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The Lightworker's Manifesto: A Primer for Coming Times, Part 13 By DL Zeta

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Lightworker's Manifesto: A Primer for Coming Times, Part 13

We have

given you 12 points of light for lightworkers, which you will find listed once

again at the end of this discussion. The twelfth and final point of light we

describe today asks you to practice detaching from physical reality. This practice allows you to stand back from

your life, view the circumstances you are creating and "ask" for

assistance and guidance with the next step.

When you learn to ask for and open to receive guidance, your life

becomes a blessing to your self and to the universe.

Ask For

and Open to Receive Spiritual Guidance


greatest "obstacle" many lightworkers face in following the path of

their heart is an over-investment in physical reality. This translates into a belief that all

spiritual progress must be measurable in some physical way.

It is true

that as you come into alignment with the radiance of your spirit, your physical

existence will be transformed. However,

this transformation happens as a natural extension of your spiritual

transformation. If you look only at what

is happening at the physical level, you shift your focus from your inner

communion with your spirit. This is

living in reverse. Have you noticed how

live spelled backwards is evil? This

"synchronicity" symbolizes what happens when you live your life in

reverse -- your shadow side comes more into focus.

The real

goal is unity with your spirit. From this place of alignment and clear-seeing,

you are able to love, embrace and heal all aspects of your self, including what

you think of as your shadow. Embracing

and healing your shadow is quite different from allowing your shadow to rule

your life and enslave your consciousness.


Guidance in a Free Will Zone

As we have

said in past discussions, the easiest way to align with your spirit is by allowing

your spiritual purpose to become the star you steer by. (For more on this, see Lightworkers

Manifesto, Part 8). You may have found your self wondering how it is that you

can begin to discover your spiritual purpose within the illusion. Many arrive on the Earth plane heavily

veiled and must "burn through" numerous levels of illusion before

they arrive at a place of clear-seeing and discernment.

The way to

navigate through the fog is to surrender to your spirit and "ask" for

assistance and guidance. It is a powerful transformation to come into a place

of perceiving there is much more to your existence than physical reality. This perception leads you to ask the next

question – how do I get to know these parts of my self that exist beyond the

physical? The answer is by opening to receive spiritual guidance. You may think

of spiritual guidance as a "hub" portal through which you access all

others that exist beyond physical reality. Understanding of your spiritual

purpose and the steps to fulfill it comes through this doorway. Joy and bliss,

health, spiritual relationships, abundance, resources, and much more are

accessed through this portal.


you have free will on the Earth plane. Your guides are here to serve you, but

they cannot interfere with your natural progress or take away your lessons by

lifting you free of the consequences of your choices. When you choose to ask for their assistance, they are able to

bring you the information, guidance and assistance you are seeking. Likewise,

if you choose to go through your life without asking for or receiving spiritual

guidance, you will be able to lead a purely physical-based existence without

interference from your guides. It is always a choice. Like all choices, it is

best to choose from a place of clear perception in terms of the realities and

probabilities each option would bring into your life.


subtext of your request for spiritual guidance is" "My conscious mind

doesn't know how to proceed. To move

forward, I need help from my guides and angels." Implied within this point of surrender is the recognition that an

important part of your existence is beyond the physical. The "subtext" of this surrender is

that you recognize and honor the infinite nature of your own being. You have

reached a point in your personal growth where you need to align with thIs

infinite part of your self.


Equals Spiritual Freedom

When you

are able to step back from what is happening in your physical existence and

observe with detachment, this represents the ability to detach from physical

reality. It is a sign you are

awakening, seeing through the illusion and freeing your self from enslavement

to physical reality. Many of you find

yourselves at this place of learning to step back "within the moment"

and ask for spiritual guidance. This

willingness to step back and acknowledge the power of your infinite being helps

you live a different way that is beyond the shackles of a purely linear

reality. When you make choices informed

by the light of your spirit, you are free to view and observe your life from

many points of consciousness at once and choose from an infinite array of

possibilities rather than a small, limited field of possibility.

Entering a

State of Alert Listening

Once you

ask for spiritual guidance, be flexible and open to how it arrives. Be willing to allow spirit to bring you the

information you are seeking in whatever way is highest and best within the



requires you to be open and in a state of "alert listening." Be aware

of signs and symbolic occurrences around you.

The guidance you are seeking may arrive in the form of a book that falls

off a shelf at your feet, in snatches of overheard conversation on a busy city

street, in a channeled message you receive on the Internet, or the wise counsel

of a trusted friend. It may come in your dreams, it may begin to flow

spontaneously from your pen as you write in your journal. You may be on a walk in nature or taking a

shower when the answer is "downloaded" into your consciousness. The answer may arrive in the guise of a bird

or an animal spirit. Allow whatever way it arrives to be perfect.


the Message within the Message


uses many doorways to speak to you. Sometimes a single doorway is used to

deliver a "message within a message." For example, it sometimes

happens that a person who disrespects or abuses animals will only be able to

receive guidance through an animal spirit.

Consequently, until they learn to honor and care for all life, they will

not be will to hear the whispers of their spiritual guidance.

This is

why it is important to examine any areas around which you may be holding prejudice

or judgment of any kind. Often your

spiritual guidance will arrive through a doorway that requires you to release

prejudice or judgment before you can receive the message. If you feel your guidance has been blocked

in any way, this may be the case. This

is one way in which you release what you perceive as "karma."

As you

surrender to the reality of your infinite being and learn to detach from

physical reality, you are able to align with your spiritual guidance. By aligning with your spiritual guidance,

you are able to ask for and receive information and insights that assist you in

navigating through the fog of a veiled existence to a place of

clear-seeing As you ask for and open to

receive spiritual guidance in whatever way it is able to come to you, you find

your consciousness and your reality transformed through this amazing dance with


The entire

Lightworkers Manifested series is available in PDF form at


The Twelve Points of Light for Lightworkers:

One) Practice Self-Responsibility in All Things

Two) Expand Your Beliefs to Take in More of Who You Are

Three) Transform the Energies you EncounterFour)

Practice Kindness and Compassion

Five) Trust in Your Highest Vision

Six) Practice Honesty, Clear Seeing & Discernment

Seven) Release Resistance and Come into a Place of Surrender

Eight) Allow Your Spiritual Purpose to Become Your Guiding Star

Nine) Set the Intention to Work from the Perspective of Your Higher Self

Ten) Honor and Work with Your Own Energy

Eleven) Learn to Travel in Consciousness

Twelve) Ask for and Open to Receive Spiritual Guidance

For more

information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org

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