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Indiescript.... DISCAS.... and THE ASCENSION CENTER

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What is being done and what you can do to help... um, if you want to.

We are coming to you with hopes that you share the vision that

together we can bring about " the change we wish to see in the world "

by being that change, right NOW! We are here to create this change

with shared belief that NOW is the time, and that we cannot wait any

longer. The time for ASCENSION is here. We share a vision for our

neighborhoods, our city, our state, our country, our planet, and our

universe that is one of rising from the ashes and soaring into the

light and energy of something greater.

Common + Unity = Community

I am going to skip the addressing of the issues at this time. For one

there are too many to list here and for two… I am sure that you can

imagine what Detroit has going on right now with political corruption,

high crime, a broken enterprise system and an education program that

is lacking… to say the least. We all know the problems… so let's talk

about solutions.

We are coming together to create " The Ascension Center " . The name

speaks pretty clearly on what our intended purpose is.

A location that will act as a center point for local light workers,

community activists, visionaries to gather and collect knowledge,

information and resources that will help them continue their work,

while contributing to the growth and rising of all, a collaboration of

energy (Light) that exists to replace the dark. The Ascension Center

will be placed directly in the middle of one of the most depressed

cities, in one of the most depressed states in the United States. In

an area where hope is high, but belief is low.


Imagine a place that serves the youth of the community with arts and

music education and workshops that help to break the mindset of

failure and replace it with the belief that they can indeed succeed.

It will function as both the ways and means by which they can break

out of the molds and identities that are perpetuating the problem.

Teamed up with local education specialists, this program, DISCAS,

provides safe alternatives to " Street " hustle, and places the idea of

success and self worth on high. There is a theme of community and

acceptance of ideas. Providing both the forum for creation in our

studios, as well as the venue for success in our galleries and

showcases, DISCUS sets the youth up for success… as opposed to failure.

Imagine a year round garden that provides much needed fresh, organic,

food to the people of the community. Detroit is one of the largest

" Food Deserts " in the U.S.! That means that the access to fresh and

nourishing foods is out of the reach of many. We are collaborating

with several urban farming programs right now to address this issue

and provide food and diet education workshops to the community, while

we are creating this program.

Imagine a place where the people of the community can come to visit

with a traditional medial professional for their immediate needs. And

while they are with us for this, they can receive information on self

healing, prevention, and alternative healing methods. Coupled with

access to body work, energy work, and an intuitive healing center, THE

ASCENSION CENTER will serve the people's health in all areas of their

lives… our life.

There will also be career tracks available to introduce new ideas in

enterprise for those who have been hit the hardest by present

conditions in and around the area.

Now also see us providing access to some of the leading professionals

in all these, and many others, areas. Providing education,

experiential learning and a place to put into practice the lessons

they have learned. In other words, we are creating an education center

where those interested can come and learn how and what we do in order

to reproduce it in another area.

Sounds like a big order. Really, it isn't. WE are making this happen.

All of us, including you, right now, by sharing this vision with us,

and sending The Ascension Center your light and love.

Ok, friend, this is not a pie in the sky pipe dream. While we admit

that it may seem utopian in vision… We like it that way.

The problem isn't that we pray for too much, it is that we pray for

too little! (Thank you M.W., you said that so many times… it has stuck!)

The path of the Ascension Center is this… right now we are working on

setting up non-profit status. We are working on proposals for grants,

we are creating the " Visions Committee " that will oversee and make

sure this never drifts off course from our mission. On this board, as

of now, there are people with credential s and experience, Acclaim and

networks and it is being comprised of visionaries and members of the

community it serves. We are looking into purchasing an abandon school,

and there are a lot of them in this area, or a church with classrooms

attached to provide the space each program in THE CENTER to offer

their services to both the community we serve and paying " Customers "

who come for the healing center, fresh food markets, the workshops,

the art gallery, the performance space and everything else that will

be offered out of the center.

This is an on-going process, but it is one that will be achieved soon.

In fact we are closer now than we were when you started reading this


Which brings us to: WHY you are reading this letter.

In an effort to raise awareness, community support, a stronger network

and much needed funds to create this start-up project, and take what

we are already doing further; indiescript sponsors special workshop

events from time to time. On average these events draw a couple

hundred people. Filled with beautiful art, great music, creative

unions and more love than the room can hold (that is a good thing)

these events have become a valuable way for us to reach our goals. The

cover is always low, and the energy is always high. We would like to

invite you to come and participate in our next event.

ASCENSION RISING: March 21st and 22nd @ THE FUTURE GALLERY, 25744 Van

Dyke, Center Line, MI. 48015.

There will be over a dozen visual artists, more than a dozen

performance artists, light/energy workers, free massage, reiki,

community activists and so much more. We are celebrating the coming of

spring and the moment in time that we know will be seen as an EPOCH in

our lives, and the life in general.

Please join us.

(See www.myspace.com/indiescript for more details.

If you are not able to make it due to location issues, timing or

previous engagements then please share your energy with us on this

night by seeing it, in your mind and heart, as being an incredible


Now there is another reason for this letter. It has come to our

attention that we are to take this next request directly to you, as

someone who can help us create this.

To put it simply, and with understanding that you know why, we need

money to make this happen.

Please take a moment and do into mediation, thought or both and feel

what you can do to help us achieve this goal. First of all, ask

yourself can you help? If so please know that any amount will be used

wisely and put into direct action into realizing the vision of THE


Please send to:

Visions Enterprises c/o The Ascension Center

152 University

Ferndale, Mi. 48220


Thank you very much for your time and energy, love and light.

If you would like to ask me any questions please do, we welcome your

thoughts, advice, concerns or communication. Please feel free to call



Project coordinator/The Ascension Center


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