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Re: Emailing: Frequently Asked Questions About Silicone Poisoning

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Thank you, Sweet Lynda:

I had the complete bloodwork done yesterday, and my family doctor should have the results this week. I was on a much higher dose, but I have forgotten what it was. The depression and sadness is just too much.

Honey, I feel sad for you, because we all hate to see you going through this pain. Just rest, and let us know how you are doing when you feel up to it.

We all love you....Lea


Re: Emailing: Frequently Asked Questions >About Silicone Poisoning>>Boy, you sure wish people like this would really get the information>out that these implants have to be removed properly. This does>nothing to help women get that info.>>Lyndd>>At 08:12 AM 5/19/2008, you wrote:>> >> >> >Frequently Asked Questions> >> >About Silicone & Implants> >[]> >> >> > <site_map.htm>Site Map> >1. How can I have my implants removed since my medical insurance > will not pay?> >I do not know what your financial status is - however; in California> >there is a medical program called ATP (may be available in other> >states). Ability To Pay - if you do not have cash or assets, you> >contact your local county hospital - administration and ask them> >about this and different programs for which you may qualify. They> >also have Social Workers to assist you, and many national> >organizations also have Social Workers available to help at a very> >minimal cost. Tell them how sick you are and that you need an> >appointment to see a breast surgeon. Another possible way to do it,> >is just to ask for an appointment at the County Hospital Breast> >Clinic. It is absolutely necessary to document your pain,> >suffering, and symptoms and bring this documentation with you to> >every appointment. You can get this done - you need to take action> >every day toward your goal so your health is not more severely compromised.> ><disability_code_silicone_poison.htm>2. Am I entitled to Social> >Security Disability due to Silicone Poisoning?> >Yes! Click on the question above and it will take you to my web> >page which explains this. In most cases, you will need multiple> >doctors with all of your diagnoses. Many women suffering from> >Silicone Poisoning have never been diagnosed with this> >disease. They are frequently diagnosed with Auto-immune, Lupus,> >Multiple Sclerosis, cancer, various tumors, Multiple Myeloma,> >Connective Tissue, Rheumatoid Arthritis, glaucoma, carpal tunnel and> >tarsal tunnel syndromes, asthma, allergies, to name only a few.> ><symptoms_of_silicone_poisoning.htm>3. What are the symptoms of> >Silicone Poisoning?> >Click on the question above and it will take you to the page in my> >web site which list just a few of my symptoms. Go to the> ><helpful_links.htm>Helpful Links page and visit other relevant web> >sites to research and learn about other women's symptoms that may be> >similar to yours. Remember that each of us has different symptoms> >depending upon how our individual bodies react to the silicone poisoning.> >4. Why have doctors diagnosed me with a multitude of> >illnesses/diseases - except Silicone Poisoning?> >Because most doctors will not acknowledge that silicone poisoning> >exists. They mostly fear being ostracized by the AMA. Doctors that> >are knowledgeable about Silicone Poisoning and the devastating and> >debilitating effects of silicone and other implants are far and few between.> >5. Why does my doctor tell me my medical symptoms are all in my head?> >Usually because the symptoms are bizarre, to a medical doctor they> >appear to be unconnected with any disease in their experience. An> >M.D. thinks in blocks of symptoms that fit 'one' particular> >disease. Silicone Poisoning runs the gamut of symptoms and crosses> >lines of many diseases. <symptoms_of_silicone_poisoning.htm>Please> >click on this link to compare your symptoms to mine.> >6. I do not feel sick, why should I consider having my implants removed?> >You need to consider having your implants removed (called> >explantation) before your health deteriorates. Many women report no> >adverse health effects for ten years. Every individual> >differs. One woman recently died of total body sepsis (infection)> >after only four weeks from implantation. Others report that they> >just thought they had the flu, had frequent colds, and never> >recovered. It is important to remember that it is always not only> >the amount of poison in the body, but the length of time the poison> >is in the body before it is removed, that does the> >harm. <recipe_for_death.htm>Silicone is made up of numerous major> >toxins and known carcinogens. Also implants have an average> >shelf-life of only 8 years. Many plastic surgeons never inform the> >patient the implants need to be replaced several times over your> >lifetime. They disintegrate, they sometimes burst from impact, they> >can leak, and they can adversely impact your children's health if> >you breast feed.> >7. I have been explanted, and now, I feel worse! I felt terrible> >before, but now I am worse, how can this be?> >Prior to explantation, your body was using all resources to fight> >the invasion of the foreign matter (implants/toxins), possibly by> >encapsulating the implants, setting your immune system on major> >attack to fight off this huge amount of poison in your system. Once> >explantation or mastectomies occur, the body then goes into> >overdrive once again attempting to rid your body of the remainder of> >silicone and toxins in all your major organs and system. Think of> >how your body reacts to the flu, your head hurts, your stomach> >hurts, you throw up, you have diarrhea, your whole body aches, you> >have chills and fever. Silicone Poisoning is the flu a million> >times magnified over years.> >8. If I am explanted, will I ever feel better?> >Many do. Some don't. It may take weeks, months, or even years. It> >depends upon your personal physical constitution, the genetics you> >inherited, your positive attitude, diet, and good medical care> >without taking in as few other toxins as possible.> >9. Is there any way to remove all of the silicone and poisons from my body?> >No. Never. Within 24 hours of insertion in the body, the silicone> >and poisons are in every major organ of your body.> >10. Where can I find a Plastic Surgeon in my area to do an explantation?> >You don't necessarily need a plastic surgeon. A breast surgeon also> >does this. I recommend contacting your local Breast Cancer Society> >branch and asking if they have recommendations. Also contact your> >local County Hospital and ask if their Breast Clinic does> >explantations. Many women have listened to the Plastic Surgeon that> >implanted them - who usually urges them to leave them in, using fear> >of body disfigurement as a tool. Not if, but when, the implants> >leak, usually a Plastic Surgeon will encourage the patient to have> >them replaced. Remember that the doctor can say anything to you> >verbally and deny it later. You need to read, and re-read, the fine> >print on the surgical release form and the medical study research> >form provided by the manufacturer of the implants. I also recommend> >you visit the web site of Dr. Feng in Ohio. Many women rave about> >her care and her explantation techniques. If you cannot travel to> >Ohio, possibly she can refer you to someone reputable and> >experienced in your area. Please click on this> >link: <<http://www.drfeng.com/>http://www.drfeng.com>www.drfeng.com> >11. If Silicone and Saline Implants make a person sick, why does> >the FDA still allow implants?> >Many of the Breast Implants now being done are under the guise of> >"medical research" or were grandfathered into allow ability because> >of loopholes in the system, both legal and medical. Plastic> >Surgeons are one of the wealthiest groups in the world and have> >major access to lobby government politicians and agencies into not> >acknowledging the major inherent medical problems.> >12. Why doesn't my doctor know about Silicone Poisoning?> >Many doctors go by the book - the AMA Gospel (American Medical> >Association) which is another political organization for the> >promotion of allopathic medicine - right or wrong. Many medical> >doctors fear being ostracized by their peers, or downright ridiculed> >in the media as 'quacks'.> >13. Why can't I get a doctor to diagnose Silicone Poisoning?> >You can. I did, from a Plastic Surgeon at a County Hospital. It> >takes much research and documentation on your part, persistence,> >educating doctors and other health care workers - which have much> >resistance to your knowing more. It depends on how important it is to you.> >14. Should I tell my doctor I have implants?> >Absolutely! Many women fear ridicule from their personal> >physician. Implants are an important health factor in correctly> >diagnosing your health problems. And absolutely have yearly> >mammograms or MRIs to detect if your implants are leaking or deteriorating.> ><recipe_for_death.htm>15. What are some of the ingredients in implants?> >I have listed only a few of the 38 known ingredients in silicone> >which are major <recipe_for_death.htm>Neuro (nervous system) toxins> >and known banned carcinogens. Click on the question above to take> >you to the page within my web site.> >16. Do Saline implants include any silicone?> >Absolutely, yes. The pouch surrounding the saline implant is made> >of silicone.> >17. I have had a mastectomy and my doctor recommends implants, should I?> >No. Your health has already been compromised. Implantation> >threatens to further compromise your health and your bodies ability to heal.> > 18. I have not had any breast implants, yet I still have many of> > the symptoms you list in your symptoms, how can that be?> >> >This can happen because all injectable needles are coated with> >silicone for easier injection into the skin. Many body replacement> >parts such as hip and knee replacement joints are coated with> >silicone. It depends on your personal response to any amount of> >silicone. Lipstick has silicone in the ingredients. I suffer> >severe allergic reactions from Pledge Furniture Polish. Take the> >time to read the ingredients of any products you use, including> >beauty products.> >> >> >19. Why do I never read in the newspaper or hear on the news of> >deaths attributed to Silicone Poisoning?> >> >> >Because deaths due to Silicone Poisoning are attributed to the> >diseases the person has been diagnosed with in writing in medical> >records such as various types of cancer, respiratory failure, kidney> >failure, liver failure, among hundreds of reasons on the death> >certificate. Those of us suffering, and dying, from Silicone> >Poisoning know the truth - as do our families. You need to consider> >the amount of advertising in newspapers, magazines, and the media in> >general by Plastic Surgeons, and then tell me these media outlets> >are going to cut off their nose to spite their face.> >> >> >20. My daughter is 13 years old and only one of her breasts has> >developed, the other breast is much smaller. This is causing my> >daughter much embarrassment and I know it contributes to her> >shyness, so I am encouraging her to have breast implants. Why shouldn't I?> >> >> >Your daughter's body is still forming. Her other breast may> >increase in size and catch up with the rest of her body over the> >next four to six years. All teenagers are self-conscious and> >embarrassed about something - especially feeling awkward in their> >newly blossoming bodies. You are the parent. Your child looks to> >you for direction. Are you teaching your child that her looks make> >the person? Are you teaching her the reverence of life as God gives> >it to us? Are you teaching your child, that if there is something> >she does not like, that there is a quick fix? What are the> >long-term ramifications of your own attitude on your> >daughter's. Are you willing to gamble with your daughter's health> >so she looks like society believes she should look?> >> >> >21. Who do you think you are giving this kind of advice?> >> >> >I know that I am a woman who made a very bad decision to have> >silicone injections in my breasts in 1971. I have suffered for many> >years, and am now suffering the consequences of believing a medical> >doctor who told me the injections were perfectly safe. (Sound familiar?).> >> >> >22. What about all the women who have implants and highly recommend> >having implants?> >> >> >I say, "Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do." You> >are not that person. Each person's body reacts differently to> >implants. Some women experience immediate inflammatory reactions to> >the implants. Others do not connect the nebulous, what appear to be> >unconnected, physical, emotional and mental symptoms they experience> >with having been implanted with saline or silicone implants until> >their health deteriorates to the point they are totally disabled.> >> >> ><<http://htmlgear.tripod.com/guest/control.guest?u=jussta & i=1001 & a= > view>http://htmlgear.tripod.com/guest/control.guest?u=jussta & i=1001 & a=view>View >> >My Guestbook> ><<http://htmlgear.tripod.com/guest/control.guest?u=jussta & i=1001 & a= > sign>http://htmlgear.tripod.com/guest/control.guest?u=jussta & i=1001 & a=sign>Sign >> >My Guestbook> >> >Hit Counter> >> >> >Would you like to be on my mailing list? Please Email Me with the> >Subject Line Jussta Subscribe!> >> ><mailto:jusstajussta?subject=FAQS Silicone Poisoning>Email Me> >> ><<http://www.jussta.com/site_map.htm>http://www.jussta.com/site_map > .htm>Site Map> >> >This web site, all pages, text, images, & photographs are the> >copyrighted property of Jussta> > Copyright 2000-2008 Jussta by Jussta> >> >> >>>><http://promos.hotbar.com/promos/promodll.dll?RunPromo & El= & SG= & RAND=28386 & partner=hotbar>>Upgrade Your Email - Click here!>>>

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We can write Justa and ask her to include information about proper

explant. I'll do it.



> >

> >

> >Frequently Asked Questions

> >

> >About Silicone & Implants

> >[]

> >

> >

> > <site_map.htm>Site Map

> >1. How can I have my implants removed since my medical insurance

will not pay?

> >I do not know what your financial status is - however; in


> >there is a medical program called ATP (may be available in other

> >states). Ability To Pay - if you do not have cash or assets, you

> >contact your local county hospital - administration and ask them

> >about this and different programs for which you may qualify. They

> >also have Social Workers to assist you, and many national

> >organizations also have Social Workers available to help at a very

> >minimal cost. Tell them how sick you are and that you need an

> >appointment to see a breast surgeon. Another possible way to do


> >is just to ask for an appointment at the County Hospital Breast

> >Clinic. It is absolutely necessary to document your pain,

> >suffering, and symptoms and bring this documentation with you to

> >every appointment. You can get this done - you need to take


> >every day toward your goal so your health is not more severely


> ><disability_code_silicone_poison.htm>2. Am I entitled to Social

> >Security Disability due to Silicone Poisoning?

> >Yes! Click on the question above and it will take you to my web

> >page which explains this. In most cases, you will need multiple

> >doctors with all of your diagnoses. Many women suffering from

> >Silicone Poisoning have never been diagnosed with this

> >disease. They are frequently diagnosed with Auto-immune, Lupus,

> >Multiple Sclerosis, cancer, various tumors, Multiple Myeloma,

> >Connective Tissue, Rheumatoid Arthritis, glaucoma, carpal tunnel


> >tarsal tunnel syndromes, asthma, allergies, to name only a few.

> ><symptoms_of_silicone_poisoning.htm>3. What are the symptoms of

> >Silicone Poisoning?

> >Click on the question above and it will take you to the page in my

> >web site which list just a few of my symptoms. Go to the

> ><helpful_links.htm>Helpful Links page and visit other relevant web

> >sites to research and learn about other women's symptoms that may


> >similar to yours. Remember that each of us has different symptoms

> >depending upon how our individual bodies react to the silicone


> >4. Why have doctors diagnosed me with a multitude of

> >illnesses/diseases - except Silicone Poisoning?

> >Because most doctors will not acknowledge that silicone poisoning

> >exists. They mostly fear being ostracized by the AMA. Doctors


> >are knowledgeable about Silicone Poisoning and the devastating and

> >debilitating effects of silicone and other implants are far and

few between.

> >5. Why does my doctor tell me my medical symptoms are all in my


> >Usually because the symptoms are bizarre, to a medical doctor they

> >appear to be unconnected with any disease in their experience. An

> >M.D. thinks in blocks of symptoms that fit 'one' particular

> >disease. Silicone Poisoning runs the gamut of symptoms and


> >lines of many diseases.


> >click on this link to compare your symptoms to mine.

> >6. I do not feel sick, why should I consider having my implants


> >You need to consider having your implants removed (called

> >explantation) before your health deteriorates. Many women report


> >adverse health effects for ten years. Every individual

> >differs. One woman recently died of total body sepsis (infection)

> >after only four weeks from implantation. Others report that they

> >just thought they had the flu, had frequent colds, and never

> >recovered. It is important to remember that it is always not only

> >the amount of poison in the body, but the length of time the


> >is in the body before it is removed, that does the

> >harm. <recipe_for_death.htm>Silicone is made up of numerous major

> >toxins and known carcinogens. Also implants have an average

> >shelf-life of only 8 years. Many plastic surgeons never inform


> >patient the implants need to be replaced several times over your

> >lifetime. They disintegrate, they sometimes burst from impact,


> >can leak, and they can adversely impact your children's health if

> >you breast feed.

> >7. I have been explanted, and now, I feel worse! I felt terrible

> >before, but now I am worse, how can this be?

> >Prior to explantation, your body was using all resources to fight

> >the invasion of the foreign matter (implants/toxins), possibly by

> >encapsulating the implants, setting your immune system on major

> >attack to fight off this huge amount of poison in your system.


> >explantation or mastectomies occur, the body then goes into

> >overdrive once again attempting to rid your body of the remainder


> >silicone and toxins in all your major organs and system. Think of

> >how your body reacts to the flu, your head hurts, your stomach

> >hurts, you throw up, you have diarrhea, your whole body aches, you

> >have chills and fever. Silicone Poisoning is the flu a million

> >times magnified over years.

> >8. If I am explanted, will I ever feel better?

> >Many do. Some don't. It may take weeks, months, or even years.


> >depends upon your personal physical constitution, the genetics you

> >inherited, your positive attitude, diet, and good medical care

> >without taking in as few other toxins as possible.

> >9. Is there any way to remove all of the silicone and poisons

from my body?

> >No. Never. Within 24 hours of insertion in the body, the


> >and poisons are in every major organ of your body.

> >10. Where can I find a Plastic Surgeon in my area to do an


> >You don't necessarily need a plastic surgeon. A breast surgeon


> >does this. I recommend contacting your local Breast Cancer


> >branch and asking if they have recommendations. Also contact your

> >local County Hospital and ask if their Breast Clinic does

> >explantations. Many women have listened to the Plastic Surgeon


> >implanted them - who usually urges them to leave them in, using


> >of body disfigurement as a tool. Not if, but when, the implants

> >leak, usually a Plastic Surgeon will encourage the patient to have

> >them replaced. Remember that the doctor can say anything to you

> >verbally and deny it later. You need to read, and re-read, the


> >print on the surgical release form and the medical study research

> >form provided by the manufacturer of the implants. I also


> >you visit the web site of Dr. Feng in Ohio. Many women rave about

> >her care and her explantation techniques. If you cannot travel to

> >Ohio, possibly she can refer you to someone reputable and

> >experienced in your area. Please click on this

> >link: <http://www.drfeng.com>www.drfeng.com

> >11. If Silicone and Saline Implants make a person sick, why does

> >the FDA still allow implants?

> >Many of the Breast Implants now being done are under the guise of

> > " medical research " or were grandfathered into allow ability


> >of loopholes in the system, both legal and medical. Plastic

> >Surgeons are one of the wealthiest groups in the world and have

> >major access to lobby government politicians and agencies into not

> >acknowledging the major inherent medical problems.

> >12. Why doesn't my doctor know about Silicone Poisoning?

> >Many doctors go by the book - the AMA Gospel (American Medical

> >Association) which is another political organization for the

> >promotion of allopathic medicine - right or wrong. Many medical

> >doctors fear being ostracized by their peers, or downright


> >in the media as 'quacks'.

> >13. Why can't I get a doctor to diagnose Silicone Poisoning?

> >You can. I did, from a Plastic Surgeon at a County Hospital. It

> >takes much research and documentation on your part, persistence,

> >educating doctors and other health care workers - which have much

> >resistance to your knowing more. It depends on how important it

is to you.

> >14. Should I tell my doctor I have implants?

> >Absolutely! Many women fear ridicule from their personal

> >physician. Implants are an important health factor in correctly

> >diagnosing your health problems. And absolutely have yearly

> >mammograms or MRIs to detect if your implants are leaking or


> ><recipe_for_death.htm>15. What are some of the ingredients in


> >I have listed only a few of the 38 known ingredients in silicone

> >which are major <recipe_for_death.htm>Neuro (nervous system)


> >and known banned carcinogens. Click on the question above to take

> >you to the page within my web site.

> >16. Do Saline implants include any silicone?

> >Absolutely, yes. The pouch surrounding the saline implant is made

> >of silicone.

> >17. I have had a mastectomy and my doctor recommends implants,

should I?

> >No. Your health has already been compromised. Implantation

> >threatens to further compromise your health and your bodies

ability to heal.

> > 18. I have not had any breast implants, yet I still have many


> > the symptoms you list in your symptoms, how can that be?

> >

> >This can happen because all injectable needles are coated with

> >silicone for easier injection into the skin. Many body


> >parts such as hip and knee replacement joints are coated with

> >silicone. It depends on your personal response to any amount of

> >silicone. Lipstick has silicone in the ingredients. I suffer

> >severe allergic reactions from Pledge Furniture Polish. Take the

> >time to read the ingredients of any products you use, including

> >beauty products.

> >

> >

> >19. Why do I never read in the newspaper or hear on the news of

> >deaths attributed to Silicone Poisoning?

> >

> >

> >Because deaths due to Silicone Poisoning are attributed to the

> >diseases the person has been diagnosed with in writing in medical

> >records such as various types of cancer, respiratory failure,


> >failure, liver failure, among hundreds of reasons on the death

> >certificate. Those of us suffering, and dying, from Silicone

> >Poisoning know the truth - as do our families. You need to


> >the amount of advertising in newspapers, magazines, and the media


> >general by Plastic Surgeons, and then tell me these media outlets

> >are going to cut off their nose to spite their face.

> >

> >

> >20. My daughter is 13 years old and only one of her breasts has

> >developed, the other breast is much smaller. This is causing my

> >daughter much embarrassment and I know it contributes to her

> >shyness, so I am encouraging her to have breast implants. Why

shouldn't I?

> >

> >

> >Your daughter's body is still forming. Her other breast may

> >increase in size and catch up with the rest of her body over the

> >next four to six years. All teenagers are self-conscious and

> >embarrassed about something - especially feeling awkward in their

> >newly blossoming bodies. You are the parent. Your child looks to

> >you for direction. Are you teaching your child that her looks


> >the person? Are you teaching her the reverence of life as God


> >it to us? Are you teaching your child, that if there is something

> >she does not like, that there is a quick fix? What are the

> >long-term ramifications of your own attitude on your

> >daughter's. Are you willing to gamble with your daughter's health

> >so she looks like society believes she should look?

> >

> >

> >21. Who do you think you are giving this kind of advice?

> >

> >

> >I know that I am a woman who made a very bad decision to have

> >silicone injections in my breasts in 1971. I have suffered for


> >years, and am now suffering the consequences of believing a


> >doctor who told me the injections were perfectly safe. (Sound


> >

> >

> >22. What about all the women who have implants and highly


> >having implants?

> >

> >

> >I say, " Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do. "


> >are not that person. Each person's body reacts differently to

> >implants. Some women experience immediate inflammatory reactions


> >the implants. Others do not connect the nebulous, what appear to


> >unconnected, physical, emotional and mental symptoms they


> >with having been implanted with saline or silicone implants until

> >their health deteriorates to the point they are totally disabled.

> >

> >

> ><http://htmlgear.tripod.com/guest/control.guest?

u=jussta & i=1001 & a=view>View

> >My Guestbook

> ><http://htmlgear.tripod.com/guest/control.guest?

u=jussta & i=1001 & a=sign>Sign

> >My Guestbook

> >

> >Hit Counter

> >

> >

> >Would you like to be on my mailing list? Please Email Me with the

> >Subject Line Jussta Subscribe!

> >

> ><mailto:jussta@...?subject=FAQS Silicone Poisoning>Email Me

> >

> ><http://www.jussta.com/site_map.htm>Site Map

> >

> >This web site, all pages, text, images, & photographs are the

> >copyrighted property of Jussta

> > Copyright 2000-2008 Jussta by Jussta

> >

> >

> >


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