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Everyone has heard angel stories. Angels pull people back from the edges of cliffs and out of the paths of oncoming trains. They warn people to avoid dangerous situations. They guide those facing tough decisions. They comfort, enlighten and heal.

But how can you get the angels to help you? You are about to learn how to develop a relationship with the angels so that when you call, they answer. You'll read how people have used specific techniques to receive angelic guidance and inspiration. And how the angels go to work for them, handling everything from the mundane details of life to miracle cures to highway rescue.

The first thing to consider is: What are angels and why do they answer our prayers?

Angels are to God what sunbeams are to the sun. God created the angels to serve and minister to us. Answering our prayers is their reason for being. Although we live in the material world, we have a special link to God through his angels. And we each have a part of God, a divine spark, within us that allows us to ask the angels for help--and to expect results!

As long as what you are asking them to do is positive and will not hurt others or interfere with your life plan, the angels will answer your call. Not only can you ask them to help you personally but you can also direct them to perform larger tasks, like stopping crime and saving children from violence and drugs.

The angels are literally waiting for you to give them assignments. For there is one rule they seldom break. They don't intervene in our world unless we ask them to. Keep that in mind as you study this ten point plan for getting the angels to work for you.

1. Make room in your life for angels

The angels live in the world of Spirit, the heaven-world, and we live in the world of matter. Angels naturally gravitate toward their home. So if you want the angels to feel comfortable with you, you need to make your world-your thoughts, feelings and surroundings-more like theirs. To paraphrase the Epistle of : Draw near to the angels and they will draw near to you.

The angels are comfortable with thoughts of peace and love, not with irritation and aggression. You may not be able to put out of your mind the rude driver who cut in front of you on your way home. But you can free yourself from the irritation, starting by communing with the angels for just a few minutes a day.

First, separate yourself from distractions. Turn off the radio and TV, go into a room by yourself or to your favorite nature spot, imagine an angel in your mind (it helps to have a picture of your favorite angel nearby) and commune with the angels.

Simply talk to the angels about your problems. Talk as if you were talking to your best friend. And then listen. Be silent and wait for the thoughts that the angels will put into your mind. You may want to use some of the techniques in the complete booklet " How to Work With Angels " to increase the flow of positive energy from the angels.

Before long, your relationship with the angels will turn into an upward spiral: the angels will help you to feel more positive. And feeling positive will bring you closer to the angels.

2. Pray aloud

The angels have answered many an unspoken prayer or intense wish of the heart. You don't have to speak in order to get their attention, especially if you're in a place where it would be awkward, like a business meeting or on the subway. But you will get a more powerful response when you speak to them out loud. There is power in your voice: the power to create or to destroy. God used this power when he said, " Let there be light. " By using your gift of speech, you can create changes in your life.

Spoken prayer comes in different forms: songs and hymns, which have traditionally been used to summon the angels; structured prayer, like the Our Father; and unstructured prayer, in which you speak the deepest longings of your soul. You can combine all of these with " decrees " and " fiats. "

Decrees allow man and God to work together for constructive change. They are spoken prayers that enable you to direct God's energy into the world. Fiats are short, powerful affirmations like " Archangel , Help me! Help me! Help me! " which are effective in summoning angelic help.

Speak your decrees and fiats out loud in a strong, firm voice. Speak them at home before your altar, on the way to the bus stop, in the car, in the mountains and, most especially, in an emergency. And see how the floodgates of heaven will open for you!

3. Use the name of God

God is inside of you. And when you use the energy of God that is in you to direct the angels, they can answer you with all of the power of the universe. When God spoke to Moses out of the burning bush, he revealed both his name -I AM THAT I AM- and the true nature of man. You are the bush and the fire is your divine spark, God's fire that he gives to you as his son or daughter. It is the power to create in God's name- and to command the angels.

Jesus used God's name when he said " I AM the resurrection and the life. " Every time you say " I AM..., " you are really saying " God in me is... " and thus drawing to yourself whatever follows. When you say " I AM illumination, " you are saying that God in you is attracting to you more of the quality of illumination that you already possess. Many of the decrees and fiats in the booklet " How to Work With Angels " use the name of God, I AM THAT I AM. Try it and experience the increased power of your prayers.

4. Give your prayers and decrees daily

The angels are always there. But we don't always know how to reach them. The best way to make sure that the angels answer when you call them is to create a well-traveled pathway from your heart to theirs by communing with them every day. And the best way to commune with them is to schedule a daily session of prayers and devotions. It doesn't have to be long-five minutes is a great start.

When you pray daily, you not only help yourself but you also help people you don't even know. The angels are looking for people who regularly invoke God's light to be their partners in planetary healing. When they find these partners, they direct light through them to help those in danger from disease, violent crime or natural disaster. Thus your daily prayers can truly make a world of difference.

5. Ask for help

Even after you have established your relationship with the angels, you still need to remember to ask for help at the time you need it. The angels respect your free will. On rare occasions, they will intercede without your speaking up. But most often, they politely wait to be called.

6. Repeat decrees and prayers

Prayers and decrees are more powerful when you repeat them. Many Protestants avoid saying prayers more than once, seeing it as the vain repetition that Jesus advised against. " After all, " they say, " why should I have to ask God for something more than one time? " However, the Catholic and the Eastern Orthodox Churches practice repetition of the Our Father, Hail and other prayers. Jewish mystics repeated the names of God. For some mystics, repetition truly becomes prayer " without ceasing " .

The reason it is more effective to repeat a prayer is that each time you say it, you are giving more light-energy to God and the angels. The angels can use that energy as a seed, adding more light-energy as they go about answering your request. So choose a group of prayers and decrees. Then give them every day until the angels respond.

7. Send your prayer to the right address

If you want your pipes fixed, you call a plumber. If you want to be rescued from a mugger, you call to the angels of protection. If you want a relationship fixed, you call to the angels of love.

Angels have different jobs. And they use energies of different frequencies (corresponding to different colors) to accomplish those jobs. In the complete booklet " How to Work With Angels " you will meet seven kinds of angels, along with the seven archangels who supervise them. You will also learn which angels to call to for which tasks.

The idea of seven archangels isn't new. Neither is the association of angels with colors or with spiritual fire. As early as the third century B.C., Jews wrote about seven archangels. And they believed that the angels were surrounded by spiritual flames and appeared in a variety of colors.

You can become more closely connected with the angels when you call to the archangel whose angels specialize in handling what you want done.

8. Be specific

Angels answer your calls with precision, and they take pride in doing so. The more specific the request, the more specific the answer will be. As long as you are living your life in harmony with the universal Source and devoting your energy to helping others, the angelic hosts will help you with the smallest details of your life.

The more detailed your requests, the more satisfied you will be with the results.

9. Visualize what you want to happen

You can increase the power of your prayer by maintaining a strong mental picture of what you want to have happen. In addition, visualize brilliant light surrounding the problem or situation. Sometimes concentrating on a picture can help too.

10. Expect to be surprised

The question occurs to just about anyone who has ever thought about angels: Why do the angels answer some prayers and not others?

Why does one person pray for ten years without getting what he wants while another gets it immediately? Why are some houses destroyed by fire or flood while others are left untouched? Surely the angels hear everyone's prayers.

The angels hear all of your prayers. But in order for your requests to be granted, they must fulfill three conditions: (1) they may not interfere with God's plan for your soul ; (2) they must not be harmful to you or anyone else; (3) the timing must be right.

You could pray for years to win the lottery and not win. But you might get something you didn't expect, like a higher-paying job that leads you in new directions. Perhaps the angels couldn't answer your prayer to win the lottery because your soul needs to learn the lesson of earning a living. But they did answer in the way that was best for you.

If you follow the steps and still find that you don't get an answer, the angels may be trying to tell you something. It might be time to revise your prayer and try again. Keep praying, and know that the angels will give you the best answer that they can based on your soul's needs. Prayer always bears fruit. You just have to know where to look.

-- " As a child I understood how to give; I have forgotten this grace since I became civilized. " ~Ohiyesa, Santee Sioux~Download Our Toolbar:http://.OurOrganizationToolbar.com

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