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Healing Question: Answering questions, my two cents!

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Hello again family: There are two issues here, but both are related directly and indirectly with "free will". The healing energy has intelligence, it comes from the main source , we are just the conduits of this GRACE.When performing or assisting a Healing,I believe we always have to plea for the Agents of the greater good to direct the energy to where the individual needs it, and to be done the best way possible according to the Law of ONE. A healing can't interfere in a Karmic situation, and that is the reason sometimes you ask the Pain to be taken away, but not THE LESSON. This way we do not mingle on Karmic issues, and on the individual learning process everyone is experiencing in this life. The same happens when You Open a Vortex to take away painful energy from the energy field, you always have to call upon the Masters and Being of light to receive this energy and to the "Energetic materia" to be send to be recycled for the greater good and In accordance with the laws of Balance /love/light in this Universe. WE DO NOT want any source of energy to float around, to be disperse and to be appropriated by any other source then the WORKERS OF Light. When you finsih any of those sections (opening of Vortexes) , You must close them, like a door and entrust that Door to the High beings of Light and Love that Work with the Law of ONE. The second answer is again my opinion.And on this one the question of free will is clear. Sometimes the person that is receiving the healing is not prepare to receive the full "charge of it" Have you ever tried to heal an animal, a cat or a dog? You would see that when they are done, they run away from you, they can just take little amounts of energy at the time.Sometimes this happens with Humans. Their energy field are either overloaded with other energies, or not in complete syntony with the healing ;and the energy bounces off. When this happens, you should try to blow the color energy on their chakras, and do not be afraid to use your own body to pin point the places they need the healing and where you feel the energy may be bouncing off. But again, we should never try to over rule the Free will of anyone even if it is with the premise of healing, relieving pain or restoring health. Remember, the intention is everything, if you keep in mind that you are just an instrument of grace, you are a channel of light, and through you will pass all the energy that this individual would need. This is what we call, an invisible act of Power. This was my point of view, I would like to see what others think and feel about that, Namaste Love and respect to all Liane > > Hi all,> > I have a question. I was doing some long distance work on someone> last night and I had something different happen and not sure what to> make of it. Usually I start by clearing a person chakras and than I> usually visualize a bucket of rainbow energy above their crown chakra.> I slowly pour the bucket over the person and than the colors flow> over them filling any holes they may have with the appropriate color> needed. Except last night it did not work this way. When I poured> the bucket, instead of it flowing, it formed a solid rainbow ball and> floated to the ground. I tried a second time and the same thing> happen. So than I worked on just sending 1 to 2 colors at a time and> the only ones that would flow around the person was white/golden> yellow. The rest of the session went great and normal. But have> never had anything like this happen before. Any suggestions or> feedback would be welcome.> > Blessings> Darla> > > > > ----------------> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. <http://us.rd./evt=51733/*http://mobile./;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ >>

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