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Healing and Prayer Request

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Hello My Dear Sweet wonderul Family. I am asking for a healing

and prayer request for myself. I have been a member for a couple of

months now and I post alot of your stories and comments on myspace to

help spread the word to all mankind. I am in need of some prayer and

healing at this time. I am one whom eats healthy, thinks healthy, and

takes lots of vitamins. Yet, I somehow have this terrible flu like

cold I can't seem to shake. I have tried everything. If you could find

it in your hearts to please send me your prayers and your healing it

would be so appreciated. I don't know what else to do. I keep getting

worse. I ask that you please keep me in your mind and prayers as much

as possible for the next few days. I know that with many praying

together it seems to bring about miracles. Thanks so much to you all

and know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers daily.

Love and Light Always,

Tonya Gears

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My Dear Tonya,

What you need is to focus on the positive energy that lies within you and feel the power of the universe, what you are feeling right now is the energy of others, you may take vitamins and eat healthy but like you said it's not enough-I'm sending you my love and would pray you get better.



----- Original Message ----From: tonya <tonya.gears@...> Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 1:01:54 PMSubject: [] Healing and Prayer Request

Hello My Dear Sweet wonderul Family. I am asking for a healing and prayer request for myself. I have been a member for a couple of months now and I post alot of your stories and comments on myspace to help spread the word to all mankind. I am in need of some prayer and healing at this time. I am one whom eats healthy, thinks healthy, and takes lots of vitamins. Yet, I somehow have this terrible flu like cold I can't seem to shake. I have tried everything. If you could find it in your hearts to please send me your prayers and your healing it would be so appreciated. I don't know what else to do. I keep getting worse. I ask that you please keep me in your mind and prayers as much as possible for the next few days. I know that with many praying together it seems to bring about miracles. Thanks so much to you all and know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers daily.Love and Light

Always,Tonya Gears

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  • 7 months later...

---------- Forwarded message ----------From: <rayjay007@...>

Date: Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 9:55 PMSubject: healing and prayer requestrequests-healingandprayer@...I am requesting healing and prayer for my husband, Dale Jensen of Santa , CA. My husband had a liver transplant 1 1/2 years ago. It was and still is a divine blessing. My prayer request is for the healing of his kidneys. At this time they are damaged to the point of now placing him on a kidney transplant list and beginning dialysis where he is to be dialisized 2-3 times a week. My husband is 22 years clean and sober. The damage done to his liver was the result of having hepatitis C. He is clear of hepatitis C now (another divine blessing).However, it now turns out that his kidneys have also been gravely effected. My prayer request is for the healing of his kidneys and whatever else may have been effected that has yet to be revealed. Thankyou and peace be with you, Jensen

-- " Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark. " Rabindranath TagoreDownload Our Toolbar:http://.OurOrganizationToolbar.com

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear Lara,

Prayers and healing on the way.

Also if you would write me personally, I have some healing info for you from another list,

this just may help over and beyond this experience.



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Get drunk and watch 24 hours of comedians in a row till you can no

longer laugh, or cry. After 24 hours you'll surely pass out for 3

days. Then with the hang over, it will be too painful to cry or laugh,

so go back to sleep till you get past that, then begin again.

On second thought, you might try some chamomile tea...use double the

bags in a double the size cup [the more tea bags the better...I use 6

in a mug]...sip. You might even do so while taking a relaxing hot

soaking bath. Some epsom salts and hydrogen peroxide put in won't hurt

either, or other such items.

can answer you better than me though, she was/is on that.

Smacking her won't work cause she will kill me in my sleep and that

would disturb my dreams so we work through it.

Joking aside though, love being sent. Know it is always with you.

One thing I heard of someone doing was when they started crying, and

it's not really known why, start filling the thoughts as best possible

with being happy and that's the reason for the tears...by

associationing them, the crying with something joyous, it changes the

underlying causes in some way. Maybe worth a shot.



> Beloved Soul Family:



> Dear Heart, my most beautiful and beloved soul family !! I hope all

is well with you. How are you? I'm not the best, but I'm hanging in

there the best I can. Right now I'm in the middle of some rather

severe mental tests, and am also in the process of having my meds

changed. I've also been crying all the time and crying myself to sleep

or waking up crying,etc. I'm on paxil and wellbutrin and have been for

quite sometime, but they have just completely stopped working so I had

to have a change in meds and will be starting Celexa. Though I can't

start the Celexa till I'm wiened off the paxil and the wellbutrin. So

I have about another at least two weeks of hell to go through. I also

really haven't been sleeping very well either. So in the meantime

while I'm in the process of having my meds switched my A.P.R.N or

Nurse Practicioner that I see prescribed restoril to help me sleep,

and then will be switching to Trazadone and also be starting the

Celexa in about 2 weeks.


















> So right now I could just really use some extra super heavy duty

prayers, as well as healing. Much love and many hugs and blessings to

you all always !! Your always in my thoughts,heart and prayers !! I

love you all so very much always with all my heart and soul !!














> Always and Lovingly In His Service,




> Your Beloved Soul Sister Lara xoxo


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Hi Sweetie I have some big issues with the meds your on you are depleted in your seotoin which is prodeced by the sun and also some meds the ones you are on and the trazadone are severe mind altering meds I bet you forgot how you felt the first few weeks when you started them the restoril is in it's chemical compound a synthetic form of chemicals that replace only your serotoin as with xanax that is used for depression also ...... and not your dopamines read about each drug if you have not I know each one it's perfectly fine to take up to 60 ml of restoril each night but again this is max dose on this med not sure if your on the 30 but I would seriously think about ultra violet light therapy and a book called the Vitamin Bible by Earl Mandel youl love it it will beomce a

lifestylen~ Increasing Serotonin Levels ~ Natural Methods Serotonin is an important neurotransmitter (brain chemical). It is involved with vasoconstriction, mood, sleep, inhibition, and many other vital functions. Many drugs are involved with blocking the re-absorption of serotonin by nerve endings in the brain and thus increase the concentration in the brain. Drugs are toxic and can often have side effects. There are natural methods to help increase serotonin levels in the brain. Learning natural methods to increase serotonin can reduce dependence on drug medication.

Orthomolecular medicine is a system of medicine practiced by MD doctors around the world. It is a system of medicine that uses mainly natural substances, non-toxic, and considered safe in a wide range of dose. Orthomolecular medicine mainly uses herbs and vitamins/minerals. The following ideas can be considered orthomolecular methods. 1. Serotonin is synthesized from the amino acid

tryptophan. Thus to produce serotonin, you need tryptophan. Tryptophan is an amino acid that you can only obtain by consumption. Therefore you want to consider eating foods containing sufficient levels of tryptophan to help replenish your serotonin levels each day. The following is a list: Cottage cheese. Brown rice. Avocados. Bananas. Walnuts. Tomatoes. Soy protein. Meat. Turkey is probably the highest serotonin containing food. Eat turkey to help increase serotonin levels. 2. Starchy carbohydrates such as pasta, bread, and so on can stimulate production of

serotonin. Starchy vegetables, mainly vegetables grown below the ground, such as carrots, potatoes, and so on can stimulate the production of serotonin. These starchy carbohydrates have the ability to decrease the levels of amino acids in the bloodstream, but may actually increase the levels of tryptophan. Tryptophan competes with many other amino acids for transport in the body. If tryptophan is not adequately transported, due to competition with other amino acids for transport, then sufficient tryptophan may not be available for serotonin synthesis. There are 20 amino acids that humans need each day. The starchy carbohydrates decrease 19 of them, except tryptophan. Thus starchy carbohydrates, when eaten at the proper times, can help increase serotonin levels. a. Proper times to eat starchy carbohydrates to help increase serotonin levels: Starchy carbohydrates stimulate production of serotonin. They do not produce serotonin. Thus if you eat too many starchy carbohydrates, you can over stimulate serotonin production, resulting in diminished serotonin levels. Therefore you want to consider eating in a way that helps maintain proper serotonin levels. The cycle for serotonin is the sleep cycle. Thus you want much of your serotonin production to occur in the evening, to help produce

sleep and the proper cycles of sleep. Therefore you want to limit your starchy carbohydrates in the daytime. They will stimulate serotonin production, thus depleting serotonin levels. The proper time to consider eating starchy carbohydrates is in the evening, helping your body to stimulate serotonin production and getting your body ready for sleep. You should consider eating serotonin producing foods daytime and nighttime, but especially in the nighttime, to ensure you have sufficient serotonin available for your sleep cycles. You can laboratory test your serotonin levels to see if they are normal or not normal 3. If you eat starchy carbohydrates in the daytime, you should consider eating protein at the same meal. Protein can inhibit the effects of carbohydrates stimulating tryptophan production. This can help conserve serotonin. It is an excellent idea to eat protein at every meal containing starchy carbohydrates. Protein helps balance the natural cycles of digestion, called the feast-famine cycle. You can read more about the feast famine cycle in the article the, "Diabetic Diet," in the diabetes section of the web site. In the evening, eat only a little protein and eat the starchy carbohydrates first. This will allow the starchy

carbohydrates to have a more dominant effect in the bloodstream than the protein. In the daytime, consider eating more protein and eating the protein first, so that it will have a more dominant effect in the bloodstream than starchy carbohydrates you consume. 4. Negative ions help produce serotonin. Ion filters produce negative ions. You can consider the consumer digest to pick a reliable ion filter. Water also helps produce serotonin. You can take a shower at night to help produce

serotonin. Consider sleeping by large bodies of water if you have sleep problems. 5. Vitamin B6 is necessary to produce serotonin. You can laboratory test your vitamin B6 levels. Orthomolecular doses for vitamin B6 range from 100-300 mg total daily, in divided doses. 6. Calcium helps calm nerves. The better you sleep, the better the serotonin sleep cycles. Thus restful and deep sleep will help support proper serotonin levels and balance. Calcium supplements in the evening can help calm nerves, which can lead to better sleep. Consider using elemental calcium, found in the product page on this web site called Bone-Up. Elemental calcium is the calcium found in bones and is thus the most efficient type of calcium to supplement. Eating chocolate or drinking milk near the time you supplement calcium can block the effects of calcium supplementation. You can laboratory test for calcium levels to be sure they are at proper levels, especially if

you feel your nerves are strung out. 7. Magnesium, vitamin B6, and calcium are all cofactors of each other. This means they often work in combinations, not alone. Zinc is usually found with magnesium and B6. Potassium is a cofactor of magnesium. Thus it might be an excellent idea to laboratory test for all of them; to be sure all the levels are proper. These minerals and vitamins need to be at appropriate levels, in order to have proper metabolic (the proper

processing and handling of nutrients in the cells) functioning. It is important for proper cell functioning, to have proper, restful, and deep sleep. The appropriate balance of these minerals help to stimulate and inhibit cell functioning, which allows for the proper cycles of sleep and rest, as well as proper stimulation of daytime cycles. 8. Regulated blood sugar levels can help produce better sleep. Higher blood sugar levels at bedtime, than normal, can produce stimulating hormones such

as adrenaline. Adrenaline is a stress hormone and not conducive to sleep and serotonin sleep cycles. We recommend considering the method of eating many small meals each day, to help regulate blood sugar levels. The key point in eating many small meals, there should be an interval of 2 and ½- 5 hours between each time you eat. Most people, who try frequent small meals as a method of eating meals each day, do not wait for the proper interval time between meals. There is a digestive cycle each time you consume food. The hormone insulin is produced during the digestive cycles to digest carbohydrates. It is mainly secreted for the first 2 and ½ hours after a meal. You need to let the body rest and insulin do its job. Eating before

the interval time of 2 and ½ hours between meals is completed, will stimulate insulin again, possible disrupting digestive cycles and producing adrenaline and excess blood sugar into the bloodstream. This is counterproductive to regulating blood sugar levels. Steady blood sugar levels can help produce sleep, by allowing the body to begin to calm down and turn on the night cycles of metabolic functioning. You can read the article, "Diabetic Diet," to understand the proper methods of eating small meals. Although that article is written for diabetics, the main difference between the digestive cycles of diabetics and non-diabetics, diabetics usually feel more of a need to eat every 2 and ½ hours while non-diabetics usually feel hungrier every 3-4 hours. Thus the article, "Diabetic Diet," on the web site www.dk50.com, applies to everyone; just the timing for meals is different for each individual. An excellent supplement to help regulate blood sugar, it is corosolic acid. 9. If you are not getting restful sleep, then your serotonin cycles are probably not working properly. Aside from the problems of poor sleep, serotonin levels can be affected by poor sleep. One orthomolecular method to help sleep is to take about 400 mg of

magnesium and 100 mg of potassium 1 hour before bedtime. You should not take higher amounts than these doses, unless you get laboratory testing to determine your magnesium and potassium levels. Magnesium is an inhibitor mineral of calcium. Calcium is involved in many daytime cycles. Magnesium can help you calm down a stimulated body from the daytime excitement, by helping to regulate calcium. Proper calcium and magnesium levels can help prepare the body for sleep. 10.

The hormone melatonin is produced from serotonin. Thus you want to have melatonin at appropriate levels, to help conserve serotonin. If melatonin is low, this may stress serotonin to produce more melatonin, thereby depleting serotonin levels You can measure melatonin levels by laboratory testing, but often melatonin measurements are unreliable. Melatonin levels start to decline about 1- 1 and ½ percent each year after age 20. Thus by the time you are 30-35 years old, your melatonin levels may have dropped to levels that affect function. You can supplement 1-3 mg of melatonin one hour before bedtime, to help restore levels back to youthful levels. Usually 2-3 months of supplementation can restore youthful levels. It is often recommended

to cycle melatonin. One method is to take melatonin 6 days on it and 1 day off it. Also take it 6 weeks on it and then stop it 1 week. Whenever supplementing hormones you should consult a hormonal specialist. Melatonin can also help produce better sleep, which can also enhance its beneficial effects on serotonin. 11. Serotonin is involved in your sleep cycles. First serotonin begins its sleep cycle around the time you are getting ready to sleep. Shortly

after you begin sleep melatonin is produced. Shortly after melatonin is produced, growth hormone is produced. Later in the sleep cycle testosterone is produced, around the time you are waking up. Thus all of these hormones and serotonin influence each other. You want to have proper balance of all your important hormones, to help support your sleep cycles and metabolic functioning. This idea of the vital hormones supporting each other and the neurotransmitters, is contained in the article, "Hormonal Cascade," in the hormone section of this web site. The basic idea, the vital hormones DHEA, growth hormone, melatonin, thyroid hormone, adrenal, testosterone, progesterone and estrogen all work together in men and women. The better they work together, the better each hormone is utilized

in the body. You can measure all of these hormones with a hormone specialist (see article, “Hormonal Cascade”, to get national referral number for cutting edge hormonal doctors), and then you can supplement or use medication to restore these hormone levels. 12. Consider the supplement TMG. TMG promotes a chemical process in the brain called methylation. Methylation often declines in functioning as we age. After the age of 35 it is a precaution to supplement TMG to help produce better brain functioning,

which may help keep serotonin properly in balance. You can laboratory test for homocysteine levels. If these levels are proper, this can indicate methylation is proper and there is no need for TMG. If homocysteine is high this usually indicates that methylation is not optimal and TMG may help this condition. 13. Caffeine from sodas, coffee, tea and so on can stimulate the adrenaline hormones. Adrenaline hormones can result in blood sugar surges.

“The glucocorticoids are 21-carbon steroids, with many actions; the most important of which is to promote gluconeogenesis. Cortisol is the predominant glucocorticoid in humans. (Ref. K. Murray, MD, Ph.D., Daryl K. Granmer, MD, A. Mayes, Ph.D., D.Sc., Victor W. Fodwell, Ph.D., Harper’s Biochemistry, 25th Edition, Appleton & Lance, Stanford, Connecticut, 2000, Page 575.)” Also, “gluconeogenesis, the synthesis of glucose from non-carbohydrate sources, such as fat and protein. (Oxford Dictionary of Biology.)” Thus, as the chemistry books explain, cortisol’s (adrenaline) primary job is to promote the production of blood sugar from the synthesis of fat and protein. Cortisol is the body’s stress hormone and is released in response to stress.

Steady blood sugar levels can possibly help maintain a calm mood. Caffeine can stimulate adrenaline and blood sugar surges. Wildly fluctuating blood sugar may result in difficulty in maintaining control of emotions. This may lead to difficulty in sleeping and depression. 14. MAO enzyme helps break down serotonin. It is proper to breakdown compounds in the body, in order to help recycle or eliminate them. However, you do not want to over

stimulate the breakdown of certain compounds, such as serotonin. You do not want to over stimulate MAO because this may lead to inefficient and improper breakdown of serotonin. Certain foods can over stimulate MAO, such as aged cheese, some aged wine, some smoked fish, and nutmeg. You can read more about MAO in the article, "Eating cheese can be dangerous in Parkinson's." Adrenaline hormones can also stimulate MAO. Thus caffeine, fluctuating levels of blood sugar, stress and other factors can stimulate adrenaline, which can then stimulate MAO. MAO can be highly stimulated by certain foods and stress, which may result in breaking down serotonin levels rapidly. If you want to conserve serotonin, you need to attempt to control the over production of MAO.

15. Serotonin is involved in vasoconstriction. This is proper at nighttime. The blood flow at nighttime needs to move into the digestive organs and systems. During the daytime the blood supply is active in the skeletal muscles and other daytime cycles. The vasoconstriction at night helps to move the blood supply into the nighttime cycles of organs and systems. Vasoconstriction also helps control urination. If you wake up 2 or more times a night to urinate,

you may be having serotonin imbalance. Serotonin imbalance may lead to improper vasoconstriction. Proper vasoconstriction may be necessary for proper night time cycles. There may be other reasons for frequent urination, such as prostrate problems in men, drinking too much liquid, water imbalance and so on. However, to help improve the symptom of frequent urination, which then may support serotonin function, you need to consider eating more serotonin foods at night. Increasing serotonin levels by eating foods that produce serotonin can help proper fluid regulation during sleep. I recently woke up one night 4 times in about 4 hours to urinate. The next day, I ate no starchy carbohydrates until 6:00 PM. At 6:00 PM I ate a small portion of starchy

carbohydrates and I ate serotonin-containing foods. One hour before bedtime I ate two large slices of bread. I ate cottage cheese with a little applesauce. I took a double dose of melatonin, 2 tablets one hour before bedtime. I slept through the whole night without waking up to urinate. I slept like a dead person would sleep and woke up quite refreshed. You can use diet to help regulate your serotonin levels and possibly influence proper urination flow at nighttime. 16. Bacteria in the intestines can break down tryptophan. From the 25th edition of Harper’s Biochemistry, referring to amino acids breaking down as the result of bacteria, "The amino acid tryptophan undergoes a series of reactions to form indole and methylindole (skatole), the substances particularly responsible for the odor of feces (Ref. K. Murray, MD, Ph.D., Daryl K. Granmer, MD, A. Mayes, Ph.D., D.Sc., Victor W. Fodwell, Ph.D., Harper’s Biochemistry, 25th Edition, Appleton & Lance, Stanford, Connecticut, 2000, Page 671)." Also, "human fecal bacteria decarboxylates tryptophan to tryptamine, whose oxidation forms indole-3-acetate (page 354)." Thus bacteria often break down tryptophan. The idea is to conserve serotonin. Thus you need to conserve tryptophan, the precursor

of serotonin. If you over stimulate tryptophan by eating too many starchy carbohydrates, then bacteria in the intestines may breakdown the tryptophan before it can be synthesized into serotonin. It is also noted that there is an odor from tryptophan broken down by bacteria in the intestines. This means if you have a strong odor when you have a bowel movement, this can indicate you are eating more starchy carbohydrates than you should, leading to over production of tryptophan and resulting in bacterial breakdown. You are depleting your tryptophan levels when you over produce tryptophan. <knightsintention@...> wrote: Get drunk and watch 24 hours of comedians in a row till you can no longer laugh, or cry. After 24 hours you'll surely pass out for 3 days. Then with the hang over, it will be too painful to cry or laugh, so go back to sleep till you get past that, then begin again. On second thought, you might try some chamomile tea...use double the bags in a double the size cup [the more tea bags the better...I use 6 in a mug]...sip. You might even do so while taking a relaxing hot soaking bath. Some epsom salts and hydrogen peroxide put in won't hurt either, or other such items. can answer you better than me though, she was/is on that. Smacking her won't work cause she will kill me in my sleep and that would disturb my dreams

so we work through it. Joking aside though, love being sent. Know it is always with you. One thing I heard of someone doing was when they started crying, and it's not really known why, start filling the thoughts as best possible with being happy and that's the reason for the tears...by associationing them, the crying with something joyous, it changes the underlying causes in some way. Maybe worth a shot. D~ > > Beloved Soul Family: > > > Dear Heart, my most beautiful and beloved soul family !! I hope all is well with you. How are you? I'm not the best, but I'm hanging in there the best I can. Right now I'm in the middle of some rather severe mental tests, and am also in the process of having my meds changed.

I've also been crying all the time and crying myself to sleep or waking up crying,etc. I'm on paxil and wellbutrin and have been for quite sometime, but they have just completely stopped working so I had to have a change in meds and will be starting Celexa. Though I can't start the Celexa till I'm wiened off the paxil and the wellbutrin. So I have about another at least two weeks of hell to go through. I also really haven't been sleeping very well either. So in the meantime while I'm in the process of having my meds switched my A.P.R.N or Nurse Practicioner that I see prescribed restoril to help me sleep, and then will be switching to Trazadone and also be starting the Celexa in about 2 weeks. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > So right now I could just really use some extra super heavy

duty prayers, as well as healing. Much love and many hugs and blessings to you all always !! Your always in my thoughts,heart and prayers !! I love you all so very much always with all my heart and soul !! > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Always and Lovingly In His Service, > > > > Your Beloved Soul Sister Lara xoxo > Tell me and I'll forget Show me and I may remember Involve me and I'll understandsending healing and soulful messages from the angels of mystic I'm following the rainbow of love

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Hi Sweeitie I wanted to add a bit more Ice Cream has l trytophan and you can have a bowl before bed with your restoril and you will conk out and get some good rest you can buy L-tryptophan max aminos take 3 a day also magnesium with vitamin d and co factors theres so much more you can do and if you ween off your old meds which is going to be rough why go back on something that is the same ? there are no good Mao's none you will never heal on these your crying you need to cry I know right now you do not know what you are crying about but your heart and your subconcious do so cry it may be a month maybe 2 months but if you don't cry you will be on meds for maybe all of yur life so cry and don't question it please just write

in and talk if you need someone I know I will be here please please do this for you and your future your heart is still broke and it wants you back it loves you we love you I love you Go With The Flow and Contribuet to the Motion of The Music<3 love meGENTLE WHISPERS <jsm2224@...> wrote: Hi Sweetie I have some big issues with the meds your on you are depleted in your seotoin which is

prodeced by the sun and also some meds the ones you are on and the trazadone are severe mind altering meds I bet you forgot how you felt the first few weeks when you started them the restoril is in it's chemical compound a synthetic form of chemicals that replace only your serotoin as with xanax that is used for depression also ...... and not your dopamines read about each drug if you have not I know each one it's perfectly fine to take up to 60 ml of restoril each night but again this is max dose on this med not sure if your on the 30 but I would seriously think about ultra violet light therapy and a book called the Vitamin Bible by Earl Mandel youl love it it will beomce a lifestylen~ Increasing Serotonin Levels ~ Natural

Methods Serotonin is an important neurotransmitter (brain chemical). It is involved with vasoconstriction, mood, sleep, inhibition, and many other vital functions. Many drugs are involved with blocking the re-absorption of serotonin by nerve endings in the brain and thus increase the concentration in the brain. Drugs are toxic and can often have side effects. There are natural methods to help increase serotonin levels in the brain. Learning natural methods to increase serotonin can reduce dependence on drug medication. Orthomolecular medicine is a system of medicine practiced by MD doctors around the world. It is a system of medicine that uses mainly natural substances,

non-toxic, and considered safe in a wide range of dose. Orthomolecular medicine mainly uses herbs and vitamins/minerals. The following ideas can be considered orthomolecular methods. 1. Serotonin is synthesized from the amino acid tryptophan. Thus to produce serotonin, you need tryptophan. Tryptophan is an amino acid that you can only obtain by consumption. Therefore you want to consider eating foods containing sufficient levels of tryptophan to help replenish your

serotonin levels each day. The following is a list: Cottage cheese. Brown rice. Avocados. Bananas. Walnuts. Tomatoes. Soy protein. Meat. Turkey is probably the highest serotonin containing

food. Eat turkey to help increase serotonin levels. 2. Starchy carbohydrates such as pasta, bread, and so on can stimulate production of serotonin. Starchy vegetables, mainly vegetables grown below the ground, such as carrots, potatoes, and so on can stimulate the production of serotonin. These starchy carbohydrates have the ability to decrease the levels of amino acids in the bloodstream, but may actually increase the levels of tryptophan. Tryptophan competes with many other amino acids for transport in the body. If tryptophan is not adequately transported, due to competition with other amino acids for

transport, then sufficient tryptophan may not be available for serotonin synthesis. There are 20 amino acids that humans need each day. The starchy carbohydrates decrease 19 of them, except tryptophan. Thus starchy carbohydrates, when eaten at the proper times, can help increase serotonin levels. a. Proper times to eat starchy carbohydrates to help increase serotonin levels: Starchy carbohydrates stimulate production of serotonin. They do not produce serotonin. Thus if you eat too many starchy carbohydrates, you can over stimulate serotonin production, resulting in diminished serotonin levels. Therefore you

want to consider eating in a way that helps maintain proper serotonin levels. The cycle for serotonin is the sleep cycle. Thus you want much of your serotonin production to occur in the evening, to help produce sleep and the proper cycles of sleep. Therefore you want to limit your starchy carbohydrates in the daytime. They will stimulate serotonin production, thus depleting serotonin levels. The proper time to consider eating starchy carbohydrates is in the evening, helping your body to stimulate serotonin production and getting your body ready for sleep. You should consider eating serotonin producing foods daytime and nighttime, but especially in the nighttime, to ensure you have sufficient serotonin available for your sleep cycles. You can laboratory test your serotonin levels to see if they are normal or not normal

3. If you eat starchy carbohydrates in the daytime, you should consider eating protein at the same meal. Protein can inhibit the effects of carbohydrates stimulating tryptophan production. This can help conserve serotonin. It is an excellent idea to eat protein at every meal containing starchy carbohydrates. Protein helps balance the natural cycles of digestion, called the feast-famine cycle. You can read more about the feast famine cycle in the article the, "Diabetic Diet," in the diabetes section of the web site. In the evening, eat only a little protein and eat the starchy carbohydrates

first. This will allow the starchy carbohydrates to have a more dominant effect in the bloodstream than the protein. In the daytime, consider eating more protein and eating the protein first, so that it will have a more dominant effect in the bloodstream than starchy carbohydrates you consume. 4. Negative ions help produce serotonin. Ion filters produce negative ions. You can consider the consumer digest to pick a reliable ion filter. Water also helps produce serotonin. You can take a shower at night to help produce serotonin. Consider sleeping by large bodies of water if you

have sleep problems. 5. Vitamin B6 is necessary to produce serotonin. You can laboratory test your vitamin B6 levels. Orthomolecular doses for vitamin B6 range from 100-300 mg total daily, in divided doses. 6. Calcium helps calm nerves. The better you sleep, the better the serotonin sleep cycles. Thus restful and deep sleep

will help support proper serotonin levels and balance. Calcium supplements in the evening can help calm nerves, which can lead to better sleep. Consider using elemental calcium, found in the product page on this web site called Bone-Up. Elemental calcium is the calcium found in bones and is thus the most efficient type of calcium to supplement. Eating chocolate or drinking milk near the time you supplement calcium can block the effects of calcium supplementation. You can laboratory test for calcium levels to be sure they are at proper levels, especially if you feel your nerves are strung out. 7.

Magnesium, vitamin B6, and calcium are all cofactors of each other. This means they often work in combinations, not alone. Zinc is usually found with magnesium and B6. Potassium is a cofactor of magnesium. Thus it might be an excellent idea to laboratory test for all of them; to be sure all the levels are proper. These minerals and vitamins need to be at appropriate levels, in order to have proper metabolic (the proper processing and handling of nutrients in the cells) functioning. It is important for proper cell functioning, to have proper, restful, and deep sleep. The appropriate balance of these minerals help to stimulate and inhibit cell functioning, which allows for the proper cycles of sleep and rest, as well as proper stimulation of daytime cycles. 8. Regulated blood sugar levels can help produce better sleep. Higher blood sugar levels at bedtime, than normal, can produce stimulating hormones such as adrenaline. Adrenaline is a stress hormone and not conducive to sleep and serotonin sleep cycles. We recommend considering the method of eating many small meals each day, to help regulate blood sugar levels. The key point in eating many small meals, there should be an interval of 2 and ½- 5 hours between each time you eat. Most people, who try frequent small meals as a method of eating meals each day, do not wait for the proper interval time between

meals. There is a digestive cycle each time you consume food. The hormone insulin is produced during the digestive cycles to digest carbohydrates. It is mainly secreted for the first 2 and ½ hours after a meal. You need to let the body rest and insulin do its job. Eating before the interval time of 2 and ½ hours between meals is completed, will stimulate insulin again, possible disrupting digestive cycles and producing adrenaline and excess blood sugar into the bloodstream. This is counterproductive to regulating blood sugar levels. Steady blood sugar levels can help produce sleep, by allowing the body to begin to calm down and turn on the night cycles of metabolic functioning. You can read the article, "Diabetic Diet," to understand the proper methods of eating small meals. Although that article is

written for diabetics, the main difference between the digestive cycles of diabetics and non-diabetics, diabetics usually feel more of a need to eat every 2 and ½ hours while non-diabetics usually feel hungrier every 3-4 hours. Thus the article, "Diabetic Diet," on the web site www.dk50.com, applies to everyone; just the timing for meals is different for each individual. An excellent supplement to help regulate blood sugar, it is corosolic acid. 9. If you are not getting restful sleep, then your serotonin cycles are probably not working

properly. Aside from the problems of poor sleep, serotonin levels can be affected by poor sleep. One orthomolecular method to help sleep is to take about 400 mg of magnesium and 100 mg of potassium 1 hour before bedtime. You should not take higher amounts than these doses, unless you get laboratory testing to determine your magnesium and potassium levels. Magnesium is an inhibitor mineral of calcium. Calcium is involved in many daytime cycles. Magnesium can help you calm down a stimulated body from the daytime excitement, by helping to regulate calcium. Proper calcium and magnesium levels can help prepare the body for sleep. 10. The hormone melatonin is produced from serotonin. Thus you want to have melatonin at appropriate levels, to help conserve serotonin. If melatonin is low, this may stress serotonin to produce more melatonin, thereby depleting serotonin levels You can measure melatonin levels by laboratory testing, but often melatonin measurements are unreliable. Melatonin levels start to decline about 1- 1 and ½ percent each year after age 20. Thus by the time you are 30-35 years old, your melatonin levels may have dropped to levels that affect function. You can supplement 1-3 mg of melatonin one hour before bedtime, to help restore levels back to youthful levels. Usually 2-3 months of supplementation can restore youthful levels. It is often

recommended to cycle melatonin. One method is to take melatonin 6 days on it and 1 day off it. Also take it 6 weeks on it and then stop it 1 week. Whenever supplementing hormones you should consult a hormonal specialist. Melatonin can also help produce better sleep, which can also enhance its beneficial effects on serotonin. 11. Serotonin is involved in your sleep cycles. First serotonin begins its sleep cycle around the time you are getting ready to sleep. Shortly after you begin sleep melatonin is produced. Shortly after melatonin is produced, growth

hormone is produced. Later in the sleep cycle testosterone is produced, around the time you are waking up. Thus all of these hormones and serotonin influence each other. You want to have proper balance of all your important hormones, to help support your sleep cycles and metabolic functioning. This idea of the vital hormones supporting each other and the neurotransmitters, is contained in the article, "Hormonal Cascade," in the hormone section of this web site. The basic idea, the vital hormones DHEA, growth hormone, melatonin, thyroid hormone, adrenal, testosterone, progesterone and estrogen all work together in men and women. The better they work together, the better each hormone is utilized in the body. You can measure all of these hormones with a hormone specialist (see article, “Hormonal Cascade”, to get national referral number for

cutting edge hormonal doctors), and then you can supplement or use medication to restore these hormone levels. 12. Consider the supplement TMG. TMG promotes a chemical process in the brain called methylation. Methylation often declines in functioning as we age. After the age of 35 it is a precaution to supplement TMG to help produce better brain functioning, which may help keep serotonin properly in balance. You can laboratory test for homocysteine levels. If these levels are proper, this can indicate methylation is proper and there is no need for TMG. If homocysteine is high

this usually indicates that methylation is not optimal and TMG may help this condition. 13. Caffeine from sodas, coffee, tea and so on can stimulate the adrenaline hormones. Adrenaline hormones can result in blood sugar surges. “The glucocorticoids are 21-carbon steroids, with many actions; the most important of which is to promote gluconeogenesis. Cortisol is the predominant glucocorticoid in humans. (Ref. K. Murray, MD, Ph.D., Daryl K. Granmer, MD, A. Mayes, Ph.D., D.Sc., Victor W. Fodwell, Ph.D., Harper’s Biochemistry, 25th Edition, Appleton &

Lance, Stanford, Connecticut, 2000, Page 575.)” Also, “gluconeogenesis, the synthesis of glucose from non-carbohydrate sources, such as fat and protein. (Oxford Dictionary of Biology.)” Thus, as the chemistry books explain, cortisol’s (adrenaline) primary job is to promote the production of blood sugar from the synthesis of fat and protein. Cortisol is the body’s stress hormone and is released in response to stress. Steady blood sugar levels can possibly help maintain a calm mood. Caffeine can stimulate adrenaline and blood sugar surges. Wildly fluctuating blood sugar may result in difficulty in maintaining control of emotions. This may lead to difficulty in sleeping and depression. 14. MAO enzyme helps break down serotonin. It is proper to breakdown compounds in the body, in order to help recycle or eliminate them. However, you do not want to over stimulate the breakdown of certain compounds, such as serotonin. You do not want to over stimulate MAO because this may lead to inefficient and improper breakdown of serotonin. Certain foods can over stimulate MAO, such as aged cheese, some aged wine, some smoked fish, and nutmeg. You can read more about MAO in the article, "Eating cheese can be dangerous in Parkinson's." Adrenaline hormones can also stimulate MAO. Thus caffeine, fluctuating levels of blood sugar, stress and other factors can

stimulate adrenaline, which can then stimulate MAO. MAO can be highly stimulated by certain foods and stress, which may result in breaking down serotonin levels rapidly. If you want to conserve serotonin, you need to attempt to control the over production of MAO. 15. Serotonin is involved in vasoconstriction. This is proper at nighttime. The blood flow at nighttime needs to move into the digestive organs and systems. During the daytime the blood supply is active in the skeletal muscles and other daytime cycles. The vasoconstriction at night helps to move

the blood supply into the nighttime cycles of organs and systems. Vasoconstriction also helps control urination. If you wake up 2 or more times a night to urinate, you may be having serotonin imbalance. Serotonin imbalance may lead to improper vasoconstriction. Proper vasoconstriction may be necessary for proper night time cycles. There may be other reasons for frequent urination, such as prostrate problems in men, drinking too much liquid, water imbalance and so on. However, to help improve the symptom of frequent urination, which then may support serotonin function, you need to consider eating more serotonin foods at night. Increasing serotonin levels by eating foods that produce serotonin can help proper fluid regulation during sleep. I recently woke up one night 4 times in about 4 hours to urinate.

The next day, I ate no starchy carbohydrates until 6:00 PM. At 6:00 PM I ate a small portion of starchy carbohydrates and I ate serotonin-containing foods. One hour before bedtime I ate two large slices of bread. I ate cottage cheese with a little applesauce. I took a double dose of melatonin, 2 tablets one hour before bedtime. I slept through the whole night without waking up to urinate. I slept like a dead person would sleep and woke up quite refreshed. You can use diet to help regulate your serotonin levels and possibly influence proper urination flow at nighttime. 16.

Bacteria in the intestines can break down tryptophan. From the 25th edition of Harper’s Biochemistry, referring to amino acids breaking down as the result of bacteria, "The amino acid tryptophan undergoes a series of reactions to form indole and methylindole (skatole), the substances particularly responsible for the odor of feces (Ref. K. Murray, MD, Ph.D., Daryl K. Granmer, MD, A. Mayes, Ph.D., D.Sc., Victor W. Fodwell, Ph.D., Harper’s Biochemistry, 25th Edition, Appleton & Lance, Stanford, Connecticut, 2000, Page 671)." Also, "human fecal bacteria decarboxylates tryptophan to tryptamine, whose oxidation forms indole-3-acetate (page 354)." Thus bacteria often break down tryptophan. The idea is to conserve serotonin. Thus you need to conserve tryptophan, the precursor of serotonin.

If you over stimulate tryptophan by eating too many starchy carbohydrates, then bacteria in the intestines may breakdown the tryptophan before it can be synthesized into serotonin. It is also noted that there is an odor from tryptophan broken down by bacteria in the intestines. This means if you have a strong odor when you have a bowel movement, this can indicate you are eating more starchy carbohydrates than you should, leading to over production of tryptophan and resulting in bacterial breakdown. You are depleting your tryptophan levels when you over produce tryptophan. <knightsintention > wrote: Get drunk and watch 24 hours of comedians in a row till you can no longer laugh, or cry. After 24 hours you'll surely pass

out for 3 days. Then with the hang over, it will be too painful to cry or laugh, so go back to sleep till you get past that, then begin again. On second thought, you might try some chamomile tea...use double the bags in a double the size cup [the more tea bags the better...I use 6 in a mug]...sip. You might even do so while taking a relaxing hot soaking bath. Some epsom salts and hydrogen peroxide put in won't hurt either, or other such items. can answer you better than me though, she was/is on that. Smacking her won't work cause she will kill me in my sleep and that would disturb my dreams so we work through it. Joking aside though, love being sent. Know it is always with you. One thing I heard of someone doing was when they started crying, and it's not really known why, start filling the thoughts as best possible with being happy and that's the reason for the tears...by associationing

them, the crying with something joyous, it changes the underlying causes in some way. Maybe worth a shot. D~ > > Beloved Soul Family: > > > Dear Heart, my most beautiful and beloved soul family !! I hope all is well with you. How are you? I'm not the best, but I'm hanging in there the best I can. Right now I'm in the middle of some rather severe mental tests, and am also in the process of having my meds changed. I've also been crying all the time and crying myself to sleep or waking up crying,etc. I'm on paxil and wellbutrin and have been for quite sometime, but they have just completely stopped working so I had to have a change in meds and will be starting Celexa. Though I can't start the Celexa till I'm wiened off the

paxil and the wellbutrin. So I have about another at least two weeks of hell to go through. I also really haven't been sleeping very well either. So in the meantime while I'm in the process of having my meds switched my A.P.R.N or Nurse Practicioner that I see prescribed restoril to help me sleep, and then will be switching to Trazadone and also be starting the Celexa in about 2 weeks. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > So right now I could just really use some extra super heavy duty prayers, as well as healing. Much love and many hugs and blessings to you all always !! Your always in my thoughts,heart and prayers !! I love you all so very much always with all my heart and soul !! > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > Always and Lovingly In His Service, > > > > Your Beloved Soul Sister Lara xoxo > Tell me and I'll forget Show me and I may remember Involve me and I'll understandsending healing and soulful messages from the angels of mystic I'm following the rainbow of love Tell me and I'll forget Show me and I may remember Involve me and I'll understandsending healing and soulful messages from the angels of mystic I'm following the rainbow of love

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Lara,My heart goes out to you...I will be sending you healing love and light. I know all to well about crying all the time. And how frustrating it is to not know why. Whew...can't believe you are on Paxil AND Wellbutrin - that Paxil is some heavy duty stuff. I remember back in the 80's I was on Paxil and well remember weaning myself off of it.

A couple of years ago my GYN put me on Wellbutrin and the last time I saw him I asked him " why do I cry for no reason? " he said he felt that women carry the weight of the world on their shoulders. He said most men have an easier time " letting it go " than women do. He said I had to learn to let it go. " Let WHAT go " I asked. " If I'm crying and don't know why...how can I let it go? " He didn't have an answer except to tell me to relax, as he wrote me another prescription for a year's worth of Wellbutrin.

Wayne Dyer wrote a book, I believe its one of his earlier ones " There's A Spiritual Solution To Every Problem " . I probably need to find it, its around here somewhere, and read it. Sometimes when I cry, there IS a reason and thats easy to deal with. But when I cry and don't know why, sometimes I wonder if someone somewhere needs to cry and can't and I am crying for them. Weird I know but at least that gives my heart a reason. Sometimes I feel like I'm pulling myself out of a well or something. And trying to explain it to is like trying to climb a greased telephone pole - I can't grasp the explanation and understand it myself, so how can I explain to another person?

So I said all that to say this...you are not alone and there IS someone out there that understands. I am praying for you and hugging you in my heart.Love love love,On Mon, Sep 15, 2008 at 5:47 PM, Lara Kearns <persian_rose9@...> wrote:

Beloved Soul Family:

Dear Heart, my most beautiful and beloved soul family !! I hope all is well with you. How are you? I'm not the best, but I'm hanging in there the best I can. Right now I'm in the middle of some rather severe mental tests, and am also in the process of having my meds changed. I've also been crying all the time and crying myself to sleep or waking up crying,etc. I'm on paxil and wellbutrin and have been for quite sometime, but they have just completely stopped working so I had to have a change in meds and will be starting Celexa. Though I can't start the Celexa till I'm wiened off the paxil and the wellbutrin. So I have about another at least two weeks of hell to go through. I also really haven't been sleeping very well either. So in the meantime while I'm in the process of having my meds switched my A.P.R.N or Nurse Practicioner that I see prescribed restoril to help me sleep, and then will be switching to Trazadone and also be starting the Celexa in about 2 weeks.

So right now I could just really use some extra super heavy duty prayers, as well as healing. Much love and many hugs and blessings to you all always !! Your always in my thoughts,heart and prayers !! I love you all so very much always with all my heart and soul !!

Always and Lovingly In His Service,

Your Beloved Soul Sister Lara xoxo

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you guys there are 19 letters attached to this and all are in the name Johanna this is my or was my Great grandmothers name the woman that brought me to you oh my if the vibrations get any higher I am surely to grow wings her picture is still right here looking at me oh goodness <3 soft smiles <ASundayInJune@...> wrote: Lara,My heart goes out to you...I will be sending you healing love and light. I know all to well

about crying all the time. And how frustrating it is to not know why. Whew...can't believe you are on Paxil AND Wellbutrin - that Paxil is some heavy duty stuff. I remember back in the 80's I was on Paxil and well remember weaning myself off of it. A couple of years ago my GYN put me on Wellbutrin and the last time I saw him I asked him "why do I cry for no reason?" he said he felt that women carry the weight of the world on their shoulders. He said most men have an easier time "letting it go" than women do. He said I had to learn to let it go. "Let WHAT go" I asked. "If I'm crying and don't know why...how can I let it go?" He didn't have an answer except to tell me to relax, as he wrote me another prescription for a year's worth of Wellbutrin. Wayne Dyer wrote a book, I believe its one of his earlier ones "There's A Spiritual Solution To Every Problem". I probably need to find it, its around here

somewhere, and read it. Sometimes when I cry, there IS a reason and thats easy to deal with. But when I cry and don't know why, sometimes I wonder if someone somewhere needs to cry and can't and I am crying for them. Weird I know but at least that gives my heart a reason. Sometimes I feel like I'm pulling myself out of a well or something. And trying to explain it to is like trying to climb a greased telephone pole - I can't grasp the explanation and understand it myself, so how can I explain to another person? So I said all that to say this...you are not alone and there IS someone out there that understands. I am praying for you and hugging you in my heart.Love love love,

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I just love you so much!!! I think you are ALREADY an ANGEL...no need

to grow wings now.

<3 soft smiles to you,

> Lara,


> My heart goes out to you...I will be sending you healing love and

light. I know all to well about crying all the time. And how

frustrating it is to not know why. Whew...can't believe you are on

Paxil AND Wellbutrin - that Paxil is some heavy duty stuff. I

remember back in the 80's I was on Paxil and well remember weaning

myself off of it.


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auctions again..this collection is primarily of Tibetan origin.the

purchase of these items helped to provide food and shelter for families

in the area..most pieces shipped to me directly from Khatmandu...these

are beautiful ethnic and tribal pieces that would be hard to find

elsewhere at these prices. My source has almost doubled their prices

since the devastation in Myanmar....this is a limited collection...I do

have more pieces available...and will post at a future date...take a

look.....Ever played a Tibetan singing bowl..??<object

width="425" height="344"><param name="movie"


& hl=en & fs=1"></param><param

name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed


& hl=en & fs=1"

type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425"


href="http://s232.photobucket.com/albums/ee192/mamaserene/new%20business%20venture/?action=view & current=cd14_1.jpg"


src=" cd14_1.jpg"

border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>CLICK THE LINK BELOW FOR A JOURNEY!!!<a

href="http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view & friendID=188862473 & blogID=433334464 & Mytoken=4F53F118-C686-491C-885E2621750BAF3635754487">Tibetan


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