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Fwd: DMSA & ALA Chelation - General Suggestions Sandy

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Sandy... I found the file for chelation PH gave me so print it off when you are ready for this

after your surgery of getting that screw out. Then you are ready to detox metals out of your

body. Love

From: perfecthealth68@...Reply-to: To: Sent: 3/9/2008 10:00:52 P.M. Eastern Daylight TimeSubj: DMSA & ALA Chelation - General Suggestions

Hi ,

This was posted by the moderator tonight on the frequent dose chelation forum on . He's had a postive experience chelating and wanted to post what he recommends. Don't worry about the DMPS part...DMPS is another chelator to use in place of DMSA. It's not recommended for use though unless for some reason you don't tolerate DMSA well. Love, PH

-------My General Suggestions for starting oral chelation using Andy'sProtocolStart ROUND 1 of DMSA 12.5mg. Take 12.5mg or less every 4 hours [ormore often, 3hr] on the hour, including waking up at night!!!! If youmiss a dose by an hour stop the round and wait at least as many daysas you chelated before you start again.If there are any side effects monitor these and if too intolerable, stop. A round is 3 days ON and 3 days OFF initially (later you can increase the number of ON days and OFF). You need to take at least as many days OFF as ON. Acommon chelating schedule for DMSA is 7am - 11am - 3pm - 7pm -11pm -3am. You can also take longer breaks between rounds if necessary torecuperate.If no side effects or mild manageable side effects occur then wait three days or more before you start ROUND 2 DMSA at 12.5mg.If no side effects or mild manageable side effects occur then doanother ROUND [3 days and 2 nights] of DMSA at 12.5mg. You canincrease your round by a day or two if you are doing well. So on thisround you could chelate for 4-5 days ON.At this point, as long as it has been at least 3 months since amalgamremoval or Hg exposure, you can continue for many more rounds of DMSA alonebefore adding ALA. This will reduce your body burden before you starttaking mercury out the brain with ALA. This is often the best path tofollow.If you choose to add ALA at this point then, Start ROUND 4with 12.5mg DMSA and start ALA 12.5mg or less with each dose. Take both dosesevery 3 hours on the hour or more frequently, including waking up atnight. You can stretch it to every 4 hours ONLY at night if it helpsyou get a little more sleep, but go back to every 3 hours during theday. Many people cannot do this as it redistributes too much Hg withthe fluctuation in chelator blood concentration.If you miss a dose by an hour stop the round and wait at least asmany days that you chela ted to start again. Your blood levels of thechelator will have dropped too much with the late dose. Monitor sideeffects especially after adding ALA, if un-manageable or intolerablestop the round and reduce dose of the next 3-4 rounds.Or stop the ALA and continue with the DMSA for a day or two dependingon side effects and how DMSA makes you feel on it's own.(A second option at this point is to raise only the DMSA to 25mg forROUND 4,5,6 or more and see how you do on the higher dose beforeadding the ALA. Sometimes the jump from 12.5mg to 25mg is too highand you may need to stick at about 17mg.Andy suggests you should never increase the dose by more than half of the current dose. Then add ALA in a later round [7-8 possibly] after you know how you are doing with the increased DMSA. When using ALA and DMSA together youcan continue DMSA alone for an extra day or more to remove theintracellular mercury that the ALA pulls to the extracellular spaces.)If no side effects or few, do another round same dosage, ROUND 5 DMSA12.5 and ALA at 12.5mg.If no side effects or few, do another round same dosage, ROUND 6 DMSA12.5 and ALA at 12.5mg.If no problems start next round, ROUND 7, and increase ONLY DMSA from12.5 to [18.5 - 25mg] and ALA 12.5mg. You must only increase onechelator at a time, so you know what causes what side effects if youhave them.If no problems do a few more rounds at this dosage, start next round,ROUND 10-11, DMSA 25mg and increase ALA also to 25mg. Also onlyincrease the dose of one chelator at a time.Do NOT increase both together or you won't know which is causing aproblem.If no problems arise, increase dosage gradually using the sameprocess above until you find a dosage that is manageable and stickthere for a long time. If problems occur then go back to the previousmanageable dose and stick there for at least few more rounds.You can also increase the nu mber of days ON if side effects arestable, especially if you do well or better while chelating. It is okto chelate for longer periods if your body can keep up with the sideeffects, then have the same time for rest periods.Most can't go for too long because of lack of sleep due to the interruption of it, but some can chelate continuously for longer periods. If you feel a lot better during the rounds you can extend it for a few more days and see how you do.I recommend, except for experienced persons that really know what theyare doing and have done a lot of oral chelation following theprotocol, not to chelate continuously or for really long periods.DMSA and ALA usually no more than 2 weeks max.Longer rounds excrete more Mercury and cause less redistribution.Longer rounds are advised only for those that actually do betterwhile chelating - those that have significant side effects whileon round will you need to take as much time off as on. If you dobetter while chelating with the DMSA during those longer rounds andstop to take a break because of lack of sleep etc. then you shouldtake some time off before starting again, I would suggest at least 4-5 days.Most can't chelate for extra long periods. This is especially true whenyou add ALA and are dosing every 3hrs or more often. But with DMPS,which is taken every 8 hours (due to its longer half-life), peoplecan chelate longer or even continuously with low dosages, as youdon't have to wake up to take doses in the middle of the night.ALA causes less copper to be released during rounds possibly causing problems in the long-term (especially for copper toxic people) so the off-days are very important to allow the balance to return to your system if youhave problems with copper.DMPS - Round one 5-10mg every 6-8hr around the clock for 3 days andnights, the other rules [missing dose etc] are the same as with DMSAand still apply.< BR>Round 2 & 3 DMPS the same thing.Round 4 DMPS if everything is going well and no intolerable or badside effects increase dosage to 10-15mg.Round 5,6,7 DMPS same as above.Round 8 - DMPS & ALA - If it has been at least 3 months since amalgamremoval or Hg exposure, and if, at this point, you are still doing well orbetter add 12.5mg ALA and do another 3-4 rounds.Round 11,12,13 - DMPS & ALA - Increase DMPS if still doing well to20mg.Round 14,15,16 - DMPS & ALA - Increase ALA to 18-25mg and see how youdo.After this point increase dosages of chelators by weight [the usual rangeis 1/8 mg per pound to 1/2 mg per pound] and symptoms remembering not to increase by more than 50% of the dose you are taking.If you cannot tolerate the ALA when you try to add it just continuewith the DMPS alone, gradually increasing dosage over time andnumbers of rounds to tolerance. If you happen to do better on roundthan off an option is to extend the round a few days 4-6 and see howyou do.If you still do better on round at this point try a week ortwo, some people can chelate continuously with low doses of DMPSuntil they feel they are ready to add some ALA.ALA Alone - use the same dosage as with DMSA, above, every 3hr or moreoften. Use the same technique and percentages for increasing dosage etc,as described.I generally recommend that everyone get all basic labs done[metabolic,chemistr y,urinealysis, lipid,thyroid, adrenal,hormonal (VAP) etc. Many of us have thyroid and adrenal issues and they require supplementation. Withproper testing and supplementation many people feel tremendouslybetter.Please !! make sure you read through Moria's site, http://home. earthlink. net/~moriam/and the rest of the links section for information.Please remember everyone is dif ferent and not everything works thesame for everyone. Also these are suggestions/ recommendations forthe protocol and not medical advice.TK

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