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Re: Health issues

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Thanks for all your input and your willingness to help out. It was very


for me to ask.

It 's not something I know anything about, so I'll have to do some reading. So

far , other than the tooth thing, I don't see anything in the lists of symptoms


describes me. I didn't have a cavity my adult life, which is why they assumed

that it was my previous (possibly ill- advised) orthadontic work which changed

my bite, and major changes in my life which caused me to start clenching my

jaw. I wasn't infertile (even after 40)- but they discovered my husband and I

had similar immune makeups, which triggered an immune response in me -

we did have one child, which is when they think it happened - a bit like with

an rh factor. I don't have a tempermental (?) stomach and I don't have

cravings or feel hungry all the time.

I had been assuming it was my years (decades) of dedicated low fat eating

before I 'saw the light', and possibly lack of light in another way - moving to

England from the US and suddenly getting almost no sunlight. Someone else

has suggested low thyroid and recommended I monitor my body temperature

and get some coconut oil.

Lots to think about, that's for sure!


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  • 3 years later...
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Dear Donna,

I know you posted this a few days ago, dear but I wish to send

you healing for many health issues seem to stay with us much longer

lately, yes? I also send healing light and hugs to your husband, and

may you both be engulfed in the most blessed light that this group I

know can shine to you! Namaste, Luna


> Please send healing for me with some health issues that popped up


> so I got to spend most of my day in the ER. Also energy for my


> and his health issue and the strength to get through it all for both


> us. Thanks everyone!


> Donna


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  • 1 year later...
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Hello Judy,

Welcome to the group ! It is a bit slow lately, some are ill, some are out of town, and just different reasons. Honey, it IS the implants.....and your body's inability to

tolerate them.

It is typical to have bloodwork that looks normal. A problem that

makes treating us difficult. Where do you live ? We have had girls

from all over the world.

Support is so important when you are going thru something like this

especially with people that have been there, or are going thru it

right now...

Your body is screaming because it is not tolerating the hits to your

immune system.

Be sure and drink good clean water, preferably with minerals in it, it will

help filter out your system.

Eat live foods that supply your body with natural things. Fresh vegetables

are best, frozen next, but stay away from canned, processed, pasturized

foods. Uncooked is best as it has all the good stuff in it to nourish your bodies.

Be sure you are getting good fats, but stay away from the bad fats.

Go into the archives and start reading all you can. Educate yourself

and pay close attention to your body, you are your best advocate.

Keep a journal, of what you eat, when, and how you feel after it, and how you feel before your next meal. Emotionally and physically.

Even tho there are many things the same, we are all different.

Stay away from useing chemicals, cleaners and all, when your body is

fighting like that, you dont wanna use up all your bodies energy resources

fighting, you want it for healing.

The implants need to go.....soon as you can figure out a way.

Read all you can, ask all the questions you have, and we will help

best we can.

Hugs and Prayers ~


Health Issues

Hi everyone,

I had been thinking about implants for years and finally deceided just to go ahead and do it. I meet with two surgeons. I deceided to go with the second one. It was a female doctor and I just loved her after the consultation.

I too had heard alot of bad things about the silicone so saline was the option. I was never told that the shell was made from silicone.

I had the implants put in November of 2006. After healing for a while I noticed a big difference in the sizes so, she told me I needed more surgery to correct the problem. They would just open the incision site and add more fluid through the valve.Which we did.After that, in June of 2007 I developed an infection. The doctors plan was to put me on 2 different antibotics for 6 weeks. At the end of that period it was better but the doctor called and said she didnt think that I should keep the implants in.She even admitted that I got the infection during the 2nd surgery. I was told that they would have to be removed and wait 3months for the infection to clear before putting them back in.

I waited the 3 months and went back for the second set of implants.

Soon after I developed weird acking all over. That lasted a a few weeks, then my elbows started to hurt. I didnt think much of it at the time, thought it may have been work related. Then it June of 2008 it really hit me. I started feeling "not well". Cant really explain it, just felt sick. Then the joint pain started, first in the fingers on my right hand then my feet. God, when I got out of bed in the morning it felt like I was walking on rocks.I have headaches and a fuzzy feeling in my head most of the time.Most the time my hands and feet feel like thier "vibrating". I forget peoples names that Ive know for years. Somtimes I walk like I have been drinking, off balance feeling, and sometimes dizziness.I feel sick to my stomach sometimes to.

I read all the posts about how breast implants have caused all these illnesses and I know deep down that my implants have to be the cause of my problems too, I just dont know for sure. Can someone get back to me with thier opinion? I did have blood work(CBC) done and everything came back ok.

Im so scared, I want to have these things taken out but I cant afford it, I was just let go from a job I had been with for 10 years, due to lack of work. Im still trying to pay off the loan from having the implants in

Please help!!

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Hi Dede,

Thank you so much for getting back to me. Just hearing someone say it is the implants has made me feel better.

I live in Reading Pa. Where are you located?

Do you know of any doctors in my area, or do you think I should contact the plastic surgoen who did my implants?

Also, when saline implants are taken out, do they break them open or remove them as a whole?

When I had mine removed because of the infection she broke them before removal.

Thank you so much,


From: DGRAHAMA@... <DGRAHAMA@...>Subject: Re: Health Issues Date: Wednesday, March 3, 2010, 3:20 PM

Hello Judy,

Welcome to the group ! It is a bit slow lately, some are ill, some are out of town, and just different reasons. Honey, it IS the implants.... .and your body's inability to

tolerate them.

It is typical to have bloodwork that looks normal. A problem that

makes treating us difficult. Where do you live ? We have had girls

from all over the world.

Support is so important when you are going thru something like this

especially with people that have been there, or are going thru it

right now...

Your body is screaming because it is not tolerating the hits to your

immune system.

Be sure and drink good clean water, preferably with minerals in it, it will

help filter out your system.Eat live foods that supply your body with natural things. Fresh vegetables

are best, frozen next, but stay away from canned, processed, pasturized

foods. Uncooked is best as it has all the good stuff in it to nourish your bodies.

Be sure you are getting good fats, but stay away from the bad fats.

Go into the archives and start reading all you can. Educate yourself

and pay close attention to your body, you are your best advocate.

Keep a journal, of what you eat, when, and how you feel after it, and how you feel before your next meal. Emotionally and physically.

Even tho there are many things the same, we are all different.

Stay away from useing chemicals, cleaners and all, when your body is

fighting like that, you dont wanna use up all your bodies energy resources

fighting, you want it for healing.

The implants need to go.....soon as you can figure out a way. Read all you can, ask all the questions you have, and we will help

best we can.

Hugs and Prayers ~


Health Issues

Hi everyone,I had been thinking about implants for years and finally deceided just to go ahead and do it. I meet with two surgeons. I deceided to go with the second one. It was a female doctor and I just loved her after the consultation.I too had heard alot of bad things about the silicone so saline was the option. I was never told that the shell was made from silicone.I had the implants put in November of 2006. After healing for a while I noticed a big difference in the sizes so, she told me I needed more surgery to correct the problem. They would just open the incision site and add more fluid through the valve.Which we did.After that, in June of 2007 I developed an infection. The doctors plan was to put me on 2 different antibotics for 6 weeks. At the end of that period it was better but the doctor called and said she didnt think that I should keep the implants in.She even admitted that I got the infection during the 2nd surgery. I

was told that they would have to be removed and wait 3months for the infection to clear before putting them back in.I waited the 3 months and went back for the second set of implants. Soon after I developed weird acking all over. That lasted a a few weeks, then my elbows started to hurt. I didnt think much of it at the time, thought it may have been work related. Then it June of 2008 it really hit me. I started feeling "not well". Cant really explain it, just felt sick. Then the joint pain started, first in the fingers on my right hand then my feet. God, when I got out of bed in the morning it felt like I was walking on rocks.I have headaches and a fuzzy feeling in my head most of the time.Most the time my hands and feet feel like thier "vibrating". I forget peoples names that Ive know for years. Somtimes I walk like I have been drinking, off balance feeling, and sometimes dizziness.I feel sick to my stomach sometimes to.I read all the posts

about how breast implants have caused all these illnesses and I know deep down that my implants have to be the cause of my problems too, I just dont know for sure. Can someone get back to me with thier opinion? I did have blood work(CBC) done and everything came back ok. Im so scared, I want to have these things taken out but I cant afford it, I was just let go from a job I had been with for 10 years, due to lack of work. Im still trying to pay off the loan from having the implants inPlease help!!

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Judy ~

You are welcome ! its my pleasure ! I am in Austin Texas.

There are several girls in Penn. dont know how close to Reading

they are.....but.....hopefully they will respond.

I, personally would not go back to the doctor that put them


Saline has a shelf life, then after that it can grow molds and

fungus, and bacterial organisms....There have been girls that

have had them removed in less than a year, and they were full

of molds and other organisms. So, absolutely, no breaking of

implants before removal.......

Please look in the picture section too.....then you can see some

of these saline filled silicone implants that are full of nasty

organisms.......some is black, some red, some brown, all are

nasty !

Because you have had problems and infection....I personally

feel the only way you should have them removed is enbloc

and use of drains. Enbloc is where they cut around the scar

tissue with the implant inside it, so that any organisms that

are between the implant and the scar capsule are removed

as a whole too. Less chance of complication.

There is a list of recommended doctors in the archives too.

Personally, Dr Kolb is the best, and she is in Atlanta.

Another good one is Dr. Melmed and he is in Dallas Texas.

Just be sure you tell him you want enbloc method because

of previous problems.

Below are their email addresses if you want to contact

them and ask questions.

drkolb@..., EMelmedaol



Health Issues

Hi everyone,

I had been thinking about implants for years and finally deceided just to go ahead and do it. I meet with two surgeons. I deceided to go with the second one. It was a female doctor and I just loved her after the consultation.

I too had heard alot of bad things about the silicone so saline was the option. I was never told that the shell was made from silicone.

I had the implants put in November of 2006. After healing for a while I noticed a big difference in the sizes so, she told me I needed more surgery to correct the problem. They would just open the incision site and add more fluid through the valve.Which we did.After that, in June of 2007 I developed an infection. The doctors plan was to put me on 2 different antibotics for 6 weeks. At the end of that period it was better but the doctor called and said she didnt think that I should keep the implants in.She even admitted that I got the infection during the 2nd surgery. I was told that they would have to be removed and wait 3months for the infection to clear before putting them back in.

I waited the 3 months and went back for the second set of implants.

Soon after I developed weird acking all over. That lasted a a few weeks, then my elbows started to hurt. I didnt think much of it at the time, thought it may have been work related. Then it June of 2008 it really hit me. I started feeling "not well". Cant really explain it, just felt sick. Then the joint pain started, first in the fingers on my right hand then my feet. God, when I got out of bed in the morning it felt like I was walking on rocks.I have headaches and a fuzzy feeling in my head most of the time.Most the time my hands and feet feel like thier "vibrating". I forget peoples names that Ive know for years. Somtimes I walk like I have been drinking, off balance feeling, and sometimes dizziness.I feel sick to my stomach sometimes to.

I read all the posts about how breast implants have caused all these illnesses and I know deep down that my implants have to be the cause of my problems too, I just dont know for sure. Can someone get back to me with thier opinion? I did have blood work(CBC) done and everything came back ok.

Im so scared, I want to have these things taken out but I cant afford it, I was just let go from a job I had been with for 10 years, due to lack of work. Im still trying to pay off the loan from having the implants in

Please help!!

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Dear Judy:

Welcome to this wonderful group. We are so sorry that you have suffered from breast implants. Will your doctor remove them for you, because she put them in? She should take some responsibility because she knew that you had a severe infection. Breast implants are not safe; however, there is no one to help us, because of the big Corporations. It is all about money and power, and we hope that you will do some research to help you make the decision to have them removed as soon as possible.

Honey, we will all be here for you to answer questions that might be bothering you.

Stay close...love always...Lea


Health Issues

Hi everyone,I had been thinking about implants for years and finally deceided just to go ahead and do it. I meet with two surgeons. I deceided to go with the second one. It was a female doctor and I just loved her after the consultation.I too had heard alot of bad things about the silicone so saline was the option. I was never told that the shell was made from silicone.I had the implants put in November of 2006. After healing for a while I noticed a big difference in the sizes so, she told me I needed more surgery to correct the problem. They would just open the incision site and add more fluid through the valve.Which we did.After that, in June of 2007 I developed an infection. The doctors plan was to put me on 2 different antibotics for 6 weeks. At the end of that period it was better but the doctor called and said she didnt think that I should keep the implants in.She even admitted that I got the infection during the 2nd surgery. I was told that they would have to be removed and wait 3months for the infection to clear before putting them back in.I waited the 3 months and went back for the second set of implants. Soon after I developed weird acking all over. That lasted a a few weeks, then my elbows started to hurt. I didnt think much of it at the time, thought it may have been work related. Then it June of 2008 it really hit me. I started feeling "not well". Cant really explain it, just felt sick. Then the joint pain started, first in the fingers on my right hand then my feet. God, when I got out of bed in the morning it felt like I was walking on rocks.I have headaches and a fuzzy feeling in my head most of the time.Most the time my hands and feet feel like thier "vibrating". I forget peoples names that Ive know for years. Somtimes I walk like I have been drinking, off balance feeling, and sometimes dizziness.I feel sick to my stomach sometimes to.I read all the posts about how breast implants have caused all these illnesses and I know deep down that my implants have to be the cause of my problems too, I just dont know for sure. Can someone get back to me with thier opinion? I did have blood work(CBC) done and everything came back ok. Im so scared, I want to have these things taken out but I cant afford it, I was just let go from a job I had been with for 10 years, due to lack of work. Im still trying to pay off the loan from having the implants inPlease help!!

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Thank you so. I am so glad I found you guysjlivezey39@...

From: Lea <leamary@...>Subject: Re: Health Issues Date: Wednesday, March 3, 2010, 7:57 PM

Dear Judy:

Welcome to this wonderful group. We are so sorry that you have suffered from breast implants. Will your doctor remove them for you, because she put them in? She should take some responsibility because she knew that you had a severe infection. Breast implants are not safe; however, there is no one to help us, because of the big Corporations. It is all about money and power, and we hope that you will do some research to help you make the decision to have them removed as soon as possible.

Honey, we will all be here for you to answer questions that might be bothering you.

Stay close...love always...Lea

~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~`

Health Issues

Hi everyone,I had been thinking about implants for years and finally deceided just to go ahead and do it. I meet with two surgeons. I deceided to go with the second one. It was a female doctor and I just loved her after the consultation.I too had heard alot of bad things about the silicone so saline was the option. I was never told that the shell was made from silicone.I had the implants put in November of 2006. After healing for a while I noticed a big difference in the sizes so, she told me I needed more surgery to correct the problem. They would just open the incision site and add more fluid through the valve.Which we did.After that, in June of 2007 I developed an infection. The doctors plan was to put me on 2 different antibotics for 6 weeks. At the end of that period it was better but the doctor called and said she didnt think that I should keep the implants in.She even admitted that I got the infection during the 2nd surgery. I

was told that they would have to be removed and wait 3months for the infection to clear before putting them back in.I waited the 3 months and went back for the second set of implants. Soon after I developed weird acking all over. That lasted a a few weeks, then my elbows started to hurt. I didnt think much of it at the time, thought it may have been work related. Then it June of 2008 it really hit me. I started feeling "not well". Cant really explain it, just felt sick. Then the joint pain started, first in the fingers on my right hand then my feet. God, when I got out of bed in the morning it felt like I was walking on rocks.I have headaches and a fuzzy feeling in my head most of the time.Most the time my hands and feet feel like thier "vibrating". I forget peoples names that Ive know for years. Somtimes I walk like I have been drinking, off balance feeling, and sometimes dizziness.I feel sick to my stomach sometimes to.I read all the posts

about how breast implants have caused all these illnesses and I know deep down that my implants have to be the cause of my problems too, I just dont know for sure. Can someone get back to me with thier opinion? I did have blood work(CBC) done and everything came back ok. Im so scared, I want to have these things taken out but I cant afford it, I was just let go from a job I had been with for 10 years, due to lack of work. Im still trying to pay off the loan from having the implants inPlease help!!

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Hey Judy,

I've been out of town and have a ton of work to still catch up on, but I just

wanted to let you know I will get back to you! I truly believe that your body

is fighting those implants and letting you know they are not good for you!

You should make plans to get them out however you can, and in the meantime, you

can start doing some major detoxing to give your organs a break and let your

immune system settle down.

Trudeau has good ideas on detoxing, and of course, there are tons of

internet sites on detoxing. It can be very confusing, because there are many

different therapies you can do for various organs to target. My best advice is

to go with what you are most comfortable with in the beginning and then work up

to some more intensive therapies. Some women want to just hit everything hard

at first, because they want their health back so bad, but this can be hard on

the liver and kidneys.

Start with your diet and clean that up as much as you can. Look through our

files on detoxing for articles that will give you some ideas. You will be

starting a new lifestyle focused on healing and health. Be excited about the

positive changes you are going to make in your life! They are all good!

I have payroll today and stuff to catch up on around my home, but I will be

writing again!

Stay with us and we will help you out as much as we can.

We've walked this road!

Be blessed,



> Hi everyone,


> I had been thinking about implants for years and finally deceided just to go

ahead and do it. I meet with two surgeons. I deceided to go with the second one.

It was a female doctor and I just loved her after the consultation.

> I too had heard alot of bad things about the silicone so saline was the

option. I was never told that the shell was made from silicone.

> I had the implants put in November of 2006. After healing for a while I

noticed a big difference in the sizes so, she told me I needed more surgery to

correct the problem. They would just open the incision site and add more fluid

through the valve.Which we did.After that, in June of 2007 I developed an

infection. The doctors plan was to put me on 2 different antibotics for 6 weeks.

At the end of that period it was better but the doctor called and said she didnt

think that I should keep the implants in.She even admitted that I got the

infection during the 2nd surgery. I was told that they would have to be removed

and wait 3months for the infection to clear before putting them back in.

> I waited the 3 months and went back for the second set of implants.

> Soon after I developed weird acking all over. That lasted a a few weeks, then

my elbows started to hurt. I didnt think much of it at the time, thought it may

have been work related. Then it June of 2008 it really hit me. I started feeling

" not well " . Cant really explain it, just felt sick. Then the joint pain started,

first in the fingers on my right hand then my feet. God, when I got out of bed

in the morning it felt like I was walking on rocks.I have headaches and a fuzzy

feeling in my head most of the time.Most the time my hands and feet feel like

thier " vibrating " . I forget peoples names that Ive know for years. Somtimes I

walk like I have been drinking, off balance feeling, and sometimes dizziness.I

feel sick to my stomach sometimes to.

> I read all the posts about how breast implants have caused all these illnesses

and I know deep down that my implants have to be the cause of my problems too, I

just dont know for sure. Can someone get back to me with thier opinion? I did

have blood work(CBC) done and everything came back ok.

> Im so scared, I want to have these things taken out but I cant afford it, I

was just let go from a job I had been with for 10 years, due to lack of work. Im

still trying to pay off the loan from having the implants in


> Please help!!


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