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Peace of Mind

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Mental Well-Being

By Ann Boroch

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself what percentage of negative or fearful thoughts you energize each day? Most of us say at least 50% or higher of our thoughts are focused on negative thinking. These self-defeating thoughts create a day-to-day basis for depression, unhappiness, illness, chronic stress, financial burdens and a battling of the mind.

The Conscious, Subconscious and Unconscious Mind

To create peace of mind you must first understand how it works. Each of us has a conscious mind, which is the gatekeeper to your subconscious. Your conscious mind helps you analyze and discern data. The subconscious is where you truly act from and is the doorway to your higher self, God, and all that is. The subconscious is like a huge computer bank filled with every memory, event, belief, experience, fantasy and dream you've ever had from past to present. The subconscious is your best friend, takes in words literally, lacks a sense of humor, and operates from repetition. It is your subconscious that controls your central nervous system, which controls everything in your body. This all comes down to that you are a body of thoughts and feelings. Thoughts create energy. And when you are spending time energizing anxiety filled thoughts of the future you are creating more potential for that to happen. Chronic negative/fearful thinking leads to chemical changes within your body, which suppress your immune system, and over time can bring about disease.

The Keys To Having Peace Of Mind

The key to having peace of mind is becoming more conscious of what thoughts you entertain all day and consciously choosing the words you speak. You may not be able to stop a negative thought from coming in, but you do have free will and choice of what you are going to do with that thought once it comes into your awareness. What gets us into trouble is when a negative thought stays with us for a certain period of time.

Here are a couple of techniques to help you retrain the mind. First, when a negative/fearful thought comes in, view it as a number on a ticker tape and let it float right by, from one ear and out the other. If you are having trouble and not able to let the thought go, then try the second technique, which is to speak to yourself immediately, either silently or out loud. Acknowledge what you are thinking. Say, "Okay here I go again worrying about my health, I accept that I am worrying." "And now I give myself permission to release these thoughts." Next, replace it with a positive thought or of something neutral. You can also replace the void with taking action, such as taking a few deep breaths or getting up for glass of water.

Without acceptance of your thought you stay in denial, and you need permission because you have been conditioned to be conditional. Letting go is taking action, and replacing the negative/fearful thought is filling the void once you've let it go.

You may find in the beginning that you are talking to yourself quite often. That is okay. Humor is a great to interject with yourself and very healing. With practice you will discover how much control you really do have to choose and energize only those thoughts that are positive and creative. The subconscious mind operates from repetition, so the more you choose positive thoughts, the more you will create a new reality that will shift your overall mental outlook and attitude.

Spoken Words

Another important part of mental well-being are the words you speak. Everything you say or hear records in your tape recorder upstairs, the subconscious. If repeated often enough those messages become your belief and reality. If you often speak the words, "I am poor," "I just have enough to barely get by," "I'm always on survival mode," then this will be your reality because the subconscious mind does not know how to discern. These literal words are played out into your daily life attracting you to more situations that will bring about struggle and poverty. The same is to be said about falling asleep to the news, which is filled with fear-based information. Repeated often enough you too are filled with fear-based emotions and thoughts that have stored in your subconscious mind.

There are tricks to acknowledging what you think and feel without being in denial. It is important to speak the truth of where you are at now, but then let it go, do not carry it over to the next situation and keep affirming it. Some examples are, "I was struggling" instead of "I am struggling," or "Everything I eat makes me fat," instead say, "Certain foods used to make me gain weight. Put negative verbiage in the past, not the NOW or future. Choose your words selectively and consciously. For example, say the word challenging vs. difficult or hard. Discard words such as, "I hope, I wish, I'm trying, I can't, I should, could, would, etc."

A wonderful opening is using "I am." "I am" means you are stating something as if it were in the NOW moment, which tells the universe that it is so.

You might find it interesting to listen to what people are saying. Observe their verbiage. Many times you will discover why they have the problems they do because of the repeated messages they operate from. In return by listening you will help yourself become more conscious about what thoughts and words you are energizing and speaking.

Peace of mind is not something outside of you or something that other people have. It just takes conscious awareness and willingness to accept what it is, giving yourself permission to release it, and then do so. Your place of power is the NOW moment, not the past or future, and to live a life in those places means you are not living, you are surviving. Live fully in the NOW moment with all of your senses, for it is from this place that you have the power to be full of prosperity, freedom and peace of mind!



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Hi Dede,

Yeah, that is a good article. I needed it today!! Sometimes I don't

realize that I've spent half my morning in fear...how is that helping

me get well???!!!

We've finished writing, editing and putting in all the pics. All we

have to do is send the software and info to Beth's husband and he's

going to set it up. I'm thinking a month maybe??? I can't wait!!

We've really worked hard...especially Krista. She's done an amazing

job gathering research and then cutting it down so that it's simple and

to the point without having to wade through all the junk.

We're addressing it toward women who are considering implants as well

as those who are considering explant. So there's a lot of detox info

in there as well. We're really hoping it'll reach a lot of women!

Love, PH

, DGRAHAMA@... wrote:


> PH ~

> Outstanding article ! Thank you for sharing !

> Hey girl, when will yalls site be up?

> Cant wait to see it !

> Love you ~ Dede




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