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Hi a and CLynn- Sorry I missed this conversation last night!!! I'd

love to meet you while you are here in Denver, a. I've been dying

to meet Lynn too!

Maybe Lynn and I can coordinate to come visit you!!!

Love, Krista

> > > > > >

> > > > > > ( & Group)

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I am glad you have been able to put the

> > pieces

> > > > > > together and see that implants are

> > definetely your

> > > > > > problem. So many women are ill and are not

> > making

> > > > > the

> > > > > > connection. It breaks my heart!!

> > > > > >

> > > > > > As far as weight gain.........YES!!! I have

> > gained

> > > > > 15

> > > > > > pounds since last June. I actually eat

> > less than

> > > > > I

> > > > > > did then and I have cut out sugar and my

> > weight is

> > > > > > still staying up. I have consistently

> > weighed

> > > > > approx.

> > > > > > 114-115 pounds for years and then all of a

> > sudden

> > > > > last

> > > > > > June when I became ill my weight soared to

> > 132

> > > > > lbs.

> > > > > > I'm 5'3 " (petite) and I am 46 (almost 47)

> > years

> > > > > old.

> > > > > > I have had to buy larger pants. I get

> > scared my

> > > > > > weight will continue to increase!!! I need

> > to

> > > > > put

> > > > > > the brakes on this disturbing

> > problem!!!!!!!!!!

> > > > > >

> > > > > > My explant is coming up with Dr. Huang next

> > > > > Tuesday.

> > > > > > I'm so excited to get this behind me!! My

> > right

> > > > > > breast is quite tender today. I'm very

> > suspicious

> > > > > > that my right implant is problematic as that

> > is

> > > > > the

> > > > > > side that has had the burning sensation for

> > quite

> > > > > > awhile. I'm going to get my suitcase out

> > tonight

> > > > > and

> > > > > > start packing because my husband and I fly

> > to

> > > > > Denver

> > > > > > Sunday morning. I want to get my house

> > cleaned

> > > > > > tomorrow so I can return home to a clean

> > house.

> > > > > We

> > > > > > are staying in Denver until she removes the

> > > > > drains.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > There are a couple of girls I know who want

> > to get

> > > > > > implants and are saving their money to have

> > the

> > > > > > surgery. They know I am ill and I have told

> > them

> > > > > my

> > > > > > feelings about my implants. I can tell they

> > don't

> > > > > > believe me and they think I am making a big

> > > > > mistake by

> > > > > > having them removed. All I can say

> > > > > is.............I

> > > > > > KNOW my illness is implant related!!! I

> > wish

> > > > > they

> > > > > > would listen but all I can do is share my

> > > > > experience

> > > > > > and they will have to do with it what they

> > want.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I had a good day yesterday and I was so

> > > > > excited!!!!!

> > > > > > Good days are pretty rare for me (as far as

> > > > > feeling

> > > > > > healthy)...... I actually offered to drive

> > to my

> > > > > > daughter's house to pick up my 3 year old

> > grandson

> > > > > and

> > > > > > my 16 month old granddaughter so I could

> > bring

> > > > > them

> > > > > > home with me while my daughter and

> > son-in-law went

> > > > > to

> > > > > > a boat show. As I was driving I was

> > thinking how

> >

> === message truncated ===







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  • 2 weeks later...
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What do your doctors say now that some

of your symptoms have dissipated ???

These doctors cannot figure it out ??

I believe they choose not to

All of us have been down the same road

Doctor after doctor, reminds me of Lea

They cannot put their heads together

as a team and figure it out

Even when we tell these doctors

it's our implants making us sick

These morons refuse to believe the chemicals

in the breast implants made us so sick

Dr Kolb welcomes the medical field to e-mail her

So what is the problem here

I know my doctors wouldn't e-mail Dr Kolb either

Guess their covering each others a_ _

My original surgeon implied Dr. Kolb is clueless

and not to believe the stories on the internet

Honestly they should be paying us for our knowledge !!!


Neenie,My name is a and I was a test patient for the newcohesive silicone gel implants. I was changing myrippled saline implants out(which had been implanted12/97) for the new cohesive silicone gel implants. Itwas December 2004. My doctor said they were safe andhe would put them in his wife. They definetely feltmore natural than the saline implants. However, bothmy husband and I noticed I started catching everyillness that came around shortly after the newimplants were inserted. I would just get better andthen catch something else. That was so new for me asI have been an extraordinarily healthy woman. Thenlast June 2007 my life turned upside down. I beganhaving edema in my lower legs and feet to the pointof disfigurement at times. I felt fatigue like I have never known and had unexplained weight gain of 15pounds. I had severe muscle and joint pain. Also...myright breast had a burning feeling. I kept wo

rkingand drinking energy drinks to get through my day. Iwould come home after work and crash into bed. Thiswent on through June, July and August. In August Iwas diagnosed with Mononucleosis and Epstein BarrSyndrome. I took 2 months off work and then startedback very part-time hours. I still have not been ableto work more than 14 hours per week due to the severefatigue. I asked my Internist if she felt it couldbe my breast implants causing my symptoms and she saidshe didn't think so.......that it would be at the verybottom of her list. I told her I felt poisoned. Iwas tested for lymphoma, hepatitis, HIV (due to mypatient exposure as I work in a medical office as aMedical Assistant)I just continued to get worse. I have had test aftertest after test. I developed a chronic dry cough andshortness of breath. I went to an Infectious DiseaseDoctor. He told me I definetely had a chronic illnessfrom the chronic fatig

ue family of illnesses and thatwe may never figure out what exactly was wrong withme. I asked him if he felt it could be my breastimplants. He didn't think so. Then on New Years EveI began to have numbness in my right hand and arm. This happened alot in January and even more inFebruary. I also had mental confusion that was very,very scary. I often did not feel safe to drive. Ihad episodes where I would forget coworkers names(I've worked with them for 10 years), I would forgethow to turn on the computer, I forgot my daughtersphone number. Something was definetely wrong! But nodoctor felt it was due to my breast implants! I wouldstumble into walls alot. I became light sensitive,noise sensitive and motion sensitive. I spent so muchtime in my bed wearing a sleep mask to block out thelight. I truly felt poisoned. When I explained myneurological symptoms to my Internist, she wrote in mychart that I may need Neuro or Psych Consult. Shescheduled an MRI which came back normal. I called the plastic surgeons office that did myimplantation and talked to the receptionist. I toldher I had been very ill and also that my right breasthad a burning pain. I asked her to check with thedoctor to see if he should see me. She talked to thedoctor and she called me back and told me he did notfeel my illness was related to the implants......thatI would have been getting sick anyway. This was inJanuary 2008. I asked her how soon I could have thebreast implants removed if I decided that I wantedthem out anyway. She said for an existing patient Iwouldn't be able to get in for consultation until May2008. I got on the internet and researched differentsymptoms and breast implants and came across a coupleof womens stories. I emailed them and they suggestedI join the Saline Support Group and I did. This wasin January 2008. These women have h

elped me so muchand I have learned so much from them. I assumed everyplastic surgeon removed implants the same way. I wasamazed to learn they should be removed 'Enbloc'...Ilearned that many plastic surgeons leave the scarcapsules and women remain ill. These wonderful womengave me a list of names of physicians who perform theexplant using the Enbloc method. I live in Salt Lake City, Utah and my husband and Ichose a reputable plastic surgeon named Dr. Huang in Denver, Colorado. I had my consultation withher Feb. 25, 2008 and I had my explant Feb. 26,2008(just one week ago!)It is the best thing I have ever done. The day beforemy surgery I was coughing with the usual dry cough Ihad developed. The night before my surgery I was inthe shower shampooing my hair and was so short ofbreath. My arms and hands were weak and tired. I wasweak. I had to stop 4 times and rest against the tilein the shower to catch my b

reath before proceeding tolather my hair some more. I felt very close to deathsdoor. Surgery went very well. Since surgery I have not hadthe cough. My right hand and right arm have not gonenumb at all. I cancelled my Neurology appt. Therehas been a definite improvement in my health since myexplant just one week ago! My operative report states I had excess scar tissue. Dr. Huang spent 2 hours and 15 minutes carefully doingthe explant and scraping away excess scar tissue. Thankfully, they were still intact but my right onewas encapsulated which was why it was causing me theburning pain. I feel like I've been given a 2nd chance at life. I'msure it is going to take me quite awhile detoxing andgetting rid of the candida that I now have but thesource is gone and I can begin my journey of healing. I went from being a healthy active lively woman whoonly missed 3 days of work in 9 1/2 years due tosickness to bei

ng bedridden and feeling as though Iwas dying a very slow and torturous death.I am grateful to have the implants out of my body. Iwant to live and be the wife and mother I used to bebefore this nightmare experience with my implants!I hope this helps someone out there. I would Never doit again!Sincerely,a

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