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March 15, 2008 ~ Ides of March Support Group Messages

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Dearest Support Group ...

Tis the Ides of March.

This article, " Beware the Ides of March " was published 9 years ago today in 1999. What has happened in between time has taught me way more about the multi-layered 'media' / 'public relations' used to keep this topic 'controversial' and enabled the manufacturers to convince the FDA to call this still unproven product, " 'safe. "

We know now how interlaced the political situation is with giant corporations like Dow making the rules too often ... and profiting so mightily.

Today, there are showings all over the world for this eye and mind opening Video ... entitled Zeitgeist. If not today ... you might find this very worthwhile viewing ... especially with the less than positive financial news and how it is affecting so many lives.

I'd like to introduce a new member, California Girl, who shares her experience with a Plastic Surgeon and how she has been left after surgery.

Apparently there is a huge new business Plastic Surgeon's are enjoying in re-doing other's work. Here's a good article: Can Botched Plastic Surgery Be Undone? By Luiza Sauma,

Here's the latest Dow Bankruptcy / Tort Committee Newsletter ~ there are deadlines coming up for some.

We have many important questions and support requests from 'new' and longterm members alike. If you can offer support ... thank you very much.

To our new members ... you are not alone.

With love from Ilena Rosenthal

Breast Implant Awareness Website


Liza lizaszabo@...

Sent: Sun 3/02/08 5:50 AM

Dear Ilena what is the best way to know if these are leaking.. without radiation?


or is it just the way it is, you dont know ?

can I use saline in place? dont want to be scarred. I am really afraid that at 47 and implants since 22 that this is causing my health problems that have taken down my whole life

I first got sick in Sept last year feeling heat and tingling then on to bronchitis , tremors severe at times and tennitis, all night tremors around chest , hear racing they say its anxiety, and yes I set up my life overstreched I dont think that is panic attacks alone.. it is chemical toxicity now I have been on zanax for three months and have become agoraphobic basically immobilized after

being a therapist, RDH< teacher nutritionist now lost my job due to getting physically ill and about to lose it all after 8 mosof all of a sudden going down from stress? or implants or?this used to be me,www.transformpeace.com



From: Lee <fflowers@...>

Date: Mar 10, 2008 10:53 AMSubject: Definitions of silicone poisoning + calcification of implantsILena, Can u tell me what is the difference between silicone poisoning diagnosis..specifically:

clinical diagnosis of silicone poison re versus laboratory diagnosis of silicone poisoning. My ultrasound pics and narratives state: " free silicone... " chest xray states " calcified capsules of bilateral breast implants " shown.

I understand that " clinical diagnosis " means one thing and " lab diagnosis " means another and varies from state to state re hair analyis, etc. re platinum poisoning. Do you know which one is stronger re disability...I am here in NYS with unexplanted, diagnosed ruptured, migrating silicone imps since, put in in 1975....have already received clinical diagnosis from respected out of state surgeon who says that lab diagnosis varies from state to state re hair analysis, etc..and she does not know about NYS laws

Does lab diagnosis help more re social security disability case? And if NYS does not do this, what options do I have? If you do not know, can you please canvass list? Thank you. Leefflowers@...


From: carol <carolgeraci@...>

Date: Mar 6, 2008 11:43 AMSubject: explant problemsilena@...

I had my implants removed in September, they cultured aspergillis and I was under treatment starting Nov. In December I began to notice lumps in both breasts. I went back to the surgeon and he said it was normal. I had an ultrasound which found many masses, cysts (they were not sure what they were), etc. Again, my surgeon said not to worry about it. I had an MRI and Mammogram, all indicating there was a problem.

They were very painful and I was deeply ill. My infectious disease doctor admitted me to the hospital in February for 12 days and they did remove one mass the size of 7 cm, which was a thick wall yellow in color (I have a picture).

Inside the mass they removed 20cc of grey liquid from inside the shell. I still have other masses. They drained one on my right side. I asked this surgeon if he removed the capsular, and he said yes.

I am now on 7 IV's a day for 60 days. I am trying to find a surgeon who understands this, because the surgeon who removed the mass is a general surgeon and is not comfortable with any of this. Also I now have a scar clear across my breast. I will be writing my entire story, but for now I really need some help. I contacted Dr. Blais, and I am trying to get the mass sent to his lab for analysis.

I also want to find a lawyer, a really good lawyer who wants to take my case. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks,Carol I am in Tampa, FL.carolgeraci@...


---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Jillyron@...

Date: Mar 6, 2008 7:36 PMSubject: Oral Mucosailena@...

Dear Ilena, After a long, painful and tedious series of Doctors, tests, biopsy's and visits, I finally received a biopsy of Lichen-Planus. Although Reno is over 300,000 in population, no one in the medical had ever heard of that particular disease before. (for good reason.) The occurrence is approx 1 to 2% of the world population. I had this condition for the past 6 months. I was finally sent by my ENT and Rheumatoid Md. to UCSF and I just returned from my second visit.

They see quite a bit of that % (probably because of their HIV factor) and I was seen in their Stomatology Clinic. They are wonderful, especially Dr. Piri Villipillai(? close) I told her that I would refuse any chemo or immune depressant drug that could cause infection because of my problems. I have pseudomonas and cellulitis too many times before and I will not take any chance with drugs that will cause them now. I told her that I am very firm on that and believe it or not, she took my stand!

She had me come back and see the head of the Dept. and a Sjogrens-Syndrome Resident Dr. and they put me on some meds to try. When I told Dr. Silverman that I would definitely not take the meds he recommended, and Dr. Piri backed me up and he reluctantly agreed. Also, the Sjogrens Dr. had a homeopathic med for me to try. And I will when I am through with the two week trial of the others.

Dr. Silverman thought my type of mucosal Lichen planusmight be " overlap-syndrome " from Lupus or caused by Lupus. I hope this helps. JillReno, NV jillyron@...



Sent: Sat 1/26/08 6:08 PM ilena2000@...


I'm looking for support - I came across your email address in an article on the Internet. I am overwhelmed by information and misinformation. Suffice it to say, I'm 51, ruptured silicone implants from 30 years ago, have had removal and exchange (didn't have time to check out risks) - am disfigured, in pain, lost my job, feel like I'm losing my mind. Please help! Where do I go from here? Thank you,



from Wills <willce@...>

Sat, Mar 15, 2008 at 2:41 PM

HiI've written to you in the past but have another question that I never ever considered when I had explant in 2005. My implants(re-done_ were only 3 years old and under warranty. The PS broke one upon removal..should I have been able to get reimbursed for that? I still have them also..the one he broke is taped(by nurse). Was going to have them tested but never did.

Would love your opinion.ThanksEWwillce@...


---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Lynda Roth <coss@...>Date: Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 9:49 AM

Subject: update on cancerA week into second treatment, seems like years since I found out Ihad this cancer the second time.Still dealing with daily nausea, fatigue, problems sleeping,constipation, and chills. Food does not taste good for the most

part. Have to try to find something that I really feel I want to eatto tempt me to eat at all. Much of the time I am so tired I just goback to bed for hours.I don't know how this progresses, but I seem to have gone from mostly

angry to mostly depressed. Sometimes I can cry at the drop of ahat. Everything makes me sad.I feel overwhelmed with trying to manage all the sickness after thechemo and overwhelmed with the enormous task of trying to fight to

get better. I feel overwhelmed fighting the hand-foot problems andgetting the fluid drained from the pleural cavity. Just trying tokeep prescriptions straight overwhelms me. I feel overwhelmed justhaving to drive back and forth to Boulder a couple of times a

week. I just plain feel overwhelmed with all of it. I feel likemost of my family (kids in particular) and friends have disappearedfrom my life, as maybe they just cannot handle this or don't wish tobe involved. Heaven forbid it is ever their turn to have this happen to them.

I know this is one of the stages of grief, wish I could work my wayout of it quicker. I need my positive fighting energy for all ofthis battle, and this seems to detract.I hope to be out of this stage soon and on to something I feel I can

hold onto with more strength and fighting ability.Maybe tomorrow will be better.Lynda

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