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Thanks PH . . . I reformated this article . . . looks very interesting. . . If you try this program, please let us know how it goes!RogeneQuote: "They found that the average newborn has over 200 different industrial chemicals, pollutants, pesticides, and heavy metals in their blood. These included over 70 known carcinogens (toxins that may cause cancer), and heavy metals such as mercury and lead. Other studies have found high levels of the metals cadmium and mercury in the breast milk of nursing

mothers.""Dr. Yurkovsky has found the most significant toxin to be mercury which he has found in over 95% of his patients. The major source is not seafood as the press would lead you to believe, but from silver – mercury amalgam fillings placed by dentists."----- Forwarded Message ----From: perfecthealth68 <perfecthealth68@...>

Hi All,

I just received a phone call from my doc today who said he knows of a faster, more effective way to detox heavy metals, viruses and bacteria. He said he would have suggested it to me months ago but he was waiting for results from 25-30 patients he and his colleagues have used it on. It's basically "energy medicine" using homeopathy and a form of kineseology but it's more specific where he will determine which organs seem to contain the most heavy metals/pathogens and go from there. I'm skeptical yet he said he's seen great results with the "sickest of the sick", with people feeling well or cured within as little as 6 months, versus 12-24 months for other detox programs. Only a handful of practitioners use this in the US, although it's more accepted in Europe. Thought I'd pass along the info he sent me for those who are interested (it's long!). If anyone has thoughts on whether this is quackery or has merit, I'm all

ears! Love, PH

The Optimal Wellness Center

Field Control Therapy

FCT® (Field Control Therapy) is an integrative system of medicine developed by New York physician, Savely Yurkovsky, M.D. It was developed over a period of many years integrating knowledge from a variety of disciplines including quantum physics, biophysics, toxicology, immunology, immuno-toxicology, endocrinology, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and classical homeopathy. The goal of FCT® is the same as other therapies: restoration of the body's homeostasis [Homeostasis = The tendency of an organism or cell to regulate its internal conditions, such as the chemical composition of its body fluids, so as to maintain health and functioning, regardless of outside conditions.] . In an ideal state of homeostasis, the body should be able to heal itself from disease, including severe and chronic ones, thus resulting in good health with a sense of well being without dependence on supplements or medications and increased resistance to future


In a nutshell, FCT® accomplishes this by clearing the bio-energetic terrain of the body. FCT® aims to (1) detect and remove the cause of disease, i.e. the factors that interfere with the normal functioning of cells and organs in the body and (2) strengthen weakened cells and organs. FCT® does this at a bio-energetic level, rather than at a chemical level, because according to physics, all matter is controlled by energy fields. Therefore all chemical reactions in the body happen at an energetic level by detoxifying and balancing of cellular energy fields.

The primary diagnostic tool of FCT® is non-force kinesiology. The primary therapeutic tools of FCT® are little known branches of homeopathy known as isopathy (nosodes) and organotherapy (sarcodes). A nosode is a homeopathic remedy prepared from a pathologic specimen such as a parasite, fungus, or heavy metal. A sarcode is a homeopathic remedy prepared from a healthy specimen such as an organ or tissue. The result is the stimulation of the body's innate ability to detoxify and to restore the health of cells and organs.

Originally trained as a conventional cardiologist, Dr. Yurkovsky observed that once a patient developed a medical problem, they would be started on medication which they usually took for the remainder of their life. Instead of the medication resulting in better health, most patients would develop additional medical problems over time resulting in the need for more medication. It has been estimated that 25% of all prescriptions result in side effects and about 100,000-200, 000 Americans die each year from taking properly prescribed medication.

Dr. Yurkovsky also noticed that many medical problems such as Fibromylagia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome simply had no good explanation for their cause or a treatment that worked. More importantly, he had personal reasons for developing FCT® as he wanted to find a way to help his sick son who did not respond to conventional or alternative treatments.

Out of frustration, Dr. Yurkovsky turned to alternative medicine. What he found was a disorganized myriad of therapies. Many alternative therapists "mix and match" treatments: some herbs here, vitamins there, Reiki here, colonics there, etc. Each of these therapies has their own philosophies on what causes disease but there was no uniform philosophy which could guide when to use what treatments. While alternative therapies had fewer side effects than pharmaceuticals and were successful for mild to moderate illnesses, the overall success rate for severe and chronic diseases was minimal and inconsistent.

Being frustrated with both conventional and alternative medicine, Dr. Yurkovsky began looking for the true causes of diseases. If you look in any textbook of conventional medicine, you'll find that the cause of most diseases is unknown. What you'll find are only statistical correlations which do not specify causation. An example would be cardiovascular disease where there are several risk factors such as blood pressure, family history, cholesterol levels, smoking, etc., but no true cause. Conventional doctors all have patients who quit smoking, eat healthy, exercise, control their cholesterol and blood pressure, but still die from heart attacks.

Conventional medicine is virtually helpless at preventing diseases such as cancer and autoimmune conditions. With billions of dollars spent on research and countless numbers of scientific studies showing positive results, there is no progress in slowing down the chronic diseases that people get.

Drugs rarely cure illnesses because allopathic medicine does not know the root cause of illnesses. Allopathic medicine tries to control symptoms with medication in an effort to modify chemical reactions in the body, but without understanding why those chemical reactions were abnormal to begin with. According to FCT®, by covering up the symptoms of a disease with medications, factors responsible for that disease are driven deeper into the body.

Alternative medicine provides several possible explanations. Some of these include an imbalance of Qi (or chi – the energy within the body), too many toxins, too many parasites, not enough vitamins, too much acid, spinal misalignment, etc. Dr. Yurkovsky felt that these explanations alone could not explain why disease occurs. Because of this, he felt that most alternative therapies merely suppressed symptoms and drove the underlying causes deeper into the body, much like allopathic medicine.

Turning to quantum physics, we find that all matter in the universe, including the human body, is governed by physics. Matter is made of molecules, which are made of atoms, which are made of subatomic particles, which are ultimately made of energy fields. Albert Einstein said that "all matter is energy fields" which is illustrated by his famous equation E = mc2.

Dr. Yurkovsky discovered that there has been much research around the world looking at the energy fields of humans. In an important discovery, scientists have found that human tissues contain complex electromagnetic "circuitry" and emit certain electromagnetic frequencies.

Healthy cells emit coherent frequencies [relating to, or having waves with similar direction, amplitude, and phase] and unhealthy cells emit incoherent frequencies. Coherence can be thought of like an orchestra playing beautiful music where all of the instruments are in tune and in beat. Incoherence occurs when the instruments are out of tune and beat. In the same way, Dr. Yurkovsky felt that good health is defined by normal cellular energy fields which are in tune with each other.

He next wanted to know what caused these abnormal cellular energy fields. He concluded from his study of toxicology that in the vast majority of cases, chronic illnesses are caused by a build-up of environmental toxins in the body. A study conducted in 2005 by the Environmental Working Group in cooperation with the American Red Cross examined the umbilical cord blood of newborns. They found that the average newborn has over 200 different industrial chemicals, pollutants, pesticides, and heavy metals in their blood. These included over 70 known carcinogens (toxins that may cause cancer), and heavy metals such as mercury and lead. Other studies have found high levels of the metals cadmium and mercury in the breast milk of nursing


Even more alarming, there are now 1460 metric tons of airborne toxins that travel on the jet stream around the world. Because of this there is no place on the planet that can be considered a pristine environment. Facilities in the United States released 4.7 Billion pounds of toxins into the air in 2005, of which 72 Million pounds are known carcinogens. In 2005 the city of Chicago experienced 68 days when the air quality was too unhealthy for children, elderly and the ill. Coal-fired power plants spew sulfates, nitrates and mercury into the air. These compounds have been linked to more than 20,000 premature deaths each year.

Dr. Yurkovsky felt that there was a hierarchy or priority of toxins in the body. In other words, there may be thousands of possible toxins in the body, but by removing only the most important ones the body can remove the other ones on its own. He believes that many other detoxification schemes fail because they address many of the unimportant and random toxins, not the most important ones. FCT® is designed to identify and remove the important toxins and support the body as it removes them and returns to a balanced state.

During his years of research and practice, Dr. Yurkovsky has found the most significant toxin to be mercury which he has found in over 95% of his patients. The major source is not seafood as the press would lead you to believe, but from silver – mercury amalgam fillings placed by dentists. According to the World Health Organization, fillings leak up to 18 micrograms of mercury into the body a day. The vapors are inhaled into the lungs and spread throughout the body via the bloodstream. Mercury can bind to any cell of any organ in the body resulting in dysfunction of the organs, suppression of the immune system, and ultimately disease. The American Dental Association has denied that the leaking mercury vapors can cause any health problems but in September 2006, the U.S. Food and Drug Association voted to reject a report which claimed mercury fillings were

safe. Mercury fillings are illegal in some countries.

Mercury is one of the most toxic substances on the planet. Among its many effects, it has an antibacterial effect which adversely affects the normal flora in the body. This leads to a rise in opportunistic microorganisms especially the candida (yeast/fungus) species. Mercury also generates free radicals and overwhelms the body's natural antioxidant system. Mercury becomes even more dangerous when combined with other toxins such as lead and xenobiotics [chemicals such as pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides].

Candida is a fungus or yeast which is a normal organism of the intestine. When it overgrows, it damages the body by feeding on its tissues and releasing toxic waste products. The overgrowth of candida is promoted by many aspects of our modern lifestyle including the consumption of sugar, white flour, antibiotics, food preservatives, and chronic mercury poisoning. In alternative medicine, there are many ways of treating candida such as anti-candida medications, herbs, immune stimulants, probiotics, and diets. They all fail to achieve consistent results because they do not address the main cause of candida overgrowth which is immuno-suppression by mercury and other toxins. They also do not address the consequences of killing candida namely the massive release of immunosuppressive waste products, including mercury. By not addressing these waste products, immuno-suppression continues and so does candida

overgrowth. The other consequence of the "usual" methods of killing candida is the mutation of candida into more virulent forms. FCT® comprehensively addresses the complexities of treating candida by treating the immuno-suppression that leads to candida, and by safely guiding waste products out of the body.

Other organisms that are critical to treat include parasites which are found in over 90% of people. Conventional stool tests for these parasites are both expensive and limited at best. Residual antibiotics in the colon from antibiotic use and from eating meat from animals given antibiotics are also a priority to detoxify because they promote the growth of candida by altering the normal flora in the colon. Residual radiation in the reticuloendothelial system [Reticuloendothelia l cells filter out and destroy bacteria, viruses, and foreign substances and destroy worn-out or abnormal cells and tissues] from previous X-rays is also important to remove as are vaccine side effects. Immuno-suppression by mercury leads to chronic infections such as candida, Lyme's Disease, and

Epstein - Barr virus. These cannot be successfully eradicated unless the immune system is adequately built up and one understands how to manage the waste products released by their eradication. This is why conventional treatments for chronic infections such as Lyme's Disease fail. Antibiotics weaken the immune system by destroying normal flora which then promotes candida growth. The killing of the Lyme's bacteria results in the release of more immunosuppressive waste products. Most allopathic and alternative therapies end up chasing toxins as they move from organ to organ.

Ultimately, most of the numerous diseases that people develop are caused by only a few toxins. The only difference between one disease and another disease is the quantity and location of the toxins. This is why a well trained FCT® practitioner can successfully treat virtually any chronic disease. There is no need to refer people to multiple specialists or any need to learn different ways of treating different illnesses. An FCT® practitioner considers all illnesses as the manifestation of an abnormal cellular energy field. For example, hypertension is the manifestation of abnormal kidney function. Anxiety, depression, headaches, and poor memory are manifestations of a toxic brain. Irritable bowel syndrome is a manifestation of mercury, candida, and parasites in the small and large intestine.

The next step in the development of FCT® was figuring out a way to determine what toxins are in the body, what organs are affected, and which ones should be given the highest priority to treat first. In other words, he wanted to know a simple, non-invasive method of detecting abnormal cellular fields. He felt the best method was to use bio-resonance Testing. This form of testing was first developed about 100 years ago based on the observation that the autonomic nervous system can react to external stimuli. When the autonomic nervous system is stressed by certain stimuli, physiologic changes such as changing skeletal muscle tone, heart rate, and pupil size can be observed. There are a variety of bio-resonance tests today such as Applied Kinesiology, EAV, and VEGA. In FCT®, bio-resonance testing is performed by non-force kinesiology to observe changing muscle tone in response to vials containing various

electromagnetic imprints.

The advantage of a non-force technique is that the practitioner does not have to worry about the impact of muscle fatigue. And more important it keeps the practitioner out of the equation so he can't influence the results. In addition, many traditionally trained kinesiologists who have learned non-force kinesiology have observed that traditional kinesiology often fails to detect serious toxins such as mercury. Dr. Yurkovsky was mindful that kinesiology itself cannot determine the priority of what to treat and often can not probe deeply into the body enough to uncover "hidden" toxins and organs. To solve this problem, he used his knowledge of quantum physics to create an algorithm based on the use of special test vials, emphasizing the importance of asking the most relevant questions with the greatest clinical impact. Through FCT's non-force kinesiology and algorithm, the toxins that cause disease, the

diseased and stressed organs, and the priority of treatment can be determined.

Current conventional blood, hair, and stool tests for toxins are inadequate. It is known that the half-life of mercury in blood is very short because of its rapid uptake into body tissues. Organs can be contaminated with mercury while the blood or urine is completely clear. Therefore, the most accurate way to confirm the presence of these toxins is through a biopsy or post-mortem autopsy, but this is quite impractical. The most common conventional test for mercury is to administer a chelator such as DMSA and then measure output in the urine. Chelation tests can lead to side effects because when mercury is dislodged from an organ into the bloodstream, it can be reabsorbed into a different organ before being excreted by the kidneys. A "normal" chelation test could mean that there isn't much mercury in the blood, but more likely, it could mean that either the kidneys have been damaged by mercury and are

unable to excrete the mercury, or that the mercury is too deep inside the cells and organs for the chelator to reach. For example chelators cannot cross the blood-brain barrier and remove mercury from the brain.

The next step in the development of FCT® was figuring out a way to remove the toxins while at the same time restoring the cellular energy fields. Dr. Yurkovsky felt the best method was to use a variation of homeopathy. Developed in Germany about 200 years ago, homeopathy is the science of imprinting bio-energetic signals into water or pellets. It is not fully understood how homeopathy works because there is no physical matter in a homeopathic remedy. Physicists have described for 100 years that physical matter can be broken into a coarse particulate aspect and a fine information wave aspect. This is often known as the particle/wave duality of matter. Physicists such as Professor Tiller of Stanford University theorize that homeopathy uses the fine information wave aspect of a physical substance to affect the body; whereas conventional medicine and herbs use the coarse particulate aspect. In

other words, the human body understands both the language of matter and energy with homeopathy using the latter. As far as determining the precise nature of the energy in homeopathic remedies, one recent study showed that they contain magnetic photons. Some recent research suggests that a concept from quantum physics called entanglement is how a homeopathic remedy communicates with the body. Entanglement means that the state of a subatomic particle can affect the state of another subatomic particle even though they are physically separated.

A simple hypothesis for how the homeopathic remedies in FCT® work is as follows. Cells and organs are made of atoms. Atoms are made of subatomic particles such as protons, neutrons, and electrons. A weak or sick organ has an incoherent pattern of these subatomic particles, more specifically an abnormal pattern of nuclear and/or electron spin. The creation of a homeopathic remedy involves entangling the nuclear or electron spin of water with a healthy, coherent pattern of nuclear and/or electron spins via magnetic photons. When a drop of this coherent energy pattern is placed under the tongue, magnetic photons entangle with the subatomic particles of the target organ which change the quantum state of its nuclear or electron spin. In essence, the energy field of the organ is restored to a more coherent pattern.

There have been a number of studies in well respected mainstream journals such as the Lancet, The British Medical Journal, and Pediatrics that have verified the positive effects of homeopathic remedies.

The homeopathic remedies used in FCT® are unlike that of classical homeopathy. FCT® uses causative homeopathy (isopathy) involving nosodes which are made from the bioenergetic signatures of actual toxins such as mercury and candida, and sarcodes which are made from the bioenergetic signatures healthy organs. Nosodes seem to cause the body to become more "aware" of toxins and stimulate the body to detoxify on its own. Sarcodes strengthen the organs to keep them from being weakened by circulating toxins.

FCT® remedies are created using a device which imprints the signals into clean water rather than the traditional technique of dilution and succussion. This process allows the FCT® practitioner to be very precise in their treatment, as well as ensuring no physical substances are in the remedies. The homeopathic remedies in FCT® accomplish many objectives in addition to removing toxins from the body. Once the toxins enter the bloodstream, they should be guided safely out of the body otherwise they will get stuck in another part of the body causing side effects. This requires supporting the excretory system, namely the lymphatics, kidney, liver, and colon, as well as strengthening the weak organs. The body's immune system needs to be strengthened by supporting the bone marrow, spleen, thymus gland, and lymphatics as necessary. This is a critical step in the body's ability to fight off microorganisms

such Candida and Epstein – Barr virus. The body's "power source" is strengthened by supporting the endocrine system namely the pituitary, hypothalamus, thyroid, and adrenal glands. With so many objectives, the FCT® remedies need to be administered in the proper priority.

Other detoxification programs such as chelation, vitamins, or herbs do not achieve consistent results because they can not manage all the complexities of detoxification. It is simply not possible to detoxify and selectively support multiple organs using any chemical means such as herbs or nutrients. According to FCT®, any treatments that work on a chemical level merely push the factors that cause illness deeper into the body and create more disease.

Through the powerful techniques of Bio-Resonance Testing, comprehensive detoxification and support of the key organs and systems of the body in the correct priority, the root cause of disease is eliminated and the bioenergetic terrain of the body is restored. Most existing diseases can be successfully treated and future diseases can be prevented before they even occur. According to Dr. Yurkovsky, none of his regularly treated patients have ever developed serious illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, or cancer.

In FCT® a treatment cycle is about 1-4 weeks. At the beginning of each treatment cycle, Bioresonance testing is conducted to determine what the toxins are, where the toxins are located, and what FCT® remedies are needed. Patients go home to take on average 10-15 FCT® remedies one at a time over a period of 1-3 days (typically only one drop of the remedy is taken). The rest of the treatment cycle is to let the remedies continue to work and to allow the body to adjust to a decreased toxic load. In FCT®, the specific order of the remedies is very important in that the sickest organs must be supported before healthier organs. Patients return for a follow-up appointment at the end of their cycle. Bio-resonance testing is repeated and another series of FCT® remedies are prescribed. Each treatment cycle removes another layer of the total toxic load. Typically, FCT® requires 6-8 months of treatment to

remove a lifetime's worth of toxins. Patients usually note changes in their symptoms during the first 6-8 weeks. Because the remedies used in FCT® are homeopathic, i.e. contain no physical substances, there are no side effects when taken properly and no interactions with medications.

FCT® involves more than just taking homeopathic remedies. It involves active participation of the patient who must avoid certain activities that can interfere with and block the treatment.

The patient may be required to follow a strict anti-candida diet which is basically a no sugar, no yeast, low carbohydrate diet. Eating foods which raises the blood sugar excessively promotes the growth of yeast in the body which interferes with the effects of FCT®. The second thing patients may have to do if they test sensitive is avoid strong electromagnetic fields (EMF's) during critical time periods of the treatment. Strong electromagnetic fields come mostly from some computers, fluorescent lights, TVs, cars, and cordless and cellular phones.

Because the treatment is affecting the body at the electromagnetic level of the cells, exposure to EMF's can alter the cell's electromagnetic fields preventing mercury and other metals from exiting the body safely. They can also neutralize the effect of the homeopathic remedies. Patients are only required to avoid EMF's for the first several days of each treatment cycle.Therefore most people take their remedies over a weekend.

Patients eventually might have any mercury fillings removed otherwise the mercury and silver from the fillings could leak into the body again. It is highly recommended to use a dentist who uses extra precautions such as dental dams and frequent suctioning to avoid mercury leaking into the body during the removal. There are several dentists who are qualified to remove fillings. FCT® patients are given special homeopathic remedies to help minimize the effect of any spilled mercury. It is also recommended that patient undergo at least a couple of treatment cycles to strengthen their body before having their fillings replaced.

Because of the active participation needed and the duration of the therapy, FCT® is only forpeople who are deeply committed to their health and able to make the necessary lifestylechanges. The bottom line is whether all this theory translates into practice: do patientsbecome healthier? There are countless therapies with wonderful theories and success stories, but don't produce consistent results. Dr. Yurkovsky's statistics prove that his patients having dramatic improvements in their health. A review of the patients' charts will show that nearly 100% of the patients who properly followed the FCT® instructions had significant improvements in their health.

All conventional and alternative therapies have some success stories, but FCT® believes that the litmus test for a successful modality is the consistent ability to restore the health of even chronic, difficult cases. The results of FCT® practitioners worldwide prove FCT® is such a modality. I believe that in the future, we'll look back at conventional and alternative medicine of today as being in the dark ages. As more and more patients experience the powerful healing effects of FCT® the word will spread and maybe, just maybe, there will be a shift in the theory and practice of allopathic medicine.


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