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Daily Cosmic Calendar

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Hold Everything! The universe declares a cease-fire and you need to pay attention to what's happening all around you. The big news for sure is the stopping of Mercury at 24 degrees of Aquarius (12:32PM PST) and its accompanying retrograde shift until February 18. All Mercury themes - information exchange, the five senses, intellect and logic, business and trade, communication and transportation, reading and writing, learning and classes, words and language, hand-eye coordination, dexterity and versatility, the lungs and breathing, wind and air, magic acts, trickery, theft and sleight-of-hand - are prominent now and over the next couple of days. Be aware that Mercury will remain virtually motionless for about 48 hours, so don't assume that it is suddenly dashing into reverse mode. It is wise to be more cautious about major signings, agreements and business negotiations. Use the next three weeks to review, reflect and re-evaluate what's been happening in the key areas of life mentioned above. While flowing Moon-Mercury and Moon-Mars trines occur at 1:22PM PST and 1:49PM PST (creating a temporary grand triangle in air signs), the latter time also begins a long void lunar cycle that lasts until 1:36AM PST on Tuesday and the arrival of intensive Scorpio Moon. Therefore, pushing the envelope across the board will probably boomerang against you. It is still very helpful to be extra sensitive to dear ones on the ropes when Mercury parallels Juno (2:06PM PST) and Venus makes a mentally-stimulating 72-degree quintile with Pallas (10:31PM PST). Both of these time-periods can help to restore your self-confidence and give you insights into the behavior of key partners. Start gearing up for Mars ending its retrograde cycle and turning forward in late Gemini on Wednesday January 30. Copyright, 2007 Mark Lerner & Great Bear Enterprises, Ltd.

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