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This is a personal account of how my husband cured himself from cancer of the urinary bladder and was diagnosed as free of cancer cells today February 5th, 2008.

I have always counseled my friends who all have different illnesses to follow two paths conjointly: 1) that of orthodox medicine in other words official medicine 2) natural or holistic medicine. So that one may complement the other. The reason for this is that I have seen vegetarians as well as non vegetarians die from cancer.

The philosopher and doctor Serge Raynaud states that illnesses have two sources 1) "the emotional part for example a mistaken thought" I beleive by this he means guilt that is subconscious 2) "a diet which is lacking nutritionally" or a diet that is not alkaline.

888888888888888888 We are all born with cancer cells. However it is only when our immune system is low because we have an acidic diet and not an alkaline one coupled with stress, do the previously invisible cancer cells become visible because they are reproducing at a much greater rate thus the term "cancer illness" 888888888888888888.

On September of 2006 my husband told me that when he urinated it burned him and he saw tiny dots of blood . I had imagined it to be a urinary tract infection.At this point in time he insisted that he wanted to see a spanish speaking doctor since his friend had mentioned a spanish urologist to him that was supposedly excellent. My husband waited until January 2007 to see this doctor, then he waited until June 2007 in order to ask for the test results. He did not get the test results at that time because the waiting room was always filled with people and he didnt have the patience to wait.This was a blessing in disguise.

At the end of July when my husband was bleeding so profusely that he would fill up the entire toilet with blood was when he gave me the OK to find another urologist. This doctor had an associate who was a cancer urologist and his office was right next to his. When the doctor called me to tell me that my husband had to see his associate the following monday I already knew that my husband Amado, had cancer of the bladder. Immediately I began to prepare all kinds fo natural juices such as carrot , beet, spinach, watercress, parsely juices, and emphasize the importance of it to my hsuband.

The following monday the cancer urologist that we saw was nasty & abrupt and offered no explanations and only said that he wanted to remove amado's bladder. So I cancelled the following appointment over the telephone because I felt that he might be lying. The secretary called me many times to try to intimidate me and when the doctor himself called me I hung up the phone on him. During the following month I interviewed about five doctors before staying with one that I was comfortable with. But prior to these interviews I went back to the original doctor that Amado saw, the one that spoke spanish to ask him what were the results of the tests that he conducted on Amado and he said that they were all negative. At that point I said really? It seems that your colleagues believe that Amado has cancer of the bladder.He reconducted the exams and stated that his collegues were correct but that he was not a bladder specialist only a prostrate specialist. He then gave me a name of a specialist associate of his and i discarded it.

888888888888888888888888 Amado then began to drink anywhere from 8 to 15 glasses of carrot juice daily , someatoimes mixing it green vegetables because of its anticarcinogenic effect. Of course I always tried to make sure that he reached 15 glasses a day but sometimes he couldnt or wouldnt .88888888888888888888888888

88888888888888888888888888 When he tired of the carrot + juices he would replace those with 10 to 12 glasses of wheat grass juice. Wheat grass is a blood cleanser, healer, and has anticarcinogenic properties because of its high cholorophyll content. Plus it also produces oxygen in the blood. Together with an alkaline diet it has been known to heal many diseases 888888888888888888888888888

He also would also daily take several tablespoons of molasses which has tumor shrinking properties.

Amado also went to a friend's home where he received electromagnetic treatments. These can shrink tumor if the tumors are tiny which was not Amado's case although we didnt know it at the time.

Since we noticed that he kept bleeding we stayed with the doctor that we liked the best and he was operated on . The doctor removed 80% of his enromous tumor which was malignant and had covered his entire bladder. It was level four and it had invaded the muscles.From there it is just a step away towards spreading towards the rest of the body which is known as mesthasizing (I know I spelled this wrong)

He then had 3 out of the recommended 5 chemotherapy treatments. The chemo was so harsh that he would only eat once every ten days. The chemo treatment was one week yes and one week no. during the one week no I tried to give him as much carrot juice and wheat grass juice that he could or would take.

I also gave him geranium 132, several thousand milligrams of powdered vitamin C which is water soluable and several thousand milligrams of sublingual vitamin B12 which melts under the tongue and goes straight to the blood and is also water soluable.

One month after the chemotherapy I took him back to the surgeon in order to perform the second cystoscopy (when they look at your bladder by inserting a tiny camera into the penis) and the doctor was surprised to find no trace of tumor. However the doctor said that Amado still had to have his bladder removed because cancerous tumors and cells always either grow back or they spread. We set the appointment for the opeation.

However Amado's niece who lives in Cuba asked me to give her the pathology report over the telephone.

When I phoned the pathologist he wasnt allowed to give the information over the phone so I called the surgeon's nurse who is his right hand person and has read to me other reports over the telephone before. She said oh its has level four and agressive cancer and the muscles were invaded I said I aready know that. I need to know the classiication of the tumor from the histological point of view as well as from the differential point of view .

8888888888888888888888888888 At that point she said " no cancer cells were found" 888888888888888888888888

I have calculated that it took Amado 4 months to heal himself from bladder cancer. Perhaps because it is an easier cancer to heal at this point I really dont know being that the surgeon suggested only 5 chemotherapy treatments while other cancers require 10 or 36 treatments or perhaps the treatments suggested were so few because of the plan to remove the bladder . All I know is that we will always have to have vigilance so that it doesnt return. ~ Frances Gil

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