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Save this link for later reference along with others I send you okay??? http://www.medmallawyershop.com/cgi-bin/priority.cgi?egion_id=3 & state_id=16 & mma_id=191 & zones=no & specialty_id=19 & fwd=0

On 11/28/06, Deborah Bargad <dbargad@...> wrote:

Dear phine- This is where you seperate the haves from the have nots. Montel the actor runs a free medication program for patients who cannot afford them. From there, do call the arthritis foundation for resources. NEXT. Get all and I do mean all your medical records. Every doctors note, test etc including the payment for 500 dollars. Once you get everything together let me know. We will go from there. Dont give up, and dont give in. Hugs, Deborah

On 11/28/06, tjaskren <tjaskren@...

> wrote:


Thanks so much for your reply.

I have spoken with the VA patient advocate in Indy and she took the doctors side. She told me to get more labs done like he said, which I did, and then I heard nothing. I have spoken with the pt advocate in Danville VA and gotten no where. My doctor in Danville accused me of drug seeking, which shocked me since he is one who made the dx of RA. He said the meds are too expensive and the VA wont pay for them. He actually gave me a verbal warning, saying I better be careful about what I was doing and had me in tears. I am so depressed and frustrated with the VA I just gave up and go for the blood work and to get my meds refilled.

They did a work up with mri and many tests 3 years ago for my disability and they were to trying to get my rating increased. They found much damage in the spine and the radiology report said this needed attention right away but they have just blown it off. And that is why I have disability. I injured myself during active duty.

The doctor here who took my $500, which they made me pay up front before I even saw the doctor, which was humiliating, just blew me off. I thought of reporting him but to be honest I am just so overwhelmed with the stress of trying any more.

Thanks for the link. I went to the sight and found the Indiana office and will contact them.

phine Askren

----- Original Message -----

From: Deborah Bargad

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 3:57 AM

Subject: Re: Introduction

phine- Ignoring a positive RA test repeatedly and NOT treating it is grounds for a lawsuit. Go to

www.arthritisfoundation.org. Call your local chapter office. They will help you find someone in your area for support and treatment. What you need is a biologic. It is expensive and it sounds like the Drs dont like the reality of the cost. You need to be on disease modifiers among other things. Call the office for veterans affairs and explain what is going on. Finding a good Rheumy is a rare thing but any RD must treat you. Threaten to lodge a complain with the AMA and see how fast they have you in the office with prescriptions in hand. I have had RA since 1994 so know what you have gone through. Patient advocacy groups in your area will also help you. Treat your pain and inflammation, then your disease. We are here for you. Hugs, Deborah

On 11/22/06, tjaskren <tjaskren@... > wrote:

My name is Jo and I am 42, married, no children.

I was dx with RA in 1998. I had the flu and several days after recovering from it I awoke to terrible pain, every joint, literally, was swollen to the size of golf balls and fire red, even the bottoms of my feet were swollen. I could not walk. My fever was up to over 102. My husband took me to the ER and the first thing they said was does she have RA? They did many tests and said it was viral arthritis brought on by the influenza. I was in the ER 3 times, admitted once and bed ridden for 6 weeks and it took roughly 4 months for all the swelling to go down. They had me on steroids and other meds I cant remember off the top of my head and of course pain pills.

As far as they told me I would never have any more problems despite the DX of RA. My joints began to become increasingly more painful and would swell, becoming very red and tender over the years, many times so bad I would just lay and cry, trying heating pads to help and took lots of motrin which didn't help.

I said something 3 years ago to my doctor at the VA and he did an RF , Sed Rate, and ANA, which came back positive. He said yes it is RA and sent me to the rheumatologist at the Indianapolis VA to get treatment, but the docs there only did more blood work, which was pos and more x-rays and then did nothing. The VA does my blood work every 6 months and it is always the same and they never do anything for me. I cant even get anything for the pain.

I use ultram for a back injury, that is my disability from the Air Force, which doesn't do much if anything for the RA when I have what I call an episode.

I went to a private doctor and he said he disagreed with both of the DX and that he doesn't treat lab results and then said he needed more labs done. He charged me $500 and told me it was all in my head! I didn't have deformed joints so it cant be RA. I got those records and found that my private civilian doctor wrote a note saying that it was not RA and that I have depression and it is all in my head.

Now my finger joints are becoming deformed, I am sick most of the time, and spend much of the morning just working through the pain and stiffness so I can get moving.

I am frustrated. I can not get any doctor to treat me. I have read the book Living with RA by Hopkins Univ. and have educated myself on this disease. We have no insurance and I must rely on the VA system mostly, which is terrible to say the least. I am a disabled veteran.

Hope to find some support on this list.

phine Askren

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Vets Fighting for Vets http://www.vet4vet.net/?referrer=source & gclid=CIfu3d3x6ogCFSc4UAodTA92fQ

On 11/28/06, Deborah Bargad <dbargad@...> wrote:

Save this link for later reference along with others I send you okay???

http://www.medmallawyershop.com/cgi-bin/priority.cgi?egion_id=3 & state_id=16 & mma_id=191 & zones=no & specialty_id=19 & fwd=0

On 11/28/06, Deborah Bargad <dbargad@...

> wrote:

Dear phine- This is where you seperate the haves from the have nots. Montel the actor runs a free medication program for patients who cannot afford them. From there, do call the arthritis foundation for resources. NEXT. Get all and I do mean all your medical records. Every doctors note, test etc including the payment for 500 dollars. Once you get everything together let me know. We will go from there. Dont give up, and dont give in. Hugs, Deborah

On 11/28/06, tjaskren <tjaskren@... > wrote:


Thanks so much for your reply.

I have spoken with the VA patient advocate in Indy and she took the doctors side. She told me to get more labs done like he said, which I did, and then I heard nothing. I have spoken with the pt advocate in Danville VA and gotten no where. My doctor in Danville accused me of drug seeking, which shocked me since he is one who made the dx of RA. He said the meds are too expensive and the VA wont pay for them. He actually gave me a verbal warning, saying I better be careful about what I was doing and had me in tears. I am so depressed and frustrated with the VA I just gave up and go for the blood work and to get my meds refilled.

They did a work up with mri and many tests 3 years ago for my disability and they were to trying to get my rating increased. They found much damage in the spine and the radiology report said this needed attention right away but they have just blown it off. And that is why I have disability. I injured myself during active duty.

The doctor here who took my $500, which they made me pay up front before I even saw the doctor, which was humiliating, just blew me off. I thought of reporting him but to be honest I am just so overwhelmed with the stress of trying any more.

Thanks for the link. I went to the sight and found the Indiana office and will contact them.

phine Askren

----- Original Message -----

From: Deborah Bargad

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 3:57 AM

Subject: Re: Introduction

phine- Ignoring a positive RA test repeatedly and NOT treating it is grounds for a lawsuit. Go to

www.arthritisfoundation.org. Call your local chapter office. They will help you find someone in your area for support and treatment. What you need is a biologic. It is expensive and it sounds like the Drs dont like the reality of the cost. You need to be on disease modifiers among other things. Call the office for veterans affairs and explain what is going on. Finding a good Rheumy is a rare thing but any RD must treat you. Threaten to lodge a complain with the AMA and see how fast they have you in the office with prescriptions in hand. I have had RA since 1994 so know what you have gone through. Patient advocacy groups in your area will also help you. Treat your pain and inflammation, then your disease. We are here for you. Hugs, Deborah

On 11/22/06, tjaskren <tjaskren@... > wrote:

My name is Jo and I am 42, married, no children.

I was dx with RA in 1998. I had the flu and several days after recovering from it I awoke to terrible pain, every joint, literally, was swollen to the size of golf balls and fire red, even the bottoms of my feet were swollen. I could not walk. My fever was up to over 102. My husband took me to the ER and the first thing they said was does she have RA? They did many tests and said it was viral arthritis brought on by the influenza. I was in the ER 3 times, admitted once and bed ridden for 6 weeks and it took roughly 4 months for all the swelling to go down. They had me on steroids and other meds I cant remember off the top of my head and of course pain pills.

As far as they told me I would never have any more problems despite the DX of RA. My joints began to become increasingly more painful and would swell, becoming very red and tender over the years, many times so bad I would just lay and cry, trying heating pads to help and took lots of motrin which didn't help.

I said something 3 years ago to my doctor at the VA and he did an RF , Sed Rate, and ANA, which came back positive. He said yes it is RA and sent me to the rheumatologist at the Indianapolis VA to get treatment, but the docs there only did more blood work, which was pos and more x-rays and then did nothing. The VA does my blood work every 6 months and it is always the same and they never do anything for me. I cant even get anything for the pain.

I use ultram for a back injury, that is my disability from the Air Force, which doesn't do much if anything for the RA when I have what I call an episode.

I went to a private doctor and he said he disagreed with both of the DX and that he doesn't treat lab results and then said he needed more labs done. He charged me $500 and told me it was all in my head! I didn't have deformed joints so it cant be RA. I got those records and found that my private civilian doctor wrote a note saying that it was not RA and that I have depression and it is all in my head.

Now my finger joints are becoming deformed, I am sick most of the time, and spend much of the morning just working through the pain and stiffness so I can get moving.

I am frustrated. I can not get any doctor to treat me. I have read the book Living with RA by Hopkins Univ. and have educated myself on this disease. We have no insurance and I must rely on the VA system mostly, which is terrible to say the least. I am a disabled veteran.

Hope to find some support on this list.

phine Askren

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Malpractice posting of case http://attorneypages.com/secure/post_your_case/index.php

On 11/28/06, Deborah Bargad <dbargad@...> wrote:

Vets Fighting for Vets

http://www.vet4vet.net/?referrer=source & gclid=CIfu3d3x6ogCFSc4UAodTA92fQ

On 11/28/06, Deborah Bargad <dbargad@...

> wrote: Save this link for later reference along with others I send you okay???

http://www.medmallawyershop.com/cgi-bin/priority.cgi?egion_id=3 & state_id=16 & mma_id=191 & zones=no & specialty_id=19 & fwd=0

On 11/28/06, Deborah Bargad <dbargad@... > wrote:

Dear phine- This is where you seperate the haves from the have nots. Montel the actor runs a free medication program for patients who cannot afford them. From there, do call the arthritis foundation for resources. NEXT. Get all and I do mean all your medical records. Every doctors note, test etc including the payment for 500 dollars. Once you get everything together let me know. We will go from there. Dont give up, and dont give in. Hugs, Deborah

On 11/28/06, tjaskren <tjaskren@... > wrote:


Thanks so much for your reply.

I have spoken with the VA patient advocate in Indy and she took the doctors side. She told me to get more labs done like he said, which I did, and then I heard nothing. I have spoken with the pt advocate in Danville VA and gotten no where. My doctor in Danville accused me of drug seeking, which shocked me since he is one who made the dx of RA. He said the meds are too expensive and the VA wont pay for them. He actually gave me a verbal warning, saying I better be careful about what I was doing and had me in tears. I am so depressed and frustrated with the VA I just gave up and go for the blood work and to get my meds refilled.

They did a work up with mri and many tests 3 years ago for my disability and they were to trying to get my rating increased. They found much damage in the spine and the radiology report said this needed attention right away but they have just blown it off. And that is why I have disability. I injured myself during active duty.

The doctor here who took my $500, which they made me pay up front before I even saw the doctor, which was humiliating, just blew me off. I thought of reporting him but to be honest I am just so overwhelmed with the stress of trying any more.

Thanks for the link. I went to the sight and found the Indiana office and will contact them.

phine Askren

----- Original Message -----

From: Deborah Bargad

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 3:57 AM

Subject: Re: Introduction

phine- Ignoring a positive RA test repeatedly and NOT treating it is grounds for a lawsuit. Go to

www.arthritisfoundation.org. Call your local chapter office. They will help you find someone in your area for support and treatment. What you need is a biologic. It is expensive and it sounds like the Drs dont like the reality of the cost. You need to be on disease modifiers among other things. Call the office for veterans affairs and explain what is going on. Finding a good Rheumy is a rare thing but any RD must treat you. Threaten to lodge a complain with the AMA and see how fast they have you in the office with prescriptions in hand. I have had RA since 1994 so know what you have gone through. Patient advocacy groups in your area will also help you. Treat your pain and inflammation, then your disease. We are here for you. Hugs, Deborah

On 11/22/06, tjaskren <tjaskren@... > wrote:

My name is Jo and I am 42, married, no children.

I was dx with RA in 1998. I had the flu and several days after recovering from it I awoke to terrible pain, every joint, literally, was swollen to the size of golf balls and fire red, even the bottoms of my feet were swollen. I could not walk. My fever was up to over 102. My husband took me to the ER and the first thing they said was does she have RA? They did many tests and said it was viral arthritis brought on by the influenza. I was in the ER 3 times, admitted once and bed ridden for 6 weeks and it took roughly 4 months for all the swelling to go down. They had me on steroids and other meds I cant remember off the top of my head and of course pain pills.

As far as they told me I would never have any more problems despite the DX of RA. My joints began to become increasingly more painful and would swell, becoming very red and tender over the years, many times so bad I would just lay and cry, trying heating pads to help and took lots of motrin which didn't help.

I said something 3 years ago to my doctor at the VA and he did an RF , Sed Rate, and ANA, which came back positive. He said yes it is RA and sent me to the rheumatologist at the Indianapolis VA to get treatment, but the docs there only did more blood work, which was pos and more x-rays and then did nothing. The VA does my blood work every 6 months and it is always the same and they never do anything for me. I cant even get anything for the pain.

I use ultram for a back injury, that is my disability from the Air Force, which doesn't do much if anything for the RA when I have what I call an episode.

I went to a private doctor and he said he disagreed with both of the DX and that he doesn't treat lab results and then said he needed more labs done. He charged me $500 and told me it was all in my head! I didn't have deformed joints so it cant be RA. I got those records and found that my private civilian doctor wrote a note saying that it was not RA and that I have depression and it is all in my head.

Now my finger joints are becoming deformed, I am sick most of the time, and spend much of the morning just working through the pain and stiffness so I can get moving.

I am frustrated. I can not get any doctor to treat me. I have read the book Living with RA by Hopkins Univ. and have educated myself on this disease. We have no insurance and I must rely on the VA system mostly, which is terrible to say the least. I am a disabled veteran.

Hope to find some support on this list.

phine Askren

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Rhonda,

I am Gloria from Ok. I am sorry to hear that you have ra. I was dx'd in 2004. Like you, I didn't test positive for the ra factor, but my sed rate and crp was out of site. Also the palms of my hands looked like they had been burned.

I hate it that you were dx'd, but we are looking forward to getting to know you. I don't know how anyone does it with kids. It's all I can do to take care of the grandkids once and a while.

I can tell you that joining this group has been such a blessing to me, and I know that you will like it to.

Gentle Hugs and God Bless,

Gloria in Ok.>> Hello Group,> > My name is Rhonda and I was diagnosed with being in the developing stages of > RA in August of this year. I still test negative for rh factor but high sed > rates and CCP test as well as another one (can't remember the name). The > dexa bone scan showed it almost everywhere but worse in one of my hands and > feet - although both give me grief. I think the biggest thing that bothers > me is how fast the pain has developed - I thought that since I'm developing > RA then the pain would happen more slowly. I've been on prednesone since > diagnosis with plaquenil and relafen. Aside from having RA, I'm married > (for a little over a year) and have 3 kids.> > Sorry that we are connecting in this way but looking forward to chatting > with everyone.> > Blessings,> > > Rhonda>

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Dear Rhonda- The pain can take you totally by suprise like it did in my case. Have you discussed getting on a biologic like enbrel or remicade? A biologic interferes with the inflammation process slowing or stopping damage. Bone health is also important. Are you on fosamax or actonel. Discuss calcium absorption with your doctor. Work together with your doctor to address your pain and inflammation as well as the joint damage. Hugs, Deborah

On 12/8/06, The Divah <rhonda5003@...> wrote:

Hello Group,My name is Rhonda and I was diagnosed with being in the developing stages of RA in August of this year. I still test negative for rh factor but high sed rates and CCP test as well as another one (can't remember the name). The dexa bone scan showed it almost everywhere but worse in one of my hands and feet - although both give me grief. I think the biggest thing that bothers me is how fast the pain has developed - I thought that since I'm developing RA then the pain would happen more slowly. I've been on prednesone since diagnosis with plaquenil and relafen. Aside from having RA, I'm married (for a little over a year) and have 3 kids.Sorry that we are connecting in this way but looking forward to chatting with everyone.Blessings,Rhonda

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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

Best wishes on your forthcoming

marriage. I’ve been married for 54 years and I do recommend

it. I’m sorry about your RA and hope you get some good

results. I’m also on Methotrexate and Remicade and doing

well. I just posted to Snowdrift in response to a post titled “HI

Harold” and that is about antibiotic therapy. I think that would be

fully compatible with conception and pregnancy so you might consider going that

route. However, because it can take a while to act I suggest adding that

to your current medications instead of doing a replacement. Of course,

you and your doctor will have to decide on your treatment.

There are over 100 different kinds of

inflammatory arthritis and RA is the most common kind. Some say it never

affects the spine so if your spine is involved it goes by a different

name. I think Ankylosing Spondylitis and Psoriatic Arthritis are two that

affect the spine also, and maybe there are others. You don’t say if

you are seeing a board-certified rheumatologist, but you should be since few

other doctors can do a good job of diagnosing or treating RA. God bless.

From: Rheumatoid Arthritis [mailto:Rheumatoid Arthritis ] On Behalf Of Lindsey &

Sent: Friday, May 04, 2007 3:07 PM

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Subject: [sPAM]


Hello All! My name is Lindsey, I'm from Oregon and about to turn

26. I

was diagnosed with RA in 2004 and started enbrel & mtx at that time. I

was switched to Remicade in March of 06 due to insurance coverage and

have been quite lucky with it. My hands get real sore and stiff a few

days before treatment. For some time now, on and off, my back has been

bothering me. This last week it came on and I couldn't make it better

with anything so i went to the doctor about it. Seems that I have

developed arthritis in my spine.

I have a few questions for you all, as I don't know anyone else with

RA to ask. Is it common for the spine to be affected rather quickly

after onset (seems quick to me anyway)? What can I do to help the

pain? (I should tell you that I do Bikram's yoga and it has been so

wonderful for my pain).

Next question I have... I''m getting married in October and we are

hoping to have kids at some point, but Dr. told me I will have to stop

taking MTX, has anyone here gotten pregnant after their diagnosis? How

did things go, pain wise? How am I supposed to get by without any meds?

Thanks so much for " listening " looking forward to hearing from



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Thanks Harold, I appreciate the feedback. I will talk to my doctor about the antibiotic therapy. Every time I see him he reminds me "no babies with the mtx" and everytime I leave I think "Dang, I wanted to ask what my alternatives are." Really, in my head I figured I was just going to have to hurt. As far as the spine goes, it's somewhat interesting... When I was about 18 I started developing psoriasis on my scalp, elbows, chest. It got worse and worse and I was started on Raptiva with no change then to enbrel. Good results for a while, then my joints started to swell and get stiff and I quit doing my normal activities. I thought it was the drugs so I went to a new dermatologist who looked at my hands and called the Rheumatologist right there. I saw him the next day and he started first with diclofinac (I don't know how to spell that, sorry), which made me sick and didn't help so we went with mtx injections and things have gone great. No

one has ever clearly differentiated between RA or it Psoriatic Arthritis. I have the joint symptoms on both sides but now also in the spine. I've never asked as it didn't seem to make much difference. Is it possible to have both? Any ideas? Thank you so much, I hope you know what a relief it is to talk to someone else who understands. Regards, Lindsey Oh yeah, and I do see a wonderful board certified rheumatologist who is retiring soon :-(Harold Van Tuyl <hvantuyl@...> wrote: Best wishes on your forthcoming marriage. I’ve been married for 54 years and I do recommend it. I’m sorry about your RA and hope you get some good results. I’m also on Methotrexate and Remicade and doing well. I just posted to Snowdrift in response to a post titled “HI Harold” and that is about antibiotic therapy. I think that would be fully compatible with conception and pregnancy so you might consider going that route. However, because it can take a while to act I suggest adding that to your current medications instead of doing a replacement. Of course, you and your doctor will have to decide on your treatment. There are over 100 different kinds of inflammatory arthritis and RA is the most common kind. Some say it never affects the spine so if your spine is involved it goes by a different name. I think Ankylosing Spondylitis and Psoriatic Arthritis are two that affect the spine also, and maybe there are others. You don’t say if you are seeing a board-certified rheumatologist, but you should be since few other doctors can do a good job of diagnosing or treating RA. God bless. From: Rheumatoid Arthritis [mailto:Rheumatoid Arthritis ] On Behalf Of Lindsey & Sent: Friday, May 04, 2007 3:07 PMRheumatoid Arthritis Subject: [sPAM] Introduction Hello All! My name is Lindsey, I'm from Oregon and about to turn 26. I was diagnosed with RA in 2004 and started enbrel & mtx at that time. I was switched to Remicade in March of 06 due to insurance coverage and have been quite lucky with it. My hands get real sore and stiff a few days before treatment. For some time now, on and off, my back has been bothering me. This last week it came on and I couldn't make it better with anything so i went to the doctor about it. Seems that I have developed arthritis in my spine. I have a few questions for you all, as I don't know anyone else with RA to ask. Is it common for the spine to be affected rather quickly after onset (seems quick to me anyway)? What can I do to help the pain? (I should tell you that I do Bikram's yoga and it has been so wonderful for my pain).Next

question I have... I''m getting married in October and we are hoping to have kids at some point, but Dr. told me I will have to stop taking MTX, has anyone here gotten pregnant after their diagnosis? How did things go, pain wise? How am I supposed to get by without any meds?Thanks so much for "listening" looking forward to hearing from people!Lindsey

Food fight? Enjoy some healthy debatein the Answers Food Drink Q&A.

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There are over 100 varieties of

inflammatory arthritis and RA is the one most commonly diagnosed. There are so

many variations in how RA can affect us and in what treatments are effective

that I think of RA as a syndrome (collection of symptoms) rather than a single

disease. RA is one of many autoimmune diseases caused by some failure of the

immune system, and our immune systems are so complex and interconnected that

when one part of the immune system is off then other parts are also affected.

If a person has one autoimmune disease they are more likely than the average to

also have at least one other autoimmune disease. I am fortunate that my other

one is hypothyroidism that is easily controlled with a daily pill. I know a

few people via the internet who are diagnosed with both RA and PA.

I was sorry to note in your latest post

that your good doctor is retiring soon. I hope you get a good replacement

also. God bless.


From: Rheumatoid Arthritis [mailto:Rheumatoid Arthritis ] On Behalf Of Lindsey Westberg

Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 11:29


Rheumatoid Arthritis

Subject: [sPAM] RE:


Thanks Harold,

I appreciate the feedback. I will talk to my doctor about the

antibiotic therapy. Every time I see him he reminds me " no babies with the

mtx " and everytime I leave I think " Dang, I wanted to ask what my

alternatives are. " Really, in my head I figured I was just going to

have to hurt.

As far as the spine goes, it's somewhat interesting... When I was

about 18 I started developing psoriasis on my scalp, elbows, chest. It got

worse and worse and I was started on Raptiva with no change then to enbrel.

Good results for a while, then my joints started to swell and get stiff and I

quit doing my normal activities. I thought it was the drugs so I went to a new

dermatologist who looked at my hands and called the Rheumatologist right there.

I saw him the next day and he started first with diclofinac (I don't know how

to spell that, sorry), which made me sick and didn't help so we went with mtx

injections and things have gone great. No one has ever

clearly differentiated between RA or it Psoriatic Arthritis. I have

the joint symptoms on both sides but now also in the spine. I've never asked as

it didn't seem to make much difference. Is it possible to have both? Any ideas?

Thank you so much, I hope you know what a relief it is to talk to

someone else who understands.



Oh yeah, and I do see a wonderful board certified rheumatologist who is

retiring soon :-(,___

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If you have Ra of the spine, get a bone scan. Check your bone density. You may need Actonel. If you have inflammation of the spine only medication can address that. Do NOT stress your back discs in any way. Gentle stretching but no twisting at all. Dont put your back into an unnatural position. If it is from erosion of the bone, glucosamine chondiotin and collagen and hyluran will help possibly and calcium and bone strengthening therapy like actonel will help also. Get your back addressed first and move on from there. As for children. RA genes are passed on from the mother to the child. Usually girls are more susceptible and have a higher trigger or manifesation rate at a certain point in their life usually duringa stressful or hormonal event like pregnancy. You might consider adoption or surrogacy so you wont have to be off your medications or bear the weight of the child to put severe strain on your already tender spine. My hands also get stiff and sore and I just had my infusion today. I would see an immunologist and fertility specialist about pregnancy and RA being passed on to the child. Read a past RA post which had an article about mama genes and RA. Someone found that article and it really made sense. Good Luck, Deborah

On 5/4/07, Lindsey & <lkwestberg@...> wrote:

Hello All! My name is Lindsey, I'm from Oregon and about to turn 26. I was diagnosed with RA in 2004 and started enbrel & mtx at that time. I was switched to Remicade in March of 06 due to insurance coverage and have been quite lucky with it. My hands get real sore and stiff a few days before treatment. For some time now, on and off, my back has been bothering me. This last week it came on and I couldn't make it better with anything so i went to the doctor about it. Seems that I have developed arthritis in my spine. I have a few questions for you all, as I don't know anyone else with RA to ask. Is it common for the spine to be affected rather quickly after onset (seems quick to me anyway)? What can I do to help the pain? (I should tell you that I do Bikram's yoga and it has been so wonderful for my pain).Next question I have... I''m getting married in October and we are hoping to have kids at some point, but Dr. told me I will have to stop taking MTX, has anyone here gotten pregnant after their diagnosis? How did things go, pain wise? How am I supposed to get by without any meds?

Thanks so much for " listening " looking forward to hearing from people!Lindsey

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Hi , Welcome to the group! I'm Steph in VA. I'm 29 and was dx'd with RA in 1999 at age 22. I have also been taking Remicade since March 2000 and have done very well on it. It isn't uncommon to develop RA in your back. I had scoliosis when I was younger and the docs think that contributed to my pre-disposition for arthritis in my spine. I also notice that my back hurts more because I'm always so stressed. My rheumy gave me Flexerill for my back & neck pain. It's a muscle relaxant. When the pain is particularly bad, I use one of those ThermaCare back wraps. They work surprisingly well for an OTC item. I just got married last May. My rheumy says that recent research shows that women with severe RA can stay on the biologics but must stop methotrexate & some other drugs. A good majority of women go into

remission while pregnant. My rheumy says that when the time comes there is plenty of info available to make an informed choice. By the way, the Virginia Arthritis Foundation chapter is sending me to the JRA conference in Hershey, PA. They have a young adult track & one of the sessions is about pregnancy & arthritis. The conference is July 1-4. Take care, Steph Lindsey & <lkwestberg@...> wrote: Next question I have... I''m getting married in October and we are hoping to have kids at some point, but Dr. told me I will have to stop taking MTX, has anyone here gotten pregnant after their diagnosis? How did things go, pain wise? How am I supposed to get by without any meds?Thanks so much for "listening" looking forward to hearing from people!Lindsey ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Join us Saturday May 5th at UVA's Stadium for the Charlottesville Arthritis Walk! Visit www.arthritiswalkcharlottesville.kintera.org to join a team or start a new one. Proceeds from the Walk go to research and programs for people living with arthritis through the Arthritis Foundation (www.arthritis.org). . "Never underestimate the power of a small, dedicated group of people to

change the world -- indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." (Margaret Mead)

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  • 8 months later...

Dear Family, I am so very honored to be hear and I thak for sharing the group with me. I am in awe at the love and compassion I feel from the group and the posts are awesome. Currently located in Lady Lake Florida careing for my Mom who's health issues are declining as she has improved tremendously. I am In need of healing prayers and healing energy for a torn biscep tendon in my right arm. No insurance so surgery is out of the question. As mentioned I studied with another group from Sedona Az. Studies were given without love, it was harsh. I learned alot and then after leaving Sedona had much self healing to do. It took me about 4 years to finally be back in my own power. One reason why this group means so much to me is that the love is so powerful. Again thank you for the warm

welcome. Blessings, Peace

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Hi Peace,

Glad you are here. Yes, it is an awesome place! And

you can be sure that your prayer requests are heard

and responded to.

Love & Light,


--- Peace <iampeacewalker@...> wrote:

> Dear Family,

> I am so very honored to be hear and I thak

> for sharing the group with me.

> I am in awe at the love and compassion I feel from

> the group and the posts are awesome.

> Currently located in Lady Lake Florida careing for

> my Mom who's health issues are declining as she has

> improved tremendously.

> I am In need of healing prayers and healing energy

> for a torn biscep tendon in my right arm.

> No insurance so surgery is out of the question.

> As mentioned I studied with another group

> from Sedona Az.

> Studies were given without love, it was harsh.

> I learned alot and then after leaving Sedona had

> much self healing to do.

> It took me about 4 years to finally be back in my

> own power.

> One reason why this group means so much to me is

> that the love is so powerful.

> Again thank you for the warm welcome.

> Blessings,

> Peace



> ---------------------------------

> Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them

> fast with Search.

Rev. Kanta Bosniak, CHt

Guided Imagery & Spiritual Life Coaching

in-office and by telephone

Speaking Engagements & Workshops

telephone: (610) 927-7733

email: art4spirit@...


main: www.KantaBosniak.com

general interest: www.myspace.com/kantanancy

cancer recovery: www.myspace.com/cancersurvivorcoach

weight management: www.myspace.com/kantabosniak

" Hold an image of the life you want and that image will become fact. "

Dr. Norman Peale



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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

Welcome to this group ! So glad that you joined! I think you'll like it

here :)


--- In , " spottie.okeefe " <spottie.okeefe@...>



> I'm new to this group and just wanted to say a quick hello and introduce

myself. My name is Stafford, Spottie O'Keefe is my business name so

that is why my email is what it is. Spottie is actually a nickname my husband

gave me back when I was a teenager and O'Keefe was his Irish ancestors' name. My

husband and I are both freethinkers and love to hear what other freethinkers

have to say, so I joined this group. I also wanted to tell you about a highly

contagious virus I recently caught. It's called a smile! I caught it from a

wonderful lady at a local discussion group I go to about the Laws of Attraction.

I think it's one of the most pleasant viruses you will ever catch and I

encourage anyone that catches it to spread it to as many people as they can!

Just my little contribution for the day!


> Love and peace,



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