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info from Diagnos Test Lab same we use at Canary

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The Adrenal Stress Indexâ„¢The adrenals are two small glands, each weighing 3 to 5 grams, that are located above the kidneys. The adrenals have one of the highest rates of blood flow per gram of tissue, and the highest content of Vitamin C per gram of any tissue in the body.Each adrenal gland is composed of two separate functional entities. The outer zone, or cortex, accounts for 80% to 90% of the gland, and secretes adrenal steroids (Cortisol, DHEA(S) and Aldosterone). The inner zone, or medulla, comprises 10% to 20% of the gland, and secretes the catecholamines adrenaline and nor-adrenaline. Cortisol, DHEA and adrenaline are the three main adrenal stress hormones.The Adrenal Rhythm & Its ImportanceThe human adrenal gland does not secrete its steroid hormones at a constant level throughout the day. The hormones are actually released in a cycle with the highest value in the morning and the lowest value at night. This is easily understood by looking at Figure 1. This 24-hour cycle is called the circadian rhythm. An abnormal adrenal rhythm can influence many functions of the body, some of which are listed below.1. Energy production Abnormal adrenal function can alter the ability of cells to produce energy for activities of daily living. People who have a hard time rising in the morning, or who suffer with a low energy level during the day, often have abnormal adrenal rhythms and poor blood sugar regulation.The maintenance of a stable blood sugar level depends on food choice, lifestyle, adrenal function and insulin activity. This panel measures stress hormones and insulin, to help ferret out causes of fatigue, cravings and obesity.2. Muscle & joint function Abnormal adrenal rhythms are known to compromise tissue healing. Reduced tissue repair and increased tissue breakdown can lead to muscle and joint breakdown with chronic pain.3. Bone health The adrenal rhythm determines how well we build bone. If the night cortisol level is elevated and the morning level is too high, our bones do not rebuild well, and we are more prone to the osteoporotic process. Stress is the enemy of the bones. In postmenopausal women, the effect of stress worsens due to the female hormone imbalances.4. Immune health Various immune cells (white blood cells) cycle in and out of the spleen and bone marrow for special conditioning, and possible nourishment and instructions. This immune system trafficking follows the cortisol cycle. So, if the cycle is disrupted, especially at night, then the immune system is adversely affected. Short and long-term stress is known to suppress the immune response on the surfaces of our body as in lungs, throat, urinary and intestinal tract. With the reduction in the surface antibody (called secretory IgA), the resistance to infection is reduced and allergic reactions are believed to increase.5. Sleep quality The ability to enter REM sleep cycles, i.e. regenerative sleep, is interrupted by high cortisol values at night and in the morning. Chronic lack of REM sleep can reduce the mental vitality and vigor of a person and induce depression.6. Skin regeneration Human skin regenerates mostly during the night. With higher night cortisol values, less skin regeneration takes place. So, a normal cortisol rhythm is essential for optimal skin health (See Figure 2). 7. Thyroid function The level of Cortisol at the cell level controls thyroid hormone production. Quite often, hypothyroid symptoms such as fatigue and low body temperature are due to an adrenal maladaptation.8. Grain intolerance & stress About 12-18% of the U.S. population suffers from a genetic intol- erance to grain. Specifically, a high incidence occurs in Celtic, Germanic, and Nordic derivation. The gut becomes inflamed within 30 minutes after consuming the grains and this can lead to an adrenal stress response, increased cortisol and reduced DHEA.(Several other functions that go beyond the scope of the pamphlet are also cortisol and DHEA dependent.) The Adrenal Stress Indexâ„¢ (ASIâ„¢)Four saliva samples are used in the ASIâ„¢ for the following ten tests:

4 x Cortisol

Helps evaluate stress response

2 x Insulin

Helps investigate blood sugar control


Helps determine stress adaptation

Secretory IgA

Helps evaluate toll on immunity

17-OH Progesterone

Helps determine adrenal reserve

Gluten Antibodies

Helps identify grain intoleranceYour health care provider can use the findings in this panel to recommend customized treatment and preventive measures that may include diet and lifestyle changes, hormones, botanicals and vitamins.Advantages of the ASIâ„¢

The test is non-invasive & can be performed wherever you are. Saliva is collected under real life conditions. There are no stressful blood draws and no gallon sized urine containers to carry around for 24 hours. With blood and urine testing, a number of borderline adrenal conditions are missed due to lack of sensitivity. This is not the case with the ASIâ„¢ because samples are taken within one circadian cycle and the more definitive free fraction is measured. The ASIâ„¢ is an in-depth test, such that options for treatment are expanded by 400-500% over serum and urine test results.

Note: The ASIâ„¢ was invented and introduced by Diagnos-Techs, Inc. in 1989. All other panels offered on the market are copies. Abnormal adrenal rhythm can influence:

Energy Production Bone Health Immune System Health Sleep Quality Skin Regeneration Thyroid Function Muscle and Joint FunctionDo you need the ASIâ„¢ Test?To determine if the ASIâ„¢ is the appropriate test for assessing your health condition, ask your physician for a stress questionnaire. The score can help your doctor determine a course of action.The ASIâ„¢ is mostly ordered for individuals that suffer from:

Chronic stress and related health problems Lack of vitality and energy Muscle and joint pain Hypoglycemia Migraine headaches Osteoporosis Sleep disturbances Poor memory Alcohol intolerance Stress maladaptation Low sex drive Low body temperature

The Female Hormone Panelsâ„¢The ovaries are a very important part of the female reproductive organs. The ovaries are located on the right and left side of the pelvic cavity next to the uterus. Each weighs about 15 grams. The human female is born with immature ovaries which gradually mature until the start of menstruation signals a fully functional reproductive system.The Cyclical Pacing of the OvariesThe human ovary releases its hormones in a cyclical manner which is referred to as the menstrual cycle. The average cycle is about 26-30 days. The timing and pacing of hormone release is governed by GnRH, FSH & LH, hormones from the hypothalamus and pituitary gland in the brain. The two major classes of ovarian hormones released during the menstrual cycle are Estrogens and Progesterone, which are known as female steroid sex hormones. The major and most active Estrogen released is Estradiol, while the major Progestin is Progesterone.The female cycle has 3 physiologic phases (see Figure 1):

The follicular phase starts with the onset of menstrual blood flow and is of variable length. This phase is normally characterized by both low Estrogen and Progesterone output. The ovulation phase is 1 to 3 days long and the human ovum (egg) is released in this phase. This phase is characterized by high estrogen levels. The luteal phase is rather constant in length, 12-14 days, and ends with menses. Compared to the follicular phase, the luteal phase is characterized by high Progesterone concentrations and a moderate increase in Estrogens.

Functions of Female Sex HormonesEstradiol and Progesterone affect several target organs involved in a successful conception and pregnancy. Additionally, these hormones maintain a number of secondary sexual characteristics such as reduced bodyhair, soft skin texture, a higher voice pitch, possible release of certain pheromones, etc..Target Organs of Estrogen & Progesterone

The UterusEstradiol prepares the uterus for conception and produces a 3-5 fold increase in the thickness of its inner lining, and also promotes uterine gland development and mucus secretion. Progesterone causes a swelling of the uterine lining, an increase in glycogen (a complex sugar) content, and an increase in the mucus secreted by the uterus. If conception does not occur, the uterine lining is shed, resulting in the menstrual flow. Fallopian TubesSex hormones stimulate the fallopian tubes to move the egg toward the uterus. The fallopian tubes also secrete nutritious fluids that nourish the egg, the sperm and ultimately the embryo when fertilization occurs. VaginaEstrogens promote the thickening of the vaginal lining and increase its secretions, which makes the lining more resistant to infections. BreastsBefore puberty, the breasts grow only in proportion to the rest of the body, but under the influence of Estradiol and Progesterone during puberty, the breasts develop to maturity. During the menstrual cycle, excess Estradiol causes breast swelling and tenderness. BonesIn the adult female, Estradiol and Progesterone play an important role in the inhibition of osteoporosis and improve the incorporation of calcium and magnesium into bone. This is why doctors prescribe Estrogen for menopausal women. KidneyEstrogens cause the body to retain sodium which results in fluid buildup. Conversely, Progesterone causes a loss of excess sodium and retained fluid. Before the period begins, there may be a relative excess of Estrogen over Progesterone which commonly leads to several of the PMS associated complaints. LiverEstradiol has stimulatory effects on liver proteins which may reduce thyroid hormone availability and increases the risk for cardiovascular disease. Estradiol also slows the process of liver detoxification of various harmful substances. MiscellaneousEstradiol can elevate blood sugar in certain susceptible individuals. Progesterone can increase the appetite and has a general calming effect on the nervous system, especially at night.

What We TestThe FHPâ„¢ is a simple, non-invasive test. Eleven saliva samples are collected during specified time periods throughout the menstrual cycle.The FHP,â„¢ for the first time in routine medical practice, will allow both patient and doctor to actually view the profile of Estrogen and Progesterone simultaneously (See Figure 1). Diagnostic guesswork is minimized, and hormonal balance evaluation and customized treatment becomes a reality with the FHP.â„¢In addition, we report the cycle average for Testosterone and DHEA.The expanded eFHPâ„¢ also includes 5 FSH & LH measurements to see if brain control and stimulation of the ovaries is optimal.Applications of the Female Hormone Panelâ„¢

Detection of Luteal Phase DefectThere are at least three luteal phase defect patterns which are characterized by a reduced output of Progesterone that leads to Estrogen dominance. This imbalance is usually associated with PMS, infertility, fibroids and other female hormonal problems and can be readily detected by our panels. Hormonal Imbalance and PMSMany women suffer from hormonal imbalance in the Estrogen to Progesterone ratio. Our panels can objectively evaluate the hormonal state with great accuracy which, in turn, provides specific insights for appropriate intervention or treatment to relieve hormonal imbalance and PMS related symptoms. Customized Hormone TherapyPresently, female hormone therapy is not individualized to the needs of each woman because current diagnostic tests do not provide sufficient data. Consequently, most women are empirically treated without regard to their individualized physiology and specific needs. The FHP,â„¢ for the first time, will allow a clinician to customize therapy to each female patient.

Other ApplicationsThe FHPâ„¢ can also be used to detect & monitor the following:

Functional infertility Influence of lifestyle (diet, exercise, etc.) on the cycle Menstrual problems originating in the brain Early pregnancy problems - spontaneous miscarriage Cycle irregularities, following the use of birth control pills Dysmenorrhea, i.e. painful and heavy periods Migraine headaches Endometriosis and cystic ovarian disease Early Osteoporosis

Advantages of the FHPâ„¢

Convenience: requires no blood draws, therefore no repeated clinic visits and avoids the inconvenience of the 24 hour urine collection. Economy: the fee for the 11 sample test is less than that of 2 blood determinations or a urine analysis for Estrogen and Progesterone. Physiological Accuracy: research has demonstrated that the free hormone fraction predominates in saliva. Hormones can be found free or bound to protein. The free hormone fraction is very important to ascertain because it is the bioactive fraction that most significantly influences living cells. The salivary female hormone levels correlate at 93% with the free hormones in the tissues. One or two blood determinations or a 24 hour analysis of urine for these hormones cannot give an idea of the ovaries' hormonal productivity. The FHPâ„¢ gives a good approximation of the ovarian capacity over a whole cycle.

The Post-Menopausal Health Panelsâ„¢Literally, menopause means the cessation of the monthly menstrual cycle and signals the end of a woman's natural childbearing years. Menopause is neither a disease nor an illness, it is a natural and usually gradual change in glandular function. It has its origins in the beginning of menses and culminates in a series of hormonal changes that result in the cessation of menstrual flow. This transition produces a variety of bodily manifestations and symptoms, and is due to changes in production of hormones and the timing of their release.Various body parts undergo change and can produce one or more of the following symptoms:Endocrine

Bleeding irregularities

Vaginal dryness

Hot flashes / sweats

Changes in sex driveNervous system


Nervousness, irritability


Mood Changes

DepressionMetabolic changes

Skin aging / cosmetic changes


Altered fat and carbohydrate metabolism

AtherosclerosisWhat can you do about it?There are several therapeutic options which may minimize or even eliminate many of the symptoms:

Treat symptoms using synthetic hormones without hormone level testing. Treat symptoms using natural hormones without any testing. Treat and correct symptoms using natural hormones with testing for hormone levels before & after treatment. Why should you test?Hormones are powerful substances that control multiple functions throughout the body. Hormone levels should be sufficient and balanced. Too much or too little of them is not conducive to long-term emotional, mental and bodily health.By not measuring the hormones before and after treatment your hormone picture is, at best, an educated guess, since hormone levels from woman to woman can vary 200 - 1,500%. In fact many women need only one hormone, while others require 3 or 4 different kinds.Just as you cannot balance your bank account without numbers on your bank statements, hormone testing provides both a basis for treatment and proximity to your goal.One can then:

Customize natural hormone dosing to meet individual needs. Optimize hormone levels for minimum dose to relieve symptoms. Avoid overdosing. Achieve appropriate and compatible physiologic levels of several hormones. Increase sense of "well being" by removing underlying hormone deficit and imbalances. What do we test for and what does it tell you?We test for male and female natural hormones. One, two, six or eight of them, depending on the need. We utilize your saliva as a sample for measuring hormones, such as Testosterone, DHEA, Progesterone, Estriol, Estrone, Estradiol, Dihydrotestos-terone,* and Androstenedione.*The brain derived regulating hormones, FSH** and LH,** are also measured to help assess efficacy of control and feedback between the brain and ovaries.Saliva hormone values reflect the tissue concentration of your hormones. Blood and serum contains the total hormone, but your tissues are only bathed with the active or effective fraction as found in saliva. Active fraction measurements are superior to blood and urine measurements both in diagnosis and treatment.*Part of the Male Hormone Testâ„¢ **Included in the expanded PHP-1â„¢How can we help you?Let us take a common example:A woman suffers from several symptoms-migraines, hot flashes and emotional fragility. She is having irregular periods, one every 6-8 months. Her doctor treats her with natural estrogens, but he does not do any testing to determine quantities or types of hormones that will meet her specific needs. The symptoms are under control, but her risks are the following:

Increased blood pressure Endometrial cancer (uterine cancer) Fibroid growth Gallbladder disease Over 15 years, at least twice the risk of breast cancer What could we have found out if we had tested her saliva hormone levels? We would have known that she has too much estrogen, not enough progesterone to balance the estrogen, low DHEA, and marginal testosterone. But, she felt good on the estrogen, many will say. Yes, however, the silent killers (cancer, blood pressure, heart disease) rarely make anyone feel bad at the start. Her best course is a new treatment plan, designed around the objective saliva hormone measurements.Ask your health care provider for the PHP-1â„¢ or the Expanded PHP-1â„¢ Panel to measure your hormones.How do you benefit? There are five distinct areas that you will benefit from using the saliva tests.

They are affordable and less expensive than blood or urine tests. Blood testing for 6 hormones costs $250-$300 more than saliva testing. Collection procedure spares you the pain of venipunctures with a needle. Results are more clinically reflective of your hormone status and needs. Results can lead to an individualized and customized treatment plan using natural hormones. You will minimize overdosing and underdosing. This will insure that you use only the proper hormones in the appropriate amounts. With salivary hormone testing, guesswork is past news.

Bone Marker Test (Dpd)_________________________________________________________The Importance of Strong Bones

*During their lifetime, 1 in 3 women will break their hip bones. This is preventable. The health of your bones can be evaluated with a urine test. Empower yourself with information about your bones that will make a difference with intelligent choices. A case in point: A woman in her fifties showed significant bone loss on both an x-ray and the urine test. A postmenopausal salivary hormone test was given to her, she was found deficient in 3 hormones. Her doctor gave her a balanced hormone treatment. Nine months later her bone urine test became normal. What is Bone Aging?Bone turnover is a process that continues to take place throughout our lifetime. It is a delicate balance between bone formation and breakdown. In childhood and early adulthood, the process is strongly in favor of bone formation and this continues up to the age of 30-40 years; after which the balance starts to tilt to bone breakdown. This results in the gradual thinning of bone with age, or osteoporosis. Around the onset of menopause, bone turnover tilts in favor of bone breakdown. This is due to the persistant imbalance or decline in estrogen, progesterone, and other hormone levels. How is it related to Menopause?During cycling years most women have enough ovarian output of progesterone and estrogen. These two hormones promote bone growth. Around the mid-forties (usually 3-4 years before the cessation of menstruation) the levels of estrogen and progesterone start to gradually drop off, thus accelerating bone dissolution. In men, the drop of testosterone can lead to a similiar picture. Men convert testosterone into estrogen, therefore a decrease in testosterone can reduce estrogen levels. Does it affect my Health? Yes, it does. Bone aging leads to a disease called osteoporosis that results in bone thinning and, more importantly, bone fragility. Osteoporosis can affect you and your loved ones in several ways: 1.) Middle-aged and elderly people lose a few inches of their height due to osteoporosis. 2.) Many seniors are prone to hip fractures secondary to osteoporosis. 3.) 1.5 million bony fractures-at various body sites occur annually secondary to osteoporosis Am I at risk for Osteoporosis?Your risk for osteoporosis increases with: -Age -Sedentary life-style -Non-black skin color -Smoking -Alcohol consumption -Family history of osteoporosis -Around the time of menopause ...and when your doctor says that you have: -Thyroid disease -Diabetes -Adrenal impairment -Kidney disease -Rheumatoid arthritis If you are at a high risk for developing osteoporosis, your physician has different measures and options to objectively assess your risks, and these include: -Bone density measurement: employs radioactive or x-ray sources to measure your bone strength and mineral content. -Urine testing: employs one random urinary specimen to assess the rate of bone breakdown in your body.What does your lab offer me? We are offering you a urine test to assess for bone breakdown. The test is called Pyrilinks-D (Dpd).We can also measure your estrogen, progesterone, & four other hormone levels from a saliva specimen. How to use this test: Your doctor can use the Pyrilinks-D urine test to: screen for osteoporosis in conjunction with bone densitometry as as a follow-up test to monitor the bone response in Hormone Replacement Therapy and/or osteoporosis treatment protocols Monitoring Hormone Replacement Therapy through our lab also includes: salivary hormone measurement-Estradiol, Estrone, Estriol, Progesterone, DHEA, and Testosterone-all from one salivary sample (PHP-1).Who Needs the Dpd Bone Marker?To determine if the Dpd Bone Marker is appropriate for your health problems and concerns, consult with your physician. Common Applications of this Panel:· Individuals over 40 years of age· Women around menopause · People with non-black skin color · Non-active persons- people with sedentary life-styles · Smokers · People with a family history of osteoporosis · Individuals who have diabetes,xkidney disease, adrenal impairment or rhuematoid · arthritis.

http://www.diagnostechs.com/main.htmStart the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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