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Ten Healing Crystals for Children

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Ten Healing Crystals for Children Excerpt from: A Guide to Gem and Crystal Therapy by , Crystal Energy Therapist Crystals are

truly gifts from the Earth. Children seem to have a natural attraction

to pick them up and fully explore any kind of stone or crystal. They

will often use all their senses, seeing what the crystal looks like,

feeling the texture with their fingertips, or even rubbing the crystal

against other parts of their body. They are curious to know what it

sounds like when the crystal drops on the ground or plops into water,

what it smells like and tastes like. Some children use their

psychic senses, telling what the crystal is saying to them; or they

will mysteriously use the crystal for healing without any instructions.

Children can respond very quickly to the healing energy of crystals.

However, please consult the best available qualified medical help on

the care of your children and use your common sense in regards to your

children's health and wellness. Take your children to a rock

shop, gem and mineral show, museums as well as to areas of high mineral

content (check a geological survey map) such as quarries, caves and

mines. Let your children pick crystals for themselves. Often they will

select a crystal that is helpful to their healing process. One

four-year-old girl I met selected an Apache Tear, used for the grieving

process. The little girl, clutching it in her hand, remarked, "Oh, I

want to wear this all the time!" I asked the mother if there had been a

death in the family recently. Astonished, she replied, "I just lost my

brother four weeks ago, but we didn't tell her". The girl was obviously

sensitive to the family's sorrow and needed some protection from the

feelings of others around her. I have listed some crystals to

help in your child's healing. Let your child carry the crystal in his

or her pocket, or place 1 or 2 in a small medicine bag around the neck.

Let your child even sleep with his or her special crystal. Crystals

often get lost or misplaced by children, so you might want to have a

few extras on hand. The next Crystals articles will be on "Using Crystals for Healing Pets and Animals", followed by "The Five Master Healers". Please refer to my other articles on using healing crystals for Stress, Romance, and Men's and Women's Issues. Amethyst A "Master Healing Crystal". Amethyst's

most noted healing quality is its ability to purify and transmute all

forms of negativity. For children "in transition", whether it be a

growth spurt, a major disappointment such as failing a grade, or even

hearing the devastating news of divorce or death, Amethyst accepts all

negative emotions and provides comfort through spiritual acceptance.

For children with various disabilities or with either physical or

emotional pain, an Amethyst cluster in the room will help clear

unwanted discharged energies, bringing the room back into a balanced

state. For local pain, hold an Amethyst directly on or over the area

for up to 20 minutes. Apache Tear The "Grief Stone". Apache Tear is actually Obsidian

and is very dark but transparent. When you hold a small piece up to the

light you can see through it. However, if you have been using the

Apache Tear to absorb negative emotions, you will see it cloud up and

become opaque. Sometimes it will clear up after the grieving is over. Aventurine The "Leadership Stone". Aventurine

strengthens and restores the Heart energy, providing a balance of male

and female energies. This crystal is green and very loving, embracing,

and protective of the Heart. Many children who are shy, timid, or

suppressing their leadership qualities need a crystal like Aventurine.

This stone helps the individual to become active and to initiate action

on their own accord. Asthmatic children seem attracted to this stone as

it opens up the lungs and they experience a sense of relief. Carnelian A "Self-Esteem Crystal". Carnelian

is used to help restore feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. The

deep orange colours relate well to strengthening and blending the 1st,

2nd, and 3rd chakras, promoting self-security and self-love. The pinker

shades relate to enhancing love between child and parent, through

self-acceptance. This crystal is also used for dermatological ailments

such as acne, by holding the stone over the skin and moving it in

circles for several minutes, several times a day. Clear Quartz The "Healing Crystal". Clear Quartz

is a general all-purpose healing crystal. Each Quartz crystal has its

own energy signature and healing mission. When a child makes contact

with the right crystal, the energy is discharged either very slowly, or

quite suddenly so it feels like a very mild electric shock. This

natural energy can be just enough to transform a disharmonious thought

pattern, burn off some negative emotional state, or even place the

spiritual seeds of one's future into consciousness. Using a cluster of

Clear Quartz crystals for children is particularly nice, as so many

different types of crystals (record-keepers, transmitters, channelers,

etc.) are included. There's a crystal for any occasion! Crystal

clusters are also helpful to organize scattered thoughts and to deflect

negative energies. Rose Quartz "The Love Stone". Rose Quartz

is another terrific general healing crystal for children especially for

those who have a lot of hurt feelings or aggressive tendencies. Rose

Quartz can soothe a broken heart shattered by seeing raw Reality - the

ways things are, rather than the way one wants them to be. For

hyperactive children Rose Quartz soothes erratic emotional states,

anxiety, fear, compulsions, and many other mental disorders. Some

neurological benefits have also been noticed with muscle spasms

relaxing when Rose Quartz is guided over the nerve centres. For young

hearts, Rose Quartz helps to keep the Heart chakra open, vital and

protected, filtering in good energies and keeping out the bad. Lapis Lazuli A "Psychic Balance Stone". Lapis Lazuli

is an incredible stabilizer for children who show psychic gifts early

in life. The deep blue colour stimulates expansion of consciousness in

a supportive way, promoting purification and clarity of spiritual

insight. Lapis Lazuli provides self-acceptance of one's given gifts and

encourages openness of one's spiritual awareness. This stone is highly

prized for its protective powers and stimulation of all psychic senses. Jade A "Soother of Emotions Stone". Jade

is easily obtained and can be openly worn by children as regular

"jewelry". Emotionally sensitive children often need a supportive

system to ensure that their feelings do not overwhelm them. Jade

enhances confidence, self-assurance, and self-reliance. Jade is very

inspirational in helping one achieve one's desires in life. This stone

is often available from a Chinese goods merchant and is often sold in

the shape of thin coins. Tiger Eye A "Grounding Stone". Tiger Eye

has thin rutile inclusions, and when rocked back and forth the light

reflects in a certain way as if the tiger's eye were winking at you!

Let your children explore this fastinating stone and help them find the

flashing Tiger's Eye. This stone is excellent for grounding psychic

energy and providing security for opening up the psychic centers.

Sometimes children get carried away and get lost in their dream world.

Tiger Eye helps to pull them back into their bodies (after astral

travel). This stone is very useful to put action to one's thoughts.

Tiger's Eye is about being practical. Perhaps every parent needs one

for their child before trips to the shopping mall. Pyrite A "Protection Stone". Iron Pyrite

comes in many different shapes, from sun discs to cubes. Children are

attracted to its shiny brassy surfaces. Pyrite is like a small mirror;

negative energy is relected away. The terror of being unprotected is

reduced. There is also a feeling of physical empowerment, that life in

the physical form is perfect, and love is abundant.

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