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Re: Re: Rogene/Patty

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Do a vegetable and fruit fast by not chewing anything by mouth .....you are only juicing it and drinking

Plus your getting your nutrients to get healthier and your fasting at the same time. Juice fasting is better

for us here with implants.........because it has stoled all our nutrition out of our bodies and needs it back

but it doesn't get it by chewing the food. That is the kind of fast you need to do.

In a message dated 2/8/2008 5:29:52 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, cannst42@... writes:

Rogene,I hadn't looked at myself as being lucky.....I guess your right! My ND suggested that I try fasing but Rogene....I'm so afraid about doing that! I do not do well with not eating....I turn into an irritable bit & * that no one wants to be around! Fasting has always been extremely difficult for me. I get sooo weak and I'm already pretty weak. I've tried a salt water enemia and it just moved my pain and bloatingness into my upper abdomen and under my ribcage. I was on a bladder/kidney/liver tea cleanse for two months, no change. Do you know much about colon hydroptherapy? Would that benefit me?Hugs,Cherie>> Cherie,> > Reasoning would say that you're lucky . .. since you don't have all the other symptoms.> > And, that, since your pain is related to your stomach, that it's basically digestive issues you're dealing with. It's apparent that your digestive system doesn't like most supplements . . . the fact that you're burping a lot would point in that direction too. > > Have you considered fasting? . . . The bad organisms starve to death on a fast . . . > > I'd take another look at things that would help build a healthy digestive system . . . Then try them slowly. . . . But you may want to clean the old stuff out first. . . liver/gall bladder flushes, coffee enemas, colonics, etc. > > Hugs,> > Rogene> Who's never won? Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL Music.

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Yes I had it all I didn't know my own family for 1 1/2 years and screaming in agony. Even when I ate

I was in pain.... I took Arnica Montana 30X homeopathic medicine not harmful to your body and this

helped alot.

In a message dated 2/8/2008 5:17:14 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, april@... writes:

>> Hi Ladies,> > Since I am such an "unique" case, I wanted to pick your brains. Have > you ever had anyone in the group or have read about anyone having > abodminal pain that moves around? Now that I am not on the diet, I > still have pain BUT it's in different places. What I mean is, I now > have sinus pain, lower back pain along with the gas and bloating . > When I'm on the diet, the pain is in the squeezing under my ribcage > that goes all round my torse, pelvic pain along with bloating and > gas...and of course lets not forget my constant burbing.> > I have always felt that I did not have the symptoms that most of the > woman in this group have. No joint pain, brain fog, hair falling > out, swollen lymph nodes, etc.....none of those things. Only IBS > symptoms. I think that's why it took me so long to figure out that > this maybe my implants. When I researched problems with implants it > never talked about IBS but all the other symptoms that the other > ladies have. I noticed in the first page of this forum, it does not > mention IBS. Sometimes I wonder if I've even figured out my problem > yet. > > Thanks for you implant!> Cherie>Cherie,Sorry, I'm not Rogene or Patty. :o) I just wanted to say I've had IBS symptoms, as well. I had some of the symptoms before implants, too, but they got progressively worse after getting them. This, despite my efforts to get better (diet, supplements, etc). I just got explanted 4 days ago, and still have the gut gurgling/rumbling, gas, cramping, etc. But I know it will take time to get better. I'm surprised you haven't seen IBS listed on any implant symptom lists. I've actually seen it pretty frequently listed as a symptom. I don't really understand all the reasons why implants can cause IBS type problems. I know that they can compromise the immune system, which gives opportunity for things like candida (which is one of my problems).You might look for a woman on the group who goes by the name "Perfect Health". She has had a lot of "gut" issues due to implants and is pretty knowledgable about it. Hope you get better soon,April Who's never won? Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL Music.

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NO not hard at all make the coffee in the coffee pot with organic coffee and away you go.

insert the coffee into your rectal on your right side and hold in for 12 minutes if you can if not dont worry about

it ....its takes time to hold it that long . Then release the coffee in the toilet and do it again until you

went through a quart of coffee I always use distilled water in my coffee pot so I dont get them chemicals

from chlorine water. I got my enema bag from www.transformyourhealth.com for 10.80. Not bad at all and the price of coffee.Cheap way to feel better isnt it.


In a message dated 2/8/2008 7:49:09 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, cannst42@... writes:

,How do you do your coffee enemas? You do them daily? Don't they take a long time to make and time to do them? I have a very packed daily schedule, not sure if I have time for that. Let me know how to make it and how long does it take you?I have tried enemas but have not felt better.I've been eating plain organic yogurt for quiet a while, gives me more gas.Hugs,Cherie> >> > Cherie ~> > I have moving pain........ I have moving p> > greatly with the gas. I drink some twice a day.> > I have chronic pancreatitis, and I am sure I> > have gall stones and or liver stones. I cant do> > a flush yet, cuz they dont want my heart to freak.> > I am waiting til after explant. > > You might want to ask your doc for a amylase and lipase> > tests. With you not having a gallbladder, your> > body is probably still not up to par from that. > > Your body has been thru so very much in the last > > couple years, it is just gonna take time, and lots of> > it. You will get well !!!!! YOU WILL ~> > Love Dede > > > > > > > > ************ ************<WBR>**Biggest Grammy Award surprises of al> Music. > > (_http://music.http://music.<WBhttp://muhttp://mushttp://mu_ > (http://music.aol.com/grammys/pictures/never-won-a-grammy?) > NCID=aolcmp00300000NCID> > 48)> >> > > > > > > > **************Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL Music. > (http://music.aol.com/grammys/pictures/never-won-a-grammy?NCID=aolcmp003000000025> 48)> Who's never won? Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL Music.

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Oh Yeh I forgot to tell you it takes me 1/2 hour a day to do coffee enemas make sure you cool the coffee to your body temperature . After brewing it in the coffee pot I stick it in the freezer or outside on the back porch to cool faster, before pouring it in the enema bag.

Happy Detoxing.

In a message dated 2/8/2008 7:49:09 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, cannst42@... writes:

,How do you do your coffee enemas? You do them daily? Don't they take a long time to make and time to do them? I have a very packed daily schedule, not sure if I have time for that. Let me know how to make it and how long does it take you?I have tried enemas but have not felt better.I've been eating plain organic yogurt for quiet a while, gives me more gas.Hugs,Cherie> >> > Cherie ~> > I have moving pain........ I have moving p> > greatly with the gas. I drink some twice a day.> > I have chronic pancreatitis, and I am sure I> > have gall stones and or liver stones. I cant do> > a flush yet, cuz they dont want my heart to freak.> > I am waiting til after explant. > > You might want to ask your doc for a amylase and lipase> > tests. With you not having a gallbladder, your> > body is probably still not up to par from that. > > Your body has been thru so very much in the last > > couple years, it is just gonna take time, and lots of> > it. You will get well !!!!! YOU WILL ~> > Love Dede > > > > > > > > ************ ************<WBR>**Biggest Grammy Award surprises of al> Music. > > (_http://music.http://music.<WBhttp://muhttp://mushttp://mu_ > (http://music.aol.com/grammys/pictures/never-won-a-grammy?) > NCID=aolcmp00300000NCID> > 48)> >> > > > > > > > **************Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL Music. > (http://music.aol.com/grammys/pictures/never-won-a-grammy?NCID=aolcmp003000000025> 48)> Who's never won? Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL Music.

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Actually, IBS is very common among implant women . . . Don't know why it's not listed as one of the issues. I thought it was.Actually, I thought alternating between diarrhea and constipation was normal for me. . . It wasn't until my implants were out and I detoxed that I found out what it was like to be regular again.The Maker's Diet is all about creating a healthy digestive system . . . Rubin was dying from Crohn's disease when he learned about probiotic organisms. If you haven't read the book, please do so. It's not just a "diet" book.If we knew exactly why we get sick from implants it would be easier to decide what to do to get better. As it is, we have to experiment until we land on what

works. As a group, we can share our experience with various supplements and detox programs . . . but we can't be sure it will work for everyone.Cherie . . . how are you feeling today . . . on a "normal" diet, without the supplements?Hugs,Rogene

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- what you just described is EXACTLY how I feel. I could not go out to eat because I had to go to the bathroom soon after. It got so bad I could not make it through the grocery store...I was scared to go anywhere. This also is the only main problem I have. I have found great comfort in some good enzymes and probotics. It has made it so I am not running to the bathroom and the burning sensation is not as bad as it was. Although I am not sure it is going to heal me. I feel like I can not find out exactly what is wrong....but for now, this is helping me to be able to eat and not spend my days in the bathroom......

Much Love,


Re: Rogene/Patty

Hi Cherie,I have not experienced many of the symptoms on this site either. I found this site because i was having anxiety attacks and digestive problems that could best be described as constant nausea but never actually got sick or a severe burning in the upper abdomen. Occasionally it will move into my lower back or on the sides. i have started to get to the point where if i go out to eat anywhere i have to be within 5-10 minutes of my house or else i am not going to make it home before going to the bathroom. The upper area of my stomach feels like there is an air pump in there that just keeps filling it up. I go anywhere from constipated to diarrhea all within one night. I have had endoscopies, x-rays, ultrasounds, emptying scan and anything else you can think of but everything keeps coming back normal. Finally during one of my many ER trios a nurse prescribed me Carafate which is a pill form

of maximum Maalox. It apparently coats your stomach and seemed to do the job although i only take now if i absolutely need it. Im not a big fan of meds although this is not an antibiotic. My symptoms have never been anything more then digestive and some form of anxiety, chest pressure and my hearts speeds up and freaks out every no and then but Dede said that was the implants putting pressure on them.>> Hi Ladies,> > Since I am such an "unique" case, I wanted to pick your brains. Have > you ever had anyone in the group or have read about anyone having > abodminal pain that moves around? Now that I am not on the diet, I > still have pain BUT it's in different

places. What I mean is, I now > have sinus pain, lower back pain along with the gas and bloating . > When I'm on the diet, the pain is in the squeezing under my ribcage > that goes all round my torse, pelvic pain along with bloating and > gas...and of course lets not forget my constant burbing.> > I have always felt that I did not have the symptoms that most of the > woman in this group have. No joint pain, brain fog, hair falling > out, swollen lymph nodes, etc.....none of those things. Only IBS > symptoms. I think that's why it took me so long to figure out that > this maybe my implants. When I researched problems with implants it > never talked about IBS but all the other symptoms that the other > ladies have. I noticed in the first page of this forum, it does not > mention IBS. Sometimes I wonder if I've even figured out my problem

> yet. > > Thanks for you implant!> Cherie>

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I read up on apple cigar vinegar help with digestion but if you have candidaisis use in moderation.

I read that in the Gerson therapy book.

In a message dated 2/8/2008 10:18:03 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, saxony01@... writes:

Cherie,I checked out Oregacillin . . . it's a antifungal . . . I might be wrong, but I don't see how you could still have a fungal problem if you've been careful with your diet . . . I'd stop taking antifungals all together and start pushing probiotics. It's more likely a lack of friendly organisms . . . That's where Primal Defense, Acidopholis, Three Lac, etc. come in. . . Those are the organisms that help with digestion. You may feel uncomfortable with them for a little while . .. but then it should smooth out. Probiotic foods . . . Kefir, yogurt and sauerkraut are all good probiotic foods too. Also, have you tried using apple cider vinegar? . . . Just mix with water and drink it. I'd start with a half a teaspoon, and gradually work up to at least a tablespoon. Check this website: http://www.bragg.com/products/applecidervinegar.html. I talked with a man tonight who swears by it for digestion!Hugs,Rogene

Who's never won? Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL Music.

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Yes champion juicer are great and I have one also..........shelly

In a message dated 2/8/2008 10:39:41 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, perfecthealth68@... writes:

Hi Beth! I have a Champion Juicer. Ours is the black one on this link http://www.championjuicer.com/models.html My husband checked out the different types of juicers because we wanted the type that Gerson Therapy recommends. The Champion was the same type but much less expensive brand.It's great because you can also make sorbet with it...just toss frozen cherries or frozen bananas in...the boys love it and so much healthier than ice cream.I use the Champion for vegetable juices because it takes out the pulp. Sometimes I add a little bit in for fiber. The kids love Waldorf juices (celery, granny smith apple and lemon together).For all fruit juices and smoothies though, I use a Vitamix because I like my fruit juices full of pulp and it's just easier clean up than the Champion Juicer. The Vitamix was a gift and to me I don't see how it's really any different than a blender except that it can blend veggies into hot soups (I've never used it in that way though). https://secure.vitamix.com/acb/stores/4/Vita-Mix-5200-P748C108.aspxI personally wouldn't have a Vitamix if it wasn't a gift. I don't see that it's worth the cost in any way. I would think a regular blender would do the same. As far as how long to do the fast...only you can determine that. I started out doing a one day fast here and there. Tried to do a 6 day but only lasted 2 1/2 days due to massive brain fog. Just depends on how your body reacts. I would think it eventually gets easier the more you do...at least I hope that's how it is. I really want to do a week long one! Love, PH>> Is there a specific juicer that you recommend??? How long should I do a juice fast??? I was thinking of trying a liver flush and following with a 3 day juice fast. I do not think I could do much longer than that.> > Much Love,> Beth> > > Rogene/Patty> > > Hi Ladies,> > Since I am such an "unique" case, I wanted to pick your brains. Have > you ever had anyone in the group or have read about anyone having > abodminal pain that moves around? Now that I am not on the diet, I > still have pain BUT it's in different places. What I mean is, I now > have sinus pain, lower back pain along with the gas and bloating . > When I'm on the diet, the pain is in the squeezing under my ribcage > that goes all round my torse, pelvic pain along with bloating and > gas...and of course lets not forget my constant burbing.> > I have always felt that I did not have the symptoms that most of the > woman in this group have. No joint pain, brain fog, hair falling > out, swollen lymph nodes, etc.....none of those things. Only IBS > symptoms. I think that's why it took me so long to figure out that > this maybe my implants. When I researched problems with implants it > never talked about IBS but all the other symptoms that the other > ladies have. I noticed in the first page of this forum, it does not > mention IBS. Sometimes I wonder if I've even figured out my problem > yet. > > Thanks for you implant!> Cherie> > > > > > > > Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. > > > > > > > Who's never won? Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL Music.> > > > ________________________________________________________________________> Never miss a thing. Make your home page. > http://www./r/hs> Who's never won? Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL Music.

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I know to make a alkalizing drink you add honey and apple cider vinegar but if over loaded in toxins

with candidasis use lemon in your water. Lots of it. I dont know about alone it just on the list not to use until probiotics are in the picture and yeast subsides.

In a message dated 2/8/2008 10:29:46 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, saxony01@... writes:

Especially if you add honey . . . Does Gerson think Apple Cider Vinegar alone will encourage Candida?Rogene

Who's never won? Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL Music.

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Rogene - I feel the same way about getting cleaned out by having a colonoscopy. I had one right before I had my implants out just to make sure nothing else could be causing my digestion problems. That is when they said I had IBS but after having the scope, they could not confirm it. They found NOTHING wrong with me. However, after cleaning myself out, I had NO problems with my tummy....until I got explanted and got more antibiotics. Now I am back to square 1. I actually kinda want to use the same thing they use for colonoscopies to clean me back out but it is RX only so I an not get it. Any suggestions??? Maybe I would benefit a great deal by doing a colon or liver

flush. What do you think??? Maybe I should clean myself out and take plenty of probotics...that may just be what I need!!!!! I just can not feel comfortable with trying a coffee enema.....

Much Love,


Re: Re: Rogene/Patty

No Cherie,I don't know about colon hydroptherapy . . . But if it was me, I'd try anything that had a chance to help me feel better - without making me worse. From what you've described, I think it would help you.I've had enough colonoscopies to be cleaned out thoroughly. Good luck with it! . . . Patty can help you with what you go through fasting . . . I haven't done it either. . . There may be a to get past the irritable stage. I don't think it lasts very long.Seriously Cherie . . . you are lucky! . . . I know you don't feel that way right now though.Hugs,Rogene

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PH - thanks for the great advice and the link for the book. I plan to read it and get a good understanding as to what is going on with me. Also, I was wondering about he Yogi tea. I have thought about geting some and trying it but hesitate because I do not want to make myself worse. I know everyone feels that way and although there are no quarentees, it sounds like in the long run it will help.

I may be calling on you in the next week or so to help me through a liver flush and possible 3 day fast since you just did one. I'll keep you posted!!!!

Much Love,


Re: Rogene/Patty

Hi Cherie and Beth,April's right...I had a ton of gut issues to the point I think I developed Leaky Gut. Everything I put in my mouth, even water, made me bloat. I no longer have gut symptoms...just the brain fog and vision stuff which could be from LG or it could be from toxins or both. A really great book is Digestive Wellness by Lipski. It explains all the things required for good digestion and how the gut is really central to the immune system. Very easy to read and a great reference!http://www.amazon. com/gp/product/ 0071441964Basically what I did was eliminate dairy and gluten, take caprylic acid for 16 days and Fungal Defense for 2 weeks. I also take probiotics morning and night and digestive enzymes with each meal. (I know you can't do supplements too well, Cherie...this sounds crazy

but I saw an article on how EFT helped a man rid himself of all sensitivity to foods and supplements. I'll try to dig it up.) Also, one thing I do is drink the liquid from sauerkraut occasionally. ..hated it at first but now it's delicious! Kefir might work well for you too.I just came back from a colonic and I really think it's helping a ton. The problem is you have to do several to really get to the old fecal matter that lines the pockets of the colon. Once you do that, absorption of nutrients increases and the chance for yeast decreases. She asked how my diet has been the last 2 days because she said she saw a lot of mucous (sorry if this is TMI!)and said I must have had some sugar. She was right! I had splurged on quite a few cookies a couple days ago just to see what would happen and obviously I'm not ready to do that yet.One thing she mentioned was that she thought I needed

Oxypowder. I thought she was trying to just sell me something but she had mercury toxicity and systemic candida herself and swears by it. She told me to order it from amazon. I probably will.Remind yourself it just takes time. Our guts have major imbalances and it takes a while to change the ecosystem of it as well as heal any damage. Jordan Rubin had it bad and it took him 2 years. As far as the pain I had some too the other night but it felt like a bladder infection might be coming on. I took Patty's advice and drank Yogi Detox Tea...after 5 cups, no more pain. It has a lot of herbs and spices in it that are good for killing parasites. That might help with your gut too. Love, PH> >> > Hi Ladies,> > > > Since I am such an "unique" case, I wanted to pick your brains. > Have > > you ever had anyone in the group or have read about anyone having > > abodminal pain that moves around? Now that I am not on the diet, I > > still have pain BUT it's in different places. What I mean is, I now > > have sinus pain, lower back pain along with the gas and bloating . > > When I'm on the diet, the pain is in the squeezing under my ribcage > > that goes all round my torse, pelvic pain along with bloating and > > gas...and of course lets not forget my constant burbing.> > > > I have always felt

that I did not have the symptoms that most of > the > > woman in this group have. No joint pain, brain fog, hair falling > > out, swollen lymph nodes, etc.....none of those things. Only IBS > > symptoms. I think that's why it took me so long to figure out that > > this maybe my implants. When I researched problems with implants it > > never talked about IBS but all the other symptoms that the other > > ladies have. I noticed in the first page of this forum, it does not > > mention IBS. Sometimes I wonder if I've even figured out my problem > > yet. > > > > Thanks for you implant!> > Cherie> >> > Cherie,> > Sorry, I'm not Rogene or Patty. :o) I just wanted to say I've had > IBS symptoms, as well. I had some of the symptoms before implants, > too, but they got progressively

worse after getting them. This, > despite my efforts to get better (diet, supplements, etc). I just > got explanted 4 days ago, and still have the gut gurgling/rumbling, > gas, cramping, etc. But I know it will take time to get better. > > I'm surprised you haven't seen IBS listed on any implant symptom > lists. I've actually seen it pretty frequently listed as a symptom. > I don't really understand all the reasons why implants can cause IBS > type problems. I know that they can compromise the immune system, > which gives opportunity for things like candida (which is one of my > problems).> > You might look for a woman on the group who goes by the name "Perfect > Health". She has had a lot of "gut" issues due to implants and is > pretty knowledgable about it. > > Hope you get better soon,>


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Cherie,I checked out Oregacillin . . . it's a antifungal . . . I might be wrong, but I don't see how you could still have a fungal problem if you've been careful with your diet . . . I'd stop taking antifungals all together and start pushing probiotics. It's more likely a lack of friendly organisms . . . That's where Primal Defense, Acidopholis, Three Lac, etc. come in. . . Those are the organisms that help with digestion. You may feel uncomfortable with them for a little while . .. but then it should smooth out. Probiotic foods . . . Kefir, yogurt and sauerkraut are all good probiotic foods too. Also, have you tried using apple cider vinegar? . . . Just mix with water and

drink it. I'd start with a half a teaspoon, and gradually work up to at least a tablespoon. Check this website: http://www.bragg.com/products/applecidervinegar.html. I talked with a man tonight who swears by it for digestion!Hugs,Rogene

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I think you can find name brand juicers (and virtually any other small appliance) on ebay for significant discounts.Watch out for fraud though . . . check seller's record.Rogene

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