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Thoughts on 10th Febuary 2008

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Love has many shapes and forms. It is the source of

creation. It is also the source of destruction. With death comes life.

How does the other make the other less important or valued and vice


Sometimes " negative " emotions are experienced to maintain

balance in our lives between ourselves collectively and individually.

" Negativity " is unbalance. Something which is out of balance is a sign

that there is change happening. Sometimes " negative " (destruction) need

to happen in order to break the pattern that does not fit the creation

we are here to create. We create life - even through death. The

confusion is the change, the unbalanced state, the tuning. The harmony

is the balanced state of tuning.

Fear, anger, jealousy are all

created words. Those intention is to describe and point to the feeling

we have in our bodies. Just as when our bodies are sweating in hot

temperature, the same way our minds are interpreting our thoughts as

negative when they are unaligned with the original purpose of living in

harmony within our bodies. When pain, grief, anger are vieved as they

are - a reflection of some underlying issue - they can be seen as

positive challenges as well. The observer determines the outcome. When

we feel fear and feel hopeless in it, we are acting out of our

subconscious patterns and beliefs. If we become more conscious in the

moment when the feeling of fear manifests, we can see altertative

patterns emerging. If we understand that we truly have a choice in

every moment, then we can act it out and adjust the temperature so to

speak. Fear is an unconscious response to the unknown.

When unknown

becomes known, ie. experienced with awareness, the original purpose

continues to move according to the destination it has been going all

along. In other words, your life does not have to be a misery.

" What is contained in darkness holds the greatest potential for light. "




have a choice in every moment to resist or let go. Your mind is

resisting, your body is adjusting. You can sense it right NOW in your

body. Meditation, certain plants, sounds, colors, meditation etc. can

help you regain the connection between your mind and body... the

missing link is to recognize the unmanifested self (before sound was

silence). That is felt as a feeling of wholeness where separation is

nonexistent. Your mind & body is part of a global mind & body

and how it feels is felt by everybody close around you, and suprisingly

for many of us at this time, even at a distance. We have a great


We are creating a new way of living. The point

in time and space when the new shapes form is already here and the

intensity of it becoming a reality in multiple dimensions is increasing

every minute of our most commonly perceived linear time. It's

manifestations are felt now on the third dimension, which has been a

playground and a manipulator's/sorcerers dream for eons... 'till now.

You will see new art and language forming. Everything mirrors

everything. Fear is the distorted image between the perceiver

(=interpreter) and the original image.

The original image is pure light. As are you.

This text is also your/our creation. It is free. As are you.

With Love,

Ville (in this form ;)

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