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Hi Ladies,

Since I am such an " unique " case, I wanted to pick your brains. Have

you ever had anyone in the group or have read about anyone having

abodminal pain that moves around? Now that I am not on the diet, I

still have pain BUT it's in different places. What I mean is, I now

have sinus pain, lower back pain along with the gas and bloating .

When I'm on the diet, the pain is in the squeezing under my ribcage

that goes all round my torse, pelvic pain along with bloating and

gas...and of course lets not forget my constant burbing.

I have always felt that I did not have the symptoms that most of the

woman in this group have. No joint pain, brain fog, hair falling

out, swollen lymph nodes, etc.....none of those things. Only IBS

symptoms. I think that's why it took me so long to figure out that

this maybe my implants. When I researched problems with implants it

never talked about IBS but all the other symptoms that the other

ladies have. I noticed in the first page of this forum, it does not

mention IBS. Sometimes I wonder if I've even figured out my problem


Thanks for you implant!


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Hi Cherie,

I have not experienced many of the symptoms on this site either. I

found this site because i was having anxiety attacks and digestive

problems that could best be described as constant nausea but never

actually got sick or a severe burning in the upper abdomen.

Occasionally it will move into my lower back or on the sides. i have

started to get to the point where if i go out to eat anywhere i have

to be within 5-10 minutes of my house or else i am not going to make

it home before going to the bathroom. The upper area of my stomach

feels like there is an air pump in there that just keeps filling it

up. I go anywhere from constipated to diarrhea all within one night.

I have had endoscopies, x-rays, ultrasounds, emptying scan and

anything else you can think of but everything keeps coming back

normal. Finally during one of my many ER trios a nurse prescribed me

Carafate which is a pill form of maximum Maalox. It apparently coats

your stomach and seemed to do the job although i only take now if i

absolutely need it. Im not a big fan of meds although this is not an

antibiotic. My symptoms have never been anything more then digestive

and some form of anxiety, chest pressure and my hearts speeds up and

freaks out every no and then but Dede said that was the implants

putting pressure on them.

--- In , " cannst42 " <cannst42@...>



> Hi Ladies,


> Since I am such an " unique " case, I wanted to pick your brains.


> you ever had anyone in the group or have read about anyone having

> abodminal pain that moves around? Now that I am not on the diet,


> still have pain BUT it's in different places. What I mean is, I


> have sinus pain, lower back pain along with the gas and bloating .

> When I'm on the diet, the pain is in the squeezing under my


> that goes all round my torse, pelvic pain along with bloating and

> gas...and of course lets not forget my constant burbing.


> I have always felt that I did not have the symptoms that most of


> woman in this group have. No joint pain, brain fog, hair falling

> out, swollen lymph nodes, etc.....none of those things. Only IBS

> symptoms. I think that's why it took me so long to figure out that

> this maybe my implants. When I researched problems with implants


> never talked about IBS but all the other symptoms that the other

> ladies have. I noticed in the first page of this forum, it does


> mention IBS. Sometimes I wonder if I've even figured out my


> yet.


> Thanks for you implant!

> Cherie


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Sorry , i didnt see that this was to Patty and Rogene. Perhaps i

should read a little more closely :)

--- In , " cannst42 " <cannst42@...>



> Hi Ladies,


> Since I am such an " unique " case, I wanted to pick your brains.


> you ever had anyone in the group or have read about anyone having

> abodminal pain that moves around? Now that I am not on the diet,


> still have pain BUT it's in different places. What I mean is, I


> have sinus pain, lower back pain along with the gas and bloating .

> When I'm on the diet, the pain is in the squeezing under my


> that goes all round my torse, pelvic pain along with bloating and

> gas...and of course lets not forget my constant burbing.


> I have always felt that I did not have the symptoms that most of


> woman in this group have. No joint pain, brain fog, hair falling

> out, swollen lymph nodes, etc.....none of those things. Only IBS

> symptoms. I think that's why it took me so long to figure out that

> this maybe my implants. When I researched problems with implants


> never talked about IBS but all the other symptoms that the other

> ladies have. I noticed in the first page of this forum, it does


> mention IBS. Sometimes I wonder if I've even figured out my


> yet.


> Thanks for you implant!

> Cherie


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Cherie - You sound alot like me. I do not have many of the other symptoms either. I ave some mild joint pain and brain fog but what is bothering me the most is my digestion. Seems like no matter what i do, I can not get it better. I was told I have IBS also, although, I KNOW I do not have it. I think I have a huge imbalance of bacteria in my gut from antibiotis, and the surgery itself. I have what feels like heart-burn in my stomach. However, since I have been on enzymes and probotics, it has not been as bad and any discomfort seems to feel like gas pressure now without the gas. It is lower in my stomach and jsut feels like pressure.

I am trying to find something that will heal my stomach also.....I just think in my ase it will take time and lots of probotics!!!! My cousin has IBS and our symtpoms are not the same at all. I also wonder sometimes if what I am doing for my stomach is right....it is like I am not sure what to do to make it heal and get better because nothing seems to work. Hang in there and maybe we can find something that will work for both of us!!!!!

Much Love,



Hi Ladies,Since I am such an "unique" case, I wanted to pick your brains. Have you ever had anyone in the group or have read about anyone having abodminal pain that moves around? Now that I am not on the diet, I still have pain BUT it's in different places. What I mean is, I now have sinus pain, lower back pain along with the gas and bloating . When I'm on the diet, the pain is in the squeezing under my ribcage that goes all round my torse, pelvic pain along with bloating and gas...and of course lets not forget my constant burbing.I have always felt that I did not have the symptoms that most of the woman in this group have. No joint pain, brain fog, hair falling out, swollen lymph nodes, etc.....none of those things. Only IBS symptoms. I think that's why it took me so long to figure out that this maybe my implants. When I researched problems with implants it never talked about IBS but all

the other symptoms that the other ladies have. I noticed in the first page of this forum, it does not mention IBS. Sometimes I wonder if I've even figured out my problem yet. Thanks for you implant!Cherie

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> Hi Ladies,


> Since I am such an " unique " case, I wanted to pick your brains.


> you ever had anyone in the group or have read about anyone having

> abodminal pain that moves around? Now that I am not on the diet, I

> still have pain BUT it's in different places. What I mean is, I now

> have sinus pain, lower back pain along with the gas and bloating .

> When I'm on the diet, the pain is in the squeezing under my ribcage

> that goes all round my torse, pelvic pain along with bloating and

> gas...and of course lets not forget my constant burbing.


> I have always felt that I did not have the symptoms that most of


> woman in this group have. No joint pain, brain fog, hair falling

> out, swollen lymph nodes, etc.....none of those things. Only IBS

> symptoms. I think that's why it took me so long to figure out that

> this maybe my implants. When I researched problems with implants it

> never talked about IBS but all the other symptoms that the other

> ladies have. I noticed in the first page of this forum, it does not

> mention IBS. Sometimes I wonder if I've even figured out my problem

> yet.


> Thanks for you implant!

> Cherie



Sorry, I'm not Rogene or Patty. :o) I just wanted to say I've had

IBS symptoms, as well. I had some of the symptoms before implants,

too, but they got progressively worse after getting them. This,

despite my efforts to get better (diet, supplements, etc). I just

got explanted 4 days ago, and still have the gut gurgling/rumbling,

gas, cramping, etc. But I know it will take time to get better.

I'm surprised you haven't seen IBS listed on any implant symptom

lists. I've actually seen it pretty frequently listed as a symptom.

I don't really understand all the reasons why implants can cause IBS

type problems. I know that they can compromise the immune system,

which gives opportunity for things like candida (which is one of my


You might look for a woman on the group who goes by the name " Perfect

Health " . She has had a lot of " gut " issues due to implants and is

pretty knowledgable about it.

Hope you get better soon,


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I hadn't looked at myself as being lucky.....I guess your right! My

ND suggested that I try fasing but Rogene....I'm so afraid about

doing that! I do not do well with not eating....I turn into an

irritable bit & * that no one wants to be around! Fasting has always

been extremely difficult for me. I get sooo weak and I'm already

pretty weak.

I've tried a salt water enemia and it just moved my pain and

bloatingness into my upper abdomen and under my ribcage. I was on a

bladder/kidney/liver tea cleanse for two months, no change. Do you

know much about colon hydroptherapy? Would that benefit me?




> Cherie,


> Reasoning would say that you're lucky . .. since you don't have all

the other symptoms.


> And, that, since your pain is related to your stomach, that it's

basically digestive issues you're dealing with. It's apparent that

your digestive system doesn't like most supplements . . . the fact

that you're burping a lot would point in that direction too.


> Have you considered fasting? . . . The bad organisms starve to

death on a fast . . .


> I'd take another look at things that would help build a healthy

digestive system . . . Then try them slowly. . . . But you may want

to clean the old stuff out first. . . liver/gall bladder flushes,

coffee enemas, colonics, etc.


> Hugs,


> Rogene


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No Cherie,I don't know about colon hydroptherapy . . . But if it was me, I'd try anything that had a chance to help me feel better - without making me worse. From what you've described, I think it would help you.I've had enough colonoscopies to be cleaned out thoroughly. Good luck with it! . . . Patty can help you with what you go through fasting . . . I haven't done it either. . . There may be a to get past the irritable stage. I don't think it lasts very long.Seriously Cherie . . . you are lucky! . . . I know you don't feel that way right now though.Hugs,Rogene

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I know a coffee enema sounds gross, but trust me, it is one of the

very best ways to detox your body! It will cause your liver to flush

toxic bile and tons of waste out of your body faster than if you had

to wait for your body to do it on its own. I wish you could do it

just once to see what would happen.

When I was first told about them, I thought the ND was a freakin'

nutcase. I told him flat out, no, I won't do them. But later as I

learned about the coffee enema in cases where cancer was cured, I

took a second look. I gave it a go and it was so easy.

I think a liver flush would be a good idea too. And I definitely

think you should overload on probiotics. If you can drink kefir, all

the better. What you want to create is a nice, thick mucous lining in

your gut that will be a strong wall of defense against nasty invaders

in your gut that have no business making it into your bloodstream. A

weak gut lining that is full of holes (IBS) is not going to get you

healthy. You need that gut lining to be full of healthy bacteria.



> Rogene - I feel the same way about getting cleaned out by having a

colonoscopy. I had one right before I had my implants out just to

make sure nothing else could be causing my digestion problems. That

is when they said I had IBS but after having the scope, they could

not confirm it. They found NOTHING wrong with me. However, after

cleaning myself out, I had NO problems with my tummy....until I got

explanted and got more antibiotics. Now I am back to square 1. I

actually kinda want to use the same thing they use for colonoscopies

to clean me back out but it is RX only so I an not get it. Any

suggestions??? Maybe I would benefit a great deal by doing a colon

or liver flush. What do you think??? Maybe I should clean myself

out and take plenty of probotics...that may just be what I need!!!!!

I just can not feel comfortable with trying a coffee enema.....


> Much Love,

> Beth



> Re: Re: Rogene/Patty


> No Cherie,


> I don't know about colon hydroptherapy . . . But if it was me, I'd

try anything that had a chance to help me feel better - without

making me worse. From what you've described, I think it would help



> I've had enough colonoscopies to be cleaned out thoroughly.


> Good luck with it! . . .


> Patty can help you with what you go through fasting . . . I haven't

done it either. . . There may be a to get past the irritable stage. I

don't think it lasts very long.


> Seriously Cherie . . . you are lucky! . . . I know you don't feel

that way right now though.


> Hugs,


> Rogene









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