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[FW]March 15 - Daily Feast

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March 15 - Daily FeastWhy judge yourself by what someone else is saying? They only know what theythink. Can we fit our lives into the narrow confines of theirs? We cansearch our own souls. And most likely, we will find that we have connectionsuniquely our own - deeper in many ways than those with whom we would like tobe in accord. But there's no way we can whip ourselves into being likesomeone else. We can only make ourselves better. Regardless of how we havebeen conditioned to think, we know right from wrong. It is innate and speaksloud enough that if we want to hear it, we will. The only thing that keepsus !

from hearing is the clamor of voices outside ourselves - and they have noother purpose but to destroy. Don't dally with trouble. Refuse to be a partof anything you would not look at in the light.~ Each man is good in His sight. It is not necessary for eagles to be crows.~SITTING BULL'A Cherokee Feast of Days', by Joyce Sequichie Hifler*<<<=-=>>>*<<<=-=>>>*<<<=-=>>>*<<<=-=>>>*Elder's Meditation of the Day - March 15"We were taught generosity to the poor and reverence for the Great Mystery.Religion was the basis of all Indian training."-- A. Eastman (Ohiyesa), SANTEE SIOUXEvery Indian knows and has a feeling inside that, bottom line, our realpurpose on earth is to be of !

service to our fellow man and to be of maximumservice to the G

reat Spirit. The Creator designed the earth to be selfsupporting -- everything is interconnected and all things were created to beof service to each other. The Indian way is to pray about all things.Religion is not separate from any part of our lives. Everything is spiritualand we are to view all matters in this way. Family is spiritual, work isspiritual, helping others is spiritual, our bodies are spiritual, our talkis spiritual, our thoughts are spiritual. We need to practice seeing allthings as spiritual.Great Spirit, today let me help the needy and allow me the wisdom to haverespect and reverence for Your teachings.*<<<=-=>>>*<<<=-=>>>*<<<=-=>>>*<<<=-=>>>*'THINK on THESE THINGS'By Joyce Sequichie HiflerIt is written that where ther!

e's a will there's away. If a desire is sincereand the results are for the good of everyone, the first giant steps havealready been taken. American clergyman Hawes has been quoted, "You maybe whatever you resolve to be. Determine to be something in the world, andyou will be something - 'I cannot' never accomplishes anything; 'I will try'has wrought wonders."A positive attitude can be one of the greatest joys to experience. To begina day by willing everything good, and meeting any obstacle with the ideathat it has no power, can make some of the most sudden and drastic changesin anyone's life.To be something or someone is one of the strongest desires, but it does meansacrifices of doubt and apprehension and feeling sorry for oneself. It meansstanding straighter when it is more comfortable to crawl. It means laughinginstead of lamenting. !

It means thinking positively and speaking good words.

br>It is said that a great deal of talent is lost in this world for the want ofa little courage. We often think of courage as the kid that wins wars andbraves new fronts. But there is another plain, ordinary kind of courage thathelps us face our everyday problems.There is a surprising lack of this kind of courage, and it leads us to seekways to dodge our responsibilities. It takes a tremendous amount of courageto face everything and everyone and take a firm stand for what we believe.It takes courage to admit we have weaknesses and needs that we must overcome It is a daily fight to follow the right road when the wrong one looks sosmooth. And it takes courage to believe, when obstacles face us.God has given courage to each of us, for strength to overcome is availableto all who are courageous in asking for help to be courageous. *<<<=-!

=>>>*<<<=-=>>>*<<<=-=>>>*<<<=-=>>>*Available online! 'Cherokee Feast of Days' By Joyce Sequichie Hifler. Visit her web site to purchase the wonderful books by Joyce as gifts foryourself or for loved ones......and also for those who don't have access tothe Internet: http://www.hifler.com Click Here to Buy her books at Amazon.comElder's Meditation of the DayBy White Bison, Inc., an American Indian-owned nonprofit organization. Ordertheir many products from their web site: http://www.whitebison.org *<<<=-=>>>*<<<=-=>>>*<<<=-=>>>*<<<=-=>>>*If you would like to be added to The Daily Feast email list, CLICK HERE!

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