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Exciting february energy update- - SYSTEM OVERRIDE

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Exciting february energy update- - SYSTEM OVERRIDE

Posted By: Zany MysticDate: 1/29/08 4:59 p.m.

Exciting february energy update-


So much of what we are experiencing

right now in our shifting reality system has a real relevance to

computer technology and its related jargon. The verbal language that

best expresses what is transpiring now in human evolution can now be

found within our current understanding of computing. It has been a

clear pattern to observe that humanity is consistently being acclimated

into co-existing with more and more advanced technologies and becoming

an increasingly computerized society. This increased use of technology

as commonplace in our day to day lives is a part of the Ascension plan.

As we better understand the systems of computer technology, it is

expanding our own consciousness to comprehend the very reality "system"

that we exist within. As we understand this 3D reality system as the

"game" of the ego consciousness we become freed from the bonds of its

illusion. Once the 3D illusion is seen, (as the game board) and our

emotions are cleared, there is no need to experience the ego suffering

that existed from our previous state of unknowingness.

The Aquarian Age of Technology

Up to this point, there is much to

debate whether machined artificial intelligences have had a positive or

negative effect upon the spiritually undeveloped human beings within

our society. As a species we have yet to demonstrate the wisdom to act

intelligently for the greater whole of humankind and our planet. Still,

it is clear that it IS technology that is moving us into the Aquarian

Age and this promises a new cycle of human potential. Advancements in

Technology will be extremely accelerated this year and ongoing. There

is a movement forward of Ancient Wisdom being merged with New

Advancements in Technology. Much of this technology was known and yet

has been hidden from the masses because of the greed motivations of the


This surely creates challenges in

how we as a species can reconcile the chasm between the advanced

technologies and that of being in harmony with nature, in harmony with

ourselves. The human being has had a dark history of abusing technology

for the greed and profit of a very few privileged individuals. As a

species we have sold our own out and have not remembered it is our

responsibility to care for each other. The question is�Will humanity

begin to utilize the Aquarian Age of Advanced Technology with the

wisdom required that will support the healing of us all?

In Between Time

The Ascension Cycle is about the

completion of one evolutionary "Age" (or the ending of a timeline) and

the transition into the next evolutionary "Age" (a new timeline) of

human development. (To wrap your brain around this you can use both the

word timeline and dimension interchangeably) Those in the first waves

of the Ascension evolution are directly poised in between these "Ages"

or timelines and sensing disorientation. Feeling this as being "in

between" timelines is similarly to being inside a birthing canal or

existing within a "void space". This sensation is right before the

"dimensional doorway" opens up into your personal awareness to reveal

the next level of the timeline/reality you are moving through. In this

interim phase, it may feel like we are waiting for something to happen.

We are waiting for the next timeline of our reality to phase lock into

our "Now" moment of awareness. Until that "timeline" comes into our

direct view, we cannot see it or sense it.

Many of us are experiencing this

type of spiritual blindness or feeling a disconnection right now. (Even

for those of us that are the extremely intuitive types!) The ante was

raised when we moved into 2008 and this has made strategizing and

planning for the future obsolete. Being Multidimensional means you

cannot exist in your consciousness anywhere but in the Now presence and

by adapting to the flow of the moment to moment change.

(This is for the Multidimensional

Beings that have moved into the game board of the New Energy fields.

Things are energetically working quite differently aren't they? We will

see those in-between and 3D beings still playing in the illusion that

their ego desires control their future outcome. And since they are not

moved into the New Energy yet, this will appear to be working for them.

Remember that you are a part of the soul group that is the "Ascension

Vanguard" and that you are the first wave doing this group process for


Human Video Game � The Earth Experiment

As humans, our perceived 3D

"reality system" is set up very much like a computer program or a video

game. Most Humans perceive themselves and operate only at their

"personality program" (the ego, instinctual and subconscious

intelligences) level of their expanded spiritual anatomy. The

"personality program" is the three layers of intelligence that are

having a physical experience in the polarity video game called, The

Earth Experiment.

This is the same thing as when you

are choosing a specific avatar (like our 3D personality program) to

represent yourself when you are playing an "X Box" video game. (Ask any

teenager if you need more information on what an X Box is!) The

exception for most people is that they do not realize they have a

spiritual "joystick" to use to increase their skill level of mastering

intelligences and a way to navigate through the earthly landscape of

the "game". (Which avatar did you choose? You can choose another one if

you need an upgrade!) This is the analogy of why it's important to

comprehend your spiritual anatomy layers and its structure, as when you

do, you clearly realize you have tools and can make upgrades!

As well most people have no idea

that their "personality program" is temporary and extremely limited to

their own views of who they think they are. They get stuck inside the

game without using their joystick to navigate. More commonly they

become paralyzed between the two opposing forces of polarity (do I go

left or right? Up or down? Choose love or fear?) and while in the state

of this confusion, they become inert. This inertia slows down the

being's evolutionary process, and they circle around in the game over

and over unable to move past old patterns that keep them in the same

level. They do not know how they got here and who is running the game.

They do not know how to learn the skills (lessons) that graduate them

out of the game (classroom).

This is a way to begin to

understand the human souls' reincarnation plan, in the game of the

Earth Experiment. If a consciousness has not figured out how to master

a grade of the earthly game, they return to the same level over and

over to attempt to complete that grade. No matter how painful or

traumatizing that life pattern was, they are destined to repeat it

until they learn to transcend it. This could mean hundreds or thousands

of lifetime experiences for that soul doing that "same" life pattern.

This has created massive stored pain for humans. This is how

distortions have been formed in the soul's program. The personality

program kept repeating the patterns of painful lifetimes as it had

forgotten how to connect to its own source/soul for healing or

guidance. The personality not remembering how to access higher levels

of the soul's intelligence, created karmic energy debt and imbalances

from involving itself in continued life cycles of suffering. This cycle

of learning through suffering has an opportunity to complete for human

beings. This is the big issue of why there is divine intervention by

various Interdimensional Beings during this Ascension Cycle. Divine

intervention has been allowed so that more beings will be liberated

from the reincarnation cycle.

Finally these souls will be able

to move beyond the level they were stuck in while playing the 3D

polarity video game. This is what it means to say that the Ascension

cycle is for the "liberation of the soul".

Polarity Game III- Atlantian Program

During the last 30,000 years the

human species have been undergoing a 3rd level stage of the Earth

Experiment video game, one that we could call the "Atlantian" program.

This program was a necessary part of humanity's evolution in 3D reality

mechanics in order to understand how to operate and use a part of our

spiritual anatomy called our "Solar Plexus" chakra. The Solar Plexus is

the human beings 3rd dimensional energy "receiver" and it acts

similarly as a computer control center to navigate oneself in the 3D

reality program. Within the human lightbody, connected to the Solar

Plexus, is the personality program layers and its matrix of

intelligence otherwise known as the "ego" consciousness. So this

Atlantian program, a cycle intended for human evolution, was originally

purposed to learn how this solar plexus control center works and how

its level of intelligence could be operated and experienced. It was not

intentioned, however, to be the only intelligence accessed that

eventually over time, disconnected the soul from the personality.

However, the ego intelligence

(personality program) of the human became completely obsessed with the

3D material world by imposing its personal will to manifest its desire

for physical result. And as such human consciousness has gone through

many lifetimes attempting to master using the ego consciousness.

Additionally if that were not enough, forces that observed the humans

were disconnected from their true spiritual identity for such a long

period of time decided to manipulate the humans for their own personal

gain. They were so successful at manipulating humans away from owning

their spiritual power, that they have been able to completely control

the game for the last 30,000 years. These forces were able to harness

the energy resources away from the humans both in the vital essence

contained in their own energy bodies, as well as the planetary

geological resources. This consistent drain of energy resource by these

forces that remain "unseen" by the human, systematically strip the

species of its own power, potential and freedom.

Hence these controller forces, as

they manipulated the human Ego consciousness in the 3D game, became the

Ruling Class and as its absolute power corrupted the system. The

Atlantian polarity game evolved into a full Service to Self program, a

draconian caste system with primarily a Royalty class and slaves. Their

motivation is to manipulate life force to empower a privileged few at

the expense and imprisonment of the greater whole. This corruption

became like a virus and its infection spread and began to break down

all the consciousness that was inside playing the Human Video Game.

Since no one remembered they were actually inside the game, it started

to become destructive for the soul program. The integrity of the whole

game structure began to collapse as the continued use of destructive

energy created reversed life codes and phantom energy spaces.

Reversing life codes meant

molecular compaction for the entire Human Video Game and at a certain

point, this would lead to annihilation. Even though all returns to

source at some point, (as space dust or sentient units) it was not

wished upon the human race to continue this degree of suffering that

would continue degradation of the integrity of the human soul matrix.

At this time in the Human Video game, the Ascension process became the

necessity to retain the original divine blueprint for the Human Soul.

This is exactly why the Starseeds, Indigo Family, Light Family E.T's.,

Walk-In's and the Ascended Masters are back to help us.

Game IV � The False Ascension �The Hybrid Breeding of Humans

This is a game program that is

still operational in the 4th and 5th Levels (dimensions) of the Human

Evolutionary possibility. So we could say there is an agenda by the

controller forces to hope that humans choose this game, as they will

still have a way to manipulate the power source.

Generally this path is opened to

all those who do not want to see the truth, face their own shadow, as

it hurts too much. This is about finding the willingness and the

vigilance to do the Inner Alchemy to serve God Source, no matter what.

There is work to do in there and it takes self responsibility to

accountability. Pain avoidance and fear is a huge controller of the

masses of humans. Comfort zones (implants) to generate complacency will

generally win out to control most of the human population. The

controllers know this very well, and are expert in the field of

manipulation and astral combat. It is primarily in this level of the

game that the Controller Forces use frequency fields to create a NET

that keeps humans "in their place". As long as humans believe they are

"free" they will never question the controllers about their personal

sovereignty. They can dress this game up a notch, flash us some

beautiful things to dazzle us, give us some technology to supposedly

"save us" from ourselves. The agenda is then they can begin to

introduce themselves to humans and possible tout themselves as Gods, or

Advanced Intelligences.

Being "Gods" surely humans would

easily want to intermingle and "breed" with them, creating a human

super race?? (not!) Not to belabor this, however an important key to

remember in all situations is to preserve your Life force, your

personal power (as directed with your full intention) by retaining the

Self Sovereignty and Freedom of your Being. You are God, Period. You

are the Cosmic Sovereign Law Made manifest, and it is your divine right

to state your claim as such! Stay away from anything that is sucking on

your energy, wanting your worship or claiming power or elitism over


Game XII � Cosmic Christ Ascension-The Paradisian

This is the accelerated game of 12

D potential activated within the Divine Human DNA Template, the

original intention of the human species. Because of its ability and

power to generate Eternal Life Giving Current it is the ultimate System

Override of any False Ascension or Illusionary Matrix beneath its

potential. The Controllers ( those who have forgotten who they are in

reference to God Source) do not have access to this Light Force Current

and are unable to manipulate it or hide from it. The Cosmic Christ

Intelligence is a Multidimensional Consciousness and is able to

shapeshift and be a time traveler while in a form. This level of

consciousness can embody in any form or exist as pure sentient

consciousness at will, as it is One with All. Within the activated

potential, this consciousness is a completely Ascended being outside of

polarity and is able to be a full co-creator of God. The capacity

remains to retain all of the group life stream individuality while

simultaneously experiencing the energetic reality of Oneness and

Completion. As a complete being you are totally free to create

"worlds". Creation from Spontaneous Joy is the keynote of this form.

From the Guardian perspective this is who we are with our divine human

potential and with whatever we choose, to not forget who we are. We are

not to give our power to anything outside of ourselves.

Spiritual Facelift

Those experiencing a void space

during this time (suspended in the still point of awareness) will be

impacted more directly during the next few months to perceive the

surreal splits between the reality systems. A way to describe this is

that when having completed all the tasks at the end of the video game,

to continue to play you must be moved into the next skill level of the

game. Many Ascension wavers are moving into the next skill level of the

game, and depending on lineage and leadership contracts will feel

themselves being pushed to become more visible publically. Those beings

that have had sufficient negative ego clearing and have had a degree of

mastery with polarity integration will replace old obsolete spiritual


The Light movement (New Age

Industry) will undergo a complete spiritual facelift in this year and

ongoing, where all hidden manipulations will become blaringly visible.

The public or group members will begin to feel and see the motivations

of the group energy being held by the leadership and will begin to

question what has been presented to them as authentic.

The Twilight Master, a Spiritual

leader who is working with Light forces and being manipulated by dark

forces from the blind sight of mishandling their own negative ego will

begin to experience a hard time sustaining in the old energy ways. The

financial backing and support from their "flock" will dry up

considerably. No longer can dark entities masked as the Light Forces

continue to manipulate and hypnotize groups into submission. More

dismantling of these beings (some very charismatic or seductive) will

be revealed. Each will be given the opportunity to claim responsibility

for their own personal healing. Please take note that displays such as

ego tirades, insulting the group members, projected hostilities and

supposed sexual favors and come on's are all negative ego pitfalls of

the bloated corrupted power monger. Even in the spiritual arena this is

present and under no condition is this acceptable behavior for a being

purported to be in Spiritual Service to others. This is the old

polarity energy of patriarchal domination (Game III-The Atlantian

program) and IT is coming to an End.

Starseed Galactic Agreements

This is a phase of great

remembrance for the Starseed, as we are entering now the beginning of

this Galactic consciousness cycle. Many more of us with off planet

agreements finally remember who we are and why we incarnated on the

earth at this time. This will rapidly grow to expand to include many

more awakenings in this year.

The group of this Galactic

Spiritual Hierarchy Externalized (either by walk in or rapid ascension

activation) has learned to embody polarity integration through the

process of Alchemy that exists in this 3D system of darkness and light.

This soul mission was not what seemed to be a personality chosen

existence and has created much pain and confusion for the burgeoning

consciousness of the "polarity integrator" Starseed.

This Galactic group of Starseeds

(and Indigo 3's) have incarnated purposely with this task of embodying

a template of polarity integration by healing it through reconciliation

with the pairs of opposites. This can only be made possible by the full

embodiment of these intense polarity forces and related experiences

that often made many in this soul group feel a burden they were unable

to express in words. They had to find the deepest level of

compassionate force for themselves (and the human race) to perform the

Inner Alchemy required to transform past the pain. This is the process

necessary to heal the race memory and energy template form of the human

being so that it could move from a bi-wave energy being (a polarity

charged electro-magnetic form) to the energetically complete level as a

"Trinitized Form". (The Trinitized Form is a Tri-wave or Trion field

form and is "neutral", without polarity charge the energetic Divine

Union is created within the form)

The 3D human energy template has

been operating at a polarity charged wave level for eons of time This

is what drives and keeps humans operating in the Atlantian Program.

This understanding helps one to

comprehend how challenging it would be for any human being to actually

experience full "unity" consciousness while existing in a 3D form. Much

of the human concept of "unity" is by large an intellectual concept

rather than experienced as an energetic reality. By merging the

polarity forces while embodying in a human form, it has created an

entirely new race energy field template of unity. Thus a huge

opportunity is made for the entire human race to experience "unity"

while in a physical form. This has been a huge piece of the lifetime

soul mission work of the polarity integrator Starseed and of which for

some, is reaching phases close to completion.

This specific group has had the

task of being the first wave of the Ascension to spiritualize physical

matter into the Trinitized Form as a human energy template. This was

purposed so that we could be the walking human embodiment of Unity

consciousness. As bearers of the Eternal Life Current this would then

sustain the Ascension-Resurrection codes for the human race blueprint.

Additionally when complete, this

embodiment of the Trinitized Form begins a System Override of the old

polarity 3D game programs that exist within the collective human race

blueprint and cellular memory matrix. The beauty of this is that it is

active purely at an energetic state of being, as it acts as an embedded

re-encryption process to override the old matrix programming. And it is

hard to be detected once it is active as it is carried as a neutral

charge, a zero point field. The source of its field of intent (

Trinitized Form) is not easy to lock down as its form carrier exists

outside of the human hologram, outside of access by the controllers.

It is important to understand that

the activated potential of the divine human energy field and DNA

template is an extremely powerful spiritual technology. It is this

embodiment of the Trinitized Form that overrides the energetic polarity

system, both within the planetary and human hologram.

Those that are now remembering to

embody this vibration are being asked to step up and hold the "New

Energy" reality space incognito and watch the old energy system around

them self destruct. This is like being a covert operative, aware of the

intentional field coming through your body, yet fully offering the

channel of your being to flow in congruence to divine will.

The New Energy of Unity is a

frequency of "Truth" Vibration as directed by Source energy. No words

are needed to express, as this is strictly an "embodiment" of truth

presence. This level of frequency can only be directed through a

physical vehicle that has been largely freed (purified) of ego

constraints and desires and which has capacity to remain largely an

impersonal observer of events. Generally the process of Inner Alchemy

through polarity integration is what is necessary to purify the

physical vehicle to the extent that finally the healed unified energy

template of the Trinitized Form can embody. The physical vehicle can

now be utilized as a channel of Unified Source energy, and the template

( and its nervous system) is healed at a level it is finally able to

direct this frequency.

This is the dynamics of the System

Override. We are overriding the polarity game and its system through

the embodied power of the Eternal Life Current, which is directed by

the Source through the Trinitized Form.

The 3D reality polarity game

programs have been operating in a false and Finite space matrix, a

space that we could call the "reversed current" replica of the Infinite

Life Source. Reverse coded life current equals a finite space that

ultimately results in death, while the Eternal Life coded current

equals an Infinite space of Eternal Life.

As this has not been available to

the human race for eons of time, we are truly at the beginning of an

amazing demonstration of human Ascension and freedom. As shell shocked

as many of our Galactic Family may feel at this time, we have reached a

massive level of achievement for ourselves and our human family. As I

have been the voice and advocate of the Polarity Integrator Starseed

Family while here on the Earth, I dedicate this to you with deep

gratitude. Thank you for your soul mission and for all of your


Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Heart and Soul Path! We are here as One!

� 2008,

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