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Important Question

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You are the best judge but it sounds like die-off to me.

Some members got extreme diarrhea from die-off, it

can be unnerving. Liz D

Re: Important


Thanks for responding so fast Liz! :) It doesn't happen everytime

that I eat, only twice in 3 days so far. I guess that's good news

then. Do you know if my symptoms being worse has anything to do with

die-off? Like I said, I've never done this before and am confused as

to what to expect with all this. I don't have a doctor, can't find

one that believes in this, so I have to go this alone. Anyway if you

had any info. you could give me, I would really appreciate it.

Thanks again and cheers!


--- rabbitbrain@...


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  • 3 months later...

i am hoping someone out there can give me some information!

i was wondering if there is a link between cancer and lyme disease???

please any information will be greatly appreciated!

thank you for you time and thoughts!

i guess i can explain or should but right now i just cant bring myself to!

thank you again!

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In a message dated 12/29/2001 11:08:08 PM Eastern Standard Time,

AtTheLake@... writes:

> There is reported to be a connection to tumors in the breast, brain, bite

> site, and pituitary. Lymphoma seems to have a connection, as well.



Not sure how much written documentation there is I just know that my doctor

has told me in the past that alot of her Lyme patients are getting cancer.

Mostly Breast....



" It matters not how much the soul Loves


rather how much the soul IS Loved "


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despratmom@... wrote:

I was wondering if there is a link between

cancer and lyme disease???

Hi All,

I recall reading a ish study showing a

positive correlation between Lyme disease (ish

variety) and cancer.

My own personal experience and knowledge of what

has happened to some of my friends makes it seem

likely to me that Lyme disease is a cause of

prostate cancer.


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  • 1 year later...

When my 14 yo was dx'd at age 3 1/2, they told us it was 1 in 10,000 chance

of having a child like ours. Our percentage went up just slightly to have

another one - in fact, they told us not to worry about it happening again

basically. Reece is 7 now and is more severely affected in some ways. I have a

3 yo

who has speech delays, stranger anxiety, severe " shyness " and some motor

delays that are not " severe " but there nonetheless (i.e. he is so young that


are just now started to fall behind.)

My dd's are both aspie on the edges. My oldest was dx'd with ADD when she

was younger and has an LD too. My just turned 12 yo (yesterday!) is really

struggling the past year or two with things like friendships and why the world

doesn't work the way it should work. lol. Part is teenage-dom showing up and

part is her aspie on the edges problems.

Anyway, I would clearly weigh in on the question to be definitely prepared

for having another child affected, although it doesn't mean that you will. The

stats are changing all the time and I really don't know what the latest

percentages are. I tried once to find out when Reece was first dx'd and it


varied according to what you were reading or who you were talking to. I think

it is not usual to have more than one and yet, so many of us are out there and

popping up on the map with more than one dx'd on the spectrum. Clearly, I

see a family history behind me also. I think you should examine yours - go see

a geneticist to go over everything and determine more closely what you are

facing. But in the end, no guarantees!


In a message dated 10/28/2003 8:35:07 AM Eastern Standard Time,

noelty5@... writes:

Does anyone know of what the chances are of having another child on the

spectrum if you already have one?

My son is five with asperger disorder, my daughter is 19 months and is NT,

but is there research out there that gives the rates of incidence in other


I was reading the notes from T. Attwood's workshop posted and was surprised

to see the rate of incidence being 1 in 250, but am now curious about how that

may go up if you already have a child diagnosed.


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I've read that having one on the spectrum increases your chances.


> Hi all!


> Does anyone know of what the chances are of having another child on

the spectrum if you already have one?


> My son is five with asperger disorder, my daughter is 19 months and

is NT, but is there research out there that gives the rates of

incidence in other children?


> I was reading the notes from T. Attwood's workshop posted and was

surprised to see the rate of incidence being 1 in 250, but am now

curious about how that may go up if you already have a child



> Dennise

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I've heard the same thing!! ALthough my first is NT, me second is

AS, and my third and last is NT. So Who knows for sure!


> > Hi all!

> >

> > Does anyone know of what the chances are of having another child


> the spectrum if you already have one?

> >

> > My son is five with asperger disorder, my daughter is 19 months


> is NT, but is there research out there that gives the rates of

> incidence in other children?

> >

> > I was reading the notes from T. Attwood's workshop posted and was

> surprised to see the rate of incidence being 1 in 250, but am now

> curious about how that may go up if you already have a child

> diagnosed.

> >

> > Dennise

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lol!! never say never, Steph !!!

my third came after my last !!!! <<

Agreed Fania... I'm trying again after being so sure about my last one being

my last... of course most of you know her story... (

www.geocities.com/snowyowlstar ) but I had my tubal reversed and all that...

NEVER say never... (and please wish me luck!)



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I do wish you lots of luck!!!!!!

> lol!! never say never, Steph !!!


> my third came after my last !!!! <<

> Agreed Fania... I'm trying again after being so sure about my last

one being

> my last... of course most of you know her story... (

> www.geocities.com/snowyowlstar ) but I had my tubal reversed and

all that...

> NEVER say never... (and please wish me luck!)

> Love

> Tammy

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Hello ,

Are you reffering to Dr. s treatment? I have just gotten in touch with

that organization and am looking to experiment with their machines and

cleaning herbs for patients of mine. From a distance I like her concepts and

feel from some of the testimonials that she is doing good work but I think

for good results someone would need to go for her full program. My only

comment so far on her work is that it does not include the emotional

elements of cancer and the provoking conflicts that have not been solved.

For more on my thoughts about things like that visit my Biogenic Medicine

site at the World Psychology site address below.


Mark Sircus Ac., OMD


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Hello ,

Are you reffering to Dr. s treatment? I have just gotten in touch with

that organization and am looking to experiment with their machines and

cleaning herbs for patients of mine. From a distance I like her concepts and

feel from some of the testimonials that she is doing good work but I think

for good results someone would need to go for her full program. My only

comment so far on her work is that it does not include the emotional

elements of cancer and the provoking conflicts that have not been solved.

For more on my thoughts about things like that visit my Biogenic Medicine

site at the World Psychology site address below.


Mark Sircus Ac., OMD


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I have used it, and continue to use it. I found a definite boost in health

following the cleanse.

Why do you ask?


At 11:47 PM 11/5/2003 -0500, you wrote:

>Hello, I am a new member and I have a question. Has anyone here (that has

>cancer or knows some one who does) tried the black walnut tincutre,

>cloves, and wormwood treatment? If so, what is your opinion on it? Do you

>think it helped? I would really appreciate ANY info you could provide me

>with. I hope to hear from some of you soon.




> Lohr

>Crime Journalist


>Website: http://www.geocities.com/pa_crime_writer

>Email: pa_crime_writer@...




>Most recent work:


>Court TVs Crime Library:








>Crime Magazine:





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I have used it, and continue to use it. I found a definite boost in health

following the cleanse.

Why do you ask?


At 11:47 PM 11/5/2003 -0500, you wrote:

>Hello, I am a new member and I have a question. Has anyone here (that has

>cancer or knows some one who does) tried the black walnut tincutre,

>cloves, and wormwood treatment? If so, what is your opinion on it? Do you

>think it helped? I would really appreciate ANY info you could provide me

>with. I hope to hear from some of you soon.




> Lohr

>Crime Journalist


>Website: http://www.geocities.com/pa_crime_writer

>Email: pa_crime_writer@...




>Most recent work:


>Court TVs Crime Library:








>Crime Magazine:





>This outgoing mail message is certified as Virus Free.

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  • 4 years later...
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Sandy ~

The hctz is for fluid. Since you are having

high blood pressure, I would give it a shot. Short

term. Be sure and drink plenty of water so it will

work well, and so it wont dehydrate you.

Did you have the Aldosterone and Renin tests

done ? ? via 24 hour urine and by blood ??

Love you ~ DedeCreate a Home Theater Like the Pros. Watch the video on AOL Home.

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  • 1 year later...
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google mainstays


Dianna Holland

From: lauragrossman81 <lauragrossman81@...>

Subject: Important Question

kombucha tea

Date: Tuesday, July 7, 2009, 3:33 PM

This is the last step and the most important one for me in this process. I have

heard there is a person or maybe more than one person, but whomever these

people, persons may be, I hope you can help me with this. What I need is, how to

tell if something glass fairly thick, almost resembling a storage jar. It is a

one gallon jar from Walmart.

It does not say made in China. It only reads- " Main Stays, made for Walmart,

Bentonville, Arkansas. " I want to know if it has lead in it because I know

Walmart deals heavily with China.

Can somebody help me?

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  • 11 months later...
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Hi Kathy,

Yes I do too.I was told I had asthma years ago and had inhalers,but they did nothing for me.I even had asthma attacks [due to allergies,as asthma can be an allergic reaction] and taken to hospital and put on a nebuliser.They wanted to keep me in hospital,but I said no,as I didnt want the steroids they wanted to give me.

My kids also get the same problem with breathing every now and again.It feels like your airways have narrowed which is what asthma does and you cant take a whole breath.It makes me very irritable too and it will make you tired as your oxygen levels drop.Hope your gp can help you.

Best wishes Sharon

From: Kathy <kathy.taylor90@...>Subject: Important Questionthyroid treatment Date: Monday, July 5, 2010, 8:39 AM

Does anyone on this messageboard sometimes have breathing problems,every now and then I get very breathless and really irritable and very tired,going to see my GP later this morning hoping I will get an inhaler or something.Kathy

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I too get breathless and alsoget some bruises simply just appear.

I suffered much as a youngster with lung problems and hospitalised twice with a

collapsed lung which I gather now was caused by BRONCHIECTASIS, which can either

be there before birth or caused through infection, but it causes widening of

some of the airways, but can easily become infected, and raising two children

was not easy as they bring home infection plus a Husband who was always drinking

leading on to pneumonia, so all I could do was to leave him. For two years after

he had pneumonia he was not able to drink, and to suddenly stop drinking can be

bad too, but things worsened when he went back to drinking,and I had to go to

social services for help. I left him in 2001, and hoped things would improve,

but I had to divorce last year.

I was also said to have asthma, and dust and feathers were two things that I was

said to be allergic to, and the former Husband had filled the house with 4 cages

of birds plus two aviaries outside, but despite Doctors telling him to get rid

of them he would'nt.

I also suspect Chrysanthemums as an allergy, having already linked Calomile and


Antibiotics are a no go issue, so I expect they will have to prescribe an

inhaler rather than use an antibiotic next time round. I already use a vick's

inhaler and rub vicks onto my chest to help, as this is what was used as a

youngster plus hot poultices, but some DRs do not know what these were, as they

are trained for antibiotic prescribing. I too can get irritable and tired, plus

back pain.



> Does anyone on this messageboard sometimes have breathing problems,every now

and then I get very breathless and really irritable and very tired,going to see

my GP later this morning hoping I will get an inhaler or something.

> Kathy


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