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Re: Autism & exposure to mom's breast implants

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Rogene - Interesting...I have always wondered the same thing. Since alot of heavy metals are found in children with autism...could mothers with implants pass the heavy metals on to their child whether they breastfeed or not???

Also, I often wonder if someone like myself who has had implants, had them removed and also had a heavy metal test (hair analysis) that came back negative pose a risk if I had more children. I am wondering since I show no heavy metal toxicity if it would be just as safe as it was when I had my first two kids and if I could breastfeed???

Any thought on this???



Autism & exposure to mom's breast implants

This is National Autism week. CNN has been giving almost as much coverage to Autism today as the election! . . . Please watch! . . . Check www.cnn.com for info.

----- Forwarded Message ----From: sey <fuchsmorrissey@ hotmail.com>PLEASE POST TO EVERYONE~PLEASE WATCH ABOUT: AUTISM ON CNN--April 2, 2008Thank you~ Fuchs-sey (Past 1976 McGhan/3M teenage breast implant patient, who had mastectomy of both breasts, in 1993 at the age of 35, and has three daughters who took "hits" from extremely failed/toxic silicone gel breast implants (that contained heavy metals-catalysts- platinum that these so-called medical devices of an illusion of the mind were entangled with genetics, the variants of genes/OF KEY GENES, that were in the end, exerted/stimulated/ "turned on"

genetics) PLEASE NOTE~I am wondering how many moms who have exposed their offspring to their breast implants (exposure their child to the chemical adjuvancy of their breast implant lot numbers) have children diagnosed (by a doctor) with Autism, OR the child(ren) have not been diagnosed with Autism YET, but HAVE symptoms of Autism.I do know that some breast implant offspring have been diagnosed (by a doctor ) with Autism .I do know that breast implant offspring may present with symptoms of Autism. My own children have, but I did not put any connection to Autism, nor did I want them "labeled" ~ After viewing Ms. McCarthy (past Playboy playmate) speak sometime ago

about her child and his symptoms, I opened my mind.Later, (after opening my mind, I was close minded about Autism before) but made a choice to inform/educate myself more about Autism, I made more of a connection that my children presented with some same symptoms as her child with Autism or with other Autism children I read about. Question: Did McCarthy by any chance have breast implant exposure in her medical history? Did she expose her child to silicone gel breast implants or saline breast implants with a silicone shell? Via the placental barrier through fetal cells? Breast feeding with a breast implant (I believe) IS just extra "hits" despite what some believe in certain quarters of medicine. I am not going to debate the issues after what I HAVE LIVED FIRST HAND as genetics is the foundation here, but NOT the "cause"...if one wants to better understand HLA-type/DNA/ RNA, do the blood studies to get a better grasp of the variants of genes/of KEY GENES being exerted/stimulated/ "turned on", MUTATED~~~Mutated genetics/mutated variants of KEY GENES IS NOT GOOD.IF she/ McCarthy did have breast implants, might her breast implants have been found to have catalysts/heavy metals, platinum excesses? What about the genetics aspects...was there HLA-typing/DNA/ RNA, blood studies to note the variants of genes, variants of KEY GENES that were stimulated/exerted/ "turned ON" with the offspring. Just wondering~Seeing that some type of variant of Autism expression may be found with breast implant offspring, (silicone gel

breast implant and/or saline breast implant with a silicone shell) I believe that WE (AS HUMANITY) NEED TO ADDRESS THIS with an open mind to better understand disease(s), like for instance Autism and the *differences of expression* (IS WHAT I TERM IT) this disease presents with~ Mothers who have exposed their offspring to their failed/toxic breast implants should LEAVE NO STONE UNTURNED. Please join me to do this...leave NO stone unturned! This would include with Autism, Autism-LIKE health issues & being exposed to the chemical adjuvancy of breast implant lot numbers with breast implant offspring. NOTE TO: McDonough/In the Know~ has anyone ever looked into this concerning breast implant offspring taking "hits" from the chemical adjuvancy of mom's breast implant lot numbers & Autism/Autism- like presenting in the offspring? This needs to happen IF those in medicine really wish to

uphold their oath of First, do NO harm to that highest of high standard.I will continue to state: Proteins accumulate on the surface of silicone/silicone breast implants and other various silicone breast implants AFTER they are in the human body (see: research from Georg Wick, Innsbruck, Austria on most abundant proteins) along with the time factor of exposure.... as WE WITH WISDOM incorporate the SCIENTIFIC TRUTH that ***protein excesses*** are common in many diseases, (lupus, multiple sclerosis, RA, sarcoidosis, scleroderma, dermatomyositis, & other diseases of autoimmunity as well as various cancers--myeloma, brain, lung and others...DISEASES primarily those that STIMULATE/EXERT/ "turn on" the human immune response via the placental barrier through fetal cells (I questioned microchimerism/ chimerism long ago)...breast feeding just extra "hits" of whatever.... AND WITH THE CHEMICAL ADJUVANCY OF BREAST IMPLANT LOT

NUMBERS, INCLUDING -----> the catalysts/heavy metals/ PLATINUM. WE HAVE A REAL PROBLEM HERE....and so does medicine, science and research & the FDA, CDC, IOM and so forth. They have a REAL PROBLEM.SUFFER THE LITTLE CHILDREN? They did, they have and will continue to do so, UNTIL medicine, science and research stands up to the plate (for once) to UPHOLD THEIR OATH OF FIRST, do NO HARM to that highest of high standard with research. Take care, CFM/ Fuchs-seyFuchssey@ hotmail.com More immediate than e-mail? Get instant access with Windows Live Messenger.

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Beth,I think there are more than metals involved.If a woman is going to have more children, she needs to have all fungal issues cleared up. . . make sure she does not have adrenal fatigue. . . and be in the best health possible.Never, never would I recommend a formerly implanted woman get pregnant if she has any symptoms at all. One piece of good news is that prenatal vitamins contain something that helps "reset" the genetic clock. The science isn't known, but things are pointing in that direction. Check Discover Magazine's article "DNA is not your Destiny" . . . Good article!Hugs,Rogene

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Hi Rogene, thanks for the comments. I agree that there are more than hevy metals involved....although, I think heavy metals would play a big role in the health of our babies....

It is no secret that I would love to have more kids and I know there are others here that would like to have babies in the future. However, when I look back at my pregnancies before implants, I am sure I was not in the best health then either. I wonder if I had adrenal problems then also. Maybe they are just worse now. Would there be any specific test or anything that you think may be helpful (not just for adrenals)??? I notice most all of my symtpoms seem to be gone for the most part. I still have some dizziness but I feel that is due to the excess aluminium in my body.

I think that if I ever were to go on to have more kids, I will be afraid of any long term affects my implants would have even though they have been removed and I feel good for the most part. I honestly feel now about the same way I did before explant....although, that is not always a good thing as I think I had adrenal issues (minor ones) then.

I just found this article interesting and I often wondered how many women that have had impants, then been explanted went on to have healthy babies.....

I have not had alot of time on the computer lately...how are you feeling???



Re: Autism & exposure to mom's breast implants

Beth,I think there are more than metals involved.If a woman is going to have more children, she needs to have all fungal issues cleared up. . . make sure she does not have adrenal fatigue. . . and be in the best health possible.Never, never would I recommend a formerly implanted woman get pregnant if she has any symptoms at all. One piece of good news is that prenatal vitamins contain something that helps "reset" the genetic clock. The science isn't known, but things are pointing in that direction. Check Discover Magazine's article "DNA is not your Destiny" . . . Good article!Hugs,Rogene

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Beth,I'm thankfully beginning to feel like myself! . . . If I make it through tomorrow (mammogram) with flying colors I'll feel like I'm just about home free! The doc had a question about one area six months ago, so I'm holding my breath!Recent additions to my protocol are thyroid supplements and medication for GERD. Both seem to have given me a big boost.I'm going to copy most of a message I sent privately to another woman earlier today. . . Don't

think I'm nutz if it's overkill. I don't know how much might apply to you. Take from it what you want, and leave the rest. We are seeing women go on to have healthy babies, if they are in good health when they get pregnant!Hugs,RogeneHere's the message: There's a home test you can do for free that tracks pretty well with

how well one follows an antifungal program. . The first thing in the

a.m., before putting anything in your mouth, work up as much spit as

you can. Then spit in a glass of water. Let it sit for about 15

minutes. If it's clear, no problem. If there's a milky blob, with

tendrils hanging down, chunks floating about, or a milky blob at the

bottom of the glass, it indicates a fungal problem. Caprylic

acid is great for getting rid of it quickly. . . Start with one capsule

and gradually increase (as your stomach allows) to 3600 mg. daily. Hold

there for 16 days. Then start taking some good antifungals . . .Like

Garden of Life Primal Defense. . . Start slow and gradually build to

eight per day. Include probiotic foods like Kefir, yogurt, organic

sauerkraut, cottage cheese, etc. A

huge part of managing fungal issues is diet. NO sugar, refined grains

or processed foods. Eat as much organic as possible, and drink a lot of

water. Make sure you have regular bowel movements. You can increase

your Calcium/Magnesium intake until you do. Magnesium is huge in

health, but vastly underrated by the medical profession. It will help

with muscle pain, sleep, cramps, restless leg, and much more . . .

check www.magnesiumresearchlab.com for more info.Fungal issues can mimic a host of health problems, so, until you're sure

this is under control, it's useless to worry about what else might be going on. If

you continue to have problems, you may want to take the Visual Contrast

Sensitivity test (available online for about ten bucks). This will show

if you have a lot of toxic issues going on. If so, you'll want to do

some detoxing . . .i.e. ionic foot baths, coffee enemas, FAR infrared

sauna, Epsom salt baths, Liver flushes, etc. If problems

continue, you may want to get tested for Adrenal fatigue. None of the

things recommended above will hurt if you do have adrenal fatigue . . .

but it can be a pain to get a doctor to follow through with testing, so

I'd suggest eliminating as much as possible first. Beth - you'll need to find a cooperative doctor for adrenal fatigue. It appears pretty common, along with thyroid problems, long after everything else is doing well. . . You'll learn more about adrenal fatigue on the site about VCS testing. Antibiotics,

and steroids, are to be avoided if possible. Both will decrease the

healthy organisms in your body and allow fungal issues to rear their

ugly head! If you'll keep a daily journal of everything you

eat, how you feel, and programs you follow, not only will you be able

to determine exactly what you are reacting to, but track your progress

and find encouragement when you have those inevitable flares. Re: Autism & exposure to mom's breast implants

Beth,I think there are more than metals involved.If a woman is going to have more children, she needs to have all fungal issues cleared up. . . make sure she does not have adrenal fatigue. . . and be in the best health possible.Never, never would I recommend a formerly implanted woman get pregnant if she has any symptoms at all. One piece of good news is that prenatal vitamins contain something that helps "reset" the genetic clock. The science isn't known, but things are pointing in that direction. Check Discover Magazine's article "DNA is not your Destiny" . . . Good article!Hugs,Rogene

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Thanks Rogene...great info here!!!

Keep me posted on your appointment tomorrow. I will

keep you in my prayers!!!!



--- saxony01 <saxony01@...> wrote:

> Beth,


> I'm thankfully beginning to feel like myself! . . .

> If I make it through tomorrow (mammogram) with

> flying colors I'll feel like I'm just about home

> free! The doc had a question about one area six

> months ago, so I'm holding my breath!


> Recent additions to my protocol are thyroid

> supplements and medication for GERD. Both seem to

> have given me a big boost.


> I'm going to copy most of a message I sent privately

> to another woman earlier today. . . Don't think I'm

> nutz if it's overkill. I don't know how much might

> apply to you. Take from it what you want, and leave

> the rest.


> We are seeing women go on to have healthy babies, if

> they are in good health when they get pregnant!


> Hugs,


> Rogene


> Here's the message:


> There's a home test you can do for free that tracks

> pretty well withhow well one follows an antifungal

> program. . The first thing in thea.m., before

> putting anything in your mouth, work up as much spit

> asyou can. Then spit in a glass of water. Let it sit

> for about 15minutes. If it's clear, no problem. If

> there's a milky blob, withtendrils hanging down,

> chunks floating about, or a milky blob at thebottom

> of the glass, it indicates a fungal problem.


> Caprylicacid is great for getting rid of it quickly.

> . . Start with one capsuleand gradually increase (as

> your stomach allows) to 3600 mg. daily. Holdthere

> for 16 days. Then start taking some good antifungals

> . . .LikeGarden of Life Primal Defense. . . Start

> slow and gradually build toeight per day. Include

> probiotic foods like Kefir, yogurt,

> organicsauerkraut, cottage cheese, etc.


> Ahuge part of managing fungal issues is diet. NO

> sugar, refined grainsor processed foods. Eat as much

> organic as possible, and drink a lot ofwater. Make

> sure you have regular bowel movements. You can

> increaseyour Calcium/Magnesium intake until you do.

> Magnesium is huge inhealth, but vastly underrated by

> the medical profession. It will helpwith muscle

> pain, sleep, cramps, restless leg, and much more . .

> .check www.magnesiumresearchlab.com for more info.


> Fungal issues can mimic a host of health problems,

> so, until you're sure this is under control, it's

> useless to worry about what else might be going on.


> Ifyou continue to have problems, you may want to

> take the Visual ContrastSensitivity test (available

> online for about ten bucks). This will showif you

> have a lot of toxic issues going on. If so, you'll

> want to dosome detoxing . . .i.e. ionic foot baths,

> coffee enemas, FAR infraredsauna, Epsom salt baths,

> Liver flushes, etc.


> If problemscontinue, you may want to get tested for

> Adrenal fatigue. None of thethings recommended above

> will hurt if you do have adrenal fatigue . . .but it

> can be a pain to get a doctor to follow through with

> testing, soI'd suggest eliminating as much as

> possible first. Beth - you'll need to find a

> cooperative doctor for adrenal fatigue. It appears

> pretty common, along with thyroid problems, long

> after everything else is doing well. . . You'll

> learn more about adrenal fatigue on the site about

> VCS testing.


> Antibiotics,and steroids, are to be avoided if

> possible. Both will decrease thehealthy organisms in

> your body and allow fungal issues to rear theirugly

> head!


> If you'll keep a daily journal of everything youeat,

> how you feel, and programs you follow, not only will

> you be ableto determine exactly what you are

> reacting to, but track your progressand find

> encouragement when you have those inevitable flares.



> Re: Autism & exposure to

> mom's breast implants




> Beth,


> I think there are more than metals involved.


> If a woman is going to have more children, she needs

> to have all fungal issues cleared up. . . make sure

> she does not have adrenal fatigue. . . and be in the

> best health possible.


> Never, never would I recommend a formerly implanted

> woman get pregnant if she has any symptoms at all.


> One piece of good news is that prenatal vitamins

> contain something that helps " reset " the genetic

> clock. The science isn't known, but things are

> pointing in that direction. Check Discover

> Magazine's article " DNA is not your Destiny " . . .

> Good article!


> Hugs,


> Rogene










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=== message truncated ===



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Rogene - are ionic foot baths safe to use while breastfeeding.....



Re: Autism & exposure to mom's breast implants

Beth,I think there are more than metals involved.If a woman is going to have more children, she needs to have all fungal issues cleared up. . . make sure she does not have adrenal fatigue. . . and be in the best health possible.Never, never would I recommend a formerly implanted woman get pregnant if she has any symptoms at all. One piece of good news is that prenatal vitamins contain something that helps "reset" the genetic clock. The science isn't known, but things are pointing in that direction. Check Discover Magazine's article "DNA is not your Destiny" . . . Good article!Hugs,Rogene

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You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.

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I wouldn't. Re: Autism & exposure to mom's breast implants

Beth,I think there are more than metals involved.If a woman is going to have more children, she needs to have all fungal issues cleared up. . . make sure she does not have adrenal fatigue. . . and be in the best health possible.Never, never would I recommend a formerly implanted woman get pregnant if she has any symptoms at all. One piece of good news is that prenatal vitamins contain something that helps "reset" the genetic clock. The science isn't known, but things are pointing in that direction. Check Discover Magazine's article "DNA is not your Destiny" . . . Good article!Hugs,Rogene

You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.

You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.

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thanks, I had a friend asking and I was not sure!!!!

Re: Autism & exposure to mom's breast implants

Beth,I think there are more than metals involved.If a woman is going to have more children, she needs to have all fungal issues cleared up. . . make sure she does not have adrenal fatigue. . . and be in the best health possible.Never, never would I recommend a formerly implanted woman get pregnant if she has any symptoms at all. One piece of good news is that prenatal vitamins contain something that helps "reset" the genetic clock. The science isn't known, but things are pointing in that direction. Check Discover Magazine's article "DNA is not your Destiny" . . . Good article!Hugs,Rogene

You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.

You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.

You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.

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pulls mineralson phone now Re: Autism & exposure to mom's breast implants

Beth,I think there are more than metals involved.If a woman is going to have more children, she needs to have all fungal issues cleared up. . . make sure she does not have adrenal fatigue. . . and be in the best health possible.Never, never would I recommend a formerly implanted woman get pregnant if she has any symptoms at all. One piece of good news is that prenatal vitamins contain something that helps "reset" the genetic clock. The science isn't known, but things are pointing in that direction. Check Discover Magazine's article "DNA is not your Destiny" . . . Good article!Hugs,Rogene

You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.

You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.

You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.

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