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[FW]January 29 - Daily Feast

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January 29 - Daily Feast

New life comes in only as we turn loose of the old. There must be a place

for what we want or need. If there is not a place prepared, the new

circumstances flow on by - and we are left with the same things we have

always had. If we think we cannot bear to part with an old way of life, we

are not ready to accept anything new. Instead we can make a personal

decision, a firm commitment, to forget what is behind and push forward to

what is ahead. Our mental and spiritual attitudes make room for new life

when we set them in motion with our words. Nothing will overtake us, not

love, not prosperity, not peace and joy - until we make a place for them and

ask them to come in. Hope, alone, does not do it, but a firm decision for a

new life will clear the way.

~ My people, before the white man came you were happy. You had many buffalo

to eat and tall grass for your ponies - you could come and go like the wind.



'A Cherokee Feast of Days', by Joyce Sequichie Hifler


Elder's Meditation of the Day - January 29

"We grieve more because we have been disconnected from our earth, our first

Mother, our spiritual Mother."

--Larry P. Aitken, CHIPPEWA

Where does all life come from? The Earth. Where does everything return to?

The Earth. Where do values come them? The Earth. Many people are lost

because they don't know the importance of connection to the Earth. They

connect to money, to relationships, to success, to goals. When we are

disconnected from the Earth, we have feelings of being sad or lost. When we

are connected to the Earth, we feel warm and secure.

Great Spirit, help me to stay connected to the Mother Earth.



By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

"I owe no man anything but love" it is said. But what is love? Love is duty

- whatever duty may require to accomplish a good thing.

Love is peace. One must not only be peaceful but contribute to the peace of

others. Let there be peace and let it begin with me.

Love is sometimes pain. We must give up something that causes us pain

because it is for the good of the greatest number.

Love is understanding. That others do not have to forever explain their

actions to us. That we know their reasons without being told.

Love is courage. Courage to lead where one has the ability to lead. Courage

to stand up for what one believes in and wants to live.

Love is faith. Faith in God, faith in self, and faith in others. Everyone is

not above reproach, but we must have faith that the majority strives to be.

Coleridge wrote, "He prayeth best who loveth best," which seems to rule out

all hollow and self-heard prayers. For those who truly love do not hear

themselves only, or rule all life useless because they cannot love or pray.

Life can be as simple as love and prayer. Where the two mingle there can be

no jealousy, resentment or fear.

Jealousy makes us compare our lot with another's. And there can be no

comparison, for no two people are alike.

Resentment plunges an otherwise logical soul into despair and an endless

journey of revenge.

And fear rushes us headlong into situations that detract, accidents that

could be prevented, and long delays in reaching our goals.

But if we can, for a few moments, invite into our hearts a thing called love

then we can pray. And if we can pray we have the source of all answers to

our aid.


Available online! 'Cherokee Feast of Days'

By Joyce Sequichie Hifler.

Visit her web site to purchase the wonderful books by Joyce as gifts for

yourself or for loved ones......and also for those who don't have access to

the Internet: http://www.hifler.com

Click Here to Buy her books at Amazon.com

Elder's Meditation of the Day

By White Bison, Inc., an American Indian-owned nonprofit organization. Order

their many products from their web site: http://www.whitebison.org


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