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Gluten- free bread recipes

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Hi Beth,

I've never really been able to tell the difference between herx

dieoff and my symptoms because I've felt solidly the same for the

last year...vague flu-like malaise w/ brain fog no matter what I take

or eat. But, my stomach problems are completely gone and I believe a

huge part of that is digestive enzymes, CA and GSE and Nystatin (all

antifungals), and probiotics...plus a very strict diet for several

months...just now cheating very mildly. No, CA didn't give me

diarrhea. I've really never had that...always had the opposite

problem until I took GOL Super Seed. Why, are you still having the

big D?

I'm doing ok today...thanks. I started another round of chelation

yesterday but in the midst of running kids around I forgot to take

one of my doses today and so I have to wait another 4 days until I

can start again...uuuggghhh. I should be happy that I can still get

out but darn it, I want my brain, energy, vision and life back!!

Love, PH

> >

> > Rogene - I may have asked this before so please forgive me if I


> repeating myself but I am on probotis but never did anything to


> fungal issues like a round of CA for 16 days. My ND just put me on

> probotics. IS it possible to get the bacteria balanced out in my

> tummy just by taking the probotis and overrowding the bad guys or


> I HAVE to do a round of anti-fungal? ?? If so, should I continue to

> take probotis the whole time or just towards the end of my anti-

> fungal process? Do you recommend doing a round of CA or taking the

> Garden of lLife anti-fungal supplements? ??

> >

> > Much Love,

> > Beth

> >

> >

> > Re: Re: Gluten- free bread recipes

> >

> > Cherie,

> >

> > You've been taking heavy duty antifungals for some time, haven't

> you?

> >

> > If so, I'd lay off them and concentrate on getting probiotics


> your body.

> >

> > There's a difference between antifungals and probiotics. . ..

> Antifungals will kill off the bad organisms (unfortunately I think

> they get some of the good ones too) . .. Probiotics put good

> organisms back in your body. You MUST have probiotic organisms to

> properly digest foods. The goal is to have enough probiotic


> in your body to keep the bad ones under control.

> >

> > Probiotics shouldn't upset your stomach, unless you have a heavy

> fungal overgrowth. . . Then, your stomach might feel a bit uneasy -

> but you shouldn't feel miserable.

> >

> > It's going to take a few days of being gluten free to know if

> gluten may be the culprit. . . one day won't do anything.

> >

> > There is some thought that says we crave the foods that are the

> worst for us. . . I don't know where this idea comes from. But,


> worth considering. Are there certain foods you feel you just can't

> live without?

> >

> > The elimination diet is set up so that you eat only certain foods

> that are known for being " safe " . . . then you try one food at a

> time . . .putting some time between each " new " food to see how you

> react. It has to be a pain, but - if the only other option is

> continuing to be miserable, it might be worth it.

> >

> > Hugs,

> >

> > Rogene

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

> ____________ __

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Rogene - how do you think I should build up to the 3600mg daily??? Like just do half that for a few days or a week??? Do you think I have to do a antifungal or do you think the probotis will eventually overcrowd the bad guys and take over in time???

Much Love,


Re: Re: Gluten- free bread recipes

Probiotics and and antifungals may cause diarrhea at first . . . but if you'll start slow, it's not likely to do so.Just don't rush anything!Rogene

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Thanks Rogene - I have been thinking I need to do a round of CA. I do not seem to have fungal problems too bad but I think I have some issues there. My spit test does not show much but I can tell I must have at least a little issue with yeast. I will get the caprylic acid and take that. Then follow it up with probotics. Right now, I am spending over $80./month on probotics plus drinking kifer......

Much Love,


Re: Re: Gluten- free bread recipes

Beth,I thought GOL Fungal Defense was the best thing ever until I learned about Caprylic acid . . . According to Rubin, you should take probiotics AFTER treating fungal problems. . . For myself, I've had to start over several times because I thought I could go back to eating the wrong foods. . . WRONG! . . . I can cheat a little, but very little even after years of treating for fungal issues. I've had to start back with an antifungal every time.I've found that the Three Lac spit test is a good indicator of whether or not I'm on track. If you're doing pretty good with that test, you may not need to take an antifungal - the probiotics may be doing the job. . . But, if you still have a fungal problem, you should do better if you get that under control before throwing a bunch of probiotics at it. Looking at it from a

dollar/value perspective, it would be a lot cheaper to hit fungal issues with an antifungal - whether a prescription, Fungal Defense, or Caprylic Acid - or something like that, than to spend so much on probiotics. That prepares the stage for the probiotics to do their job.Hugs,Rogene

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Cherie ~

Sounds like the die off from being on the diet

is causing you great pain. I believe you said the

enzymes cause you pain as well.

Ck this article out about enzymes and pain when

taking them.



Enzymes are crucial for human life. Enzymes, referred to as catalysts, combine with vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients to prompt the physiological processes that occur throughout the body. Some examples of the chemical changes that enzymes help promote are digestion, energy products, blood coagulation, absorption, circulation, etc. Enzymes can be divided into categories according to the reactions that they provoke. The enzymes, which are protein molecules, alter the rate of reactions according to the substrates (molecules) with which they combine. There are 3,000 kinds of enzymes that work within our body to speed up or regulate various processes, primarily digestion. There is also evidence of some enzymes having anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogenic abilities. Some enzymes that are available include alpha-galactosidase, amylase, bromelain, cellulase, chymotrypsin, lactase, pancreatin, pancrelipase, papain, pepsin, trypsin, superoxide dismutase, wobe-mugos, and wobenzyme. Enzymes promote healthy well-being with a properly functioning body.

There are many different types of enzymes that may all have different reactions to other substances. It is important to read all information on labels before taking anything. Enzymes should not be taken with acarbose, anticoagulants (warfarin), or antithrombotic agents (aspirin) as the effectiveness of the drugs is decreased. Enzymes, especiall pancreatin and pancrelipase, should not be taken with folic acid as the absorption of both supplements is reduced. Also, the activity of soy oligosaccharides is hindered by enzymes and the two supplements should not be used simultaneously.

Each enzyme has a unique chemical make-up that may interact with different individuals in various ways. Please check all labels and consult a health care professional before use of any drug or supplement. Some reported side effects for different enzymes: alpha-galactosidase may cause cramping or diarrhea and in allergic reactions a rash or pruritis; amylase has reported allergy-type effects such as a rash or pruritis; bromelain has been connected to nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cramping, and occasionally metrorrhagia and menorrhagia; pancreatin may cause diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting; pancrelipase has seen diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, constipation, melena, and perianal irritation and in extreme cases hyperuricemia and hyperuricosuria; wobe-mugos/ wobenzyme may cause diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting.

View Research related to Cellulose.

Read this about Kefir. Now I have to say, I drink 2 cups a day

about 8 oz each. Even tho I have ongoing massive fungal machine, keeping up on drinking it a couple times a day, helps me to survive all of it ! I wouldnt want to have to do without it. When I get these fungus machines removed, the kefir will even work better. I swear by it. I am not good by any means, but I am so much better drinking it than not ! ! !

There are two types of kefir: water kefir - small transparent grains that ferment sweetened water; and milk kefir - white or cream coloured grains that look rather like cauliflower florets that ferment milk.

Kefir is a living culture, a complex symbiosis of more than 30 microflora that form grains or cauliflower-like structures (sometimes called plants) in the milk. As the culture ferments the milk these structures grow, creating new grains in the process. Real kefir from live culture is an endlessly self-propagating process.

Microorganisms present in the grains include lactic acid bacteria, Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis, Streptococcus thermophilus, Lb delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, Lb helveticus, Lb casei subsp. pseudoplantarum and Lb brevis, a variety of yeasts, such as Kluyveromyces, Torulopsis, and Saccharomyces, acetic acid bacteria among others. They give kefir excellent keeping qualities by keeping putrifying bacteria that might otherwise colonise the milk at bay. They've been shown to inhibit both salmonella and E. Coli in laboratory tests.

Kefir and Health

Kefir has many reputed health benefits. It has antibiotic and antifungal properties. It's been used in the treatment of a variety of conditions, including metabolic disorders, atherosclerosis, and allergies, tuberculosis, cancer, poor digestion, candidiasis, osteoporosis, hypertension, HIV and heart disease. You might find it odd that that a drink containing yeasts would be good for treating candidiasis but it has been helpful to many people, both by restoring a better balance to the gut flora and because some elements of the microflora will kill off Candida Albicans. Not all yeasts are harmful.

In addition to beneficial bacteria and yeast, kefir contains many vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes. Particularly calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, B2 and B12, vitamin K, vitamin A and vitamin D. Tryptophan, one of the essential amino acids abundant in kefir, is well known for its relaxing effect on the nervous system. Because kefir also has an abundance of calcium and magnesium, also important minerals for a healthy nervous system, kefir in the diet can have a particularly calming effect on the nerves.

The abundance of enzymes brings more health benefits, especially to lactose intolerant people, many of whom can tolerate kefir without difficulty, as long as the kefir is raw and not cooked (cooking destroys the enzymes).

If you arent drinking kefir, I highly recommend it. It is gentle, and

may work well for you, it has lots of nutrients including enzymes in it.

I still think you should have your amylase/lipase checked........just a


Loveya ~ DedeThe year's hottest artists on the red carpet at the Grammy Awards. AOL Music takes you there.

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Hello Lea!

You are in my prayers my dear that your chest wall continues to get

better and better!



In , " Lea " <devans@...> wrote:


> Sweet Cherie:


> I agree, it could be stomach problems as well. I had both, but my

chest wall is getting better.


> Honey, I hope that you get well soon...love you.......Lea

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~```

> Re: Gluten- free bread recipes

> >

> >

> > Rogene,

> >

> > I got up this morning and had yogurt for breakfast and then

> later on

> > took my Orgenacillin. I got that pain around my ribcage


> I'm

> > beginning to think its the anti-fungal. I went back on that

> yesterday

> > too, slowly. I had this pain before going off the diet, it

> wasn't

> > bad everyday so I am going to eliminating everything that

> bothers me

> > and see how I do. It may be the reaction to gluten and it may

> take

> > time for me to digest certain things while being gluten-free.

> >

> > Pray for me!

> >

> > Hugs,

> > Cherie

> >

> > -- In , saxony01 <saxony01@>


> > >

> > > Cherie,

> > >

> > > I'm glad you're getting hints. . . However, because almonds

> didn't

> > bother you before something is peculiar.

> > >

> > > Celiac disease probably not that bad for everyone . . . but

> my

> > friend won't eat any food that has even touched something


> gluten

> > in it. . . i.e., if they serve her a bisquit that even


> her

> > eggs, she carefully carves away the eggs that touch the

> bisquit . . .

> > Quaker Oats is produced with machinery used for gluten

> products. . .

> > She can't eat them. . . but she can eat oats from Scotland

> where the

> > processing equipment is used exclusively for oats.

> > >

> > > Even then, sometimes she unknowingly comes in contact with

> gluten

> > and gets really sick until her body has gotten rid of the

> gluten.

> > >

> > > It appears that the longer one goes undiagnosed, the more

> damage

> > occurs, the more sensitive one is once gluten is eliminated

> from the

> > diet.

> > >

> > > In other words, if you have Celiac disease, NO CHEATING.

> > >

> > > Keep looking for things that cause problems. . . I have a

> feeling

> > it's not going to be a simple job.

> > >

> > > Hugs,

> > >

> > > Rogene

> > >

> >


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Hi Patty,

I see my colon hydrotherapist on Sunday for my first session. I am

going to talk to her about doing a fast. I have to pick a Sunday

probably to do this when I have the least amount to do. It's hard

when my daughter is home.....I tend to loose my patience and get

quite grumpy when I have not eaten!



- In , " glory2glory1401 "

<glory2glory1401@...> wrote:


> Cherie

> I agree with PH. One girl I talked to previously who had terrible

> digestive issues did a fast and she said it helped immensely. You

> might want to give it a try.

> Patty



> > > Cherie. . .

> > >

> > > You may want to check out links to " The Elimination Diet " ...

> > >

> > > It's a program designed to isolate exactly which foods are


> > you problems.

> > >

> > > I do think you've taken antifungals long enough . . . It's


> to

> > put the good stuff in - like probiotic and probiotic foods . ..


> > you can figure out which ones your body will accept.

> > >

> > > Hugs,

> > >

> > > Rogene

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ---------------------------------

> > > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with


> > Search.

> > >

> >


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Good morning Dede!

Thanks for all your info and research.....your a sweetie! I just

started drinking kefir again about a week ago, my ND told me to start

back on it along with my plain yogurt. Its so weird, when I just

take probiotic....my sinus flare up. I tried the fungal cream but to

not relief. I have to take a Darvocet it get so painful with a sinus

headache. If I eat anything right now, garlic, oregano, ect. my

squesszing pain comes back. I'm making a new chicken soup without

those ingredients in it today. I feel the need to cut back on my

probiotic, seems to be too much for the sinus's. I have been taking

4 probiotics pills a day along with kefir and yogurt. I'm trying to

listen to my body and it's got me all over the place!

Pray for girlfriend!




> Cherie ~

> Sounds like the die off from being on the diet

> is causing you great pain. I believe you said the

> enzymes cause you pain as well.

> Ck this article out about enzymes and pain when

> taking them.

> _http://www.webvitamins.com/nutrient.aspx?ID=1712_

> (http://www.webvitamins.com/nutrient.aspx?ID=1712) ,


> Cellulose

> Enzymes are crucial for human life. Enzymes, referred to as


> combine with vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients to prompt the


> processes that occur throughout the body. Some examples of the

chemical changes

> that enzymes help promote are digestion, energy products, blood


> absorption, circulation, etc. Enzymes can be divided into


> according to the reactions that they provoke. The enzymes, which

are protein

> molecules, alter the rate of reactions according to the substrates

(molecules) with

> which they combine. There are 3,000 kinds of enzymes that work

within our

> body to speed up or regulate various processes, primarily

digestion. There is

> also evidence of some enzymes having anti-inflammatory and


> abilities. Some enzymes that are available include alpha-

galactosidase, amylase,

> bromelain, cellulase, chymotrypsin, lactase, pancreatin,


> papain, pepsin, trypsin, superoxide dismutase, wobe-mugos, and

wobenzyme. Enzymes

> promote healthy well-being with a properly functioning body.

> There are many different types of enzymes that may all have


> reactions to other substances. It is important to read all

information on labels

> before taking anything. Enzymes should not be taken with acarbose,

> anticoagulants (warfarin), or antithrombotic agents (aspirin) as

the effectiveness of the

> drugs is decreased. Enzymes, especiall pancreatin and

pancrelipase, should

> not be taken with folic acid as the absorption of both supplements

is reduced.

> Also, the activity of soy oligosaccharides is hindered by enzymes

and the

> two supplements should not be used simultaneously.

> Each enzyme has a unique chemical make-up that may interact with


> individuals in various ways. Please check all labels and consult a

health care

> professional before use of any drug or supplement. Some reported

side effects

> for different enzymes: alpha-galactosidase may cause cramping or


> and in allergic reactions a rash or pruritis; amylase has reported


> effects such as a rash or pruritis; bromelain has been connected

to nausea,

> vomiting, diarrhea, cramping, and occasionally metrorrhagia and


> pancreatin may cause diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea and


> pancrelipase has seen diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting,


> melena, and perianal irritation and in extreme cases hyperuricemia


> hyperuricosuria; wobe-mugos/ wobenzyme may cause diarrhea,

abdominal pain, nausea, and

> vomiting.


> _View Research_

> (javascript:popUp('ResearchCenter.aspx?ID=1712','WVResearch');)

related to Cellulose.

> Read this about Kefir. Now I have to say, I drink 2 cups a day

> about 8 oz each. Even tho I have ongoing massive fungal machine,

keeping up

> on drinking it a couple times a day, helps me to survive all of

it ! I

> wouldnt want to have to do without it. When I get these fungus


> removed, the kefir will even work better. I swear by it. I am

not good by any

> means, but I am so much better drinking it than not ! ! !

> There are two types of kefir: water kefir - small transparent

grains that

> ferment sweetened water; and milk kefir - white or cream coloured

grains that

> look rather like cauliflower florets that ferment milk.

> Kefir is a living culture, a complex symbiosis of more than 30


> that form grains or cauliflower-like structures (sometimes called

plants) in

> the milk. As the culture ferments the milk these structures grow,

creating new

> grains in the process. Real kefir from live culture is an


> self-propagating process.

> Microorganisms present in the grains include lactic acid bacteria,

> Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis, Streptococcus thermophilus, Lb

delbrueckii subsp.

> bulgaricus, Lb helveticus, Lb casei subsp. pseudoplantarum and Lb

brevis, a

> variety of yeasts, such as Kluyveromyces, Torulopsis, and

Saccharomyces, acetic

> acid bacteria among others. They give kefir excellent keeping

qualities by

> keeping putrifying bacteria that might otherwise colonise the milk

at bay.

> They've been shown to inhibit both salmonella and E. Coli in

laboratory tests.

> Kefir and Health

> Kefir has many reputed health benefits. It has antibiotic and


> properties. It's been used in the treatment of a variety of


> including metabolic disorders, atherosclerosis, and allergies,

tuberculosis, cancer,

> poor digestion, candidiasis, osteoporosis, hypertension, HIV and


> disease. You might find it odd that that a drink containing yeasts

would be good

> for treating candidiasis but it has been helpful to many people,

both by

> restoring a better balance to the gut flora and because some

elements of the

> microflora will kill off Candida Albicans. Not all yeasts are


> In addition to beneficial bacteria and yeast, kefir contains many


> minerals, amino acids and enzymes. Particularly calcium,


> magnesium, B2 and B12, vitamin K, vitamin A and vitamin D.

Tryptophan, one of the

> essential amino acids abundant in kefir, is well known for its

relaxing effect on

> the nervous system. Because kefir also has an abundance of

calcium and

> magnesium, also important minerals for a healthy nervous system,

kefir in the

> diet can have a particularly calming effect on the nerves.

> The abundance of enzymes brings more health benefits, especially to


> intolerant people, many of whom can tolerate kefir without

difficulty, as long

> as the kefir is raw and not cooked (cooking destroys the enzymes).

> If you arent drinking kefir, I highly recommend it. It is gentle,


> may work well for you, it has lots of nutrients including enzymes

in it.

> I still think you should have your amylase/lipase

checked........just a

> hunch......

> Loveya ~ Dede





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> Awards. Go to AOL Music.

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The yogurt has no sugar in it and high in protein and good bacteria. It is called

Fage or Oikos Plain has no sugar in it.

I buy at Whole Foods or Kroger I get the Oikos yogurt and both yogurts are GREEK.

In a message dated 2/12/2008 9:08:57 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, cannst42@... writes:

Hi ,

The yogurt is a non-fat plain organic with the lowest sugar I could find, it's called 's. I'm at my wits end. When I'm not on the diet, I do not have abdomonal gas, I have sinus pain and itching......I'm starting to go crazy! Not sure how much more I can take of this.

Cherieshellyjo1021aol wrote:

Cherie ,

Is the yogurt have a lot of sugar in it? This may be causing your problem!

Are you taking any Enzymes when you eat? This seems to help me at times too.

In a message dated 2/11/2008 12:12:04 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, cannst42 writes:

Rogene,I got up this morning and had yogurt for breakfast and then later on took my Orgenacillin. I got that pain around my ribcage again. I'm beginning to think its the anti-fungal. I went back on that yesterday too, slowly. I had this pain before going off the diet, it wasn't bad everyday so I am going to eliminating everything that bothers me and see how I do. It may be the reaction to gluten and it may take time for me to digest certain things while being gluten-free.Pray for me!Hugs,Cherie-- In , saxony01 <saxony01@...> wrote:>> Cherie, > > I'm glad you're getting hints. . . However, because almonds didn't bother you before something is peculiar. > > Celiac disease probably not that bad for everyone . . . but my friend won't eat any food that has even touched something with gluten in it. . . i.e., if they serve her a bisquit that even touches her eggs, she carefully carves away the eggs that touch the bisquit . . . Quaker Oats is produced with machinery used for gluten products. . . She can't eat them. . . but she can eat oats from Scotland where the processing equipment is used exclusively for oats.> > Even then, sometimes she unknowingly comes in contact with gluten and gets really sick until her body has gotten rid of the gluten. > > It appears that the longer one goes undiagnosed, the more damage occurs, the more sensitive one is once gluten is eliminated from the diet. > > In other words, if you have Celiac disease, NO CHEATING. > > Keep looking for things that cause problems. . . I have a feeling it's not going to be a simple job.> > Hugs,> > Rogene>

The year's hottest artists on the red carpet at the Grammy Awards. AOL Music takes you there.

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It taste so natural and great I just cant believe it .........Do you have a Health Food Store ? If not,

Ask your grocery store to get it in for you. Usually they will accomdate your needs!!!


In a message dated 2/12/2008 6:22:28 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, cannst42@... writes:

Hi Miss ,Good luck tomorrow! You will be in our thoughts and prayers!I have not seen this yogurt. I will have to keep looking. I do not live by a whole foods and we do not have a Kroger's here. I really had a hard time finding the least amount of sugar in the organic one I bought. Does it taste good?Hugs,Cherie> >> > Cherie, > > > > I'm glad you're getting hints. . . However, because almonds didn't > bother you before something is peculiar. > > > > Celiac disease probably not that bad for everyone . . . but my > friend won't eat any food that has even touched something with gluten > in it. . . i.e., if they serve her a bisquit that even touches her > eggs, she carefully carves away the eggs that touch the bisquit . . . > Quaker Oats is produced with machinery used for gluten products. . . > She can't eat them. . . but she can eat oats from Scotland where the > processing equipment is used exclusively for oats.> > > > Even then, sometimes she unknowingly comes in contact with gluten > and gets really sick until her body has gotten rid of the gluten. > > > > It appears that the longer one goes undiagnosed, the more damage > occurs, the more sensitive one is once gluten is eliminated from the > diet. > > > > In other words, if you have Celiac disease, NO CHEATING. > > > > Keep looking for things that cause problems. . . I have a feeling > it's not going to be a simple job.> > > > Hugs,> > > > Rogene> >> > > > > > > > > > > > ____________________________________> The year's hottest artists on the red carpet at the Grammy Awards. _AOL > Music takes you there._ (http://music.aol.com/grammys?NCID=aolcmp00300000002565) > > > > > > > ____________________________________> Never miss a thing. _Make your homepage._ > (http://us.rd./evt=51438/*http://www./r/hs) > > > > > > > **************The year's hottest artists on the red carpet at the Grammy > Awards. Go to AOL Music. > (http://music.aol.com/grammys?NCID=aolcmp00300000002565)> The year's hottest artists on the red carpet at the Grammy Awards. AOL Music takes you there.

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Hi Miss ,

Good luck tomorrow! You will be in our thoughts and prayers!

I have not seen this yogurt. I will have to keep looking. I do not

live by a whole foods and we do not have a Kroger's here. I really

had a hard time finding the least amount of sugar in the organic one

I bought. Does it taste good?



> >

> > Cherie,

> >

> > I'm glad you're getting hints. . . However, because almonds


> bother you before something is peculiar.

> >

> > Celiac disease probably not that bad for everyone . . . but my

> friend won't eat any food that has even touched something with


> in it. . . i.e., if they serve her a bisquit that even touches her

> eggs, she carefully carves away the eggs that touch the

bisquit . . .

> Quaker Oats is produced with machinery used for gluten

products. . .

> She can't eat them. . . but she can eat oats from Scotland where


> processing equipment is used exclusively for oats.

> >

> > Even then, sometimes she unknowingly comes in contact with


> and gets really sick until her body has gotten rid of the gluten.

> >

> > It appears that the longer one goes undiagnosed, the more damage

> occurs, the more sensitive one is once gluten is eliminated from


> diet.

> >

> > In other words, if you have Celiac disease, NO CHEATING.

> >

> > Keep looking for things that cause problems. . . I have a


> it's not going to be a simple job.

> >

> > Hugs,

> >

> > Rogene

> >












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