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Re: Re: candida probs

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Thanks again for all the info i feel so blessed to be able to ask these question and get answers. I did get my doctor to order labs but another group member said they might not show any results if they are not specific enough. I hope i can last one more good year by trying these detox methods i have been doing the infrared saunas, coffee enemas(i've almost worked up to ten minutes!) and clensings. my oldest will be almost three then and i dont want her to remember me with D cups I really want to be a good role model for her! I told my husband i was going to stop telling him about the information i find out because we always fight about it he tells me "just get it done, schedule and appointment to take them out" but its not that simple. I told him im just going to transfer my yeast infections to him! With this perleche dry patch on my mouth that shut him up! I have to wait untill my mom can get vacation time to care for

my children when im recovering. So im off to get this acid stuff, the health food store is making lots of $$ on me lately! Oh i did check out the silicone kids website it breaks my heart to read some of the problems.. So far so good with my babies they are 20 months and 8 1/2 months both girls. I really want to have more soon to fill up my new house ! Thanks so much bye, lauralory2glory1401@...> wrote: Hi and welcome to our group,Candida issues can be very stubborn, but with proper treatment

and lifestyle you can get rid of it. Basically candida is an out of control fungal issue, so the goal is to get that fungus under control. Just like when you have out of control bacteria going on somewhere in your body, you have to attack it and bring everything under control. The problem with candida is that it can morph into more virulent forms (called mycelial forms) that can break through the intestinal barriers, get in the bloodstream and cause havoc in other areas of the body. Testing can be done, but #1, there are hundreds of forms of candida, and #2, most doctors do not recognize a candida infection as being urgent enough to warrant treatment. They say that everyone has candida, which is true, but only you know how you feel and I think that candida issues are greatly overlooked. Diflucan can be prescribed as an anti-fungal treatment, but there are other things you can use that are not Rx....one of the best ones I

would suggest is caprylic acid, especially if you can get the enteric coated kind. Take caprylic acid in high doses--no less than 3600 mg a day for at least 2 weeks minimum. This will go a long way in eradicating candida infections, and bring it under control. About your husband, alot of men are like this! My husband said the same thing to me and he thought I was over-reacting when I first got sick from my implants, but the truth was that my saline implants were making me VERY SICK. I got them out without him fully believing that they were the problem, but after 4 years I finally got my health back. He was so confused at first. All he really wanted was for me to be healthy again and once he realized how bad the implants had been for me, he realized what a tragedy is going on in America. I hope your husband will be able to see the light as well.....one

more thing....not only can implants be causing you to have a problem with candida, implants can have a negative effect on the health of some babies too. There is another group that we started called "Silicone Kids" because we've got women who have had sick babies after getting implants. This is a serious issue. Your doctor and your husband and sometimes even our families and closest friends don't "get it." They see as as basically looking okay, and totally miss the devastation we may be feeling on the inside. I looked good, but felt half dead when I was sick, and nobody believed me when I told them I thought it was the implants! I had at least 3 doctors tell me it wasn't the implants that was making me sick. Guess what....they were ALL WRONG! All their medical degrees, fancy white coats and expensive offices did not make them capable of telling me the truth, and the truth was that I would NOT GET BETTER AS LONG AS I KEPT MY

IMPLANTS. I've had them out for over 10 years now. My health recovered so that I could fully function, but I do have an autoimmune disease now, thanks to implants. It is Hashimoto's autoimmune thyroid disease for which I take thyroid meds. Don't gamble with your health. Treat your candida, but as long as you have implants in your body, your immune system is at risk and lifelong health issues will probably be your future. We are here to help as we've seen women get better over and over again when they do what needs to be done. It's a long hard journey, but it is worth it. Take care, Patty >> Hi i was wondering if anyone knows if there is a perminant solution for > candida? i did a total 30 day Natures Sunshine colon cleans with liquid > chlorophyll,

psyilium hulls, cascara segrada and hydrated bentonite and > i felt that my symptoms improved. I just went on vacation with my kids > and went totally off my sugar free no red meat diet and now i have skin > problems with my complexion, perleche chapping in the corner of my > mouth, and a rash on my neck that ive had for awhile now, my husband > says it looks like a hickey!?! My ears are so itchy and so is my nose > and scalp. Ive been taking a B complex and a B6 for energy but i feel > like im back to square one. Is there a specific test to diagnose this > for a prescription of some sort? My husband wants to take the computer > out of the house he thinks im making this up, and my doctor too i think!> I know there are some intelligent, experienced women on this site and > would appreciate some help. P.s could my saline implants make me more > sensitive to these yeast


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Things are going good my precious friend.

I am not working yet but hopefully soon.... I am

still fighting the fatigue and heart palps but I am

at a stand still and debating on going out on a limb

to up my thyroid meds myself. I am taking lots of stuff

to help the adrenals and thyroid so maybe this needs time.

I am not back to church yet so that means that I am not

myself yet but reading the word and trying to remember it

seems to be a struggle at this point . But I know God sent

forth the word and he healed... I am looking forward to that.

I am having a Garage sale to help with the bills for now ... I

hate selling the things that are so precious to me but it must

be done until I get that job. The last 4 years have been hard

and this year with a lot of medical bills ....I find myself at this

point in life and happy that I am getting my life back . I am

not letting this get me down.

I am so happy for everyone's help and yours truly !!!

Thanks for asking about me and thinking of me...you are a God sent.

I would not be here today if it wasn't for this group ...I was about

to give up last Christmas until you girls told me about the capsules.

Now here I am today 3 months after surgery and feeling like I am

going to make it ...that is a big relief !!!

Praise God for healings and coffee enemas,

In a message dated 5/29/2008 4:26:23 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, glory2glory1401@... writes:

Hey ,How are things going for you girlfriend?I hope you are beating that fatigue...are you working?Patty>> Trust me,> My family wanted to put me away in the nursing home.> And some thought that I should listen to anyone here on the> computer but I didn't listen and girls I am so glad I didn't listen> to my family or I wouldn't be this far.> > Love > > > In a message dated 5/28/2008 3:53:40 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, > lauratan981@... writes:> > > > > Hi i was wondering if anyone knows if there is a perminant solution for > candida? i did a total 30 day Natures Sunshine colon cleans with liquid > chlorophyll, psyilium hulls, cascara segrada and hydrated bentonite and > i felt that my symptoms improved. I just went on vacation with my kids > and went totally off my sugar free no red meat diet and now i have skin > problems with my complexion, perleche chapping in the corner of my > mouth, and a rash on my neck that ive had for awhile now, my husband > says it looks like a hickey!?! My ears are so itchy and so is my nose > and scalp. Ive been taking a B complex and a B6 for energy but i feel > like im back to square one. Is there a specific test to diagnose this > for a prescription of some sort? My husband wants to take the computer > out of the house he thinks im making this up, and my doctor too i think!> I know there are some intelligent, experienced women on this site and > would appreciate some help. P.s could my saline implants make me more > sensitive to these yeast infections? > > > > > > > > **************Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch "Cooking with > Tyler Florence" on AOL Food. > (http://food.aol.com/tyler-florence?video=4 & ?NCID=aolfod00030000000002)> Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch "Cooking with Tyler Florence" on AOL Food.

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Hi Patty, Yes it was May 2nd 2008.The sunburn has gotten better as far as feeling but my breast still look sunburned. AND my sutures are not dissolving either. Yes I know now that I have a problem with heavy metal problems - mercury which is also adding to the yeast.Like I said, I feel dumb...No mark that, since I am here - I will tell the truth.I had my implants replaced in Oct. only to wind up with a high fever in Nov. which turned out to be MRSA. Which - several and I mean more than 3 also got it at the plastic surgeons surgical office.I went to another surgeon to have them replaced this May 3 weeks ago.And thus the sunburn...I had no idea that my "saline" implants is what is most

likely been making me sick for the past 18 months. I had my first implants done about 10 years ago..So the time frame adds up..I would like to see the pictures. I will look for that link.Which manufacturer did Beth sue?I asked Mentor about this problem and their reply was anyone can be allergic to anything...duh!!Thanks again Patty.April Re: candida probs


> Hello there, do you still have saline implants inside

> of you? There are many salines that become moldy.

> There are photos in the files that you can see. Also

> systemic candida is common among implanted people.

> Also look in the files section on therapy's we have tons

> of info in there on this subject and things you can try

> and do. Everyone is different and so you just have to

> find what works for you. I am hoping that some of the

> other gals chime in here, I am having brain fog right now.

> Stay close, and ask all the questions you have, we are

> here for you ! Remember, go to the archives, there is

> tons of info on it there, and all things you can do at home.

> Welcome to the group !

> Hugs N Prayers ~ Dede





> ____________ _________ _________ __

> Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch "Cooking with Tyler

Florence" on AOL

> Food.


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Thanks you dont know how much i appreciate the SPECIFIC products im going crazy trying all different types of fiber this and creams I hope this is better than the ecclyptus oil i tried last for sinus relief. Probiotics is next for me to start do you know if i can continue this stuff while pregnant? I had a little accident on vacation a week ago so i may be pregnant already i want to wait to start untill i talk to my ob/gyn. It makes me very happy to know that you have gotten relief with these products i cant wait to order tomorrow! A very appreciative .edproducts.com> wrote: I also have dealt with fungal/candida issues - especially w/my sinuses. The thing that has helped me the most is olive leaf. As soon as I began using it I noticed a difference - even before getting my implants out. I would definitely recommend you get them removed, but in the meantime (and afterwards) I'd highly recommend you get on some olive leaf, you take it internally and use a nasal spray. I cannot tell you how much it has helped! I am still fighting the fungus, but I have greatly improved since using the OL (and of course getting explanted).There are lots of manufacturers of olive leaf, some are better than others. I did my research and this one is the most effective that I found, they are also the only ones who make a nasal spray. Oh! They also have throat spray and ear drops. I had itchy ears for the longest time and using the ear

drops got rid of it. I use the throat spray any time I start to feel a scratchy or gunky throat and it takes care of it.Here's the stuff I use. The OL capsules are buy 1 get 1 free right now.http://www.seagateproducts.com/The other thing I'd recommend is a really good probiotic. There are lots of great ones out there. The one that has made the biggest difference for me is Dr. Ohirra's probiotic. I buy it from this site:http://www.crohns.net/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD & Product_Code=OMX2030Hope this helps you!

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I am on 60 mg of thyroid and taking organic herbs for Adrenals by .

I am taking a lot of things that I was low in on my Doctor data.com test so hopefully

this helps ...still having a lot of pain in my legs and brain fog seems to be getting

better but still forgetful.

I had my garage sale but people are just not buying because of the gas prices, In

fact hardly any customers stopped out at the garage sale due to the gas prices..

I live in the country and there were no cars on the road this weekend.

Thanks for the information on the study book ... I love to study God's word. I will be

getting that. I studied the fruits of the spirit years ago and enjoyed that sooo much.

Yes, I agree God is getting his people ready for his return. I say Come Lord Jesus Come.

Hallelujah !!!!

In a message dated 5/30/2008 11:49:09 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, glory2glory1401@... writes:

Hey ,How much armour thyroid are you taking?

What are you taking for the adrenals?

I think a garage sale is a great idea! I need to do one actually. You know, I look around at my stuff and think to myself, "I can't take it with me, so what good is it?" I've been selling off my books and DVD's and other stuff that isn't necessary to have around. It's time to lighten up. God is getting his people ready!

, church is important to me too, but we don't always get there every weekend when we are out of town. But what has been the most important part of my spiritual growth is doing home based Bible studies and I can recommend some to you that are totally awesome! I love Beth Bible studies...I think I've done every one of them and she has about 10 or more of them out. If you can get your hands on a Beth Bible study book (called a member book) for about $15 and sometimes even less on Ebay (make sure it is not filled out), you will be blessed! My favorite study so far is called, "Believing God". "" was good too, and "Living Beyond Yourself" (a study of the fruit of the Spirit) was totally awesome. I just opened up my house to other women coming over and doing this study with me and it has been amazing. There is a little bit of homework to do each day, so you get the Word, you get taught and you get blessed! We get the video's too, but those are more expensive, but you can definitely do the study without the videos. You might even be able to find a church in your area where they do these studies, and if not, you can do them online!

Here is Beth's online study link for Believing God:http://www.lifeway.com/believingGod/

, you are getting better day by day, and God is walking with you every step of the way!


>> Patty,> Things are going good my precious friend.> I am not working yet but hopefully soon.... I am> still fighting the fatigue and heart palps but I am> at a stand still and debating on going out on a limb> to up my thyroid meds myself. I am taking lots of stuff > to help the adrenals and thyroid so maybe this needs time.> > I am not back to church yet so that means that I am not > myself yet but reading the word and trying to remember it> seems to be a struggle at this point . But I know God sent> forth the word and he healed... I am looking forward to that.> > I am having a Garage sale to help with the bills for now ... I > hate selling the things that are so precious to me but it must> be done until I get that job. The last 4 years have been hard> and this year with a lot of medical bills ....I find myself at this> point in life and happy that I am getting my life back . I am > not letting this get me down.> > I am so happy for everyone's help and yours truly !!!> Thanks for asking about me and thinking of me...you are a God sent.> I would not be here today if it wasn't for this group ...I was about> to give up last Christmas until you girls told me about the capsules.> Now here I am today 3 months after surgery and feeling like I am > going to make it ...that is a big relief !!!> > Praise God for healings and coffee enemas,> > > > In a message dated 5/29/2008 4:26:23 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, > glory2glory1401@... writes:> > > > > Hey ,> How are things going for you girlfriend?> I hope you are beating that fatigue...are you working?> Patty> > --- In _ @SalineSupporSal_ (mailto:SalineSu pport ) > , shellyjo1021@, shel> >> > Trust me,> > My family wanted to put me away in the nursing home.> > And some thought that I should listen to anyone here on the> > computer but I didn't listen and girls I am so glad I didn't listen> > to my family or I wouldn't be this far.> > > > Love > > > > > > In a message dated 5/28/2008 3:53:40 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, > > lauratan981@ lauratan981@<W> > > > > > > > > > Hi i was wondering if anyone knows if there is a perminant solution > for > > candida? i did a total 30 day Natures Sunshine colon cleans with > liquid > > chlorophyll, psyilium hulls, cascara segrada and hydrated bentonite > and > > i felt that my symptoms improved. I just went on vacation with my > kids > > and went totally off my sugar free no red meat diet and now i have > skin > > problems with my complexion, perleche chapping in the corner of my > > mouth, and a rash on my neck that ive had for awhile now, my > husband > > says it looks like a hickey!?! My ears are so itchy and so is my > nose > > and scalp. Ive been taking a B complex and a B6 for energy but i > feel > > like im back to square one. Is there a specific test to diagnose > this > > for a prescription of some sort? My husband wants to take the > computer > > out of the house he thinks im making this up, and my doctor too i > think!> > I know there are some intelligent, experienced women on this site > and > > would appreciate some help. P.s could my saline implants make me > more > > sensitive to these yeast infections? > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ************ ************<WBR>**Get trade secrets for amazing burger> with > > Tyler Florence" on AOL Food. > > (_http://food.http://food.<Whttp://fohttp:// & ?_ > (http://food.aol.com/tyler-florence?video=4 & ?) > NCID=aolfod00030000NCID=ao> >> > > > > > > > **************Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch "Cooking with > Tyler Florence" on AOL Food. > (http://food.aol.com/tyler-florence?video=4 & ?NCID=aolfod00030000000002)>

Get trade secrets for amazing burgers. Watch "Cooking with Tyler Florence" on AOL Food.

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,Welcome to !You may benefit from incorporating probiotic foods into your diet . . . yogurt (watch out for sugar), Kefir (an online search will be beneficial), sauerkraut (we have a good recipe in the archives) . . . Diet is huge. No sugar, refined grains, processed foods, microwaved or deep fried foods either. Fighting fungal issues is a lifetime committment! . . . It shouldn't hurt either you or an unborn baby. Both of you would benefit. . . I would caution about some products that are hard hitting. . . Check with the doctor there! Better to go slow and easy than to used a sledge hammer!Rogene Re: Re: candida probs

Thanks you dont know how much i appreciate the SPECIFIC products im going crazy trying all different types of fiber this and creams I hope this is better than the ecclyptus oil i tried last for sinus relief. Probiotics is next for me to start do you know if i can continue this stuff while pregnant? I had a little accident on vacation a week ago so i may be pregnant already i want to wait to start untill i talk to my ob/gyn. It makes me very happy to know that you have gotten relief with these products i cant wait to order tomorrow! A very appreciative .edproducts.com> wrote: I also have dealt with fungal/candida issues - especially w/my sinuses. The thing that has helped me the most is olive leaf. As soon as I

began using it I noticed a difference - even before getting my implants out. I would definitely recommend you get them removed, but in the meantime (and afterwards) I'd highly recommend you get on some olive leaf, you take it internally and use a nasal spray. I cannot tell you how much it has helped! I am still fighting the fungus, but I have greatly improved since using the OL (and of course getting explanted).There are lots of manufacturers of olive leaf, some are better than others. I did my research and this one is the most effective that I found, they are also the only ones who make a nasal spray. Oh! They also have throat spray and ear drops. I had itchy ears for the longest time and using the ear

drops got rid of it. I use the throat spray any time I start to feel a scratchy or gunky throat and it takes care of it.Here's the stuff I use. The OL capsules are buy 1 get 1 free right now.http://www.seagatep roducts.com/The other thing I'd recommend is a really good probiotic. There are lots of great ones out there. The one that has made the biggest difference for me is Dr. Ohirra's probiotic. I buy it from this site:http://www.crohns. net/Merchant2/ merchant. mvc?Screen=PROD & Product_Code= OMX2030Hope this helps you!

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