Guest guest Posted May 26, 2000 Report Share Posted May 26, 2000 Subj: [pagwv] Saturday Rolling Thunder Health Care Rally---Latest Date: 5/26/2000 7:54:35 AM Mountain Daylight Time From: DSNurse@... Reply-to: <A HREF= " mailto:pagwvegroups " >pagwvegroups</A> egroups, pagwvegroups May be a few changes (additions)on site but here is the list of main keynote speakers for Rolling Thunder Health Rally. Artie-- President of Rolling Thunder to give remarks also. Also Cronauer will hopefully be there during the Rally to help Greet and host for short time. In addition Tom Burch to stop by for short Remarks. Noel and J re entertainment Organizer: Nichols and Woods Speakers For Rolling Thunder Health Rally: Saturday Rolling Thunder Health Rally 10-2 at the Reflection pool area across from Lincoln Memorial Vargas-----PTSD--- per Artie / New re UN Noel- Homeless Veterans Dr Doug Rokke- GW Syndrome and DU. Dr Rokke is a Vietnam and Gulf War veteran and has spoken out internationally re DU Col Handy- Resigned his commission due to Anthrax vaccination. Mrs(Roxanne) Sonny Bates-----Major Bates's wife. Major Bates was highest officer and pilot courtmartialed over Anthrax vaccine Another family member is to speak re resisting Anthrax Vaccine: a member of the Colosimo family(-mother) whose son was injured by the vaccine Nichols- DS Nurse - Vice chair National Vietnam and Gulf War Veterans Coalition- US AFR- Gulf WAR VETERAN AND NURSE(MSN)- Ret Maj- Served in the Gulf and has testified on the Hill twice and to the Presidential Advisory Committee and Presidential Oversight Committee and has had media interviews internationally. Carl Shear- Birth Defect Children AO/GW Jennie Lefevre- Re the Quilt Lady- Agent Orange Widow. Jennie Le Fevre, is a resident of land, an Agent Orange Widow, her husband died with cancer in ten parts of his body. She is not compensated by the VA because they state her husband did not have the right kind of cancer under Agent Orange. Her husband was a veteran of the Korean and Vietnam War, Jennie herself, is a veteran of the Korean War era. Jennie is the President of the Agent Orange Victims and Widows Support Network and founder of the Quilts of Tears.The Quilts of Tears are a memorial, tribute and honor to the Agent Orange Victims , both living and dead. Jennie has displayed the quilts in various parts of the country at veterans functions and reunions. She ends all messages by saying " I will never allow the Agent Orange Victims to be forgotten. " She is very active in veterans causes, was a member of the Agent Orange Corrdinating Council, which was chaired by the late Admiral Zumwalt. Since his death, the Council no longer exists. Jennie is on seven veterans e-mail forums and remains very active and devoted to the Agent Orange issue. At least once a month, she displays the quilts at some veteran's functions, She has been invited to be the keynote speaker at various veterans ceremonies. Jennie is an honorary recipent of the Silver Rose, her husband recieved one for the 23 years devotion to his country and for the loss of his life due to Agent Orange. Jennie also serves on the Board of Directors of the Order of the Silver Rose. Chenett- Agent Orange---- Silver Rose Award Board. Vietnam Veteran Chenett (cha-nah ) is a Vietnam combat veteran who proudly served from February of 1967 until February of 1968 with the U.S. Army. He was with the First Infantry Division ( The Big Red One ) 1st. Squadron 4th. U.S. Calvary B Troop.. served his tour of duty as a machine gunner on a Armored Personnel r ( APC ). In June of 1993 he lost half of his left lung due to Agent Orange related lung cancer. He immediately was given service related disability for his sickness. In November of 1998 he was given the Prestigious Honor of receiving the Silver Rose. Marchand the founder of the Silver Rose sadly passed away at a very young age on April 15th. of 1999 and assumed the directorship of the Silver Rose in July of 1999. Snyder- Lawyer that assists Veterans on Claims and Appeals of Claims, most recently testified on problem with Hepatitis C Dave Ridel- For Joyce Riley Eb - Gw Veteran - Mass. GW Veterans Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 24, 2003 Report Share Posted August 24, 2003 Everyone: If you haven't already done so..........please email Jeb Bush and help Terri live. Dee Dee and Bridget Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 14, 2004 Report Share Posted August 14, 2004 Some interesting news from one of our courses. IMUNE Here are a few new notes about what we’ll be covering in the upcoming Basic & Beyond Training: Many little known secrets J Language and tricky areas we all need to know about Routes to take to gather your session pathway/detective work Cause and Aggravations panel Patient Superconscious Reduction panel Homotoxicology panel Using the many features of the Test and Database screen Individual Reaction Go To No Drag & Drop Hold Trays Zapping Sub-Files Search function System Power Settings Just what do the VARHOPE and all those other numbers mean? Biorhythms Add Faculty facility Shaping function Therapy panel and available pathways to follow The many Auto-Therapy programs and features of each Activate Frequency Modulation programs Spinal panel and how to work with related features Sarcodes Timed Therapies Nutrition Program Disease Dictionary Anti-Aging and Face/Body Scan NLP Emotional Growth panel Biofeedback programs Risk Profile program Virtual doctor Hold Tray use Measuring for Perverse energy, Minerals, Amino Acids, Herbs Reports and Charts Problem Solving Alarms Computer freeze-ups Gaining familiarity with most of the basic programs Ending your session Prayer Program Spiritual healing Program Testing for VAROH improvement Checking Current Rectification We’ll also have the opportunity to work in pairs and practice our abilities to go through a real live session. Bring your box, harness and cables for this. We’ll be learning about and working with Energetic Blanks, the very latest and advanced system for capturing the frequencies of an entire session (or just part of it) into one little bottle to send home with our clients to get them well fast. And we’ll learn which symptoms this system works especially well for. We’ll use our boxes for this part too. We’ll have time for plenty of questions & answers. Get all the specific questions you’ve had so far – answered! You’ll receive many handouts that will assist you with the various screens. August 19 through 22, 2004 $495 and reviewers $395 Registration will close Monday August 16. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday, we’ll start at 9 am and end at 5 pm On Sunday we’ll go from 9 am to 4 pm. Training will be hands-on with your computer and in a class-room style setting. Come ready to learn and enjoy your adventure into the deeper workings of the SCIO and SCIO-Q (new name for the QXCI). This extensive four day Basic and Beyond is open to everyone – whether you’re a “Newbie” or a “Seasoned User”. PRE-REQUISITE: You must know the following foundation basics: 1. How to fill out the demographics section 2. How to complete the Calibration process 3. How to do the Test procedure 4. How to save your client information and test results 5. Basic button pushing and basic computer functions. CERTIFICATION: IMUNE Certification credits are available along with your Certification of Completion of your Basic and Beyond Training. Join us at the Crowne Plaza Hotel LAX Los Angeles, California 5985 West Century Blvd (I-405) Call 888-315-3700 for hotel room reservations and ask for the special Catering rate of $99 plus taxes for the Quantum Alternative computer training class. For your convenience to those who are flying in, you can obtain the Crowne Plaza Hotel shuttle at no cost. This shuttle is located outside of Baggage Claim at the RED curb marked Hotel Shuttles, or you can call on the inside courtesy phones where the Crowne Plaza is listed. This shuttle runs every 15-20 minutes 24 hours a day. For those of you who will be driving, the hotel is located on your right very near the airport. You will receive the parking rate of $5 off per day for self-parking and $7 off for valet parking. For those staying overnight at the hotel please request and get a parking voucher when you check in. If you have any further questions, we can be reached at our office. (951) 247-4884 We have gone through a recent area code change YES, I AM READY AND WANT TO REGISTER NOW To register and pay with credit card using the fax, send fax to 951-247-5574 To register and pay by mail, make your check payable to Quantum Alternative, or use your credit card and send to Quantum Alternative, 12625 Frederick St., #1-5-107, Moreno Valley, CA 92553. ___ I will be attending August 19-22, 2004 for $495. ___ I am reviewing for $395. My name: _______________________________________________________ My address: _____________________________________________________ City:_________________________________State:_________ZIP:__________ My phone: _____________________My fax: ___________________________ `` My e-mail : ______________________________________________________ Number of people attending ____ I WANT TO USE MY CREDIT CARD The amount I authorize you to charge to my credit card is $_________ Visa / Master Card or Discover Number: ___________________________________________ Expiration Date: ____/____ CVV/CID#___/___/___ Today’s date: ______________ (3 digit number on back of card) Name as it appears on card: ________________________________________ Authorizing Signature: ____ ________________________________________ My credit card billing address ______________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Your credit card will be processed by Quest for the Best. Please Note: Your card statement will reflect this merchant. CANCELLATION NOTICE There is a $50 non-refundable deposit per person for seminar cancellation. Check with the Crowne Plaza Hotel regarding their cancellation policy. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 12, 2008 Report Share Posted May 12, 2008 ----- Forwarded Message ----From: "carwol@..." <carwol@...>We have been asked to post this heartfelt letter from Pat, who has so valiantly fought cancer 3 times; this year I believe we failed to remember the anniversaries of the passing of both Kathi Leahy and PJ Brent, who worked so hard - until the very end of their lives, fighting against the silicone/platinum poisoning of women. These are two who touched my life, though we never met, 8 years ago when I was in need of help, as did Parfum Gigi, Myrl, Pam, Kathy, Zuckerman,Dr. , Lynda -the list goes on and on -starting with Ilena, who has maintained her site all these many years (long before I ever knew I needed help!). They have worked so hard, for so many years.We thank her for writing, and hope this will be an encouragement to write your stories and send them to the Ilena, at Humantics. We need to "leave footprints", sisters. May we continue to work together for the health and safety of future young women, and share any little knowledge we might glean..Thank you, Pat -- for saluting our sisterhood!!CarolynSubject: Please postcarwol@...Hi Carol, I hate that I'm just now getting this sent out, I've not had a very good 2-3 weeks but I did have a better Mother's Day, It's still a day thatstill stabs my heart because I still find myself missing my precious Mother. God absolutely blessed me with His Best and it still hurts so bad when I find myself not feeling well and that's when I miss her so much and Carol, it has happened on three occasions when I was really at Heavens Gate that my Abba Father allowed my mother to come down in a dream and be with me, we laughed and cried just as we did when she were here. All of my friends always wanted her to go with us anywhere because she was so much fun and so full oflove. It wasn't like we went back to our old life, she was already in Heaven but Jesus knew that I needed her so badly , no doctor and no syringe full ofmorphine could EVER help like just a few minutes with her and the last time that I was blessed with one of those visits was two weeks after my brain surgery that I took the flu and you could hear me wheezing in the next room and that's was the first time that I had a doctor ask me how long had I had emphysema & how long had I smoked? I told him I had never and nor had I ever lived around it except when I was still nursing I was the only nurse that wasn't smoking or carrying a cup of coffee in my hand. I didn't like either one, He just shook his head and I told him I knew where it had started. Then I told him about the Silicone Sisters and how so many had the lung problems. That's what has been so bad for the last two months, I wake in the middle of the night so congested that it's almost impossible to get the air, the inhalers help a little but it scares me to think where we might all get to. I remember the last time I talked to our precious Sister Kathi, her email was "1pureheart home".com, she answered the phone but she was struggling to get a good breath, she was already on O2 24/7and I told her I would call her back later and she said, No, I want to talk & her husband told me that she did not want to go to the hospital when she was dying but that she was just gasping and they made her go but he said that she lived four days and with the oxygen up as high it would go she still was strugg-ling for air and she died a horrible death But most of us know that she fought a good fight having the gift of discernment always seeming to know one of her sisters needed a word or a prayer and that happened more than once or twice. I feel so blessed to have known her and felt the closeness that we shared as real Sisters. I truly miss signing on everyday checking each other as they signed on needing help and sometimes hearing how God had touched so many as we all began to lift them up in prayer. It was the fastest way that we could forget ourpain when we heard of another one knocked down. There are so many storiesand Carol, you and others have done so much for each one but can you just imagine the stories that Illena has in all of her days, I just think that I am going to just send in a prior request to my Heavenly Father and that is to ask Him to schedule all of us an appointment for us all to sit down and really get acquainted with ones that we really felt we already knew. Can't you just imagine what life we would have had if there had been no internet. I can't even began to think what it would have been like because those relationships were so uplifting while not understanding how you could learn to care so much for someone you've never seen and probably never even talked to her yet be willing to ask God to send your "Next good day" on to your Sister who was hurting sobad and that's what always reminds me of the little sketch of a little boy carry-ing another little boy on his back and he was saying, he ain't heavy Momma, he's my brother. This world would be such a better place to live if we all could share a love for each other & always searching for something to help their pain or maybe just a little bit of information that just might cause Dow to have to take something stronger than Ambien to settle down for a long winters' night.Well Carol, I don't know where all this came from because I had to make my-self come to this computer because I really wanted to tell all the hurting sisters we have a great big wonderful God who loves us more than we could ever imagine and all that He wants of us is that We love him. Carol, even tho Mother's Day is gone, if this blesses you then post it for me and I will appreciate it. You probably need to take breaks before reading all of this, I hope it makes sense to you, I love you and I appreciate all you do. I send all of God's blesssings to you and Ilena for your never endng work. You are loved, Pat Fayetteville, NC Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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