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Support Group Messages & Requests ... Happy April !

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Dearest Support Group ...The world in general is churning so fast and furiously these days ... it's dizzying to me. My various email boxes are bursting ... this one has nearly 3000 unread messages! I've attempted to get all the messages from 'new women' who have written ... and we welcome them to our email Support Group. There are several requests below ... thanks to any and all in our group who can offer them support.

I apologize for any messages sent that have gotten buried ... please write again and put a note in the subject line to get my attention.

Thanks to Kathy Nye ... we have the cover story for National Enquirer with a quote from Dr. Zuckerman! Click here for my blog on the unnecessary death of a Varsity Cheerleader in Florida.

Thanks Rogene for letting us know that the vast public relations breast implant machine is churning at full tilt boogie at Newsweek. Click here to leave a comment on this industry propaganda and thanks to all who have been posting there!

Many of us are good friends with Basden 'silicone suckered' ... we are sending her love & healing energy ... please see her post below. Also, thanks to Jussta for lots of good information ... please visit her interesting and eclectic site!

We are still open to adding many more of your stories on our blog and website ... let me know!

Sending love to all from Ilena


From: <shelley215@...>

Date: Apr 4, 2008 10:45 PMSubject: Sickilena@...

Greeting ilena,I believe I am ill from my implants. I am having significantcognitive, memory, fatigue problems and auto-immune thyroid failure.Maybe it was the chemo effects?I had the implant associated lymphoma, explanted, " partial mastectomy "

with reconstruction and then chemo. On the happier side, my lymphomahas been in remission for 14 months.On the not so upside; I could no longer keep up with the freneticpace of my ER career which was my passion for over 25 years, my

husband dumped me, bought an " exotic sports car " and then wouldn'tleave, he just " moved on with his life. " Sounding so like a patheticvictim here - urgh, sorry.Ironically, I have found a niche be it good or bad, as a theraputic

apheresis nurse dealing with auto-immune disorders. I just can't seemto get a grip on me and my health. It's too close.Wondering if I am chemo fried or implant platimun fried and how todifferentiate between the two?

What lab tests do I ask for from my doctor? My oncologist knows aboutthe fatigue and shrugs.Many Blessings :)


From: mmm <mm321@...>

Date: Apr 4, 2008 1:10 PMSubject: BLOG

Hello, my name is June. Thank you so much for that blog. I have had the classic symptoms from the dow corning implants I had put in in 1977. I had them removed in l987 and immediately felt better but never good again.

The claims community says that I cannot receive compensation for having them removed because it was before l990. Have you ever heard of any one writing the court and getting it changed for them? Or getting explant monies when they had them removed before 1990?

Thanks again for your blog, I will write in and tell my stories to the FDA.



From: gayle <glass3311@...>

Date: Mar 31, 2008 4:48 PMHi Ilena;I'm sure you're busy lady, but would be much appreciated if you could answer for me a few ques.I had silicone injected in face in '01, dr. soria in tijuana, mx, who lied about what it was..I subsequently developed tremor, digestive problems, to name a few..

l. am wondering if you know anyone who can diagnose whats in this _ I have a sample from surgery2. can anyone tell where silicone comes out, if it does (stool, urine,sweat)3. what, if anything gets it out (I've heard of inositol - does it really work? does it pay to have a spinal tap (see if in brain)

4. have you heard of a toxicologist hildegard staninger? 5. any good support groups you can give me would be helpfulI'm thinking along the way, maybe you came in contact with persons or medical persons who may have the above info; I've seen a few names connected with silicone, but no one seems to know much.

thanks much. gg~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

From: Bonnie <seeker1106@...>

Date: Apr 7, 2008 9:23 AMSubject: Re: HelpMy best friend is suffering from a myriad of autoimmune diseases and I believe it is due to her silicone implants.

I had mine removed, 10 years ago, and have recovered, almost completely. I wrote a book on it called, " The Health Seeker. " Since I have been out of the loop lately, I don't know where the support groups are around Daytona. I need recovering breast implant survivors along with doctors that remove them telephone numbers. She has not been able to work in 4 months and has no medical insurance. She really needs help. Thank you and God bless, Bonnie


From: <cathyron@...>

Date: Apr 3, 2008 11:25 PMSubject: Re: March 15, 2008 ~ Ides of March Support Group Messages

Ilena Rose <ilena.rose@...>

Dear Ilena,Does anyone know a lawyer in Los Angeles who can advise me about ruptured implants, silicone poisoning, illness issues. They were from DOW. Thank-you.

Best, O'Neill



Dear Ilena,

Do you know someone with a walkingdisorder and A-typical neurologic disease? I'm lying in bed for 7 years now with very painful legs and a very sick body. In a living blood analysis was found a lot of silicone.

Has someone in the USA found a cure?

greetings Evy


From: Lynda Roth <coss@...>

Date: Apr 3, 2008 10:08 PMSubject: did chemo today

Did # 3 chemo today. Dosage was reduced to 3.4 of the regular dosage because of the loss of vision, the low white blood count and the thrush and canker sores.Doing ok tonight, By tomorrow evening I will probably be feeling much worse.

I had fluid removed from my pleural cavity earlier this week, it is slowing down tremendously. It was 19 days this time. There is not as much fluid as before. I hope to never have to do it again.My sister arrived from Hawaii, drove me home from chemo, said I looked a bit peaked. I probably did.

It went well, no reaction because we pre-empted the reaction by doing the treatment for the reaction prior to the treatment (half of it) and then half way through we did the other treatment for the reaction (before it happened), so we kept my body from reacting. Much better than dealing with the reaction after the fact.

I had my writsts and ankles wrapped in ice packs and a cold cap on my head. My sister is going to sew up a cold cap that is more effective and easier to deal with before my next treatment. Collie helped me put all this stuff on and keep it there. She met the social worler there. We are going to take a class together there.

So, barring the RSD on my foot, all is going as well as it can be. The next week to 10 days I will be fighting weakness, fatigue, nausea, constipation, and inability to eat as well as having to eat very soft foots to keep the mouth sores from happening. Nothing acid. I can sometimes get down some of my vitamins, sometimes not. I am working harder to get more of them down more often. We are working on getting regular good protein in my diet.

I hope to find out more about the plan for the RSD very soon, have not heard anything.Hope everyone is doing well. It has been hard for me to keep up with everything that is happening.Love,Lynda


From: Pam <pamp81@...>

Date: Mar 15, 2008 10:22 PMSubject: Re: March 15, 2008 ~ Ides of March Support Group Messages

Ilena Rose <ilena.rose@...>

Yes, this exact same thing is happening with the autism, adhd, learning disability, and immune affected kids of this generation. A genetic susceptibility, coupled with environmental insults (one of the biggest being the whole out of control vaccination schedule imposed on tiny immune systems), resulting in thousands of damaged kids, and the drug companies and CDC keep the topic " controversial. " After what I've been through with the whole BI disaster (thankfully, I am 17 years post explantation and doing well), I don't harbor any hopes that the actual truth for either of these damaged populations will come out. I am way too much of a cynic for that. I have found treatments for my kids (also " controversial, " but based on wonderful science from brilliant people), and they are getting better.

Bless you and best wishes,

Pam in MissouriFrom: Basden <roslinda222@...>

Date: Apr 7, 2008 11:40 PMSubject: RE: Girlfriends in God(see below Stepping Out in Faith by Southerland from Theresa)A quick update on me.

As for me....I'm on (started today) with what is suppose to be my last treatment. I have to go to Duke Hospital on the 22nd of this Month, to see if things look 'good enough' to not have to deal with two more treatments. The Dr. wants to stop at this 'sixth one if she can.' She said sometimes the Chemo can become worse than the cancer. They try to stop everyone at six months and keep a check on them, to see if they need to start back after a few months. So we will know after the PET SCAN about taking two more. I pray not.

The chemo has taken my body down hill. As for my hip pain I've had so long.........they want to check that out because, there's something high in the blood that has to do with the bones. She said it could be inflamation. I wonder how, when I'm taking so much predizone, which is for inflamation.

Anyway, they feel they need to rule out hip cancer. She said that blood count has been getting higher all along. If there is no cancer in the hip, that blood test says 'BONE' anyway. They will call Dr. Uthe, to send me to Dr. , to check other bones in the body that could be fractured or chipped, due to chemo or predizone. If it's hip cancer then, I'll have to go through a different treatment, all different than the one I'm on now. When? Right away I guess.

I go tomorrow and Wed. for treatment and Thur. for my 'white blood count' shot. Then, suffer the after effects! I hope to see my Dr., with more questions I've come up with, since I've got home. Here, I can write them down and not forget.

SBIPrayerForum...Hi girls.......Keep praying.

Ilena Rose ilena.rose@... (Silicone suckered here) Pass this along if you will please.

I'm too sick to email each one......Thanks for your support and loving help for each of us..You are a champ! Thank each of you so much for understanding me unplugging my phone, when I'm laying down. The Treatments are getting hard, as the chemicals builds up in my system. I have zero energy.

Still leave me a message.....I will still get it when I plug the phone back in.

If I don't return your call........It may just be one of those times, that I just don't feel like talking, but, your call is no less appreciated. Esp. your prayers. I will keep you updated.Love MOM/ B

~~~~~~~~~~~From Theresa with Love:Subject Girlfriends in GodStepping Out in Faith by SoutherlandToday's Truth

Hebrews 11:6 (ICB) " Without faith no one can please God. Anyone who comes to God must believe that He is real and that He rewards those who truly want to find him. " Friend to Friend Graham once said, " Most of us do not understand nuclear fission, but we accept it. I don't understand television, but I accept it. I don't understand radio, but every week my voice goes out around the world, and I accept it. Why is it so easy to accept all these man-made miracles and so difficult to accept the miracles of the Bible? "

Faith can be defined as " confidence or trust " . We all have faith. We walk into a room and flip a switch, believing in faith that light will result. We sit in a chair, confident it will support us. We go to a doctor who is a total stranger. He gives us a prescription that we can't read, which we take to a pharmacist we don't know. We are given a bottle of mysterious pills and we gobble them down - all in faith!

Our problem is not a lack of faith. Our problem is where we place our faith. Faith is more than just believing. It is acting on that belief. The story is told of a woman who lived in a remote valley in Wales. When electricity came to the rural area, one of the first customers was a young woman with a large family. However, the electric company soon noticed that the woman was using a very small amount of electricity each month and suspecting a problem with the installed equipment, they sent a repairman to check the meter. After a close inspection, the worker found the equipment was installed properly. Confused, the repairman knocked on the front door to give the woman his report. " We've inspected the meter which seems to be working properly. The only thing I can figure out is that you are not using the power that is available to you. Don't you use any electricity? " the repairman asked. " Oh yes " she said. " We turn it on every night to see how to light our oil lamps and then we switch it off again. "

We often approach God's power in the same way, knowing it exists but failing to appropriate that power. Instead, we work diligently in our own strength until that strength is gone and we are left feeling empty and without purpose. That is not God's plan.

Hebrews 11:1 What is faith? It is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see. (NLT) We are not saved by faith plus works. We are saved by faith that leads to good works. We attempt to build a life on the flawed premise that if we do enough good works, God will be pleased. However, those works are useless and count for nothing unless the heart motivation behind them is one of faith. Faith is the altar of powerful living because faith pleases God. I often picture my Father watching with delight as I step into the unknown, walk straight through my fear and trust Him to be there. I truly believe God loves big dreamers, children who take Him at His Word and walk by faith...not by sight. Go ahead! Take that first step of faith today!

Let's Pray Father God, I pray that my heart and mind would be childlike in the matters of faith. I choose today to accept Your plan without understanding that plan. I choose to believe You and Your Truth, even though that truth is hard to believe. I choose to keep my gaze on You and my glance on circumstances. I want to be a woman of faith, Lord. I want to please you by stepping out in faith. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Now it's Your Turn · Read 2:14. Examine your life in light of the faith describes in this verse. Record your thoughts. · In what area of life does doubt plague you most? · What " God thing " is happening in your life today?

· What steps of obedience do you need to take in order to unleash your faith? More from the Girls Faith is a constant challenge in my life. One of the reasons is that I tend to fall into that old trap of thinking it is all about me. A walk of faith is all about God. Just about the time I think I have that lesson down, a crisis hits and I find myself asking the same old question, " Where are you, God? " Been there? He knows. If you long to be a woman of faith, just take that first step of obedience. Plant that tiny seed of hope. Mentally choose to doubt your doubts and believe God instead. Faith is like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it grows.

~~~~~~~~~~~~---------- Forwarded message ----------From: jussta@...

Date: Mar 27, 2008 7:39 PMSubject: Link to File Complaint with FDA MEDWATCH - Feel free to forwardBravebeauty <bravebeauty@...>

Hi, Here is the link to file a complaint for any medication or medical device - including implants.

It takes a few minutes online but is worth it to get these huge Pharma companies to stop paying people off to push their meds through and figure no one will make the connection! Be sure to enter the email address given at the end because they will send you an email confirming your report within 24 hours of logging it into their system. Obviously, the activist in me is still alive and well.


" You and I will be known and read by everyone we meet today. " ~ Jussta Thought

Love, Light, and Blessings All Ways, Jussta


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