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Re: Hey everyone..please read!

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To the girlfriend that was just implanted.....she needs to get the implants out because everyone

here got sick from implants and honey it only gets worse as the time goes by with the implants in.

These things are very high toxic to our bodies and people eventually get sick and if she is reacting

to the implants now then she is going to always react to the implant until she has them removed.

You think she is sick now wait a little while longer and she will be sicker ....I hope she doesn't get

that sick and some people have lost their lives due to implants.

I pray she gets them out so she can get better....if she chooses to get them out make sure they

take the capsule out that surrounds the implant too. A capsule forms around the implant to protect

the body from foreign objects in it. And this capsules becomes contaminated with the toxins of the implant.

We are here for you anytime feel free to ask question after question.

If you value your friends life then you came to the right place for help.


In a message dated 2/25/2008 2:17:36 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, boylen33@... writes:

Hey everyone, I just found this site. I am posting this on behalf of my g/f who had saline sub-muscular implant surgery on Thursday the 21st. To make a long story short, the first couple days were a complete nightmare. About 4 hours after the surgery her left breast began swelling tremendously. She began to complain of intense pain up and down her left arm and on the top of her left breast. The pain would not subside even with the max dose of main medication. I called the doctor to voice our concern and he came and checked her out and said he didn't think it was anything to get alarmed over and that he would be there at 8 AM the following morning to check on her. Her pain only increased throughout the night, and she was constantly waking up after only sleeping for a short period of time in extreme pain. Finally she woke up around 5:30 AM the day after surgery and passed out. She was unresponsive for a period of time. We called 911 and ended up in the ambulance. It was determined that she had a hematoma on her left breast. Emergency surgery was performed yesterday at around 8 AM to drain the hematoma. The surgery lasted about 45 min and was successful according to her doctor. She stayed in recovery and observation for about 2 hours and was discharged and allowed to go home. She has been home since Friday afternoon. As a result of everything that happened I am extremely paranoid and on edge. I haven't left her side since the beginning and I won't until she is better. Can someone kinda give me an idea on how the first few days after surgery are supposed to be like? She is doing 100 times better than she was after her first surgery. There is a bit of swelling in both breasts but they appear to be even in size and the swelling is absoulutely nothing compared to what her left breast looked like when she had the hematoma. However, she does have pain in her back, chest, and stomach. We believe the stomach pain is a result of her throwing up and dry-heaving before she became non-responsive. Is the pain and tightness in her back and chest normal? She also says there is quite a bit of pressure on her chest. Is this normal as well? She is also saying that her arms are sore. She seems to be having a bit more pain today, the 4th day, than previously.Thanks for reading...I just want to put my mind to ease and of course her mind more importantly. Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.

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Oh Byran,I'm so sorry! I wish you had found this group before she got implants. Not being doctors, we can't say what is causing the pain in her arms/back, etc. . . It may, or may not, subside with time. Some pain is to be expected. . . How much is pretty individual.We've had some women who got sick immediately after being implants - and went downhill from there. Others who were well for years before getting sick.Basically this group is here to support women who got sick from their implants. . . To help them find one of the very few doctors who remove them properly, and how to get better after that. . . Most will never be 100% again . . . or will ever be able to take their health

foregranted again. My personal concern is what happens to the children born to women who have been sick from breast implants. . . It isn't pretty.My advice would be to remove those implants as soon as possible. . . But that's going to be a very hard decision after going through all the head stuff that made her want implants in the first place. If you'll look through the archives at the messages from women who've come to the group sick and found their way back to living - as well as the Files and Links section, you'll soon learn that breast implants are not the safe device plastic surgeons would make them out to be.I know your girl friend appreciates your care and concern . . . You're proving yourself to be a REAL man!Please give your girl friend a very gentle hug for me.Hugs and prayers,Rogene

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Hi ,

Welcome to our support site. I am sorry to hear that your girlfriend

got implants recently. This is a decision that is going to affect her

for many years to come, as implants are not maintenance free.

She is really very new in her recovery. She will be in pain for a few

days more, maybe a few weeks, but eventually everything should settle

down. The pain and swelling were horrendous for me the first few days

after surgery. It was almost worse than childbirth.

The thing you both need to watch for is complications to her health

that may not appear immediately or be obvious for some time. She may

do well...I would have considered myself to be very happy with my

implants for about the first 8 months. But after that, things really

went wild on me.

I don't want to necessarily alarm you both on the whole implant

debacle at this point. What's done is done. She has her implants.

She is going to have to recover from this major surgery and allow her

body to settle down. IT should...many women are completely happy

with their implants very soon after the healing is complete. The

question is, will her healing be complete? Or will she go into a

downward spiral with health complications, like many of us, sooner or

later? If you've read any of our stories, you will know that getting

implants changed our lives for the absolute worse as our health was

destroyed and we lost many things dear to us....our ability to

function in daily life, as our immune system collapsed and we lost

energy, memory, and struggled through endless days of pain and


You are extremely sensitive to have come on board to help her and

find out for yourself what she may be going through in the days

ahead. Thank you for doing that. My best advice is to keep watch of

what happens, trying not to worry, but being fully aware of the

possible complications to her health. If she decides that the

implants are in fact harming her, she can join us and we will help

her discover the right way to explant and get her life back. It's

not easy, but it can be done.

Take care,



> Hey everyone, I just found this site. I am posting this on behalf


> my g/f who had saline sub-muscular implant surgery on Thursday the

> 21st. To make a long story short, the first couple days were a

> complete nightmare. About 4 hours after the surgery her left breast

> began swelling tremendously. She began to complain of intense pain


> and down her left arm and on the top of her left breast. The pain

> would not subside even with the max dose of main medication. I


> the doctor to voice our concern and he came and checked her out and

> said he didn't think it was anything to get alarmed over and that


> would be there at 8 AM the following morning to check on her. Her

> pain only increased throughout the night, and she was constantly

> waking up after only sleeping for a short period of time in extreme

> pain. Finally she woke up around 5:30 AM the day after surgery and

> passed out. She was unresponsive for a period of time. We called


> and ended up in the ambulance. It was determined that she had a

> hematoma on her left breast. Emergency surgery was performed

> yesterday at around 8 AM to drain the hematoma. The surgery lasted

> about 45 min and was successful according to her doctor. She stayed

> in recovery and observation for about 2 hours and was discharged


> allowed to go home. She has been home since Friday afternoon. As a

> result of everything that happened I am extremely paranoid and on

> edge. I haven't left her side since the beginning and I won't until

> she is better.


> Can someone kinda give me an idea on how the first few days after

> surgery are supposed to be like? She is doing 100 times better than

> she was after her first surgery. There is a bit of swelling in


> breasts but they appear to be even in size and the swelling is

> absoulutely nothing compared to what her left breast looked like


> she had the hematoma. However, she does have pain in her back,

> chest, and stomach. We believe the stomach pain is a result of her

> throwing up and dry-heaving before she became non-responsive. Is


> pain and tightness in her back and chest normal? She also says


> is quite a bit of pressure on her chest. Is this normal as well?


> is also saying that her arms are sore. She seems to be having a


> more pain today, the 4th day, than previously.


> Thanks for reading...I just want to put my mind to ease and of


> her mind more importantly.


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Hey - What a wonderful boyfriend you are to try and find help

for your girlfriend. Like Rogene said, this group is for women who

became sick after getting implants. Many women get sick immediately

after getting implants (their body just plain rejects the implants

immediately,) many women take years to get sick. I had my saline

implants for 3 years before having any real problems. I had a rupture

on my left implant at year 3 and though I had the implant replaced, I

became very sick after that. I had my implants removed 3 months ago

and am finally regaining my health. I found out that when the implant

ruptured, it was the chemicals found in the shell of the implant that

made me so sick.

I wish your girlfriend would have found us before she had the

implants because I'm sure at this point she wants to keep them.

Please tell her to be sure and watch for ANY problems in her health

that she didn't have prior to implants. Of course, we'd love for her

to get them out now before she develops any bigger problems, but if

she decides to keep them, please tell her to be cautious. The pain in

the arm is what is bothering me because I had excruciating pain up

and down my left arm for months, it was almost unbearable. That pain

is gone now that the implants are gone.

The tightness and pressure in the chest is normal. The pain is normal

too considering that she had the hematoma and had to go in for a

second surgery. Have her watch out for any of the following symptoms:

Memory problems, muscle weakness, visual disturbances, joint pain,

unusual fatigue, flu-like symptoms, brain fog, sleeplessness,

nightsweats, heart palpitations, muscle twitching, cold hands and

feet, painful feet, tingling and/or numbness in extremities, low body

temperature, hair loss, swollen lymph nodes, stiffness, skin rash,

ice cold and/or crawly feelings, panic or anxiety attacks, vaginitis,

and depression.

Implants just aren't worth risking your health and life over and sure

hopes she just has them taken out so she doesn't have to deal with

bigger problems down the road like we all have.

~Krista (29 years old, Denver Colorado)


> Hey everyone, I just found this site. I am posting this on behalf


> my g/f who had saline sub-muscular implant surgery on Thursday the

> 21st. To make a long story short, the first couple days were a

> complete nightmare. About 4 hours after the surgery her left breast

> began swelling tremendously. She began to complain of intense pain


> and down her left arm and on the top of her left breast. The pain

> would not subside even with the max dose of main medication. I


> the doctor to voice our concern and he came and checked her out and

> said he didn't think it was anything to get alarmed over and that


> would be there at 8 AM the following morning to check on her. Her

> pain only increased throughout the night, and she was constantly

> waking up after only sleeping for a short period of time in extreme

> pain. Finally she woke up around 5:30 AM the day after surgery and

> passed out. She was unresponsive for a period of time. We called


> and ended up in the ambulance. It was determined that she had a

> hematoma on her left breast. Emergency surgery was performed

> yesterday at around 8 AM to drain the hematoma. The surgery lasted

> about 45 min and was successful according to her doctor. She stayed

> in recovery and observation for about 2 hours and was discharged


> allowed to go home. She has been home since Friday afternoon. As a

> result of everything that happened I am extremely paranoid and on

> edge. I haven't left her side since the beginning and I won't until

> she is better.


> Can someone kinda give me an idea on how the first few days after

> surgery are supposed to be like? She is doing 100 times better than

> she was after her first surgery. There is a bit of swelling in


> breasts but they appear to be even in size and the swelling is

> absoulutely nothing compared to what her left breast looked like


> she had the hematoma. However, she does have pain in her back,

> chest, and stomach. We believe the stomach pain is a result of her

> throwing up and dry-heaving before she became non-responsive. Is


> pain and tightness in her back and chest normal? She also says


> is quite a bit of pressure on her chest. Is this normal as well?


> is also saying that her arms are sore. She seems to be having a


> more pain today, the 4th day, than previously.


> Thanks for reading...I just want to put my mind to ease and of


> her mind more importantly.


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Jill and ,There should be several links on this page that will take you there . . . But here's a copy: / /files/

/linksYou can spend weeks reading the Files and following the Links. . . Unfortunately the Feds are allowing this mess to continue - even though they have been informed repeatedly about how dangerous breast implants are.Hugs,Rogene

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Hi - first of all, I am so sorry for what your girlfriend has been through. You are a great guy for being there for her and also for doing this research for her while she is trying to recover. I know my hubby's support helped me tremedously.

I do not in any way want to scare you even more.....I will just share a little about my experience and hope you both will have time to really research everything for yourself so you can make the decision that is best for her. I only had my saline implants (under the muscle) for 8 months. I started to notice things being off and not feeling well very soon after I got them. However, it was not until several months later I really started to look into it and found info regarding the fact that they are not safe. I had them removed immediately. I have been explanted for not quite 3 months now and do not regret getting them removed for 1 second. One of the hardest things for me was trying to raise my 2 little boys (under the age of 4) while sick. I was dizzy and off balance all the time, I had NO energy and major digestive upset. I

had anxiety and panic attacks and could barely keep up with taking care of them. After only having my implants removed for 2 months, I started seeing some improvement.....to me that is just more proof my implants were causing me to be sick.

To answer some of your questions below, I had my surgery on a Tuesday and by the following Tuesday, I felt good enough to take my son to one of his activities at the Y. However, for the first week I was in extreme pain with days 3 and 4 being the worst. It hurt me to breath, move, and sleep. I honestly thought I was dying. I have had 2 kids and my implant recovery was far more painful than childbirth. However, after the first week, I did feel good and started to be very happy with my new look. It took me about a month to be able to sit up from a laying down position. I would prop myself up with pillows. It truely was an unbearable pain like no other. I am sure once your girlfriend gets past the week or two mark she will be feeling alot better. However, please just keep in mind that I am a 26 yr old mother of 2

that was healthy until I got my implants. Although I am recovering, I wonder if I will ever be truely recovered from this. What scares me the most is going on to have more children. The thought of harming my future children due to what toxins may still be in my body scares me.

I guess the main thing is that I never had severe symptoms......but my implants were upsetting my body and making me ill. I pray she has them removed as soon as possible so she will not have them doing more damage. However, she is going to have to make that decision. If she decided to keep them, just make sure she pays attention if things start to not feel right. I hope she does not wait until they have completely ruined her health. When I first found the support site and read everything, it scared me so bad I ignored it and walked away from it for a few weeks only to still have my problems, come back and know I need to be explanted. I know this can be scary and overwhelming but make sure you both are aware of the symptoms. I can also imagine what is going through her mind financially. I spent over $10,000 in 8 months on

implant and explant surgery. My hubby was very upset and we are still diggin out of debt because of it but please do not let her put a price on her health. I still get upset at the financial cost of all of this but I know I did the right thing for me and had them removed.

Please look through as much info as you need to and hopefully she will be able to do some research once she is feeling a little better. I would keep a close watch on her since she has been through so much already but please know that I was in severe pain for a week and I was told that is normal by my PS. My PS was very upfront about the recovery and pain. I knew what to expect but I could no way prepare myself for that kind of pain. My prescription drugs did not provide me with any relieve either. Hang in there...she is very lucky to have you watching out for her. If you need anything else or if I can help in any other way, please feel free to send me a message either on the group or personally at tommygirl18_1981@....

Much Love,


Hey everyone..please read!

Hey everyone, I just found this site. I am posting this on behalf of my g/f who had saline sub-muscular implant surgery on Thursday the 21st. To make a long story short, the first couple days were a complete nightmare. About 4 hours after the surgery her left breast began swelling tremendously. She began to complain of intense pain up and down her left arm and on the top of her left breast. The pain would not subside even with the max dose of main medication. I called the doctor to voice our concern and he came and checked her out and said he didn't think it was anything to get alarmed over and that he would be there at 8 AM the following morning to check on her. Her pain only increased throughout the night, and she was constantly waking up after only sleeping for a short period of time in extreme pain. Finally she woke up around 5:30 AM the day after surgery and passed out. She was unresponsive for

a period of time. We called 911 and ended up in the ambulance. It was determined that she had a hematoma on her left breast. Emergency surgery was performed yesterday at around 8 AM to drain the hematoma. The surgery lasted about 45 min and was successful according to her doctor. She stayed in recovery and observation for about 2 hours and was discharged and allowed to go home. She has been home since Friday afternoon. As a result of everything that happened I am extremely paranoid and on edge. I haven't left her side since the beginning and I won't until she is better. Can someone kinda give me an idea on how the first few days after surgery are supposed to be like? She is doing 100 times better than she was after her first surgery. There is a bit of swelling in both breasts but they appear to be even in size and the swelling is absoulutely nothing compared to what her left breast looked like

when she had the hematoma. However, she does have pain in her back, chest, and stomach. We believe the stomach pain is a result of her throwing up and dry-heaving before she became non-responsive. Is the pain and tightness in her back and chest normal? She also says there is quite a bit of pressure on her chest. Is this normal as well? She is also saying that her arms are sore. She seems to be having a bit more pain today, the 4th day, than previously.Thanks for reading...I just want to put my mind to ease and of course her mind more importantly.

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