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Thoughts from a silicone sister

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Lots of history and thought here! . . .Some of this is old news to implant vets. . . but to those new to implant illness, it's shocking. . . . . and the beat goes on, and on, and on. Hopefully one day soon the sun will rise again.Rogene-----------------------------------------------------

Just a few things I put together. Are any of

the big group leaders trying to do something about all the issues below.

We are in bad

trouble. I remember the early 40’s something you don’t forget, as a

very young child back then, it stays in the memory bank.


must be accountable … “Enough is


THE 545


One hundred senators, 435 congressmen, one president

and nine Supreme Court justices - 545 human beings out of the 300 million

- are directly, legally, morally and individually responsible for

the domestic problems that plague this country.

Capitol Crimes - Corruption - Fixing the System

There are two major strands of reform in the matter of money and politics today

— campaign finance and earmark reform.

Organizations which can receive unlimited donations from corporations, unions,

and individuals and use them to influence elections as long as they don't

endorse a particular candidate.

Following the money in this story leads through a bizarre maze of cocktail

parties, golf courses, private jets, four-star restaurants, sweatshops - and

the aura of chandeliered rooms frequented by the high and mighty of

Washington ."

Part of a List: New

Laws our government should start tomorrow. ALL U S citizens

will be under the same Medical system including Congress, Senate, and military. Congressman and Senators no longer in office

will not get paid. No lobbyist allowed in or around government

buildings. No Congressman or Senators can except donation

from anyone that is connected to bill they are passing. No Congressman or Senator can go to work for a

company connected to a bill they voted for. No Congressman shall influence election of any

person running for office. (as per Constitution of

United States ) No more earmarks, No more Hedge Funds Stop all government waste, fraud and abuse of

power in any federal program.

All departments must show proof of every penny they spent. Audit every four

months. Everyone pays the same amount of tax (Taxes only

paid by Companies and Corporations doing business ....As per the Constitution

of the United States ) Use fuel other than gas … All Vehicles

must get better than 60 miles to the gallon All land fills must be used for gas and

electric, and geothermal or hot areas must be used for heating Everything must be recycled. Stop ID theft by fixing the S. S. system Repair all roads and bridges in every state Education a # 1 priority in every state No toxic chemicals allowed that are affecting

the environment, wild life, and humans. (There are NATURAL REMEDIES for every

problem) All water supplies and pollution cleaned up No more people allowed in the U S as we

can’t take care of the ones that are here now because of Low water supply

and economy. Manufactures must prove that products or

medical devices are safe before using on humans. NOT BY THEIR OWN TESTING


Every container, vehicle, product and food must be checked coming into the U S No more outsourcing of American jobs or

companies because of CHEAP Labor

Sue the FDA top brass for not protecting the consumer The

FDA has approximately 300 thousand Med-Watch adverse reports.


has done nothing to find out why we are sick even though they have been

notified. How

many of the sick implanted, injected and offspring children were tested with state-of-the-art

equipment for silicone toxicity, toxic chemicals, heavy metals, ionized

platinum, fungi, bacteria, algae, slimes, biotoxins from mold, hypersensitivity

reaction to common chemicals, short term memory…. ???? Both

silicone and ionized platinum can cause allergic reactions.

The shelf-life and storage conditions for Intravenous saline is TWO YEARS at a temperature NOT exceeding 25C. FDA

admits it's not meeting its mission


advocates and the biotechnology industry yesterday hailed a report on the Food

and Drug Administration that outlines devastating inefficiencies at the agency

and echoes what other groups have been complaining about for years.



OPERATIONS DECEMBER 1992 proved that Dow

lied about the safety of the implants in the 1990 testimony before a

congressional panel. This is the research and medical evidence of the potential

risks of breast implants, as well as disclosures of evidence dating back to the

1970’s, they were aware of the toxic effects. The studies were funded by

Dow. FDA and NIH and its advisory committees had ties to the manufactures. The

FDA ignored their own scientists advice. Professional Pro-Implant lobbyist

included former FDA officials and provided misleading information.

“These were criminal violations

should have been investigated”. It has been sixteen years since that

report was prepared.

Question: How soon are we going to get some help?

Nuremberg Code

- International medical guidelines & ethics.


sifting through two million pages of Dow Corning documents, lawyers

representing breast implant patients in a class-action suit say they have

uncovered a 1975 study by the company showing that the silicone in the implants

harms the immune system of mice.

The study found that a particular type of silicone gel in purified form, called

D4, is highly toxic to the immune system. Mice that received various doses of

the silicone temporarily lost their ability to fight off disease.


Dow Corning's products began in 1943, the year of Dow Corning's incorporation,

when Dow Chemical agreed to provide Dow Corning with its technical expertise

[including all plans, specifications, formulas, data, and information] and

royalty free licenses under all patents in the field of organo-silicon

products. Dow Chemical also agreed to supply Dow Corning with all newly

discovered technical information until 1958. Dow Chemical also undertook

responsibility for researching the bioreactivity of silicone compounds on

behalf of Dow Corning and continued to do so until as late as 1992. Dow Corning relied on Dow Chemical's expertise in the

silicone field to such an extent that Dow Corning did not perform a single

study on a breast implant before an implant was inserted into a womans body.

On another silicone track, Dow Chemical entered into a secret agreement in the

1960's to develop a product line of pesticides and insecticides from components

of the silicone gel used in Dow Corning's breast implants.

In 1966 and 1967, Dow Chemical and Dow Corning entered into a series of express

joint agreements for the purpose of research, development, evaluation and

commercialization of biologically active silicone compounds. The first such

agreement was on July 13, 1966, when Dow Chemical entered into a "secrecy

agreement...with Dow Corning Corporation on biological properties of

silicones." On October 1, 1966, Dow Chemical entered into a second

"agreement... covering research and development in the field of

physiological effects of certain organosilicon compounds." On February 1,

1967, Dow Corning entered into yet another "joint research agreement with

the Dow Chemical Company pertaining to certain silicone products designated as

DC-555, DC-555A, and compounds derived from and related thereto..." The

two corporations also reached

(a) joint development agreement relating to the physiological effects resulting

from ingestion or injection into the systems of animals or men of particular

physiologically active silicones, wherein in principle, the parties shall

jointly share the costs and shall share the profits and losses of any

commercialization. Finally, on December 5, 1967, Dow corning

entered into an agreement "with the Dow Chemical Company providing for

joint research, development, evaluation and commercialization programs on the

physiological effects upon the systems of animals or man of physiological

active organosilicon compounds." Pursuant to these agreements and for a

period of nine years, the Dow Bioscience Research Center performed numerous

experiments into the biological and pharmacological effects of silicone

components of breast implants on animals and humans. Research from these joint

enterprises produced results that silicones were not bio- inert. This research was never published.

Consistent with these involvements, the scientists of Dow Chemical and Dow

Corning shared a remarkable community of interest, particularly between the

1965-1975 time frame. These scientists commonly and frequently would exchange

both knowledge and experience with each other. They shared laboratories and

facilities to research the effects of low molecular weight organosilicon

compounds. Dow Corning scientist, presented research showing that silicone was

not bio-inert at a joint conference between Dow Corning and Dow Chemicalþs

scientists. In fact, the need and common interest of both corporations to study

the bioreactivity of organosilicon compounds was so great that the exchange of

scientists from one corporation to the other occurred through the entire time

Dow Corning was in existence. Dow Chemical learned specifically that the

silicone used in breast implants was not bio-inert in 1956 when Dow Chemical

studied the biological effects of Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4). D4 became

the building block of the gel used in silicone breast implants from the 1960's

until they were taken off the market in 1992. The 1956 study found that the

compound, if administered orally or by intramuscular injection, led to traces

of siloxane being found throughout the bodies of laboratory animals. The study

also found the the compound caused a "slight initial weight loss and

moderate liver pathology.

A similar 1956 Dow Chemical study determined that D4 had a biological effect on

the eye and that contact would cause painful and transient irritation of the

conjunctival membranes. In fact, there were at least nine separate Dow Chemical

reports of test results on Dow Corning Silicone Fluid. All of these reports

indicate some irritation to the eyes and skin. One particular report indicates

the silicone fluid caused hyperemia, edema, and general skin rawness in all

cases. Some of the tests reported the biological effects of Dow Corning Fluid

360, which is "chemically the same silicone formula utilized in many

aspects of breast implants."

In 1956, Dow Chemical initiated a research project with

University of Miami ,

on behalf of Dow Corning. Dow Chemical negotiated the price of the project and

determined what testing would be performed. When the test results found that a

Dow Corning silicone compound entitled Z-4141 caused fat or silicone deposits

in the livers of laboratory rats, Dow Chemical (not Dow Corning) retested the

results. The results of these retests indicated the deposits found in the rats'

livers represented silicone, not fat.

In 1957, Dow Corning sent Dow Chemical reports that Dow Corning 200 Fluid was

"absorbed through the skin by the adrenal and kidneys of a rabbit."

In 1961, Dow Chemical tested Dow corning Fluid and found a substantial

difference in the fluid when it was heat treated. Specifically, the fluid

caused death in all but one of the rats, apparently because of "irritation

of the respiratory tract."

In 1970, Dow Chemical discovered that Dow Corning 360 Fluid caused spontaneous

death in several rats, pulmonary deposition, and vacuoles [cavities] to develop

in the liver, heart, kidney, spleen, pancreas, ovary, adrenal and stomach

mucosa. Also in 1970, Dr. Olson, a Dow Corning scientist newly transferred from

Dow Chemical, reported that "if there is any leakage of the [breast

implant], by diffusion, rupture, or by any means, some frequency of allergic

reactions of patients will occur. In some cases, the problems posed are likely

to be serious."

In 1975, Dr. Lake's study, which showed significant silicone bioreactivity, was

presented to a joint conference between Dow Corning and Dow Chemical

scientists. This research was never


Although it is clear from the above studies that Dow Chemical knew

as early as the 1950's that the silicone used in breast implants was not biologically inert, neither Dow

Chemical nor Dow Corning ever published the results of any of this research. In

fact, Dow Chemical indicated just the opposite to the public -- that silicone

was bio-inert and safe for human use. In 1954, and again in 1959, Dow Chemical

promoted the suitability of silicone products for medical uses. In October of

1974, product inserts indicated that silicone breast implants were

"nonreactive to body tissue." The General and Plastic Surgery Devices

Panel, in a letter to the FDA which contains public information, declared that

". . . although one pathologist has been widely quoted as claiming that he

has found silicone in various organs of the body, we are not aware of any other

medical professional who has observed this phenomenon." Finally, in 1992,

the CEO of Dow Chemical, Popoff, declared that Dow Corning's breast

implants were "beyond reproach."


Dow Chemical had responsibility for researching the bioreactivity of silica and

silicone compounds used in Dow Corning breast implants. Dow Chemical knew as

early as the 1950's that silicone and silica used in Dow Corning's breast

implants was bioreactive, immunogenic, toxic and inflammatory when introduced

into the human body. The company did nothing to advise the public of these

hazards or to stop the sale, despite the fact that Dow Chemical had the right

to control and in fact controlled the quality of the products manufactured and

sold by Dow Corning.

Every consumer injured by a breast implant owes a well deserved "thank

you" for the effort in uncovering this public fraud. Clearly Dow Chemical

and Corning Corporation will argue their own analysis of this evidence.

Notwithstanding what they may claim, the evidence is indeed compelling. It is

difficult to escape the conclusion that this violation of public trust should

not go unpunished and that Dow Chemical should be held liable for the harm it

has caused and most assuredly could have prevented. Silicone Immune Toxicity Syndrome There are several forms

of the chemical in breast implants that can cause a problem in the human

organism. Silicon (Si) is the basic element and probably causes immune system

changes. Silica or SiO2 is the form it is mined from the earth. Silicone gel is

a synthetic material containing 38% silicon. The silica is 45% silicon. There

is slow leakage ("bleeding") of the silicone gel from the implants

through the semi-permeable membrane envelope and also into and through the

capsule that surrounds the implants. This is picked up by the microphages

(scavenger cells) of our immune system and is broken down inside these cells

which travel all over the body. The gel breaks down inside these cells, which

travel all over the body. The gel breaks down into Silica and Silicon which

causes an immune system dysregulation. Thus, there are antibodies produced

against the silicon and also against the silicon and protein complex (organ

systems) so that you get autoimmune illness.

=============================================================== Beware

the File-Drawer Effect

This conclusion emerged when scientists led by k of

Oregon Health & Science University and the

Portland Veterans Affairs Medical Center compared studies

in medical journals to studies submitted to the Food and Drug Administration.

The difference? When a manufacturer asks FDA to approve a new drug, it has to

submit all studies on the drug's safety and efficacy. But no such law compels

anyone to publish those studies

where you and I can read them.

Lo and behold, when and his colleagues compared the two batches of

studies—the uncensored whole, in FDA’s files, vs. the

selected-for-publication subset—on 12 widely-prescribed antidepressants

approved between 1981 and 2004, involving 12,564 patients, the mismatch was

jarring, they report this evening in the New England Journal of Medicine.

In the published literature, 94 percent of the studies concluded that the

antidepressant worked better than a sugar pill. In the FDA files, 51 percent of

the studies were positive. Of 36 studies that were not positive, 33 either were not published or were spun in

such a way as to seem positive.

put it this way in a statement: "Selective publication can lead

doctors and patients to believe drugs are more effective than they really are,

which can influence prescribing decisions." Based on all the studies and

not the cherry-picked ones, each antidepressant was less effective than the

published literature made it seem—and that stories in Newsweek and

everywhere else that rely on that published literature conveyed.

It isn’t clear, says , whether negative studies get deep-sixed

because of the file-drawer effect (authors and sponsors don’t bother to

submit manuscripts, for reasons I’ll let you infer), or because journal

editors and reviewers decline to publish the negative studies that they do

receive. I think he’s being too kind. With the proliferation of journals,

virtually anything can get published somewhere—maybe not in the NEJM, but

in some third-tier rag, which would still count as "published."

================================================================ Medical Schools’ Financial Ties

to Drug and Medical Device Makers Cause for Concern

Date Published: Wednesday, February 13th,


Medical schools have been slow to develop policies to prevent

conflicts-of-interest with the medical device and drug companies that provide a good

deal of their funding. Given the strong ties drug companies and medical

device makers have with the medical community, it’s disheartening that

only a mere one-third of all U.S. medical schools have conflict of interest

policies aimed at their financial ties with these companies, researchers said

Tuesday. Industry cultivate deep financial relationships early on by

targeting medical schools, often relying on academic researchers to conduct

studies that may help win government approval for drugs or medical

devices that could generate billions of dollars in sales.

Researchers asked 125 U.S. medical schools about their policies governing financial ties with

industry. Eighty-six schools responded to the 2006 survey and, of that,

38 percent had adopted a policy covering financial interests held by the

institution, 37 percent were working on adopting such a policy, and 25 percent

were doing nothing. “ly I’m a little surprised at the

slow rate of uptake,” of Massachusetts

General Hospital in

Boston and Harvard Medical School ,

who helped lead the study. “It’s somewhat shocking to me that they

(the policies) don’t exist more frequently.” Seventy percent

had policies governing conflicts of interest in financial relationships between

industry and individual senior and mid-level officials; however, when it came

to policing institutions’ money ties to industry, schools were

reticent. said he did not know how much the failure of some schools to adopt policies was

driven by a desire to protect the flood of industry cash they receive.

“I suspect it very well could be,” said

, whose findings appear in the

Journal of the American Medical Association.

================================================================= The truth

seems quite evident: treatment with modern medicine is the single leading

cause of death in America .

That visit to your doctor can be deadly! 22,000 died amid delayed Bayer drug

“Trasylol” recall FDA says missed inspection in Chinese plant making ingredient for Baxter's

blood-thinner heparin an isolated incident Baxter Healthcare has temporarily stopped making its multiple-dose

vials of heparin sodium, the FDA said today. Deodorant &

Antiperspirants: Research has linked breast cancer with the use of

aluminum-based Targeting hospital errors It should be clear that hospitals

must fully attend to these patients even while absorbing the whole cost. Medical Device Ruling Redraws Lines on Lawsuits And lawyers for

patients with injuries they attribute to other devices like heart valves,

artificial hips and defibrillators said they were

girding for a flood of court filings from device makers like Medtronic asking

judges to dismiss such lawsuits. EPA favored industry Internal federal records show the

Environmental Protection Agency put pressure on states so they would not enact

controls on mercury emissions from power plants that were tougher than the

controls required by the EPA. Arizona Republican indicted in conspiracy involving federal land

swap Republican Rep. Rick

Renzi was indicted today on charges of extortion, wire fraud, money laundering

and other matters in an Arizona land swap scam that allegedly helped him collect hundreds of thousands of

dollars in payoffs. Conspiracy, Fraud Trial of Lawyer

Underway (Part 1) & (Part 2) Federal prosecutors say some local

doctors and lawyers conspired to rip off their clients and patients for tens of

millions of dollars. HD DVD Goes The Way of Betamax

Maker Yields Battle to Blu-ray Disc Format Now you have a lot of people who bough HD DVD players who wish they

hadn't." Who wants to spend thousands of dollars on a format that's going

to be obsolete in a few years?" Side Effects:


Medications, Flu, Cough, Vaccine, Synthetic hormones, Three Nevada women who claimed that a drug made by the pharmaceutical company Wyeth caused

their breast cancer. AHP/Wyeth knew

from studies done in the 1960's, that these drugs caused damages and where

banned in Europe . The side effects of heart, lung and neurotoxic ... Wyeth and McNeil have

known that ibuprofen can cause SJS and TEN for nearly ... and developed both s

Syndrome and Toxic

Epidermal Necrolysis. Conduct a risk assessment of s Syndrome (SJS)

and toxic epidermal ... Wyeth

provides some warnings in Europe, but not in the

United States ... Primidone also has all of the side effects of phenobarbital, because it is ... addiction, birth defects; rare

worsening of seizures with toxic

doses. ...

Information about Effexor Side Effects and Prescription Lawsuits -

Missouri . ... Wyeth

stated that the most commonly reported Effexor overdose effects ...

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