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Pisces, the World Savior

During most of March, earth and her kingdoms (mineral, plant, animal,

human) experience the influence of Pisces, sign of the World Savior.

Whereas the task of Aquarius is world server, the Pisces task is to

save the world. That is the work of the two fishes. Pisces as the last

sign of the zodiac includes within itself all the signs. No wonder

Pisces, like Scorpio, is so difficult. Pisces people never really enter

matter. Both signs (with Scorpio drowning in deep dark waters) find

life on earth if not a hardship then extremely paradoxical. Right,

Pisces? (write me at risa@...).

Pisces is also referred to as the “light of the world,†â€" the Light

that reveals Life itself ending the darkness of matter forever.†It

takes two fishes to complete this work. One fish is facing matter and

the material world and the other faces the heavenly spiritual world.

Around them is a silvery cord binding them together forever. Although

the heavenly-facing fish seeks to return to Spirit, it is bound (we

make the choice) to stay within matter until all of humanity is

redeemed. That is the significance of the earth-facing fish. Thus the

paradox and the suffering experienced in Pisces.

Pisces is essentially about passion (to serve), suffering (experiencing

the suffering of humanity and thus understanding it) and redemption

(bringing light, which contains information, to the world). Pisces is

about the personality (outer life) and the Soul (inner spiritual life)

learning to work together in synthesis. In the Pisces Age (age we are

leaving in order to enter the Aquarian Age, liberation came from

crucifixion, the symbol of the sacrifice (surrender) of the personality

so that it could be directed by the Soul. This sacrifice, surrender,

and Soul control leads to Resurrection and Rebirth. The major

crucifixion experience we know of was that of the Christ who modeled

this sacrifice for all of us. The life of Christ, including his

teachings, Gethsemane experience, betrayal and Crucifixion (the

original one) all had the purpose of anchoring, for the first time in

history, Love upon our planet. We are to do this also, which is why we

experience Pisces each year. The liberation in the Aquarian Age is

through service and serving one another, through Goodwill, which

creates Right Relations and Right Action, and through the gathering of

the appropriate knowledge (Ray 5), which develops the new mind, which

creates the new culture and civilization (new materialism). In

Aquarius, as the age continues to unfold, humanity will form new groups

of endeavor and new communities, working together to serve humanity.

This is the future.

Pisces tells us that we are always in the struggle to fuse the lower

self (personality) with our higher (soul) self. This struggle is the

basic nature of the duality we live in on Earth. Duality is natural

here. There is night and day, up and down, in and out, yes and no, here

and there. There is a synthesis between this duality. Pisces shows us

that because we have forgotten our origins (spiritual beings) we feel

we are bondage or captivity to things of matter. The upper-facing fish

informs us we eventually will renounce the captivity and detach from it

(through suffering). Pisces speaks to us of death, too, as it is the

last sign of the zodiac and many Pisceans long for death. Someday,

through the ministrations of Pisces, we will come to understand that

there is no such thing as death (as we fear it since death to many

means annihilation of Life itself). There is no annihilation of Life.

The death we experience on Earth is actually a liberation (from Earth’s

school teaching us about matter) into a greater Life.

Pisces is thus one of the signs that explains death (the other signs

are Aries and Scorpio). Pisces is deeply connected to Scorpio. Both

have as their rulers Pluto â€" signs of death (into greater liberation).

The death of Pisces leads to purification, the death of Scorpio leads

to discipleship. In Pisces one experiences the Victory of Love. During

the Piscean Age, in order to conquer our ignorance and to build faith,

we saw the Crusades, the Inquisition, the Conquest of Mexico and Peru,

the Knights Templar, the Jesuit Order of the Soldiers of Christ, the

Christ Himself come to earth to anchor for the first time the Love from


March Festivals from Pisces to Aries and Spring Equinox:

March 7, Friday is New Moon in Pisces. Mars joins Pluto. Careful, everyone.

March 8, Sunday, Daylight Savings Time begins after midnight

March 12, Wednesday, Venus enters Pisces

March 14, Friday, Mercury enters Pisces

March 16, Sunday, Palm Sunday

March 19, Wednesday, Sun enters Aries on the west coast

March 20, Thursday, Sun enters Aries, east coast, Spring Equinox, and International Astrology day

March 21, Friday, Aries Full Moon, 1st Spring Festival of Resurrection, Good Friday, and Purim

March 22, Saturday, Holy Saturday, Libra Moon

March 23, Sunday, Easter Sunday, void of course all day

"I leave my Father's Home and turning back, I save."

-- Pisces Soul-level seed thought

"That which is above is as that which is below"

--Emerald Tablet of Hermes

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