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Entering the Portal of Consciousness Expansion By DL Zeta

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the Portal of Consciousness Expansion

Your life as you have

experienced it thus far and as you experience it in your present moment, is a

reflection of the state of your consciousness.

In order to expand the field the possibilities for your life, expand

your consciousness. An important

attribute of consciousness is vision.

What you "see" for yourself -- the pictures from which you

create your life - determine how you grow and expand your consciousness.


Vision Equals Limited Expansion

One of

the greatest obstacles to consciousness expansion is limited vision. If your

vision is hampered or shut down in any way, you will not be able to perceive

the vast opportunities available to you for expanding your consciousness. If

your vision is closed down, it is likely your primary focus is based in

physical reality. If this is the case, you will not be able to perceive

realities that exist beyond the physical and you may keep reprocessing the

realities of your past. A willingness to adopt new pictures is at the root of

all profound change. You cannot step into a reality in which you don't see your



hurdle for those who are heavily vested in physical-based consciousness is to

expand what they see as possible for themselves. When you open to new visions,

your guides bring you new and exciting images for your future. Your future

creations are either based on new visions or old images of what has been in the

past. These new pictures and realities are accessed through your nonphysical or

"non-local" awareness. Your

Inner Vision Creates the `Movies' of Your Life


you see as possible for your self is real and true for you. If you see your

self as an impoverished victim, that becomes your reality. If you see your self

as an infinitely joyful and expansive work in progress, this becomes your

reality. Which reality would you choose? The pictures you see in your mind

become the movies of your life.

We can

tell you that every person who is incarnate, however wise or aware, has a vision

for their life that can be expanded.

Some people adopt the pictures they are given in childhood. These are the collective visions of their

family and others in their environment.

Some never move beyond these pictures.

They may feel this to be very restrictive but don't know how to change

it, or they may take comfort in knowing what the world expects of them.


the Scope of Your Vision

As you

awaken and become aware of the limitations imposed by old visions of what is

possible, you will want to expand the scope of your vision. To do this, you will need to cultivate an

inner yoga that allows a flexibility of vision. An open and flexible mind is a

prerequisite to consciousness expansion.

One way

to begin perceiving a broader range of possibilities is to learn to access

altered states of reality. There are many "portals" through which you

can access altered states of consciousness.

It can be as simple as writing a poem, taking time from your day to

create a work of art or an enhanced living space, going for a long walk in

nature, making love, traveling to a new place (internally or externally),

enjoying a day of solitude, undertaking a fast where you allow your body to

cleanse and heal, camping in nature, attending a workshop or retreat, spending

an entire day in meditation, listening to music, or going on outings with no

goal in mind except to see the world around you from a creative perspective.

The entryways or portals to altered states are unlimited. They can span an

hour, a day, a weekend, or longer. You might call these "mini vision



Altered States at Will


time, you will learn how to shift your consciousness at will to an altered

state. You will find any situation you focus on expands into an entire universe

of possibility. Within a given moment, you can look at a situation that is

before you and see a greater range of possibilities. Inside this altered space, your guides are better able to gently

guide you to new insights. It may take

some practice to learn to shift into this alternate reality, but once you

become adept at it, you will be able to shift quickly to examine the broader

scope of any situation that is before you.

Each time you travel into alternate realities, you create greater

resonance between alternate realities and your daily consciousness. In time,

your everyday consciousness will become so aligned with alternate realities

that you will not even notice the shift taking place. As your consciousness

expands, it will become automatic.


vision for your life determines every reality you experience. In order to

experience new realities, expand your vision to include new possibilities.

Inside the Portal of Consciousness Expansion, you are able to experience

altered states that allow you to access new visions and possibilities. Altered states have the power to open your

heart and mind. This openness has the ability to carry you into a universe of

new possibilities and increasingly ecstatic states of expanded consciousness.

For more

information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org

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