into the system.

Go to:


order 2+ bottles ea. of items 762.5 IP-6 and

104.0 Inositol - mix the two and use on empty

stomach. It will double white blood cells within

a month when taken at about 10 grams/day. And only

costs about $25/month compared to caps. for well over


IP-6 is basically a rice bran extract and fairly natural.

> Hi everybody, I am new to this list but have been

> reading comments from time to time. my mother is

> diagnosed with stage III ovarian cancer and she is

> having chemo at the moment but her white blood cell

> count was very low and she couldnt take her chemo

> today. What can be done to increase her count? Is

> there any nutrion or vitamin proven worthwile to

> improve her blood count? thx a lot. Caglan

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Wow Caglon

Chemo - You'r mother is sure living dangerously!

Not many survive chemo - however here is how it

is done. Get on the Budwig protocol - get the

omega 3s back into the system.

Go to:


order 2+ bottles ea. of items 762.5 IP-6 and

104.0 Inositol - mix the two and use on empty

stomach. It will double white blood cells within

a month when taken at about 10 grams/day. And only

costs about $25/month compared to caps. for well over


IP-6 is basically a rice bran extract and fairly natural.

> Hi everybody, I am new to this list but have been

> reading comments from time to time. my mother is

> diagnosed with stage III ovarian cancer and she is

> having chemo at the moment but her white blood cell

> count was very low and she couldnt take her chemo

> today. What can be done to increase her count? Is

> there any nutrion or vitamin proven worthwile to

> improve her blood count? thx a lot. Caglan

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Lyme Aid Owner

Deanna, I will be interested to hear what you find out about low white blood

count because I too was just told mine was low. My doctor wants to recheck it

after I'm off Doxy.

bluesky <bluesky@...> wrote:Does anyone know anything about this?

Recent blood test showed that my white blood count was a little low,

it was something like 3.4 where a normal range is 3.5 to ?? 5ish?

The doctor said we'd just check it again next month, no cautions, no

explanations. Google search just showed a lot of cancer treatment articles.

Does this happen to Lymies?

Are there ways to build it?

Major immune builder I'm taking is astragalus.



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  • 4 years later...

Hi, Has anyone had a low white blood count? I went to the dr's today

and got my blood results back and he said that my white blood count

was 2.9 and it's usually higher than that?

Patty, Do you have any suggestions? Could it be associated with my

low thyroid. I haven't been feeling good lately...very tired.


> > >

> > > Hi all,

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > I had a food intolerance test done and have just got the


> > >

> > > The list of foods I have to avoid are YEAST,WHEAT,COWS MILK and

> > the one I

> > > am most surprised about is COFFEE.

> > >

> > > I have not had coffee for years and years as I have never


> > liked it ??

> > >

> > > I am surprised as I was under the impression that if I have


> > had that

> > > food how can I react to it , how would it show in my blood test,

> > >


> > >

> > > I am also borderline for KIWI,CASHEW,SESAME SEED,GLUTEN,MILLETT.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Any advice on this please.

> > >

> > > Love Sue

> > >

> >


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We did have one woman that I know of who had a low white blood

count. I wish I could put you in touch with her, but I can't....let

me leave it at that, because I know she would have gotten better if

she just would have had the faith to go on, but she did not.

She lived here in Las Vegas, a beautiful woman, and I was so happy

that I was able to see her face to face, if even only a few times.

I do not know of a low blood count being associated with a low

thyroid. I really am not sure about the particulars with that test

result, so be sure to share what you find out. But do NOT let

anything frighten you....have faith...you can get better!


> > > >

> > > > Hi all,

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > I had a food intolerance test done and have just got the

> results.

> > > >

> > > > The list of foods I have to avoid are YEAST,WHEAT,COWS MILK


> > > the one I

> > > > am most surprised about is COFFEE.

> > > >

> > > > I have not had coffee for years and years as I have never

> really

> > > liked it ??

> > > >

> > > > I am surprised as I was under the impression that if I have

> never

> > > had that

> > > > food how can I react to it , how would it show in my blood


> > > >


> > > >

> > > > I am also borderline for KIWI,CASHEW,SESAME


> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Any advice on this please.

> > > >

> > > > Love Sue

> > > >

> > >

> >


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All kinds of things can cause a low white count.

from reactions to medications, or if you have

certain health challenges, including viral overload.

They can change as much as 2000 just from

exercising, stress, or smoking ! !

Lots of factors to measure in. Even if the band

is too tight on your arm when they draw the blood

can alter your counts.

Hugs DedeStart the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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I have a low white blood cell count too. Between 3.0 - 4.0. The doctors always dismiss it.glory2glory1401 <glory2glory1401@...> wrote: Steph,We did have one woman that I know of who had a low white blood count. I wish I could put you in touch with her, but I can't....let me leave it at that, because I know she would have gotten better if she just would have had the faith to go on, but she did not.She lived here in Las Vegas, a beautiful woman, and I was so happy that I was able to see her face to face, if

even only a few times.I do not know of a low blood count being associated with a low thyroid. I really am not sure about the particulars with that test result, so be sure to share what you find out. But do NOT let anything frighten you....have faith...you can get better!Patty> > > >> > > > Hi all, > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > I had a food intolerance test done and have just got the > results.> > > > > > > > The list of foods I have to avoid are YEAST,WHEAT,COWS MILK and > > > the one I> > > > am most surprised about is COFFEE.> > > > > > > > I have not had coffee for years and

years as I have never > really > > > liked it ??> > > > > > > > I am surprised as I was under the impression that if I have > never > > > had that> > > > food how can I react to it , how would it show in my blood test,> > > > > > > > I GUESS I AM WORRIED I HAVE BEEN RIPPED OFF.> > > > > > > > I am also borderline for KIWI,CASHEW,SESAME SEED,GLUTEN,MILLETT.> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Any advice on this please.> > > > > > > > Love Sue> > > >> > >> >>

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Thanks Dede. I completely feel like crap and I've been so tired all

of the time I can't even walk or drive. I get occasional aches at

night and I'm nauseas. My WBC came back at 2.9 and my ANA was

negative. I don't know what could be causing the fatigue or my low

WBC but I can't work because of the fatigue.



> All kinds of things can cause a low white count.

> from reactions to medications, or if you have

> certain health challenges, including viral overload.

> They can change as much as 2000 just from

> exercising, stress, or smoking ! !

> Lots of factors to measure in. Even if the band

> is too tight on your arm when they draw the blood

> can alter your counts.

> Hugs Dede




> **************Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in


> http://body.aol.com/fitness/winter-exercise?



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, I have a low blood count too, and when your blood count is low you are open to infection. Have you been tested for H-Pylori, because I am positive, and the GI attacks were one of the most painful ever? We have killed this bug; however, it could come back. The test is a breath test, or bloodwork.

Stay close, love you......Lea


Re: Re: Low White Blood Count

I have a low white blood cell count too. Between 3.0 - 4.0. The doctors always dismiss it.glory2glory1401 <glory2glory1401 > wrote:

Steph,We did have one woman that I know of who had a low white blood count. I wish I could put you in touch with her, but I can't....let me leave it at that, because I know she would have gotten better if she just would have had the faith to go on, but she did not.She lived here in Las Vegas, a beautiful woman, and I was so happy that I was able to see her face to face, if even only a few times.I do not know of a low blood count being associated with a low thyroid. I really am not sure about the particulars with that test result, so be sure to share what you find out. But do NOT let anything frighten you....have faith...you can get better!Patty> > > >> > > > Hi all, > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > I had a food intolerance test done and have just got the > results.> > > > > > > > The list of foods I have to avoid are YEAST,WHEAT,COWS MILK and > > > the one I> > > > am most surprised about is COFFEE.> > > > > > > > I have not had coffee for years and years as I have never > really > > > liked it ??> > > > > > > > I am surprised as I was under the impression that if I have > never > > > had that> > > > food how can I react to it , how would it show in my blood test,> > > > > > > > I GUESS I AM WORRIED I HAVE BEEN RIPPED OFF.> > > > > > > > I am also borderline for KIWI,CASHEW,SESAME SEED,GLUTEN,MILLETT.> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Any advice on this please.> > > > > > > > Love Sue> > > >> > >> >>

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