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Important Steps for Health Recovery and maintenance

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Most Important Steps for Health Recovery and Maintenance

By Dr. Ben Kim on October 01, 2007

Personal and Environmental Wellness Natural Health Care

After badly dislocating my left shoulder while playing basketball during my first year of university, I began experimenting with a variety of strength-training techniques for my shoulders. Over the course of several years, I tried numerous strength-training programs that called for dozens of exercises with free weights and machines.

While I benefited from each program that I tried, I eventually realized that some exercises were more powerful than others in their overall effect on my physical strength. For example, I found that doing just a few sets of full body weight pull-ups was far more effective at strengthening my shoulder rotator cuff muscles than doing a dozen or more sets of dumbbell exercises that aimed to work just one rotator cuff at a time.

This was an important lesson for me to learn - the idea that with any objective in life, when a willingness to experiment and learn is combined with mindful observation of one's progress, it is possible to discover action steps that will most efficiently lead to desired results.

When it comes to recovering from any chronic health challenge, there are a number of steps that you can take to align your daily choices with healing. But some steps can produce a greater positive effect on your health than others. What follows are several action steps that I believe can most efficiently help you heal from any chronic health challenge and keep you healthy:

1. Reduce or eliminate your intake of harmful foods.

Foods that must be avoided, in my opinion, when looking to recover from a health challenge are:

Pasteurized dairy products - includes milk, cream, all types of cheese, ice cream, and baked goods that contain pasteurized dairy. Deep fried foods - includes French fries, potato chips, fried chicken, tempura, donuts, and frozen foods that were originally made by deep-frying. Margarine, shortening, and all products that contain hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils. Highly processed luncheon meats and sausage. Artificial food additives, especially MSG and aspartame. Products that contain protein isolates - found mainly in protein powder products and soy-based vegan products.

Foods that should be eaten sparingly, if at all, include:

Sugar - includes baked goods and packaged foods and drinks that are rich in sugar, like most commercially available breakfast cereals, fruit drinks, and pop. Large portions (more than 3 ounces per day) of factory farmed beef, chicken, and pork. Non-fish seafood - includes crab, lobster, shrimp, mussels, clams, and oysters.

How to mark your progress: At the end of each day, take note of how many times you ate one of the foods listed above. The goal is to start with one day per week during which you do not eat any of these foods, and then to increase this to two days per week the following week, and to continue with this gradual progression of "clean" days of eating until you consistently reach six to seven days of "clean" eating per week.

2. Strive to eat nutrient-rich foods that agree with your body.

For every calorie that you consume, you want to maximize the number of health-promoting nutrients that you provide to your cells; your body's self-healing and self-preserving mechanisms are best supported by a regular supply of undamaged amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and other plant-based compounds.

Here is a sample one-day menu of a nutrient-rich and health-promoting diet:

Breakfast:Smoothie made by blending 1-2 bananas, 1 cup blueberries, 1 cup strawberries, 1-2 cups of unsweetened nut or organic soy milk, and any food-based powder supplements that are available to you. (We add 1 tablespoon of greens and 2 teaspoons of acerola cherry powder to our morning smoothies.)

Lunch:Salad consisting of any type of leafy green lettuce, avocado, and balsamic vinegar salad dressing.

Hummus sandwich made by spreading a generous dollop of creamy hummus on a whole grain pita or other type of whole grain bread, and adding some slices of sweet red onion and ripe tomatoes.

Dinner:Plate of assorted steamed vegetables like broccoli, sweet potatoes, zucchini, asparagus, and green beans with a tahini dressing.

Omelette made with organic eggs and chives, cooked over low to medium heat with a tablespoon of extra-virgin olive oil.

Snacks:Raw pecans, goji berries, ripe fruits like mangoes and melons.

Clearly, there are endless varieties of nutrient-rich foods that you can mix and match to create health-supporting meals. The guiding principle to follow is to eat mainly fresh, plant-based foods, and to consider eating small portions of one or more high quality animal foods that your body is able to digest without difficulty.

How to mark your progress: As described in the previous section, aim to eat only nutrient-rich meals at least one day a week to begin with. At a pace that you are comfortable with, aim to get to a point where you are eating only nutrient-rich meals at least six days a week. When you get to six days of healthy eating per week on a consistent basis, if you don't have any health challenges, feel free to enjoy a meal or two that may not be super healthy one day a week. Allowing one "cheat" day per week in this manner if your health can handle it may be good for your overall health for a variety of reasons, such as enjoying relationships with people who are important to you but not as mindful of healthy eating.

3. Chew well.

Over the years, I've worked with a number of people who followed a nutrient-rich diet but had significant issues with their digestive tracts. And a good percentage of these people have benefited by prioritizing the habit of chewing their foods well.

Simply put, this point is critical to supporting your health because thorough chewing can dramatically increase the availability of the nutrients in the foods that you eat to your cells. If you don't chew well, it's quite possible that many of the nutrients in the foods that you eat are going right through your body without getting into your bloodstream to nourish your cells.

In cases where thorough chewing is not possible due to dental or other health challenges, I encourage regular use of a blender or food processor to ensure optimal access to the nutrients in the foods that you eat.

How to mark your progress: Take note of how comfortable your body - particularly your tummy - feels after your meals. Thorough chewing tends to promote comfortable digestion with minimal or no gas production. Also take note of how long it takes you to eat your meals. If you're able to eat an entire hummus sandwich and a green salad in five minutes, you can safely assume that you're not chewing well.

4. Get as much physical rest as your life circumstances allow.

The single most important experience in my personal health journey thus far was a 2-week water fast that I experienced in the late 90's, which was directly followed up by a 3-week period of eating nothing but fresh fruits, vegetables, their juices, and a few grain dishes.

Spending a total of five weeks focusing on giving my body as much physical rest as possible allowed my damaged and exhausted organs to recover and learn how to function optimally again.

Regular physical rest promotes healthy endocrine function, including the release of optimal amounts of health-promoting hormones like growth hormone, testosterone, and erythropoietin - these hormones are essential requirements for your body to heal damaged organs.

Your body is always doing its best to restore your health with whatever energy and resources are available within your lifestyle. Regular physical rest guarantees that your body has sufficient energy and resources to devote to healing.

While doing a water fast in a peaceful environment is a wonderful way to experience rejuvenating physical rest, just arranging your lifestyle to allow for restful sleep each night can make a huge and positive difference in your health.

How to mark your progress: You can know that you are getting adequate physical rest if do not regularly feel tired during your activities of daily living. If you make an effort to get more sleep but still feel tired, stick with your efforts, as your body may need to catch up on many hours of sleep debt that you have accrued over time.

5. Don't forget about getting sufficient emotional rest.

If you're getting plenty of physical rest but experiencing significant emotional distress on a regular basis, you are still using up precious energy and resources that could otherwise be used to support your health.

Emotional distress equals greater activity within your sympathetic nervous system, as well as greater output of stress-related hormones like cortisol. And higher-than-necessary sympathetic tone along with a high blood level of cortisol can make it extremely difficult to recover from chronic health challenges. In fact, these conditions are likely to worsen existing health challenges, and even create new ones.

Getting adequate emotional rest can be more difficult than getting sufficient physical rest because it can sometimes require that you find ways to transcend deeply-rooted emotional scars and issues. Getting over an abusive relationship or any other emotionally traumatic experience may be one of the most difficult challenges that you face during your lifetime.

If you need help with this area of your life, here are some resources that may be helpful to you:

How Chronic Emotional Stress Can Ruin Your Health

How to Protect Your Health Against Toxic Behavior

How to mark your progress: Take some time each evening before you go to bed to sit or lie quietly while you take note of how peaceful or anxious you feel. It's fine to feel anxious about new and exciting experiences; what you don't want is to experience chronic anxiety for any reason. The goal is to get to a point where you feel peaceful and balanced more often than not.

6. Discover and pursue personally meaningful purposes.

It's difficult for anyone to stay motivated to make healthy dietary and lifestyle choices without something to look forward to each day.

If you currently do not have interests or passions that drive you to take good care of your health on a daily basis, I encourage you to spend some time thinking about times in your life when you felt deeply appreciated by another person. Whatever you did to have someone else appreciate you is a great starting point when looking to discover and pursue a meaningful life purpose.

For more guidance on finding your unique life purpose, please feel free to read:

Finding Your Unique Life Purpose

How to mark your progress: Take note of how you feel when you wake up each morning. Do you feel excited about the day ahead? If not, spend more time thinking about personally meaningful pursuits, particularly those that involve helping others help themselves.

7. Support your physical structure with regular physical activity and easily-applied therapies like acupressure and stretching.

If your daily responsibilities don't require regular physical activity, I encourage you to find a form of physical activity that you truly enjoy, and strive to make time for it at least a couple of times per week. Doing so will provide essential stimulation to your entire body to stay healthy, but particularly to your bones, muscles, ligaments, heart, blood vessels, and lungs.

For guidance on how to use self-applied acupressure to support the health of your nervous system, view:

Three Acupressure Points that can Significantly Improve Your Health

For guidance on how to keep your spine healthy via passive stretching, view:

How to Safely Stretch Your Spine

To learn essential keys to preventing unnecessary injury while stretching all of your major muscle groups, view:

Active Isolated Stretching

How to mark your progress: In striving to be physically active and using tools like acupressure and stretching to your benefit, the goal is to feel light, strong, and flexible, like you can work all day hauling bricks, or jog or run several miles if an emergency called for it. Take note of how physically free and capable you feel on a daily basis and modify or maintain your efforts accordingly.

Beyond the seven action steps described above, avoiding recreational drugs and getting regular exposure to sunlight (without getting burned) and fresh air are additional action steps that if taken, can quickly lead to measurable health benefits.

The main idea that I hope has come across in this article is that it is possible to be efficient in recovering from a health challenge and maintaining good overall health. The action steps listed above are ones that I strive to take every day to maintain my health. They're also the recommendations that I think anyone with a chronic health challenge should consider following before resorting to conventional medical treatments that involve drugs and/or surgery.

If you're relatively new to the idea that there's no better way to support health recovery and experience excellent health than to consistently make healthy food and lifestyle choices, please feel free to spend some time reading the articles that are referenced throughout this one. And if you are currently working to overcome a chronic health challenge, I hope that this article helps to inspire and fuel your recovery.Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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Hey Dede,

I love when you post these things because i can print them out and

actually have them in front of me to follow; just one problemn with

this list, All the foods that were listed not to eat is considered

the four baic food groups in an Italian family like mine. I didnt

relize there was other food besides sauasage, meat, fish and

oil...lol Can you buy the recommended " healthy " foods in any food

store or are they carried only at specialty stores?



> Most Important Steps for Health Recovery and Maintenance


> By _Dr. Ben Kim_ (http://drbenkim.com/user/1) on October 01,


> * _Personal and Environmental Wellness_

> (http://drbenkim.com/category/categories/personal-and-


> * _Natural Health Care_

> (http://drbenkim.com/category/categories/natural-health-care)


> After badly dislocating my left shoulder while playing basketball

during my

> first year of university, I began experimenting with a variety of

> strength-training techniques for my shoulders. Over the course of

several years, I tried

> numerous strength-training programs that called for dozens of

exercises with

> free weights and machines.

> While I benefited from each program that I tried, I eventually

realized that

> some exercises were more powerful than others in their overall

effect on my

> physical strength. For example, I found that doing just a few sets

of full

> body weight pull-ups was far more effective at strengthening my

shoulder rotator

> cuff muscles than doing a dozen or more sets of dumbbell

exercises that

> aimed to work just one rotator cuff at a time.

> This was an important lesson for me to learn - the idea that with


> objective in life, when a willingness to experiment and learn is

combined with

> mindful observation of one's progress, it is possible to discover

action steps

> that will most efficiently lead to desired results.

> When it comes to recovering from any chronic health challenge,

there are a

> number of steps that you can take to align your daily choices with

healing. But

> some steps can produce a greater positive effect on your health

than others.

> What follows are several action steps that I believe can most


> help you heal from any chronic health challenge and keep you


> 1. Reduce or eliminate your intake of harmful foods.

> Foods that must be avoided, in my opinion, when looking to recover

from a

> health challenge are:

> * Pasteurized dairy products - includes milk, cream, all

types of

> cheese, ice cream, and baked goods that contain pasteurized


> * Deep fried foods - includes French fries, potato chips,


> chicken, tempura, donuts, and frozen foods that were originally

made by deep-frying.


> * Margarine, shortening, and all products that contain

hydrogenated or

> partially hydrogenated oils.

> * Highly processed luncheon meats and sausage.

> * Artificial food additives, especially MSG and aspartame.

> * Products that contain protein isolates - found mainly in


> powder products and soy-based vegan products.

> Foods that should be eaten sparingly, if at all, include:

> * Sugar - includes baked goods and packaged foods and drinks

that are

> rich in sugar, like most commercially available breakfast

cereals, fruit

> drinks, and pop.

> * Large portions (more than 3 ounces per day) of factory

farmed beef,

> chicken, and pork.

> * Non-fish seafood - includes crab, lobster, shrimp,

mussels, clams,

> and oysters.


> How to mark your progress: At the end of each day, take note of

how many

> times you ate one of the foods listed above. The goal is to start

with one day

> per week during which you do not eat any of these foods, and then

to increase

> this to two days per week the following week, and to continue

with this

> gradual progression of " clean " days of eating until you

consistently reach six to

> seven days of " clean " eating per week.

> 2. Strive to eat nutrient-rich foods that agree with your body.

> For every calorie that you consume, you want to maximize the

number of

> health-promoting nutrients that you provide to your cells; your


> self-healing and self-preserving mechanisms are best supported by

a regular supply of

> undamaged amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and other


> compounds.

> Here is a sample one-day menu of a nutrient-rich and health-

promoting diet:

> Breakfast:

> Smoothie made by blending 1-2 bananas, 1 cup blueberries, 1 cup

> strawberries, 1-2 cups of unsweetened nut or organic soy milk,

and any food-based powder

> supplements that are available to you. (We add 1 tablespoon of


> (http://drbenkim.com/greens.html) and 2 teaspoons of _acerola

cherry powder_

> (http://drbenkim.com/natural-vitamin-c-benefits.htm) to our

morning smoothies.)

> Lunch:

> Salad consisting of any type of leafy green lettuce, avocado, and


> vinegar salad dressing.

> Hummus sandwich made by spreading a generous dollop of _creamy


> (http://drbenkim.com/recipeshummus.html) on a whole grain pita

or other type of

> whole grain bread, and adding some slices of sweet red onion and

ripe tomatoes.

> Dinner:

> Plate of assorted steamed vegetables like broccoli, sweet


> zucchini, asparagus, and green beans with a _tahini dressing_

> (http://drbenkim.com/recipestahinidressing.html) .

> Omelette made with organic eggs and chives, cooked over low to

medium heat

> with a tablespoon of extra-virgin olive oil.

> Snacks:

> Raw pecans, _goji berries_ (http://drbenkim.com/organic-goji-

berries.htm) ,

> ripe fruits like mangoes and melons.

> Clearly, there are endless varieties of nutrient-rich foods that

you can mix

> and match to create health-supporting meals. The guiding principle

to follow

> is to eat mainly fresh, plant-based foods, and to consider eating


> portions of one or more high quality animal foods that your body

is able to digest

> without difficulty.

> How to mark your progress: As described in the previous section,

aim to eat

> only nutrient-rich meals at least one day a week to begin with.

At a pace

> that you are comfortable with, aim to get to a point where you

are eating only

> nutrient-rich meals at least six days a week. When you get to six

days of

> healthy eating per week on a consistent basis, if you don't have

any health

> challenges, feel free to enjoy a meal or two that may not be

super healthy one day

> a week. Allowing one " cheat " day per week in this manner if your

health can

> handle it may be good for your overall health for a variety of

reasons, such

> as enjoying relationships with people who are important to you

but not as

> mindful of healthy eating.

> 3. Chew well.

> Over the years, I've worked with a number of people who followed


> nutrient-rich diet but had significant issues with their digestive

tracts. And a good

> percentage of these people have benefited by prioritizing the

habit of

> chewing their foods well.

> Simply put, this point is critical to supporting your health

because thorough

> chewing can dramatically increase the availability of the

nutrients in the

> foods that you eat to your cells. If you don't chew well, it's

quite possible

> that many of the nutrients in the foods that you eat are going

right through

> your body without getting into your bloodstream to nourish your


> In cases where thorough chewing is not possible due to dental or

other health

> challenges, I encourage regular use of a blender or food

processor to ensure

> optimal access to the nutrients in the foods that you eat.

> How to mark your progress: Take note of how comfortable your

body -

> particularly your tummy - feels after your meals. Thorough

chewing tends to promote

> comfortable digestion with minimal or no gas production. Also

take note of how

> long it takes you to eat your meals. If you're able to eat an

entire hummus

> sandwich and a green salad in five minutes, you can safely assume

that you're

> not chewing well.

> 4. Get as much physical rest as your life circumstances allow.

> The single most important experience in my personal health journey

thus far

> was a 2-week water fast that I experienced in the late 90's, which


> directly followed up by a 3-week period of eating nothing but

fresh fruits,

> vegetables, their juices, and a few grain dishes.

> Spending a total of five weeks focusing on giving my body as much


> rest as possible allowed my damaged and exhausted organs to

recover and learn

> how to function optimally again.

> Regular physical rest promotes healthy endocrine function,

including the

> release of optimal amounts of health-promoting hormones like

growth hormone,

> testosterone, and erythropoietin - these hormones are essential

requirements for

> your body to heal damaged organs.

> Your body is always doing its best to restore your health with


> energy and resources are available within your lifestyle. Regular

physical rest

> guarantees that your body has sufficient energy and resources to

devote to

> healing.

> While doing a water fast in a peaceful environment is a wonderful

way to

> experience rejuvenating physical rest, just arranging your

lifestyle to allow

> for restful sleep each night can make a huge and positive

difference in your

> health.

> How to mark your progress: You can know that you are getting


> physical rest if do not regularly feel tired during your

activities of daily

> living. If you make an effort to get more sleep but still feel

tired, stick with

> your efforts, as your body may need to catch up on many hours of

sleep debt

> that you have accrued over time.




> 5. Don't forget about getting sufficient emotional rest.

> If you're getting plenty of physical rest but experiencing


> emotional distress on a regular basis, you are still using up

precious energy and

> resources that could otherwise be used to support your health.

> Emotional distress equals greater activity within your sympathetic


> system, as well as greater output of stress-related hormones like

cortisol. And

> higher-than-necessary sympathetic tone along with a high blood

level of

> cortisol can make it extremely difficult to recover from chronic


> challenges. In fact, these conditions are likely to worsen

existing health challenges,

> and even create new ones.

> Getting adequate emotional rest can be more difficult than getting


> physical rest because it can sometimes require that you find ways


> transcend deeply-rooted emotional scars and issues. Getting over

an abusive

> relationship or any other emotionally traumatic experience may be

one of the most

> difficult challenges that you face during your lifetime.

> If you need help with this area of your life, here are some

resources that

> may be helpful to you:

> _How Chronic Emotional Stress Can Ruin Your Health_

> (http://drbenkim.com/reduce-stress.html)

> _How to Protect Your Health Against Toxic Behavior_

> (http://drbenkim.com/toxic-people-behavior.html)

> How to mark your progress: Take some time each evening before you

go to bed

> to sit or lie quietly while you take note of how peaceful or

anxious you

> feel. It's fine to feel anxious about new and exciting

experiences; what you

> don't want is to experience chronic anxiety for any reason. The

goal is to get to

> a point where you feel peaceful and balanced more often than not.

> 6. Discover and pursue personally meaningful purposes.

> It's difficult for anyone to stay motivated to make healthy

dietary and

> lifestyle choices without something to look forward to each day.

> If you currently do not have interests or passions that drive you

to take

> good care of your health on a daily basis, I encourage you to

spend some time

> thinking about times in your life when you felt deeply appreciated

by another

> person. Whatever you did to have someone else appreciate you is a


> starting point when looking to discover and pursue a meaningful

life purpose.

> For more guidance on finding your unique life purpose, please feel

free to

> read:

> _Finding Your Unique Life Purpose_

> (http://drbenkim.com/find-unique-life-purpose.html)

> How to mark your progress: Take note of how you feel when you

wake up each

> morning. Do you feel excited about the day ahead? If not, spend

more time

> thinking about personally meaningful pursuits, particularly those

that involve

> helping others help themselves.

> 7. Support your physical structure with regular physical activity


> easily-applied therapies like acupressure and stretching.

> If your daily responsibilities don't require regular physical

activity, I

> encourage you to find a form of physical activity that you truly

enjoy, and

> strive to make time for it at least a couple of times per week.

Doing so will

> provide essential stimulation to your entire body to stay healthy,


> particularly to your bones, muscles, ligaments, heart, blood

vessels, and lungs.

> For guidance on how to use self-applied acupressure to support the

health of

> your nervous system, view:

> _Three Acupressure Points that can Significantly Improve Your


> (http://drbenkim.com/acupressure-points.html)

> For guidance on how to keep your spine healthy via passive

stretching, view:

> _How to Safely Stretch Your Spine_

> (http://drbenkim.com/stretch-spine-joint.html)

> To learn essential keys to preventing unnecessary injury while

stretching all

> of your major muscle groups, view:

> _Active Isolated Stretching_

> (http://drbenkim.com/active-isolated-stretching.html)

> How to mark your progress: In striving to be physically active

and using

> tools like acupressure and stretching to your benefit, the goal

is to feel

> light, strong, and flexible, like you can work all day hauling

bricks, or jog or

> run several miles if an emergency called for it. Take note of how


> free and capable you feel on a daily basis and modify or maintain

your efforts

> accordingly.

> Beyond the seven action steps described above, avoiding

recreational drugs

> and getting regular exposure to sunlight (without getting burned)

and fresh

> air are additional action steps that if taken, can quickly lead

to measurable

> health benefits.

> The main idea that I hope has come across in this article is that

it is

> possible to be efficient in recovering from a health challenge

and maintaining

> good overall health. The action steps listed above are ones that

I strive to

> take every day to maintain my health. They're also the

recommendations that I

> think anyone with a chronic health challenge should consider

following before

> resorting to conventional medical treatments that involve drugs


> surgery.

> If you're relatively new to the idea that there's no better way to


> health recovery and experience excellent health than to

consistently make

> healthy food and lifestyle choices, please feel free to spend some

time reading

> the articles that are referenced throughout this one. And if you

are currently

> working to overcome a chronic health challenge, I hope that this


> helps to inspire and fuel your recovery.




> **************Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in


> http://body.aol.com/fitness/winter-exercise?



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